![]() Antique Canes, Outsider Art, Fine Antiques and Estates
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Date: Wednesday, January 1, 2025 Time:10:30 am Previe New Years Day Auction 10:30 am, preview 9:30 125 West Market St. Johnson City, Tn Photos will be posted the week before the auction. Partial listing: Contents of the antiques etc. from Todd and Dosset law firm, fine palace antique carpets, conference table with Chippendale chairs, antique secretary and formal desk, French toy soldiers in their original boxes, reverse painted table lamp, Maitland Smith jewelry chest, dictionary stand, large collection of Ducks Unlimited signed and framed prints, antique and unique waiting room chairs, Diamond Cab topper from Johnson City, antique prints, early Kingsport photos, Hubbard book and more, John F. Kennedy bust, Porcelain soldiers, Masonic Case knife, Mahogany corner cupboard, Chippendale sofa, Fine gold and diamond jewelry, two cylinder inlaid music boxes, antique pocket watches, Sterling silver flatware, Tiffany and Loetz vase, marble pedestals, lifesize pr. Of Greek/Roman yard statues, country baskets, large draftsmen table, Craftsman maple work bench, Johnson County Tn. corner cupboard, collection of quality antique canes, Fine paintings, Andrew Wyeth print large folio, collection of fine fur coats, Mid Century furniture and decorations, outsider art by Dr Bob Allen, Gold thimbles, pr. of antique Percussion dueling pistols, Collection of vintage mens wrist watches, pair of Tiffany Gold and lapis cufflinks, Local Native American grooved axes, Plus much more. Cash or check 10% bp
Date: Thursday, December 12, 2024 Time:12:00 pm Eastern tim Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/rare-dozen-of-historic-fine-canes-17443
Date: Saturday, November 30, 2024 Time:10:30 am Preview 9:0 Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/thanksgiving-saturday-november-30th-estates-auction-17305 Thanksgiving Saturday November 30th Estates Auction 10:30 am Preview 9:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee We will sell the catalogued items first and then 300 + other items . Be here. Lots of surprises A very nice collection of Tiffany glass , collection of cylinder music boxes, Collection of Jesse Jones egg baskets, Rookwood and other art pottery, Physicians apothecary cabinet with bottles, Exceptional Tantalus (decanter box) with all bottle and four glasses, Judith Daner Mid-Century enamels, Early sets of Pharmacy scales, other scientific items, Upscale ladies jewelry and gold , Rare Mid-Century Magic desk ,two sets of sterling flatware (one large set of Buttercup), other sterling, Nice epergnes, Mint paper mache Santa Clauses, fine American and Continental furniture, Early Persian carpets, large collection of pocket watches, Machinist boxes, large draftsman's table with square, fine silver and costume jewelry, Massive oak curved glass china, early candle stand, Miro early print, Santa Fe oil paintings, Rare stained glass Pharmacy show globe with hanger group of modern leather dyed books, collection of outsider Religious paintings by Dr. Bob Allen ( from his estate), life size Italian garden statues, collection of great ivory canes, some silver and gold coins, Daum Nancy Cameo glass, Victorian glass, Very large collection of Tennessee and Southwest Va. country baskets ,Collection of Moorcroft pottery, John J. Wilnoty Carved Cherokee eagle pipe, pocket knives, large Majolica state of an African American, plus much more to be added over the next few week. Cash or check. 20% buyers fee i. Sales tax will be charged unless you have a valid resale tax number.
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024 Time:10:30 Notice Date Change Pratts Barn Restaurants Decorations and Fun Stuff Auction Saturday October 26th 10:30 am Preview 9:30 1225 East Stone Drive KIngsport , Tennessee Pratts Bar B-Q is a half Century legend in the Appalachian Highlands. This is an onsite auction not online, However we will take absentee bidders and phone bidders if you see something that you would like to purchase. Bring your trailers and trucks. Very Partial Listing! we are still find fun stuff or as some of you call it "Man Cave" items in the warehouse. Come see us for a wonderful auction day Collection that Mr. Tom Pratt has put together for this acclaimed restaurant. We will not know if Big John the 36 foot Indian will sell yet. We will post it when we know, However there is a rare 8' tall statue of Chief Pontiac that Toms grandfather years ago from Baines Pontiac in Kingsport. Very rare piece of memorabilia .. Just take a look at the Photos. Cavalier model 72 and 64 coke machines, SIGNS-early embossed 7up-Dr Pepper-Toms Peanut-Gates-Hires Root beer-Whistle-Honeybee Snuff-Marbels Cigarette-N&W Overalls-Barbershop-Big Jacks Overalls- And many more, unusual handmade primitive lighting fixtures, various neon signs, large collection of various pigs, large selection of primitive farm implements and wagon wheels, gigantic pair of LEVI store jeans, salesman sample bull tongue plow with original paint, assorted barn lanterns, group of tin 5 pointed 3D stars, outdoor toilet seats, primitive sled, saddle, Lassie Romeagle porcelain wood stove, various crocks and jugs, 2 primitive veterinarian cabinets, primitive vegetable cart, assorted framed items and reproduction signs, copper whiskey still, brass siphon pump, large collection of primitive hand tools, group of funnels lamps which have been made to hang over the tables, group of oak chairs with restaurant tables, back porch neon, lighted Yuengling sign and a rotating globe from the same company, nice early barber chair, four sets of platform scales, Hamilton Beach 3 unit milkshake machine, early 1970’s cigarette machine, covered wagon neon, mounted buffalo head, shocks waffle neon, various point of sale signs, Budweiser pig neon, Bud Light pig neon, pair of galvanized oval free standing ice chests, nice early chopping block, various oak shelves, bakers rack, two Pepsi fountains, pig stained glass window, antique kitchen collectibles, gourmet ice cream large stained glass, unusual light fixture, 5 gallon mason jar, some graniteware, rooster weathervane, group of restaurant high chairs, group of modern mason jars and other various items Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Cash or check only.
Date: Saturday, August 24, 2024 Time:10:30 am Previe Ed and Calvert Williams Estate Auction 803 East 8th Avenue ( Corner of East 8th and Lester Harris) Johnson City, Tn Saturday August 24th 10:30 Preview 9:30 Partial listing: Sterling 4 branch candelabras,three period chest , large library, Sterling flatware and holloware, wood carvings, banquet table and chairs , fine china and crystal, paintings and fine prints Upscale upholstery chairs and sofas , canopy beds , Art Deco cupboard, linens , Early walnut seed box, Fancy sterling dresser set, stereo equipment, decoys, nice Windsor chair, large selection of Christmas items, park bench, yard art, vintage fur coats, baskets, Picasso print, Modern abstract oil painting , Wedgewood blue and white cameo china, large selection Of antique Sheffield and silver plate, Lennox, Early grandfather clock,Blenko blue pint juice pitcher. Murano glass birds ( probably Barbeni), Sterling silver Flatware, box lots and much More .Great patio furniture. Terms Cash or Check 10% buyers Fee. No sales tax. Rain or shine our tents will be up.
Date: Saturday, August 17, 2024 Time:10:30 am Preview Laurel J. Harris Living Estate and the Estate of David Harris Kingsport, Tennessee Saturday August 17th 10:30 am Preview 9:30 am. 529 Hidden Valley Road ( near Phil's Dream Pit) Eastern Star exit Kingsport Tn, A really nice estate with many different categories to offer. Very partial listing: 1966 Corvair, Two Kubota Tractors (one has a generator hooked to it so you just start it when your house power goes off and you have power), Collection of Ducks Unlimited shotguns, Guns: Ruger MK3, Walther p22, Single single shot 22, Remington derringer, Taurus defender, Colt cord lady, Crossman pellet, Daisy pellet, Colt lady elite, Spanish 50 cal bp, Remington 870 LW CDV206, Benjamin centennial, Snake charmer 410,Remington 1100 mag 12 gauge DU, Browning bps 12 gauge DU, Remington 870 mag 12 gauge DU, Browning 870 12 gauge DU, Weatherry partition 12 gauge DU, Ithaca 12 gauge DU, rugger 10-22 Scuba equipment, Handmade Grandfather clock ( like you have never seen before), pair of Watkins 5 ft. tall custom speakers, Watkins 1st generation speakers, Two man lake boat, hundreds of great tools, Very large and important camera collection including 4 x4, and underwater cameras and more , Collection of aviator watches, Large gun safe, model A & T parts ,Best and largest album collection we have even sold " Great early Rock", fine stereo equipment, Upscale walnut dinning room suite, Signal Cannon, Custom large train model cars made by Buddy Iccard, N scale portable layout, other train items, Tiffany Childs two silver set, fine china and glass, Two Stressless chairs and ottomans, Modern Whizzer motorbike , Soda fountain ice maker, L and N Caboose stove, Many fine prints, Pepsi Fountain dispenser more upscale furniture, building materials ,and much more including box lots Terms- Cash or Check no credit cards 10% buyers fee and no sales tax. Rain or shine our tents will be up. We will add to the listing the wed before the sale as we find other items.
Date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 Time:11 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/killer-cane-auction-sale-ii--dress-guns-swords-canes-16392 Killer Cane Collection Number Two Auction August 10th Online. Bidding on Bidsquare,com This is sale number two of the Killer Cane Auction collection. It consists of various weapon canes including guns and swords, fine dress canes and various other categories. Sale number three will take place in December which will be the largest offering of this collection including all types of top of the line canes. Cash or Check 23% buyers fee. Seller pays shipping,, Cash or check. No credit cards or electronic payment
Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024 Time:10:00 am Eastern Alene “Ginger Dennis” Street Estate Auction including Real Estate Saturday July 27th 10:00 am Preview 9 am 200 Dogwood Lane ( off N. Roan near the Mall) Johnson City , Tn. 37604 Kimball Sterling # 2476 -Personal property- 1987 Rolls Royce (needs new vinyl), Fine jewelry including diamonds-precious stones-gold chains and more , “One More Time” Wurlitzer 45 jukebox, Best garden statues every, Provincial bedroom suites, American Danish and Mid-Century furniture, Massive collection of silver-plate serving pieces, fine china and crystal. Large selection of hand-made carpets, Rare “Sally Rand” framed Burlesque fan, Fine appliances, Barware, Collection of Elvis bottles, Provincial dining suite, 12 place antique fish set, Mid Century pool furniture, Xmas decorations, Fine lacquered gold Asian furniture, linens, Circus clown prop small piano, Art Nouveau life-size statues, Various leather sofas and pit groups (white), Large TV, plus hundreds of great box lots. Many other unusual items. Terms- Cash of check. 10 % buyers fee. No sales tax. Preview 9am. Real estate will sale at 10 and after that we will begin the personal property sale. Rain of shine . Tent will be up Bart Long and Associates # 5298 will offer the real estate. Please use the following link for description and terms: https://www.bartlongauctions.com/
Date: Saturday, June 29, 2024 Time:10:00 am Eastern Pr preview 9 am Absolute Advertising, Toys and Country Store items Auction 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tn 37604 Two old collections to be sold at absolute auction in Johnson City Tennessee. Lots of Coke items, Winchester Showcase , Seeburg Juke, over 150 antique toys, best dental and bolt cabinet we have ever seen, good advertising signs,Great country store items, antique smalls , Coke store ice chest. Wood propeller .Collection of over 50 antiqueBulldozers ( old timers call these tractors) pedal cars,Country store scales, large penney drugstore scale,Collection of riding toys, revolving bookcase, early paper collectables, Tampa cigar store wall case, earlyJurors chairs, barrister bookcase,Restored National four drawer brass cash register, LC Smith typewriter,Buddy L and Structo trucks ,early windup toys, collection of great toy airplanes, plus hundreds of other items. Check our website for photos. Cash or check. 10% bp. Phone and absentee bids accepted. No online competition.
Date: Monday, May 27, 2024 Time:10 am Memorial Day Single Owner Estate Auction James Briddell Estate. Monday May 27th 10 am. Preview 9:00am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee This is the one you have been waiting for, Mr Briddwell and his wife were avid collectors. Just take a look the pictures tell the story. cash or check only. 10% buyers fee No sales tax.
Date: Friday, May 24, 2024 Time:10 pm Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/important-john-bolliger-custom-hunting-rifle-auction-15814 This is a timed absentee Auction that has already started and ends on May 24th. Two rare custom John Bolliger rifles. Statement from the collector: A Southern Boy's African Dream I was privileged to having been born and raised on a small farm in Corbin, Kentucky, in 1943. Growing up there gave my buddies and me the opportunity to be Roy Rogers, the Lone Ranger or Gene Autry any time we wanted. We never stole a horse and only shot the gun out of the hands of the bad guys. When I was about ten years old, my dad presented me with a brand new 20 ga. Single shot Winchester shot gun so I was ready to hang up my six shooters and become a hunter. In the wilds there on the farm we had Quail, Rabbits and Squirrels. What else would a hunter want, that is until I saw this monster white tail deer. My goodness he had 4 points on either side. I was so impressed I had to stalk him and I knew every inch of the farm and I knew they had great hearing and a nose. I had read so many books on large game animals including African. I just knew I was a great stalker so I began careful to not make a sound. I worked my way around a hill and when I thought I was close I peeked over the hill and there he was about 30 yards away. I had no intention of shooting him with bird shot from my trusty Winchester so I watched him for a long time as he grazed. I finally raised up to show myself and so did he. We looked at each other until he finally got so scared that he started grazing again. It would be a few years before I stalked another deer, but when I did I had a brand new Winchester pre 64 30-06. During High School I had the Pleasure of working for Col. Sanders at his motel, renting rooms where I had a great time meeting people from many different walks of life. I then began to know I wanted to become an executive and I knew it couldn't happen in Corbin. So after finishing 2 years of College I moved to Chicago to do my thing. After about 8 years there and several jobs I landed a job in the steel distribution business as a sales trainee with a great company specializing in Stainless steel. I quickly became an outside salesman there. I attribute the fast pace to my days spent with a wide array of business people that I had met at Col, Sanders at his motel. I spent 10 wonderful years here as their number one salesman for eight of those years. I became a partner and president of another steel company and finally started a company of my own which turned into a very successful venture. All this time I still enjoyed my hunting ventures and I quickly found out that most of my largest customers did as well. I had been introduced to a rancher in Montana that owned 12,000 acres with great hunting of Elk,Mule Deer, White tail Deer and Antelope. I put together a hunt with my 5 largest customers for 5 full days of hunting on the ranch. That hunt turned into a hunt every year for 22 years and 3 of the 5 customers did the first and last hunt and 2 of the original hunted for 15 years. The very best money I ever spent. It was during those years that I met John Bolliger Sr, perhaps the finest custom rifle maker in the USA and one of the top 5 in the world. I had planned my first Trip to Zimbabwe and I was sure a custom rifle was required or at least that's what I told my wife. I also casually mentioned that a 7mm mag would improve my shooting in Montana. So I boarded a plane to Pocatello, Idaho to sit down with John Bolliger. Since my first hunt in Africa was a plains game hunt I had decided a .375 would be perfect I had John build one for me and also do my 7 mm that my wife had sorta approved, They were both done in museum quality and fully custom built by John. They were a piece of art. I fell in love with Africa so much that I was privileged to hunt 4 more times, with a 4 week hunt in Tanzania. These were all big game hunts with Cape Buffalo being at the top of my list. I knew I needed something larger than a .375 for those monsters so back to see John Bolliger, We decided that a .450 Ackley would serve me well, with 6,000 lbs. of energy and a 500grain load. We decided that since I would be hunting in a brushy area at close range we would not mount a scope. It served me well. On that trip I took 5 Cape Buffalo all record book class. Bolliger's work on everything that I had bought from him was so outstanding that I asked him if anyone had ever purchased a rifle from him with no budget. He laughed as he said no. I said to him here is your first order, I want you to build me a 25-06 and you do everything you want to do, I want your very best work and you have no budget. The Rifle has to be the nicest or close to the best in the world. This 25-06 and my 450 Ackley are the rifles that are being offered for sale. I'm now 81 years old. I have sold my company, but I still keep busy catching Monster Blue Gill, Bass and Walleye. often I think about how blessed I was to have been able to hunt all those years. I think about the stalking of Buffalo, but mostly I remember that young southern boy in Kentucky, stalking that monster 4 point Whitetail deer on our little farm so many years ago. I thank you for reading my boring life story and for your consideration of my last pieces of fine gun art. I hope to find someone who loves these pieces as much as I have. Payment is by check, cash, or bank wire only. 12% BP. No credit cards excepted. Wire information is listed under the terms section
Date: Saturday, May 18, 2024 Time:10 am Preview : 9:00 James Briddell Woodworking Shop Absolute Estate Auction Sat, May 18th 10:00 am Preview 9:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Mr. Bridwell was an expert custom woodworker with a large shop in his basement where he had some of the best quality tools that you can buy, Electric table tools, hand tools, Terms: Cash or check. 10% buyers fee. No sales tax,
Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024 Time:11 am Eastern Living Estate Auction Farm Machinery, tools, trailer, plus much more Saturday May 11th am Preview 10 am Blue Bird Hill Road Erwin , Tennessee All items are in very well kept condition. Partial Listing: Montana 3040 tractor (30 HP, 60" bucket, 4x4, 400 hours with backhoe attachment), Kubota B2620 tractor (26HP, 4x4, 60" belly mower), 2003 Polaris Ranger (6 wheel drive), JPW single axle trailer with a 6x10 deck (2950 GW), 15.7 ft Rogue River canoe with many accessories, 9" PTO auger, 7 ft Grader rake, tractor forks, PTO 7200 watt generator (never used), drill press, table saw, bandsaw, lots of coolers, gates, ladders, break, tarps, garden and hand tools, chains, half height scaffold, antique bottles, diesel 55 gal tank, car ramps and gliders, shop vac, truck ladder rack, hitched mounted motorcycle rack, hydraulic car jack, bottle jack, wire feed welder and other misc items to many to mention. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Sales tax will be charged unless you have a sales tax. Rain or shine. Parking will be in the front yard. Good directions.... Be sure and look for the sterling auction arrows. Take Temple Hill exit 43 off of I 26 and make a left, go to the stop sign at the dead end and make a right towards Burnsville on 19 W, go approx one mile and turn left of Spivey Mountain Rd, follow Spivey and take a right on Clear Branch Road but there is not a road sign but the Coffee Ridge Baptist Church sign is right across the street from where you are supposed to turn, go one mile and turn left of Coffee Ridge Rd, go one mile and turn left on Coffee Ridge Loop, Turn left on Price Rd and go approx one mile and turn right on Blue Bird Hill.
Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024 Time:11 am Eastern Quickie Estates Auction plus a few additions Saturday April 27th 11:00 am Preview 9:00 ( if the can't make the sale stop by preview and leave some bids) 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tn 37604 Cash or Check 10% buyers fee. We are starting at this time some "quickie "Estate Auctions. They will only last 60 to 90 minutes. The sales will consist of better items. You can come and buy and still have time to enjoy your day. Everyone should like a " quickie" Listing: Massive oak curved glass chine with lost of carving and cut beveled glass, A collection of some of the finest carved Japanese furniture we have ever offered, collection of Mid-Century American Dansih Lane Acclaim coffee table sets , Birdseye maple bookcase secretary, Art Nouveau Etagere, French Etagere, Victorian walnut hall tree, Collection of restored Slag glass lamps, Two Mountain hog riffles, Nice hunting pouch with powder horn, other early Mountain horns, silver dollars and US coin silver, Quackinbush rifle, antique pistols and long guns( no paperwork needed), Collection of Marvin Bailey face jugs, group of Beatles 45 records, RR pocket watch with US $5.00 gold piece and chain, Orfores cocktail pitcher, Elephant banks, Titanic book, two local one drawer walnut stands, frame of local Indian points, Kasta Boata paperweight, Mettlach urns, art glass, Marie black Pueblo decorated seed pots, bisque dolls, very early wall barometer, Rare wicker three wheel bicycle, antique sleds and skis, Dennis Rodman leopard chair, Set of French dinning chairs, Carter county pie safe, Gucci 18kt and sterling bracelet, 14kt multi stone earrings and pendant, Sapphire and diamond pendant with earrings, fine carpets and paintings plus some surprises.
Date: Saturday, April 20, 2024 Time:10:00 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/a-sarasota-cane-lifetime-collection-with-additions-15392 Sarasota Cane Collection Auction plus additions Online only Saturday April 20th 10:00 am Eastern A very nice collection of various types of cane. Most from one lifetime collection. Dress ,system, swords, guns, opera, books, dirty dozen canes and much more. Cash, Check, no credit cards 23% buyers fee
Date: Sunday, March 17, 2024 Time:1:30 PM Large Collection of US Gold Coins, US Silver dollars, Silver Coins, Bullion, and Currency Absolute auction This collection is being sold for the Alene Dennis Living Trust. Sunday March 17th 1:30 pm ( Preview Noon) 125 West Market St. Johnson City, Tennessee Thousands of dollars of coins and precious metals. Cash or Check. 10% buyers fee. No sales tax will be charged. Kimball M Sterling TAL# 2476 423-773-4073
Date: Saturday, February 17, 2024 Time:11 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/killer-cane-auction-guns-swords-and-much-more-14756 This auction is inhouse,online,absentee , and phone bids. Preview 9:30 morning of sale This cane auction will consist of some of the best defensive canes in the world all from one collection, Remington gun canes, swords and daggers, the French unholy trilogy, percussion and flintlocks, system canes and much more. This is the auction you have been waiting for. We will call this the most important cane auction of our lifetime. There will be at least five more auctions from this collection including every type of cane imaginable. Cash or check Terms on the bidsquare catalogue link
Date: Saturday, January 27, 2024 Time:10:00 am Eastern Ralph Van Brocklin Estate Auction plus additions Saturday January 27th 10am ( Preview 9am) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee Ralph was an avid collector and a friend to all. This is the third and final auction of his collection. We have had it in storage since the beginning of the pandemic and now we are getting caught up. This auction will include bottles that are local-California flask- sodas- beer and much more, some mini jugs, trade cards, silver bars, advertising signs, large collection of shot glasses, post cards, large group of wood advertising cork screws, various early letter heads, state currency, pottery and much more. Many surprises including a large collection of local bottles. Two 21 jewel pocket watches, US silver coinage and silver dollars, advertising tins, knives, tokens, and more. Terms Cash or Check 10% Bp. Inhouse - Absentee- and phone bids accepted for this sale.
Date: Monday, January 1, 2024 Time:11 am Eastern 30th Annual New Years Day Auction Monday January 1st. 11Am (preview 10am) 125 West Market Street Johnson City,Tn. Photos coming soon and listing Coming soon but here are a few Of the items: cherry hunt board found in Greene County, Barrister book cases, rosewood marble fancy Victorian table with dolphin legs, collection of rare early Stieff animals, coin collection to be sold as a collection ,late 17th Century chippendale mirror and chest(needs restoration), early nautical sextant/compass , early Gone with the Wind Lamps, Pittsburgh reverse lamp with woodland scene, inlaid French table, needlepoint French fantail Chairs, Lenox plates, Fine china and art glass, early perfume bottle collection, early Cigar advertising and other advertising signs, collection of antique books, S S Stewart arch top guitar, some premier oak furniture, Vintage wood rolling factoey shoe rack ,carpets and fine art, collection of 1920s slag and reverse painted lamps , Ivory Canes, WW2 German bronze plaque, coins, jewelry, Andrew Wyeth large original prints, five miniature paintings on ivory , collection of early Tennessee car Tags, some folk art , 1920s mannequin heads from Massengils dept store, house full Of a very early and well known JC estate including fine glass and porcelain-early furniture etc., Puma and other knives Cash or check 10% buyers fee
Date: Saturday, November 25, 2023 Time:10:30 Thanksgiving Saturday 30th Annual Auction Saturday November 25th 10:30 125 West Market Street, Johnson City, Tn. Two living estates of retired CEOs and other consignments. Be here for our 30th annual auction with some great items. One of the CEO's was a big game hunter and has decided to sell his kills. They will all sell at noon. Silver coins, sterling flatware, rare Marge Carson Hollywood Regency set of custom chairs, Country furniture, Lalique perfume bottles, Western items from a neat Man Cave, Lennox China. fine prints, High end stereo, Early plantation desk, High end Steel Flex leather sofas, Steel Flex Ostrich leather recliners, Pullman RR toys, Jungle room items, silver rounds, Maitland Smith inlaid table and wall art, Oak ice box and Larkin style desk, Upscale jewelry from a Dallas Heiress, Collection of Sleeping Beauty turquoise ,Mint Zebra rug, Collection of ivory canes ( instate buyers only), Rare plumbers tool trunk, fine carpets, high end patio furniture plus much more. Stop by and take a look much more than meets the eye. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Preview 9am Saturday and noon till 2 on Friday. Phone and absentee bids accepted.
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2023 Time:Noon Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/outsider-folk-art-and-pottery--a-one-owner-collection-13979 A nice single owner collection with approximately 100 lots mostly purchased from us in the early 2000's. All art is in fine condition. This will be a live online auction. If you cant be by your computer while the live auction is taking place Please register and place absentee bids
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2023 Time:10:00 am Eastern Shirley R. McGee Absolute Estate Auction Saturday Oct. 14th. 10:00 am (preview 9 am) 141 Central Drive(Off the old Elizabethton Highway) Johnson City, Tennessee. Ms. McGee was very well known thought the community for decades. She worked at Elizabethton Federal and was the sec.-treas. for over 50 years at the Sinking Creek Baptist Church. This will be an exciting day for the public and her many friends and neighbors. Very Partial listing- Steinway upright piano, Fenton glass, silver dollars, fine local quilts, Early kitchen cabinet and broom closet, early toy kitchen items, 1950s Formica kitchen table and chairs, Bose radio, antique cast iron, cherry dropleaf with Windsor chairs, costume jewelry, Large set of Debussy sterling flatware by Towle with many serving pieces, some carnival glass, many modern flat screen TV's, teacart, Ethan Allen hutch and foot stool, lift chairs and recliners, Curios and display cabinets, Mahogany breakfront, Ethan Allen Grandfather clock, Antique girls bike, tools and antique tool boxes, the largest selection you have ever seen of Holiday items including Christmas-Halloween- Easter etc, large lighted Ferris Wheel plus about 25 other large lighted items and over 150 box of other items, antique toy wagon, all kinds of appliances, modern sofas, dolls, Kubota 6200 lawn tractor and wagon. other yard tools. cool concrete geese and other animals, UT orange 1950s glider set with two chairs which has been restored, lamps, oak washstand , nice chest freezer, Garage cabinets, about 8 upscale patio suites in super condition, hundreds of other items and many great estate box lots. Cash or Check .10% bp. Rain or shine our tent will be up.
Date: Saturday, October 7, 2023 Time:10:30 am James E. Goss Estate Auction Saturday Oct. 7th 10:30 am (Preview 9:30) 1081 Rachels Way Piney Flats ,Tennessee 37686 This is a very upscale collection in very fine condition. We will post a few more photos the week of the auction on this website. Very Partial listing: Collection of Armani Florence Statues, Two wonderful handmade room size Persian carpets plus many others ( quality carpets are here). Murano glass animals, Nice gold collectibles including a framed and autographed Arnold Palmer towel- statues- figural golf chess set- 3-d gold table- clubs and more, Mid Century style desk and chair, various bronze statues, Upscale dining and living room furniture, costume jewelry, nice office furniture, many fine accessories, Heart shop box of flatware, washer and dryer, racket ball items, snorkel gear, nice early stereo equipment, Christmas items, Troy Bilt pressure wash and other tools, Upscale modern game table, Massive king size bedroom suite, other bedroom furniture, wood airplanes Cranes, plus nice estate box lots. Terms Cash or Check 10% BP. No sales tax will be charged at this auction. Rain or shine. Our tent will be up. If you cannot attend please take a look at the photos and if you see something you like just email us or call 423-773-4073. We will accommodate you with an absentee or maybe a phone bid.
Date: Saturday, September 16, 2023 Time:11 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-canes-13451 Antique Cane Auction Online Saturday Sept 16th 11 am Two nice collections. Cash or check . No credit cards. 23% buyers fee. All of the details and catalogue are on the catalogue link
Date: Monday, September 4, 2023 Time:10:00 am Eastern Dr. Mike and Nina Marchioni Collection Auction MONDAY LABOR DAY September 4th 10:00 am Preview 9:00 am 817 West Pine Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 "This will be a great auction to spend your Labor Day. Lots of goodies from two fine people that I have known for 40 years. They always bought the best. Many surprises." Coins, Jewelry, Furniture, Large and important clock collection, Toys, Fine china and glass, Antique books and fine art, Andrew Johnson signed document, Victorian glass, Wrist and pock watches, Dolls, Lawyers oak stack bookcase, Hand painted china, Cherokee basket, Sterling, Art Deco blue glass clock, Two oak curved glass cabinets, Victorian furniture, boxes of clock parts, and much more. We will update this webpage the week of the auction. Partial clock list: 1. French marble 8-day clock (HEAVY) 2. Terhune & Edwards 8-day clock ~1880 3. Waterbury 8-day banjo clock ~1900 4. Seth Thomas School House 30-day clock w/walnut case and 86T movement 5. Gilbert Centennial banjo clock 1907 6. French crystal Regulator 7. Craftsman Tall Clock 8. Seth Thomas 8-day Double-decker clock 9. Seth Thomas 30-hour miniature cottage clock 10. Ansonia 8-day Victorian Regulator alarm/parlor clock 11. Seth Thomas 8-day faux marble mantle clock 12. Ingraham 8-day mantel clock ~1915 13. Seth Thomas 8-day cottage clock 14. Seth Thomas 8-day cottage clock 15. Seth Thomas 8-day faux rosewood mantel clock 16. French 8-day marble mantel clock (HEAVY) 17. Waterbury 8-day metal mantel clock (HEAVY) 18. Ansonia 8-day metal mantel clock (HEAVY) 19. Fibeuf bronze figural 8-day clock 20. Seth Thomas 30-hour Victorian clock 21. Kroeber 8-day figural metal mantel clock (HEAVY) 22. Kroeber 3-day China clock 1894 23. Towanda by Ansonia 8-day China clock 24. Ansonia 8-day China clock 25. Ansonia 8-day walnut bracket clock ~1880 26. Birge & Peck triple-decker 8-day clock 27. John Birge & Co. triple-decker clock ~1830 signed Thomas Jefferson on back of face plate 28. Sessions Coca-Cola Regulator 29. Sessions Calendar Clock 30. English Fusee mid-19th Century clock (original face is behind replacement face) 31. Angle (American movement in English case) 8-day clock - probably Chauncey Jerome movement 32. Gustav Becker Vienna Regulator 58-inches long 33. Ansonia metal mantel clock (HEAVY) 34. Ingraham mantel clock 35. Seth Thomas round clock 36. Gilbert Mars & Co. 30-hour steeple clock 37. Waterbury 8-day parlor clock 38. Seth Thomas 8-day parlor clock 39. Eureka calendar clock 40. Seth Thomas calendar wall clock 41. Ingraham 8-day parlor clock 42. Ansonia green marble crystal Regulator 43. French mantel clock with English dial 44. English deco clock 45. Kroeber figural clock 46. Ansonia gilded mantel clock 47. Gilbert 8-day parlor clock 48. New Haven 8-day double-decker clock 49. Ingraham 30-hour parlor clock 50. Ansonia 8-day mantel clock with gold dial 51. New Haven calendar clock 52. Bristol Brass & Clock Co. movement in I.Mueller NY #51 Case, Patent 1856 53. Ansonia metal mantel clock (HEAVY) 54. Ansonia metal mantel clock with columns (HEAVY) 55. Ansonia 8-day parlor clock 56. Sessions mantel clock 57. German clock with Westminster chimes 58. Ansonia clock with "flame" 59. Gilbert mantel clock 60. English deco clock 61. Waterbury steeple clock 62. Gilbert deco clock 63. Ingraham Victorian walnut parlor alarm clock 64. Ingraham Mission wall clock 65. Art Nouveau European wall clock 66. Seth Thomas long drop walnut Regulator with second hand 67. Anglo (American E.N.Welsh movement in English case) Victorian wall clock Rain or shine . Cash or check 10% buyers fee and sales tax will be charged unless you have a dealers number.
Date: Saturday, July 29, 2023 Time:10:30 am Previe The Don Kay Estate Auction Sat. July 29th . 10 :30 am ( Preview 9:30 am) 181 Timberlake Lane, Rogersville, Tn. Don was the last great ephemera collectors who over 50 years put together one of the best collections in the world. He was a dear friend of mine for about 40 of those years. Don Kay was one of the "Go to Guys" for many collectors. On his journey of collecting he and his wife Shirley also put together other collections . You will enjoy this auction like none you have ever attended. We will add photos the week of the auction as we work up the house. Make your plans now to attend. Very partial listing and photos: 1000 plus pieces of ephemera - ads, trade cards, calendars, funny papers, maps, plus much more, Massive curved glass oak china cabinet, GREAT country store display cabinets, Large collection of blue graniteware with some very rare pieces, antique toys, Oak side by side, country furniture, pie safe, early chest of drawers, fine china, Coke items, country baskets, Carnival glass and much other collectible glass, Quilts and tops, Early books, fine china and crystal, Primitive rocking horse horse, oak side by side, some pottery, advertising, chopping block, and on and on. The basement is packed full as well as the four car garage. great estate box lots. Watch for the update the week of the auction. Auctioneer's note: Some small items appearing in photos of a lesser value will be sold in box lots. Cash or Check 10% buyers fee
Date: Saturday, July 15, 2023 Time:10 am Details and photos coming next week. Make your plans to attend. Cash or check. 10% BP. SATURDAY July 15th 10am, preview at 9am. 125 West Market St, Johnson City TN. Nice estate out of Greenville and selected consignments. We do not own the copyrights or trademarks to any items. Partial listing: Collection of railroad pocket watches, pair of open-faced corner cupboards, Maddox bookcase secretary, Drexel silhouette cabinet, pair of blue luster lamps, Victorian claw foot single wardrobe, Coca-Cola refrigerator box, fluted style pink vases (cased), cut glass, Victorian Walnut chairs, barrel table with two chairs, formal table with 8 chairs, Walnut double towered sideboard, Victorian pink marble top server, various upscale bedroom furniture, HB Horton Ithaca favorite calendar clock, plus other early clocks, silver weighted candlesticks, Victorian brides basket, brass five light chandelier, spinnette desk, collection of pewter cars, Fenton lamps, art nouveau metal clock, estate Oriental carpets, Victorian center table, brass bed, upscaled mahogany Queen Anne bedroom suite with high boy, claw foot table, tea carts, German painted blanket chest, iron Baker's rack, the last of the WF toy collection including tractors airplanes radios etc, platform mirrors costume and designer sterling silver jewelry, collection of ivory canes (in state buyers only) and much more coming in the doors between now and sell time!
Date: Monday, May 29, 2023 Time:10:30 Big Memorial Day Auction Three estates Monday May 29th 10:30 am Preview 9 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City This will be a wild and wonderful Holiday Auction. Three estates with many items packed up for years. You are only seeing partial pictures. Highly carved 19th century hunt cupboard, Large set of lusters, a group of George Jensen silver, collection of Victorian colored glass, Oak bowfront china cabinet, antique toys, Victrola, Oak highboys, large group of costume jewelry, some toy farm toys, Group of country wood churns, Oak bible table, really nice silverplate flatware, plus hundreds of other items. Cash or check 10% buyers fee "Dont judge this book by its cover"
Date: Saturday, May 20, 2023 Time:10 am Brenda Warren Estate 2328 Brook Lane Johnson City, Tennessee Saturday May 20th 10:00 am ( Preview 9am) Partial Listing- Victorian marble top table & chest, DP Mahogany china cabinet, , wicker bedroom suite and porch furniture, dinning table and chairs. teapots,china and glass, oak wash stand, upscale used furniture, estate box lots and much more. Cash or check 10% buyers fee and no sales tax. Real Estate- Please go to Bart Long and Associates website: https// www.bartlongauctions.com
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2023 Time:10:00 am Mothers Day Upscale Household Auction and Antiques Sat. May 13th. 10 am (preview 9) 125 W. Market Street Johnson City,Tn. Photos go up Thursday "Bring Mother to this auction" Very partial listing: Beautiful upscale dinning room suite made By one of the best furniture makers White Furniture , Spode china sets, Llardo figurines, Large set of White House Christmas ornaments , area oriental carpets, high end stereo, Shirley Temple dolls and collectables, Elvis items, Anna Lea Thanksgiving dolls, Nice gun cabinet, Lots of Flat screen TVs, Victorian tables ,Large group of fancy silver plate And a few pieces of Sterling, 1960s, Gorham and Rosenthal Crystal plus others, fancy planters, upscale mint sofas and occasional furniture, many curved glass oak cabinets, high end exercise equipment, provincial bedroom suite, Leather office chair, many bookcases, showcases, display cabinets ,wicker sunroom set, Crystal stemware, Cameos , Costume Jewelry, plus much more Before the auction. Terms Cash or check 10% buyers Fee.
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2023 Time:10:00 am Eastern Everett Mansion Mountain City Tennessee Personal and Real Property Auction 210 North Church Street Mountain CIty , Tennessee April 29th 10:00am Preview 9:am Antiques, 99 Dodge Mine Van, Upscale furniture, Tools Personal property- Farville Jack in the Pulpit vase sign Tiffany, 5 stack oak barrister bookcase, Wonderful long Mid -Century blue sofa and Horse wall hanging, various tall plantstands, collection of three swords, Fine crystal and china, Pair of full size matching Iron beds, riding upscale Lowes mower and other yard equipment, fine prints and mirrors, Upscale curio cabinets, Mahogany game table, Provincial loveseat , pier mirror with marble under table, Great upscale occasional chairs, very ornate piano which is probably original to the house, Massive dining table with Queen Ann chairs, linens and textiles, Ruby glass and a service of 16 of Lenox china, early oak library tables, Victrola, Eastlake and Victorian furniture, almost new refrigerator, blanket chest, marble top tables ,Mahogany king size bedroom suite, plus much more furniture. The out building are full of good shop equipment and tools, The apartment complex is also full of good appliances, porch rockers, many great Christmas items, The dairy building has a really nice county table and other cool items. Much more than you think will be here. All furniture is in great shape ready for your house. Terms- Cash or check 10 % buyers fee and no sales tax due to this being a living estate. Cash and carry Our tent will be up in case of rain. The real estate: Bart Long and Associates PAL # 6163 is handling the real estate. His link will appear below when it is ready: https://www.bartlongauctions.com/
Date: Saturday, April 8, 2023 Time:10:00 am ( preview 9 The WF Collection 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tn 37604: Sat. April 8th 10 :00 am Preview 9 am 23 Mannequins fully clothed, Conductors- Coke- McDonald's- flapper girls-peace officers- plus many more, Two gas pumps, 1015 OMT juke box 45rpm,Many vintage menu boards, Nickel plated RC door push, Kerns screen door with two pushes, collection of advertising thermometers, cardboard advertising, Pepsi door push, Pepsi pan clock, early anvil and other interesting farm and shop tool, Coke ,early showcase, Modern Carousel horse on coke stand, pay phone and flang sign, Pepsi bottle rack, Monarch bike with chrome springer and other bikes, Pepsi toy fountain,1950s chrome tables ,Bonnie Lou and Buster poster, Two early Johnson City Toppers for tags, Shell oil pump and tank, Early soft drink bottles, train layouts, early Washington County Tennessee Still ( from the Ron England days), Charley McCarthy, Cowboy toy items including toys and posters, Restaurant wall hanging decorations, Large fiberglass cow head, platform scale, large set of steer horns plus hundreds of other items. 99% of items are mint or near mint. Photos of the toys will go up the Tuesday before the auction. Plus many other things. Cash or Check 10% buyers fee. Credit and debit cards will be accepted with a 4% add on. All sales are final. We provide a preview so you can look the items over before the auction. Phone and absentee bids accepted. No Internet competion, Be here for this auction. There will be many items that we are pulling out of storage up until the day
Date: Monday, March 27, 2023 Time:6:00 (box lots at 5) Sterling Sisters Monday Night Auction 125 west Market Street Monday March 27th,6:00 (box lots at 5) Johnson City Tennessee This will be a really good Monday night auction for the sisters, Good jewelry from a Mountain City estate, farm collectibles, Largetoy collection, Great Cardboard stand ups of sports figures, Marble top walnut sideboard, 1930's oak dinning room suite, Barbie's,all types of furniture, plus over 1000 other items. Be here for all of the surprises. Cash or check only. No buyers fee but sales tax.. The sisters have a sale the last Monday of each month. If you do facebook their the page to go to to get updates is: https://www.facebook.com/sterlingsistersmondaynightauction/
Date: Sunday, March 12, 2023 Time:1:00 Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/passed-cane-auction-12307 This is a timed auction that is open now.
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2023 Time:12:00 Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/vintage-designer-and-other-costume-jewelry-12309 Begins now and ends March 11th. Click the catalogue for details and terms.
Date: Monday, February 27, 2023 Time:5:00 Monday Night Two Estate Auctions Orland Britton and Michael Fallgatter Monday Feb. 27 ( PREVIEW 3 TILL 6} 5:00 box lots, 5:30 records and books, 6:00 Main auction 125 West Market Street, Johnson City, Tennessee Partial listing- As found Greene County pie safe with heart tins, Blind walnut corner cupboard, early meal chest, Best golden oak Aesthetic side by side ever, Nice ladies diamond ring .60 cts with 3K appraisal plus a collection of diamond and gemstone earrings, drop leaf table with chairs, oak stand, Depression china cabinet, oval oak library table. Collection of Stickley 1980's cherry furniture, sets of fine chairs, bedroom suites, good salt and pepper collection, collectible toys and marbles ,some local pottery, quilts, Cherry country chest, Trek Electra Cruiser bike, Whirlpool washer, dryer and freezer, Commodore 64 computer in original box plus other early computers and games, Denon amp and other early stereo equipment, Yamaha CLP 150 Clavinova, Nice kitchen island, early blowing cow fox horn, hobnail glass, oak wash stand and rockers, Pueblo small black pot, fine china and crystal, flow blue platter, Wood butter mold, crocks, post cards, studio pottery, Afghan area rug, large collection of electronic testing items etc.,Classical love seat, Mission file cabinet, pr. of tall oak bookcases, plus much more................................. 5:00 Estate box lots Michael Fallgatter estate. Few antiques and a lot of great high-end household items. Small appliances, great cook ware, decorative items, lots of upscale yarn, some Christmas, flatware, China and glass, carvings, This sale will be in front of the building due to the large size of it. Over 80 boxes of great items. 5:30 Estate Books and Record albums. Michael Fallgatter estate Over 2500 books of all types from antique to modern to be sold in box lots, also over 1000 records to be sold in box lots 6:00 Main sale begins with the Orland Britton Greeneville Estate with that wonderful pie safe. Cash or check. No Buyers fee. Sales tax will not be charged due to this being an estate night.
Date: Saturday, January 28, 2023 Time:10 am Dean Dorman Stout Estate Sat. January 28th 10:00 am ( Preview 9am) 125 West Market St. Johnson City, Tn. Dean Stout was a pillar of the ETSU community for years. He and his wife collected fine antiques and collectibles. Lots of surprises due to a lifetime of collecting. Update-There will be no sales tax on this auction. Very partial listing- Married Jackson press , nice one drawer stands, wash stands, marble top dressers as well as country chest, cut glass, set of Clinchfield china and much more china, Large Victorian plated water cooler, some cast iron, jewelry, 1940s Boy Scout items, depression class, walnut day bed, Mid Century phone, Candlestick phone ,post cards, UT annuals and other annuals, coffee grinder and jars, brass clocks and candlesticks, marbles, few crocks, Toy train set, Barbie collectibles and other dolls, Victorian bed, oak dresser, drop leaf tables, Victorian furniture, Bristol English china, plus hundreds of other items Cash or check 10% buyers fee. No Sales Tax Sale # 2 will take place Monday Jan 30th at our gallery. It will consist of many small and upscale used furniture form the Stout estate plus a consignment of some nice pottery and a large box lot sale at 5 pm. Main sale at 6.. No buyers fee and sales tax will be collected.
Date: Sunday, January 1, 2023 Time:1:00 PM Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/high-end-stereo-1941-graham-vespa-new-years-day-estates-11561 New Years Day Auction, Estates and Personal Items from the KImball and Victoria Collection Sunday January 1st 1:00 pm ( 10 am Preview) 125 West Market Street , Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 We have been conducting our New Years Day for about the 30 years. This sale will consist of items from the collection of Kimball and Victoria collection, A Tennessee estate, 1941 Graham Hollywood auto ( great restoration), High End Important Stereo equipment, Fischer player grand piano, Large Washington County Tn Cherry, Hog rifles, working Nickelodeon, All types of great glass, Restored 1964 Vespa scooter, Modern Whizzer bike,McIntosh : MC 2205-C32 amp-Mq101 Equalizer, MR 78 tuner, Pair of ML 2c speakers, Audio Research: D 79 amp-High Def. amp spD-79, Oracle turntable CSA LL 42066-4c,KMAL by Keith Monks Audio record cleaning machine, Thorens turntable TD126MKII Electronic, Revox B77-Stereo reel to reel, Lots of cool Mid Century furniture, trade stimulator, Crain and Machine gun arcade machines, Carpets, fine collection of oil paintings, Early tall case clock, stainless soda fountain, Hamilton 950 b pocket watch and other watches, diamond and gold jewelry, Plus much more. Over 150 great smalls to be unpacked. Cash or check 10% buyers fee and sales tax will be charged except on auto.
Date: Saturday, December 3, 2022 Time:1:00 Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/the-2022-cane-masterpiece-auction-11295#info The 2022 Cane Masterpiece Auction This auction has been in production for two years .A very fine European collection. Online and phone bidding are the ways to bid. Shipping will be slower on this auction due to the time of importing the collection .Please take a look at the catalogue link for terms and details .
Date: Saturday, November 19, 2022 Time:10 am Charles Larry "Shorty" Emmert Estate Absolute Farm Equipment Etc, Auction 644 Emmett Rd. Bristol, Tennessee (Just off 421 where you turn to go to South Holsten Dam 10 am Auction Time- Preview 8:30 Farm Machinery will sell first. Plenty of parking. Auctioneers note: I have had a crew at the farm for a week and a half and we are still finding things. Who knows what will be there the day of the auction. We are not selling real estate, Very Partial Listing-Oliver # 265 tractor, 2006 New Holland tractor with cab T90 a with 905m bucket, McCormick c-70 tractor. ,Ford 600,1973 350 Ford one ton flatbed truck, 2005 Dodge 2500 pickup with 5th wheel hitch , Two early Cushman motorcycles ( may need a few parts but we are looking), Ford 24 disk-cultivator- hay tetter, Oliver 12" single bottom plow, New Holland round baler, 5 bottom plows, King Cutter scraper blade, hay rake, Sperry New Holland rake,12' dual axel trailer,42 foot Gator gooseneck flatbed trailer, Rhino mowing machines, boom poles , tractor bucket, hay wagons, post hole auger, disk mower, and we are still finding other equipment, 123 round bales of great hay, over 200 iron fence post, large two door antique bank safe that needs a combination, Nice early anvil on stand, large group of 24 gauge roofing, lost of hand tools, full containers of oil, shop wood stove, three compressors, odd trailer many full of tobacco sticks, much wielding equipment, drill presses, large lot of garden tools, round bail feeders, hay elevator, feed and water troughs , antique iron machinery wheels ,antique corn shellers, other metal roofing, ladders, tractor parts, logging chains, lots of barbwire rolls, Porta band ( several) large assortment of drill bits and new files, Nice socket and ratchets,Ridged pipe cutters and threaders with dies, 30Ton press North American Tool CO., Multiple bottle jacks, Several portable air compressors, Wrenches up to two inches, trollies that roll on I beam, Caroling Tools and Equipment band saw (up to 10 in,) several vices, parts cleaner, Hose reels, air hoses, Platform feed scale with weights, lots of electric hand tools, gas cans, Sthil chain saw, David Bradley chain saw, chain falls, tractor jack stands, Iron wielding tables, Powermate 5000 generator, tractor jacks, several battery chargers, metal gates, shaft drive weed eaters, plus much much more. Cash or Check. 10% buyers fee and no sales tax due to this being an estate. Rain-Shine or snow. Porta Johns onsite, Best concession stand ever
Date: Sunday, November 13, 2022 Time:11 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-canes-11241 Catalogue, terms ,internet bidder registration and auction details at the catalogue link. This is an online live auction Sunday November 13th at 11 am Eastern. You may pre-bid at any time before the auction.
Date: Saturday, November 5, 2022 Time:10 am Charles Larry Emmert Estate Absolute AuctionToys, Advertising Antiques, Knives Sat. November 5th Preview 9:00 am 125 West Market Johnson City,Tn. Photos will be posted soon. Large antique toy and tractor collection, lawyers stack bookcase, early Sullivan county farm cupboard, antique thermometers ,very large brass apple butter kettle, crocks, farm antiques, Early coke wall clock, mint Pet milk sign, S&H Stamps flange sign and many more signs, large knife collection including Case and much more, early Christmas items , good pottery bowls, oak dressers, porch glider, 1950s formica kitchen dining suite..Plus much more. We haven't even emptied the large attic!!!!!!! We will add attic photos about three days before the auction. Three generations of Collectibles. Terms- Cash or check 10% buyers fee. No sales tax
Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022 Time:10:00 am Eastern Two Lifetime Collections Auction Saturday September 24th 10 am - Preview 9:00 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee This is a very exciting sale from two collections. We will also post more photos on our website the week before the auction. Very Partial Listing- Sterling tea service, Edison cylinder player, Oriental carpets, oak side by side, Western collectible including a Remington bronze, Virginia Galleries cherry bookcase secretary, Big collection of Madame Alexander dolls in there original box before 1984,large group of silver dollars and other coins, Southwest furniture, Haverty bankers desk, Leopard coat, oak roll top desk, Late 18th Century tall case clock, BEST Fenton epergne ever, cider mill and copper boiler, Walnut hall tree, Upscale distressed leather sofa , Blue leather wing back chair, Martha Washington sewing stand, King size rice bed, Japanese battery toys in original boxes, large lot of Miss America glass, Ladies secretary, 19th Century Oil painting of cow in field, Cardinal quilt, Marble top walnut kitchen cabinet, lots of great smalls, jewelry ,Pipe cabinet, Two Victorian high chairs, Large stain glass, Wooden advertising crates, Piecrust tile top table, Nice group of Indian relics, Victrola floor model phonograph, Oak side by side book case, Oak wall telephone,, early balance bean scales, Leaded glass lamp, Oyster plate, silver-plate, Stereo viewer with cards, oil lamps, Fine china and glass, Best Victorian pump organ ever, Two walnut chest, Mahogany buffet, Tree branch iron headboard, plus much much more Cash or check 10% buyers fee Kimball Sterling Principle Auctioneer # 2476
Date: Saturday, September 10, 2022 Time:10 am Preview 9:00 a The Estate of Bertha Lea Allen Cars, Vintage Trailer, Tools, Antiques, Household and more Sat. September 10th , 10 am ( Preview 9 am) 2607 Mimosa Lane ( Behind Peerless Restaurant) Johnson City, Tn. 37601 1996 Saturn Sl (88ooo miles), 1996 Crown Victoria ( 100,111 miles),1972 Shasta Camper with wings( needs restoration) Nice fridge and washer and dryer, piano, Mission style bedroom furniture, Many bookcases, costume jewelry, antique glassware, tools and stand up tool box, Western Cowboys prints, Remington Style metal Cowboy lamps, cedar wardrobe, upscale furniture an lift chair, Murray riding mower, wicker and much more Cash or Check. No Buyers fee or sales tax
Date: Monday, September 5, 2022 Time:10:00 am Eastern ( P The Bobby Long Estate Monday Sept 5th 10 am, Preview 9 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tn 37604 The 50 Year Collection. Early ships clock, Artist signed Indian upscale jewelry, Taxidermy, Fine art and Indian paintings, collection of mountain rifles, collection of ivory statues, sold to instate bidders only, under hammer percussion pistol, collection of figural lamps, bolo ties by Thomas Singer, Zuni concho belt and bolo, coral and turquoise squashes, Comanche bronze, silver bridle and spurs, cloisonné and other Oriental vases, large group of assorted Native American pottery, Confederate soldier bronze, balance scales in oak box, large cloisonné and brass clock, collection of carriage clocks, over fifteen early sheaf knives, percussion pistol in box, Remington mountain man bronze, fishing creel, rare Indian points-bird stone- plus much much more including Celt pipes and utilitarian items, turquoise covered spearhead, stereo view cards, Eskimo items, Indian baskets, decorative horse bridles, De Grazio oil painting, collection of nude paintings, many Navaho rugs, massive amber necklace, Native American beadwork(large group), Indian carvings, lapis Buda, Victorian glass, buffalo bronze, collection of great turquoise and silver belt buckles, Inuit stone carvings, collection of vintage tobacco pipes, German stein, powder horn, Concho belt, sterling apostle spoons, carved bone ship, Navy recruiting poster, interesting antique boxes, Corvus electric Gibson, amps, Japanese Martin, Ovation guitar, collection of nice banjos, fiddles, over 25 string instruments, fine jewelry, sterling silver, antique whale's teeth, gigantic walrus tusk, vintage cane collection, fine jewelry, plus much more. This is an unbelievable collection Keep your eyes on this website. we will be adding photos the week before the sal Terms-Cash or check. 10% buyers fee. No sales tax. No internet bidding but absentee and phone bids are fine. Kimball Sterling auctioneer #2476 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, August 20, 2022 Time:10:00 am Eastern The Estate of Bertha Lea Allen Sat. August 20th 10 am ( Preview 9 am) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 We have fixed the glitch on the Internet about the photos. We will be adding more om Wed afternoon Very large collection of collectible, some antiques, and early NASCAR. Over 1000 pieces. Some to be sold as box lots. Take a look at the photos. Still have 25 boxes to unpack. All types of collectibles. There will also be other antiques mixed in.. Hot Wheels, comic books, tractors, Tonka, plus much more. There must be over 50 car models that are still in the original boxes. This is a motherload. Terms- Cash or check 10% buyers fee. NO SALES TAX. Kimball M Sterling auctioneer #2476 423-773-4073
Date: Saturday, August 6, 2022 Time:10:00 am ( preview 9 Trader Bobby Longs Absolute Auction Guns, Vans, Guitars, Tools, Honda Riding Mower, Real Estate Saturday August 6th 10:00 am Preview 9 am 1216 Bristol Caverns Road Bristol , Tn. 37620 We will be selling on location the second sale of Trader Bobby Long. He has a great collection of guns and ammo, part of his guitars , two Dodge Mini Vans ( one is a Stow and Go, 2005 and 2000 with high millage), Honda riding mower, push mower and weed eater, three stack tool box full of mechanics, jewelers and reloading tools, and probably some box lots and a building to clean out. We are still finding guns hidden in the home and the number should go up by sale day. Tight now we have about 40 to 50. One more sale coming soon including Indian relics and fine Indian collectables, Great Indian Jewelry, Ivory for instate bidders, coins, sterling, Jewelry, The world famous 14kt gold Indian watch band ( over 5k in scrap)he wore for years and much more. Sign up for an email at auctionauction.com when the date is announced. Partial List of Guns-Enfield mark 3 302, two Stevens crack shot, Remington model 11, two early mountain rifles, Ithaca 12ga. double pigeon grade, J.H. Dadt engraved 20ga., Remington 341, Remington 511, Winchester model 12 12ga., Colt Commando 38 special, S&W single shot 1021, S&W 45 act model 1955, Smith & Wesson m&p bodyguard 38, Colt engraved 38 new service, Colt single action army 357, Ithaca 16ga. model 37, early bb gun, Savage model 93, Crescent 12ga double, Jacob Fisher percussion mountain rifle, Acalamas 410 double, Winchester 3006 model 1917, Marlin model 30A 3030, Remington skeet model 38 12ga., J. Stevens 12ga pump and many more. Lots of ammo. The photos in this ad are facsimiles. Personal Property Terms- Cash or check 10 % buyers fee. Due to this being an estate there will be no sales tax on this auction. All guns must go through FFL dealer except the antiques. The FFL dealer for this auction is: .Cover your 6 Customs 3317 Wayfield Dr. #4 (They are behind Chaparral Buick and GMC) Johnson CIty, Tn. 37601 423-268-2060 There charge is 30.00 first gun and 10.00 on each gun after. plus shipping. Tennessee residents may pick up their firearm the Tuesday through Saturday after the auction at the FFL dealer. or you may call them for an appointment. Out of state sales must be shipped to an FFL in your state. Terms & Condition Real Estate-Bart Long and Associates , Bart Long Principle Auctioneer #6163 Phone 276-466-466 DIRECTIONS: FROM RED LIGHT AT HWY 394 & HWY 421 INTERSECTION - TURN ONTO BRISTOL CAVERNS HWY, PROPERTY IS LOCATED JUST PAST BRISTOL CAVERNS ON RIGHT * SEE SIGNS * REAL ESTATE TERMS: PROPERTY SOLD “AS IS-WHERE IS” WITH NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND * 10% BUYERS PREMIUM ADDED TO HIGH BID TO DETERMINE THE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE * 10% DOWN ON DAY OF SALE, BALANCE DUE AT CLOSING *
Date: Saturday, July 30, 2022 Time:11 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/bobby-long-50-year-collection-of-gold-watches-and-coins-9715 "Trader Bobby" Long Absolute Estate Auction of Gold Watches, Railroad Watches, Gold and Silver Coins Saturday July 30 11:00 am ( Preview 9 am ) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 This is an estate sale and no sales tax will be charged. In house, online, phone and absentee bidding Bobby Long was a legend in the United States for the past 50 years. He traveled the USA trading. I was contacted by the executor after he passed away to handle his estate. There will be three auctions. First will be this gold coin, silver coin, gold and RR pocket watches. Its was amazing when an armed guard and I went to a bank in Damascus Va. and unloaded 5 very large safe deposit boxes. Wait till you see this collection! After we finish the catalogue sale we will also sell some coin and watch lots. Watches will be sold first then the coins. Expect about a 2.5 hour auction. You can bid live on the internet or come to the auction. The best collection of these type items we have ever conducted. Terms- Cash or Check. 10% B P in-house. B P online,phone and absentee is 15% .In house Buyers not known to us must send in a bank letter of credit before the auction so we can check it out. No credit cards accepted. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder. Don't miss this world class auction. Opportunity comes around one in a lifetime for an absolute auction like this. Please click the catalogue link below to see what we are selling. Remember after we complete the catalogue sell we will have a table of more of the same items for in-house bidders. Kimball Sterling Auctioneers #2476 423-773-4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Saturday, July 23, 2022 Time:10:30 An Important Estate Auction of an Elegant Bristol Businesswoman Saturday July 23, 10:30 am (Preview 9:00 am) Sterling Auction Gallery 125 West Market Street, Johnson City, Tennessee 1965 Two door Cadillac Calais- Fine Antique Furniture- Upscale Furniture- Fountain Pen Collection, Sterling flatware Fine Waterford, Fine Jewelry and much more. I knew this lady for over 30 years and she was impeccable with her quality of purchases. This is a sale of a lifetime and you need to preview this auction Very Partial Listing-We will add more photos and listing about two weeks before the auction. Almost 200 boxes to be unloaded. 1965 Two door Cadillac Calais (Garage kept- This is a nice driver), Collection of Mont Blanc- Dupont- and other good pens, Double Empire dresser, Large collection of Waterford and other crystal, Fine Jewelry and a large collection of costume, Vintage furs and hats, Oak curved glass china cabinet, Pair of spindle high poster twin beds ( Best ever), Two cherry one drawer stands ,Pencil post bed, Early child’s wicker doll carriage, Uncle Wiggly books, Bristol collectables, Bose speaker system, Quilts, Sterling flatware,Machinist oak box, Many fine Oriental carpets, Oak bible table, Large custom jewelry cabinet, New York Yankee and Final Four collectables, Political collectables, Drop leaf table with 4 needlepoint chairs, Upscale bedroom and living room furniture, cameras, Occasional Chairs from many different periods, Fine paintings and prints, Sligh grandfather clock(top of the line),$800.00 in useable postage stamps, Sterling goblets, other sterling, China, Porch furniture, Nice wing back chairs ,Decorative lamps Large collection 45-33-78 records, Barley Twist drop leaf table, Upscale Christmas collectables, Wicker porch chairs, Cameos,Large group of 14kt gold jewelry, Camel inkwell , Kitchen clock, Brown and cream jug, Large selection of upscale women's clothing ,Books, Zuni fetish necklaces ,Designer sterling large opal necklace,Furs, plus much more to be listed and photographed, some estate box lots. Terms- Cash or check 10% BP, Phone and absentee bids accepted. There will be no sales tax on this sale but the buyer of the car will have to pay tax when they register it. Kimball Sterling #2476 423-773-4073
Date: Saturday, May 28, 2022 Time:10:30 Eastern William "Bill" Zierer Living Estate Auction Saturday May 28th 10:30 am ( Preview 9 :30 am) 215 South Liberty Hill Rd. (corner of Morris Blvd and Liberty Hill) Old Berkline Building Morristown, Tennessee 37813 Mr Zierer is one of the most active collectors we have ever done an auction for. Its a 50 year collection of many different categories. There are so many items that are not listed. We will add to the listing and photos Friday before the auction. We have a small delay due to an internet problem with photos. I can guarantee this will be one of the best auctions you have ever attended and there is so much more. This living estate consist of vintage garage find autos, fine upscale furniture, oriental carpets, sterling flatware, coke machine, conference table, early Greene County fireside bench, Lipstick sofa, barber chair, brass cash register, Schwinn Black Phantom, much early folk art, Jazzbo Jim windup, advertising signs, early bikes and velocipedes, fine paintings, large group of leather chairs, Seeburg C jukebox, coin-op dancing model machine on stand, early sailboat weathervane, china and glass, advertising tins, leather sofa, 20th Century block front chest, early musical instruments, foundry patterns, early wood trunks, Nautical homemade chair, Masonic chairs , local advertising, book cases, twin bedroom suite, cedar chest, early handmade doll house with furniture, wicker pull along child cart, good smalls, Large decorative mirrors, sawing man whirligig, cast iron toy stove, Stein collection, toy stoves,dinning table and chairs ,Lucky The Happy Horse coin op child's riding horse, Black Valley RR broadside, fine prints, double inlaid stack book case, Ex-Lax thermometer, occupational trade signs, large store display cabinets, house hold items plus much more Garage Find Autos- 1953 Chrysler Crown Imperial with fully automatic transmission with matching numbers app. 60k miles ,1941 Dodge Businessmans Couple ready for restoration, 1936 C 10 Chrysler Airflow original aluminum head , restoration in progress straight 8 one head, Dwarf race car styled like a 1940 Dodge with a 1200 cc Yamaha engine with trailer, 1926 Model T race car with period custom head and intake and exhaust , straight 4 Sale location- Please park at the rear of the Berkline building and enter at the side door. There is parking on two levels. Everyone will be able to pull up to the building to load. 215 South Liberty Hill Rd. (corner of Morris Blvd and Liberty Hill) Terms- Cash or check . 10% buyers fee . No sales tax on this one except the cars and you will pay that when you register them Kimball M Sterling Auctioneer #2476 423-773-4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Announcements day of sale take precedent over presale Advertising.
Date: Saturday, March 26, 2022 Time:10:00 am ( preview 9 Kimball and Victoria Sterling Lifetime Collection ( Sale # 1) Auction Saturday March 26th 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 423-773-4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net The Sterling's ( 50+ years of buying) are downsizings not retiring and this is the first sale of many to come. Each auction will consist of multiple categories. To make the buying field level for the true auction goer there will not be any internet bidding. Come spend the day at the auction the way it use to be. Cash or check only.15% buyers fee. Preview the week of sale Wed. Thur. and Friday from 11am till 2:00 and 9 am day of sale. Phone and absentee bids can be setup at previews. I can tell you there will be many items not photographed in this ad. Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction
Date: Saturday, February 26, 2022 Time:10:30 am (Preview 9: Dr. Neil Padget Owensboro Kentucky, Richard Steffen Estate Tampa Fl. and various other items Auction Saturday February 26th 10:30 am (Preview 9:30 day of sale and 11 am till 1 pm Wed, Thu. and Friday before the auction- Absentee bids and phone bids can be set up at the previews in case some of you are still leery of the virus and want to pick up your purchases on Sunday or Monday) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 423-773-4073 This is our first in-house auction since the virus began. Almost two years. We have been storing items from estates. It is time to open up. If you feel you need a mask please wear it but they are not now required. We welcome you all back. This will be a grand reopening auction. Very Partial listing Collection of antique puppets, Country Jackson Press, over 100 pieces of Blue Willow ( many serving pieces) Collection of Heisey Glass including a large group of Pied Piper, Silver dollars, Uncle Toms Cabin Staffordshire pieces, curved glass china cabinet. Pair of matching Hendredon Corner Cabinets, Large selection of Estate handmade carpets from 5 x 7 to 11 x 14, double pedestal 10 foot dinning table, country store ice box, Japanese mud figures, collection of nautical items and antique telescopes, Antique tapestries, brass bed 1900's, Sleigh bed, Victorian barber shop cabinet , oil paintings, Victorian hall tree, French desk, Meissen tea cups and trays, Rosenthal Garland china set, sets of Country Windsor chairs, Country stand up desk, formal Federal style desk, Massive Japanese garden goldfish bowl, Very large collection of antique wood planes in perfect restored condition( this is really something to see) , Carved wooden cigar store Indian, Custom made Leather Provencal sofa ( original cost to 11k), some sterling flatware, antique slag glass electric Deco lamps, Fine Tennessee quilts, African American Bronzes, large selection of antique furniture ,some Victorian furniture, toy cannons, modern ammo, early dictionary floor model stand with massive dictionary, North Carolina 3 gallon snake jug, Cora Lee Tweed original pastel painting, Jack Daniels barrel, Jockey hitching post, Papago Indian basket, plus over 250 other items, Terms- Cash or check. No credit cards. 10 % buyers fee and sales tax unless you have a resale tax certificate. Phone and absentee bids accepted. This is a live sale in-house not on line. Kimball Sterling Auctioneer #2476 423-773-4073
Date: Saturday, February 5, 2022 Time:12:30 Eastern Time Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-and-collector-canes-8707 February 5th online,absentee, and phone bids. Various collections Cash or check 23% bp.
Date: Saturday, January 1, 2022 Time:11 am Eastern New Years Day Auction, Estates and Personal Items from the KImball and Victoria Collection Saturday January 1st 11 am ( 9 am Preview) 125 West Market Street , Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 We have been conducting our New Years Day for about the 30th year. This sale will consist of items from the collection of Kimball and Victoria collection, A Tennessee estate, 1941 Graham Hollywood auto ( great restoration), High End Important Stereo equipment, Fischerplayer grand piano, Large Washington County Tn Cherry,, Hog rifles, working Nickelodeon, All types of great glass, Restored 1961 Vespa scooter, Modern Whizzer bike,McIntosh : MC 2205-C32 amp-Mq101 Equalizer, MR 78 tuner, Pair of ML 2c speakers, Audio Research: D 79 amp-High Def. amp spD-79, Oracle turntable CSA LL 42066-4c,KMAL by Keith Monks Audio record cleaning machine, Thorens turntable TD126MKII Electronic, Revox B77-Stereo reel to reel, Lots of cool Mid Century furniture, trade stimulator, Crain and Machine gun arcade machines, Carpets, fine collection of oil paintings, Early tall case clock, stainless soda fountain, Hamilton 950 b pocket watch and other watches, diamond and gold jewelry, Plus much more. Great items and more items will show up on our website www.auctionauction.com on December 27th. Go there and look. over 150 great smalls to be unpacked. Cash or check 10% buyers fee and sales tax will be charges except on auto
Date: Sunday, December 19, 2021 Time:2:00 Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/estate-jewelry-and-gold-pocket-watches-8032 Estate jewelry and gold pocket watches Sunday December 19th,2:00 Preview Noon Day of sale. 125 West Market St. Johnson City,Tn 37604 Please visit the catalogue link for details and photos. Inhouse bidders pay a 15% buyers fee. Cash or check.
Date: Saturday, December 18, 2021 Time:11 am Robert Kelly Ward Estate Auction Saturday Dec. 18th 11 am ( preview 10 am) 1692 Enterprise Road Piney Flats, Tn 37686 Partial Listing -1974 MGB, Storage building, lots of tools,1990 Toyota 4 wheel drive truck, large group of Candlewick glass, older aluminum fishing boat, 19th century walnut linen press, oak furniture, clawfoot book case, oak jelly cupboard, marble top Victorian table, Serpentine Mahogany 1940s bedroom suite( best we have ever seen, early dough bowl, some silver, fine china and glass, large collection of fishing items, washer and dyer, many great estate box lots, collector knives. costume jewelry, early mixing bowls, nice silverplate tea set, Bob Timberlake king size bedroom suite, nice local painting, porch rockers, plus much more. Cash or Check 10% buyers fee. Rain or shine.
Date: Saturday, December 11, 2021 Time:10:00 am Eastern James "Jim " Keith Estate Auction Sat. December 11 10 am ( Preview 9 am) 393 Culver Road, Limestone , Tennessee 37681 Collection of antique tractors (5) and 1996 Cadillac Fleetwood Broughams (4), Advertising, animal mounts, County store items, furniture, farm machinery and much more. You will have to see this collection to believe it. Primitives, Quilts, decanters, neon, some tins, Pepsi cooler and 7up party box, Rowe Martin bib overalls and jacket, oak display case, crocks, railroad dolly's and lantern, early tools, antique tractor restoration parts, many oak dining tables and chairs, collection of cream top milk bottles, plus a 12 tall by 40' room of items that have been packed away for years. Be here for an exciting day at the auction, This auction will be held in his inside party barn that was only used for him and his friends. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. No sales tax due to this being an estate. We will add many more photos to our website about three days before the auction
Date: Saturday, December 4, 2021 Time:11 am Curtis and Joyce Guinn Estate Auction 2035 Highway 107( if using GPS you might need to say John Sevier Highway) Saturday December 4th, 11 am ( 10 am Preview) Jonesborough/ Chucky Tennessee 37659 Mr. and Mrs. Guinn were very good buyers from us years ago. They have a very clean collection which is ready for your house. We will post more photos the week of the auction including a swing churn, great Arts and Crafts library desk and much more. Very partial listing: Nice selection of country pottery, collection of vintage carnival glass, Leather sofa and chair, group of various types of glass including Depression- Fostoria- Pressed- and more, Hummel collection, early oil lamps, folk art canes, oak curved glass china cabinet leather recliner,oak bible table, early blue fruit jars,Blue Ridge, Victorian Walnut beds, Hull vases, oak dresser and occasional tables and desk, primitive meal chest, Emit Kelley collectibles and collector plates, other fine china and glass, lyre mahogany table, modern stacked book case, Tvs, other household items, the barn is packed full of very nice furniture also, great estate box lots. Terms: Cash or Check 10% Buyers fee . No sales tax. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Plenty of parking on the property. we will load more photos the week of the auction.
Date: Saturday, November 20, 2021 Time:11 am Eastern ( 9am Randall "Randy" Carrier Estate Auction 2258 Siam Road Elizabethton, Tn. 37643 Decorative Lamps, 1849 Colt Pocket Model, Coins, Fine Furniture Large 19th Century Library, Rare RS Prussia Plate, Exceptional Antique Pool Table, Fine Antique Furniture and Household This will be a wonderful estate auction for a wonderful guy that has passed away. I knew him for 25 years and he liked unusual items in many categories. There are many items that have been boxed up in the garage and the shed that will be unpacked and posted the week of the sale. Very partial listing: Pairpoint puffy with broken shade ( nice base), large caramel slag glass lap, Bradley and Hubbard with figural base and later shade, other decorative lamps, coin collection with mostly US silver coins, Colt 1849 pocket model with stage robbery engraved cylinder, very nice antique slate pool table, collection of blue and white canton, Johnson City brown coke bottle, commemorative Flo-Blue plates, Mid -Century corner cupboard with inlaid urn, RS Prussia portrait plate Season series " Spring" red mark, collection of 18th-19th century eye glasses, Oak side by side, very large antique and valuable book collection to be sold in lots, Queen Anne unusual display case, Victorian style sofa, many nice occasional tables, large early handmade cedar chest, Mid-Century dinette suite, English curved glass chins cabinet, bakers cabinet, Waterfall bedroom suite, Maple bedroom suite, Eastlake love seat, Carved lions head fireside chair, china and glassware, Early Tennessee fretless banjo, hundreds of vintage smalls, Modern Oak bedroom suite, used furniture, many boxes to go through , and great box lots to be sold. Terms- Cash or Check 10 % buyers fee, no sales tax due to this being an estate. Rain or shine our tents will be up. TJ will be there with great home cooking,. Parking will be across from the house in a very nice flat field with a county deputy assisting with parking.
Date: Saturday, October 30, 2021 Time:10 am Dr. Thomas and Brenda Brinegar Estate Auction #2 Saturday October 30th 10am(Preview 9:00) 682 Montclair Circle Road North Tazewell, Va. 24630 Real Estate, Fine Jewelry, Antiques, R R Collection, Upscale Furnishings, Dolls and more We will be posting many more photos the week of the auction. Personal Property by Kimball Sterling Auctioneer VAAR 1556, Terms are cash or check with a 10 % buyers fee. Very Partial listing- Ammo and one pistol, 7.25 carat diamond solitaire, Rolex Submariner, gold bracelets, Upscale slate pool table, Ornate oak round front china cabinet, Oak kitchen cabinet, Many more fine diamond rings, set of Blueridge china, Two antique oak rolls top desk, R R collection, antique toys, fine upscale modern bedroom, living room , kitchen and dinning room furniture, much china and class, extremely large collection of bisque and other dolls, oak bible table, largest and best curio cabinets we have ever seen, oak library table, Nascar collectibles, collection of early Fossil watches and probably over 50 other wrist watches, Large cookie jar collection, Bunn commercial coffee maker and other great countertop appliances, TV's, Large grandfather clock, oak library table, leather set of Teddy Roosevelt and other leather books, Miners safety lantern, Ammo and one AMT 380 pistol(local FFl will be used),Large R R crossing sign, good yard art, Metal outdoor furniture, collection of early R R photos, early medical office furniture, Upscale Christmas and other holiday items, Real Estate- Bart Long Auctioneer 2908000732 Here is the link for the auction for the real estate with terms: https://www.bartlongauctions.com/auctions/detail/bw71298
Date: Saturday, October 2, 2021 Time:11 am Eastern Dr. Thomas and Brenda Brinegar Estate Auction #1 Saturday October 2 11 am(Preview 9:30) 682 Montclair Circle Road North Tazewell, Va. 24630 This is auction number one of this estate. This auction will consist of vehicles ,117 firearms, tools, mowers, ammo, implements, small coin collection and more. 2018 Chevy Silverado four door showing 8091 miles, 1951 Mercury four door showing 86680 miles ( ready for a restoration), 2016 Jeep Cherokee Ltd. showing 19168 miles, 2009 Chevy Traverse showing 74508 miles, 2007 Pontiac Solstice showing 30,261 miles, 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee showing 157,986 miles, John Deer x380 mower with 244 hours, and more. Terms- Cash or check 10% buyers fee. All sales are final. Guns may be picked up at Trader Jerry’s in Pounding Mill, Va. on Monday- Friday the following the auction. 276-963-4867. He will charge a 40.00 fee. The ammo will be sold choice after the gun auction. It will be bidders pick out of each box. Below is the list of the guns with lots numbers. 1. RUGER REDHAWK 44 MAG NIB 2. S AND W MODEL 625 45 ACP 3. S AND W 442 38 SPC 4. S AND W MODEL 15 38 SPC 5. SAFARI ARM MM 45 6. WATHER TPH 22 CAL 7. JENNING BYCO J22 22CAL 8. RUGER NEW MODEL BH 45 9. S AND W 686 357 MAG 10. COLT POLICE POS SP 38 11. RUGER VAQUERO 357 12. S AND W MOD 629 44 13. SPRINGFIELD ULTRA 45 14. S AND W MOD 69 38SP 15. SIG SAUER MOD P229 9MM 16. RUGER SP101 22 17. GLOCK MOD 19 9MM 18. MILL INC THUNDER 510 45 19. S AND W MOD 22 A 20. S AND W MOD 5903 9MM 21. LUGER ERFURT 1918 9MM 22. S AND W MOD 19 23. PHOENIX ARMS RAVEN 25 24. TAURUS ULTRALITE 9 22 25. RUGER NEW MOD BH 357 26. COLT OFFICERS 45 27. S AND W MOD 36 38 SP 28. SPRINGFIELD ULTRA 45 29. RUGER SP 101 357 30. RUGER SUPER BH 34 MAG 31. S AND W MOD 4053 40 CAL 32.SEECAMP 32 ACP 33. BERETTA MOD 21A 22 34.RUGER BW 357/9MM 35. S AND W MOD 4513 TSW45 36. S AND W HERITAGE MOD15 37. BERETTA MOD 92 FS 9MM 38. ROSSI MOD88 38 SP 39. N AMER ARM GUARD 32 40. RUGER P89 DC 9MM 41. BERETTA 92 FS 9MM 42. RUGER NEW MOD BW 44MAG 43. GAMO AIR ISTOL 4.5MM 44. S AND W MOD 22A 22 45. S AND W MOD 4513 TSW 45 46. S AND W 3913 TSW 9MM 47. S AND WM MOD 29 44 MAG 48. S AND W MOD642 38SP 49. S AND W MOD 686 357MAG 50. FAP PLLIPIETTA 357MAG 51. RUGER NEW MOD SINGLE 6 22 52. RUGER NEW MOD SINGLE 6 22 53. RUGER MARK 2 TARGET 22 54. RUGER LCP 380 55. S AND W MOD 21 TR 44SP 56. WALTHER P22 57. WALTHER PPK 380 58. S AND W MOD 66 357 59. TOWER BP FLINTLOCK PISTOL 60. COLT PONY POCKET LITE 380 61. BERETTA MOD 67 TARGET 22 62. WALTHER PPK 380 63. GLOCK 23 40 CAL 64. GLOCK MOD 26 9MM 65. RUGER MOD 2245 22 66. RUGER AUTO 22 67. SAVAGE MOD 24 22-20G 68. PWA COMANDO 5.56 69. MOSSBURG 12G PUMP 70. REM MOD 66 22 71. RUGER MOD 77 308 72. REM MOD 03-A3 30ALT6 73. WIN MOD 9422 74. REM MOD 700BDL 223 75. PMA COMANDO 5.56 76. MITCHELL 16A 22 77. BUSHMASTER CARBON 1522LR 78. STOEGER COACH 12G DBL 79. SPRINGFIELD M1 GURAND30/6 80. STENEN MOD 94F 12G 81. SAVAGE MOD 24 3030 12G 82. ARMALITE M 15 M2 5.56 83. ESSEX 12G DBL 84. WIN MOD 1200 20G 85. ROSSI MOD 92 38/357 86. WIN MOD 190 22 87. RUGER MINI 14 SS 223 88. SAVAGE MOD 112 223 89. WIN MOD 1300 12G 90. ROSSI PUMP MOD 92 38/357 91. SF M1 GRAND 30ALT6 92. REM MOD 700 308 93. RUGER MOD 77 MARK2 308 94. UNIVER M1 CARBINE 30 CAL 95. SAVAGE MOD 110 7MM REM 96. REM 700 308 97. MARLIN MOD 6022 98. MARLIN MOD 2000 22LR 99. MITCHELL MOD 4 98MM 100. COLT M 1622 101. REM 700 223 102. RW 6.8 AIR RIFLE 103. COS AIR RIFLE 104. BERETTA MOD 1201 12G 105. SF M1 GRAND 3ALT6 106. WIN MOD 92 3220 107. CVA HAWKEN 50CAL 108. SAVAGE MOD 63 22 109. WIN MOD 84 BUFF BILL 3030 110. EAGLE EA 15 556 111. SF M1 GRAND 30ALT6 112. COLT AR15 A2 GOV 223 CARB 113. WIN M1 CARB 30 CAL 114. RUGER 77/22 115. RUGER 1022 SS 116. RUGER 1002 TARGET 117. REM 541 T22 Buildings full of tools, good junk, mowers etc Cash or Check. 10 % buyers fee. Rain and shine our tents will be up Kimball Sterling Auctioneer #1556
Date: Saturday, July 31, 2021 Time:11 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/richard-steffen-estate-antique-cane-auction-7152 Steffen Estate Cane Collection Saturday July 31st 11 am Live internet ,phone and absentee This is a lifetime collection and has some really nice canes in many different categories. Daniel Webster cane, other historical Americana canes Flick stick. Gold and silver, nice group of 18th Century, Upscale dress canes, Swords, Large library of cane books and stands, etc.Please click the catalogue link for photos and details. Cash or check 23% buyers fee
Date: Saturday, June 26, 2021 Time:10 am Guns, Fishing items including 13 Ft. Sears Aluminum Boat, Old Cars, Tools Tools Tools of Mr. Fred McNicol Saturday June 26th 10 am ( Preview 9 am) Rain or shine 170 Rock House Rd ( about 7 miles out of JC on Cherokee toward Lamar then turn left on Rock House Road) Jonesborough, Tn ( really Lamar) Lots of hand and long guns ( S&W models 36 and 30,Rossi 12 ga. double, Pre 1960 Winchester 94 30/30,Browing High Power 9mm Mint in box, Ruger 44 Blackhawk, British 303,Two Ruger Singles 6's, Remington 550 22 Auto, plus a few early doubles by various makers, collection of BB guns and more)1971 Ford Econoline van, 1996 Dodge Van, 1991 Toyota,13 foot Sears alum river fishing boat with 3hp Evinrude motor with trailer, another 15 hp Evinrude, Cars will be listed later but see photos below, 1971 Econoline van, large Farm Hand Cast Iron air compressor, Craftsman stacking tool box, saws, Jacks, camping items, Fisher wood burning stove, early Zippo lighters, Artemos transistor radio, large group of pistol grips. wood chipper, power saws and wood working equipment, Both vintage fresh and salt water rods and reals, mowers, Western gun and knife holsters with Conchos. large collection of various knives, 60 gallon Sears shop vac, small anvils, cast iron chain, Fly rods and tackle boxes full, drill press, planner, Early set of Drug Store candy scales, plus much much more. Lots of surprises. File cabinets, some lumber, BB guns, trunks, and more. This is only a very partial listing. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. In state gun buyers 21 or older with proper ID may take their guns with them the day of the auction after a back round search for felony convictions. Out of state buyers will have to pay for their guns and pick them up at the FFL that we use on the following week.
Date: Saturday, June 12, 2021 Time:11 am Eastern ( 9am Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/chester-blankenship-sports-car-collection-austin-healey-mk-iii-triumph-tr-6-mgb-lexus-6966 Chester Blankenship Sports Car Collection-Austin Healey MK III, Triumph TR-6, MGB, Lexus SC 430 Auction Saturday June 12th 11 am Preview 9 am This auction will take place at the corner of East Oakland and East 8th Avenue behind the row of spruce trees Johnson City, Tennessee On location - Online and on the phones Mr Blankenship decided in 1971 that he wanted sports car so he bought at new MGB. He liked it so much that is 1967 he looked for an Austin Healey Mark III to buy and could not find one for sale. Then in 1977 he bought a Triump TR-6 from the dealer. Then a few years after that purchase he found a 1967 MKIII to buy. He then had the MKIII restored frame up and it was finished in 2016. It looks like a new one. During this time he decided to increase his garage to 3500 square foot garage to keep all of his cars . Therefor they have all been garage kept since the beginning. In 2004 the Lexus SC 430 came out and his liked it very much so he purchased it from the dealer. All cars are one owner except the Austin and it has a number one restoration. These cars have been babied for years. If you have been looking for a cream puff this is the auction. Cash or check 15% buyers fee onsite and 18% online at bidsquare.com
Date: Saturday, May 29, 2021 Time:10:00 am ( preview 9 Richard and Janey Diehl Absolute Estate Auction Jonesborough Tn. 1501 College Street ( Highway 81) Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659 Saturday May 29th 10am ( 9 am preview) Antiques- Automobiles- Quilts- Upscale furnishings and more This is a really nice auction with many fine items for the antique collector and the person needing fine household furniture. Very Partial listing- Fine local quilt collection, Replica of the famous " Lost Mountain" inlaid chest by Buck Fleenor, 2002 Jaguar XJ 8 with 76K miles, 1999 Conversion van,Local Corner cupboard, Fine Gorham crystal and more, spinning wheel, collection of one and two drawer stands, three drawer harvest table. cast iron, fine china, cut glass, dolls and a few toys, Fine prints and mirrors, spinet piano, Great Pennsylvania House bedroom furniture, Set of four windsor chairs, Nice hand made Chinese carpet( room size), other carpets, Upscale lingerie chest, Custom built ornate corner cupboard, Pair of red leather wing chairs, spine desk, Pair of blue leather wing chairs, set of 8 upscale Chippendale chairs, Inlaid round center table, country bed, linens, great smalls and much more. The basement is full. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Rain or shine. Kimball Sterling Auctioneer #2476 423-773-4073
Date: Sunday, May 23, 2021 Time:1:00 pm Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/tennessee-estate--fine-antiques-jewelry-fashion-and-much-more-6938 " After the catalogue sale we will have other items including a large Horner Brothers carved sideboard, fine Persian rugs,German Stein collection, estate jewelry ,Hendredon corner cupboards, Kirk punch ladle , Odd Kirk serving pieces, more compacts, and much more. Lots of surprises. Tennessee Estates Sunday May 23rd 1pm (preview 11 am) Online , In-house, Phone and Absentee 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 The largest silver compact collection that has ever been offered at one time, Fine art glass, Gold pocket watches, Jewelry, early 19th Century fashion catalogues, WWII items, Art, Sterling , and much more. Cash or check , 15% buyers fee in house -18% online. Kimball Sterling Auctioneer #2476 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2021 Time:10:00 am Eastern ( P Donald R Raber Estate Auction Saturday May 15th 10:00 am ( Preview 9 am) 1233 Hawley Road Blountville, Tn 37617 This is a really nice estate with some antique glassware, upscale used furniture, art , expensive collectibles and a Cub Cadet commercial mower HD GT2544. This is only a partial listing………………………… Many sets of fine China, and fine crystal, Good gold and diamond jewelry (over 40 lots0, David Winter cottages, Nice pearls, collection of pre 1865 newspapers, Emerald ring, sterling silver hollowware, early cut glass, Howard Miller grandfather clock, modern upscale poster bedroom suite, lingerie chest, Queen Anne large dining room suite , collection of Lenox, airplane fan, custom built rocking horse, large collection of hatpins, antique stained glass windows, antique LC Smith typewriter, antique milk bottles in carrier, 1964 World’s Fair car tag, Curio cabinets, Benko pitcher Murano glass, sporting items, upscale Disney collectibles, Dura Flame portable stove, some antique books, Queen Anne lowboy, antique rocking charge, Pine bedroom with bed and matching nightstands, practically new Bowflex, Men’s watches, Oak Arts and Crafts restored bookcase, violin, some cast iron, 50th anniversary of NASCAR poster with autographs, Great silver jewelry,Duke Snyder autograph, nice early kitchen cabinet with matching chairs, Collection of Jim Shore, Great yard art and planters, Cub Cadet push mower, Great Christmas collectibles, Many upscale prints by know artist, Jeep bicycle and two childrens bikes, Little Tikes blowup slide, lots of cool children’s items, Star Trek toys, Early US Navy “Cracker Jack” uniform ( has diver patches), Two new in the box Tiffany Bunny children’s sets, 5 flat screen TV’s, Great Holiday collectibles including Christmas and Easter, plus many Estate box lots. Leaf blowers and other yard tools. Cash or check. 10% Buyers fee and no sales tax. The sale location is directly behind the airport. Just past Northeast State college is Muddy Creek Road. Turn onto Muddy Creek and go about two miles and Hawley turns to the left. We are at the corner of the two roads.
Date: Saturday, April 24, 2021 Time: 11:30 am Eastern Three Collections Cane Auction Saturday April 24th 11:30 Eastern Three nice collections including a very rare 32 rimfire dog head Remington , Sword canes , American and European folk art, Large selection of silver and gold, , nice group of system canes including picnic- music lyre- dentist- La Terrible- and more. Whale bone and Walrus, Fine dress canes , cane books and stands. This sale will be online only. The catalogue and registration is below . https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-canes-6791 Terms- Cash or check 23% buyers fee. Kimball Sterling #2476 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, March 20, 2021 Time:10:00 am Eastern Charles Ensor Estate Auction Antiques, Massive glass collection, Cast Iron and Household 426 Blue Springs Rd. Elizabethton, Tn 37643 Saturday March 20, 10:00 am on site with Social Distancing This is one heck of a collection of glassware including over 100 sets of candlesticks, Griswold collection, Hundreds of pieces of collectible and depression glass including Fostoria, Heisey, Cambridge, Tiffin, Cranberry, Cobalt and much more. Oil lamps and painted electric , walnut tea cart, ox yoke , country collectibles, cut and carnival glass, unusual child rocking horse, Bohemian and Mosier style glass, Queen Anne dining table and chairs, Oak furniture, Lusters, both oil and electric Aladdin lamps, Epergnes, China cabinets, Martinsville glass, Oak china cabinet, fruit jars and milk bottles, curio cabinets and shelves, Very large group of American Fostoria, nice usable furniture, household items, estate box lots and much more. Just about anything you would find "out on the farm" Much of the glass will be sold in lots , so have your bidding shoes on. Cash or check. 10% Buyers fee. No sales tax. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Preview 9 am. We will move all of the items outside so we can social distance the crowd. A mask be worn at all times on this auction side.. For you that cannot wear a mask you must get a face shield. That complies with ADA rules.
Date: Saturday, March 6, 2021 Time:11 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/fine-custom-1911s-and-other-firearms--50-year-collection-6402 Mr. Terry Payne Custom Pistol, Collectible Pistols, Long Guns, 50 Year Collection Online Auction Online Saturday March 6th 11:am This auction will consist of one of the finest custom 1911 collections in the United States. Mr. Payne had a love for this style of firearm. You will see that as you look at the catalogue. He also purchased other weapons including shotguns, various rifles and much more.. Please look through the entire catalogue. It is not a large quantity but very strong on quality. There are a few rifles that we cannot ship to certain states and they are noted on the descriptions. The states are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and the District of Columbia . They all prohibit assault weapons. We cannot ship to those states. The FFL dealer for this auction is: .Cover your 6 Customs 3317 Wayfield Dr. #4 (They are behind Chaparral Buick and GMC) Johnson CIty, Tn. 37601 423-268-2060 There charge is 30.00 first gun and 10.00 on each gun after. plus shipping. Tennessee residents may pick up there firearm the Monday after the auction at the FFL dealer. Out of state sales must be shipped to an FFL in your state. Terms & Conditions Terms-Cash or Check 15% buyers fee. Sales tax will be charged unless you have a resale certificate that is accepted by Tennessee. Please fax your certificate to 423-928-1471 or email it to kimballsterling@earthlink.net Cash or check only. Credit cards will not be accepted for this auction. Phone and absentee bids will also be accepted. Kimball M Sterling Inc. #2476 125 West Market Street Johnson City ,Tn 37604 423-773-4073
Date: Saturday, February 20, 2021 Time:10:30 am (Preview 9: Large Ammo Living Estate Auction 343 Lakeridge Street(Patrick Henry Lake), Kingsport Tennessee Feb, 20 ,10:30 am (Preview 9:30 am) Mask Required on Auction Site!!!! Very partial listing- 45 acp, 10 mm, 357 sig, 9mm,38 special, 38 supper plus, 357, 40 S&W, 300 blackout ammo-brass-bullets, 5.45x39, 223, 556, 22 LR, 308 ammo & bullets, 243,7.62x39, 12 gauge ammo buck & bird, 6.5 Creedmore ammo-bullets-brass,30 cal, thousands of primers, powder, lots of good reloading equipment, brass and bullets, paper and steel targets and much more. The shelves and the cabinets are full.Tents will be up. Cash or Check 10% Buyers fee and sales tax will be charged unless you have a sales tax certificate signed and ready to hand to our office when you get your number. Directions: Do not use your GPS directions. It will bring you in by a one lane road... Do the following- Take Beulah Church Road off of highway 36. follow the auction arrows to Lakeridge Street. You can park on Lakeridge, but parking there will be tight and not many places to turn around. We have arranged parking directly behind the sale site in a large lot. If you take Beulah to Smith and turn left then right on Patrick Henry Circle you will find the lot. This is a good one. We probably have more ammo here than all the stores in the Appalachian Highlands. We will sell choice out of each box. High bidder will pick then the backup bidder and then we will Go again. All sales are final and all items sell as is –where is. Some of these boxes have up to 20-50 individual boxes. We will have a table of various items after we finish the catalogue. 1. 38 super brass 2. 308 Winchester ammo 3. Large rifle primers 4. Small pistol primers 5. Small Rifle primers 6. Large pistol primers 7. 9mm and 40 cal brass 8. 10 mm brass 9. 243 brass 10. 38 super brass and bullets 11. 223 bullets 12. 300 blackout, 7x62 39 brass 13. 40 S&W, 45 ACP, 10 mm brass 14. Gun powder 15. 300 blackout 16. 357 mag ammo 17. 22 ammo 18. 223 ammo 19. 308 Winchester 20. 308 Winchester 21. 223 ammo 22. 223 ammo 23. 300 blackout 24. 243 Win. and 6.5 Creadmoor ammo 25. 223 ammo 26. 223 ammo 27. 9mm ammo 28. Ammo can of 223 29. Ammo can of 223 30. Winchester 12g shotgun ammo 31. Winchester 12g shotgun ammo 32. 20g buckshot ammo 33. Box of clay pigeons 34. 223 ammo 35. 223 ammo 36. 223 ammo 37. 9mm ammo 38. 9mm ammo 39. 9mm ammo 40. 9mm ammo 41. 9mm ammo 42. 9mm ammo 43. 9mm ammo 44. 9mm ammo 45, 9mm ammo 46. 9mm ammo 47. 9mm ammo 48. 9mm ammo 49. 223 ammo 50. 223 ammo 51. 38 and 9mm ammo 52. Assorted box lot of powder 53. Assorted box lot of powder 54. Assorted box of scopes and rifle sites 55. Assorted box of fine scopes 56. Assorted box of scopes-Zeiss sport optic etc 57. 9mm ammo 58. 9mm ammo 59. 9mm ammo 60. 9mm ammo 61. 9mm ammo 62. 9mm ammo 63. 38 super ammo 64. 38 super ammo 65. 38 super ammp 66. 38 super ammo 67. 38 super ammo 68. 7.62x39 69. 45 ammo 70. 7.62x39 71. 7.62x39 72. 7.62x39 73. 7.62x39 74. Assorted box items 75. 45 auto 76. 45 auto 77. 45 auto 78. 45 auto 79. 12g shotgun ammo 80. 12g shotgun ammo 81. 12g shotgun ammo 82. 38 special 83. 12g buckshot 84. 12g buckshot 85. 223 ammo 86. 223 ammo 87. 357 sig 88. 357 sig 89. 357 sig 90. 40 s&w 91. 40 s&w 92. 40 s&w 93. 40 s&w 94. 7.62x39 95. 38 super 96. 38 super 97. 20g Winchester shotgun shells 98. AK 74 99. AK 74 100. AK 74 101. Assort ammo lot 102. Primo rifle rest 103. Pistol rest 104. 40 s&w 105. 40 s&w 106. 22LR 107. 22LR 108. 10mm ammo 109. 45 auto ammo 110. 45 auto ammo 111. 45 auto ammo 112. 12g OO buckshot 113. 12g 114. 12g buckshot 115. 9mm and 40s&w 116. 9mm 117. 30 cal bullets 118. 30 cal bullets 119. 6.5 Creadmoor 120. 6.5 Creadmoor 121. 30 cal bullets and 300 blackout bullets and brass 122. Assort powder box 123. Assort powder box 124. 6.5 bullets 125. Rifle primers 126. Assort 300 blackout bullet and primer 127. 10mm ammo 128. 10mm ammo 129. 10 mm ammo 130. 10 mm ammo 131. 300 blackout brass 132. Dehydrator 133. 12g rifle slugs and ammo box 134. 12g OO buck and ammo box 135. Bushnell range finder 136. Burris spotting scope 137. 12g shotgun shells 138. 12g shotgun shells 139. 38 super brass 140. 40 cal brass 141. Reloading dies 142. Holster lot 143. Holster lot 144. Box of scopes and mounts 145. Assort box clips 146. Box lot custom 1911 grips 147. Dillon 550 reloading press 9mm 40&45 complete 148. Misc box of bullets and brass 149. Lot of 45 brass 150. Assorted bullets 151. 45 cal bullets 152. Box of 10mm bullets 153. Box of 45 bullets 154. 45 cal brass 155. Box of 40 cal brass 156. Box of 40 cal brass 157. Box of 45 cal brass 158. Box of 45 cal brass 159. New 45 brass 160. 9 mm brass 161. 40 s&w brass 162. 45 acp brass 163. Assort brass 38 super, 40 smith and 30 cal bullets 164. Assort brass 165. 10mm brass 166. 38 super brass 167. Heirters shooting bench 168. Steele target range 169. Group of paper targets
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2021 Time:11 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/don-squibb-estate-toys-collectibles-candy-containers-and-molds-advertising-etc-6337 Don Squibb Estate Toys, Candy Containers, Games. Chocolate Molds, Advertising Dolls plus much more. Sat Feb. 6th 11am Online at auctionauction.com. We will also accept absentee Bids by phone or email. Cash/check 15% BP
Date: Saturday, December 19, 2020 Time:Noon ( Preview 10 am Robert Kelley Ward Estate Ammo Auction ammo and accessories " Saturday Dec. 19th Noon( preview 10 am) 1692 Enterprise Road Piney Flats, Tn 37686 Mr. Ward was an avid collector of ammo and guns. We are having a dedicated ammo auction with thousands of rounds of ammo from 50cal to 22 short. Many hard to find boxes of ammo. This is the motherload with ammo, reloading equipment, boxes of Winchester primers, and much more. We will also sell some gun accessories. Both small and large lots will be sold. Be here for an exciting day of many hard to find items. Cash or check only . 10% buyers fee. No sales tax due to this being an estate. AK drums and 20 and 30 round magazines, AR 15 mags, assorted pistol mags, bulk 223,762x39, great assortment of high end pistol and rifle ammo, bulk pistol and rifle bullets for reloading, over 150 large boxes of assorted ammo, large amount of primers, reloading presses and tumblers, shotgun presses, scopes, military ammo boxes, thousands of items. Some of the boxes have over 100 individual boxes of ammo. Partial Catalogue: By registering for this auction you accept the terms of the auction. All items are sold as is and are the responsibility of the buyer after the gavel falls or announced sold. The condition of the ammo is not warranted by the estate or the auctioneers. Firing or buying the ammo lots etc in today’s auction is the sole responsibility of the buyers or his agents. The below lots are box lots of many items and will be sold choice out of each box for a few times and then we will sell box. 1. 22 ammo 2. 7.62x39 3. 223’s 4. 223’s 5. 223’s 6. 5.45x39 7. 7.62x54 8. 7.62 or 308 9. 296 mm 10. 296 11. 7.65x53 12. 40cal 13. 40cal 14. 40cal 15.9mm 16. 10mm 17. 300 winchester mag 18. 38cal 19. mixed pistol ammo 20. 9mm 21. 9mm 22. 40 cal sw 23. 5.56 24. 5.56 25. 17 winchester super mag 26. 5.7x28 17 hmr 27. 45 28. 45 29. 45 30. 6.5x55 31. 2.57 roberts 32. 5.45 33. 410 34. 243 35. Dummy hand grenades 36. 308 37. 308 38. 308 39. Assorted European ammo 40. 45’s 41.45’s 42. 45’s 43. 45’s 44. 357 45. 12g misc ammo 46. Misc ammo 47. 50 cal ammo 48. 45’s 49. 44’s 50. 12and 20g 51. 7.62x54 52. 7.62 or 308 53. 10mm 54. 10mm 55. 223’s 56. Mixed hunting ammo 57. 38 short colt 58. 338 59. 50cal 60. 50bmg 61. 9mm 62. 7mm 63. 9mm 64. 9mm 65. 22’s 66. 357 67. Winchester primers, lg pistol 68. Winchester primers, lg pistol 69. 308 or 7.62 70. Misc gun parts 71. 35 remington 72. 5.45x39 73. 7.62x39 74. 12g 75. Box of assorted mags 76. 20g 77. 28g 78. 9mm 79. 357 80. 22 81. 35 remington 82. 12g 83. Assort clips 84. Drum mags 85. 12g 86. 12g 87. 12g 88. Misc clips 89. Assort holsters 90. 30.06 misc 91. Misc clips 92. Misc clips 93. Loading dies/sets 94. 5.65x45/ 223 95. 45 96. 5.45x39 97. Misc scopes and covers 98. 5.56x45/r223 99. 7.62/308 100. 308 101. 7.62/308 102. 7.62/308 103-105 Primers 106-108 Bullet heads 109. Brass and bullets 110. Brass 111. Mixed brass 112. Mixed bullet heads 113. Mixed brass 114. Mixed bullet heads 115. Primers 116. 5.45x39 crate 117. 5.45x39 crate 118. 7.62 119. 50cal bmg 120. 308 tracers 121. Winchester shotgun primers 122-125 Powder 126. Assorted reloading items 127. Ammo master bmg pack 128. Assort reloading equip 129-130. Assort reloading lot 131-132 Brass 133-134. 308 Plus 100 assorted items
Date: Saturday, December 5, 2020 Time:noon Robert Kelley Ward Estate Gun Auction "132 long and short guns plus ammo and accessories " Saturday Dec. 5th Noon( preview 10 am) 1692 Enterprise Road Piney Flats, Tn 37686 Mr. Ward was an avid collector of shotguns, rifles, handguns and much more. All items will sell to the highest bidder on the day of the auction. A list of the guns is provided below but not the ammo and accessories. Bidders will pay for their purchases the day of the auction and on Tuesday following the day of sale plus the rest of the week you will pick up your items will be ready at the following FFL dealer. If you have any questions about transfer please direct it to them even if you hold an FFL. Cover your 6 Customs 3317 Wayfield Dr. #4 (They are behind Chaparral Buick and GMC) Johnson CIty, Tn. 37601 423-268-2060 There charge is 30.00 first gun and 10.00 on each gun after. Due to the virus anyone who enters the auction property must wear a mask. "Must Wear a Mask" If you have been sick or around anyone that has been you may phone bid. Please email us at kimballsterling@earthlink.net if you wish to do this at least 48 hours before the auction Cash or local check. 10% Buyers Fee. No sales tax due to this being and estate. All items will sell as is. Parking is tough at this location. We can park about 50 cars in the front yard. If you park in the front yard you will be there for the duration of the two hour auction. Prepare to stay put. You can also park on Enterprise Rd wherever you can find a parking place.. If you pass the sale location and go over the bridge there is TVA parking at a boat ramp for about 40 cars. Its about 100 yard from auction site. For you who cannot medically wear a mask we offer absentee and phone bidding. Also by contacting us 24 hours before an auction we will have a face shield available. 1. REM 11-87 12g 2. RUGER M-77 .243 3. H&K MP-5 9MM 4. KEL TEC PLR 16 .5.56 5. CATAMOUNT FURY 12 G 6. RUGER MIN 1-14 .223 7. MOSIN NAGANT 7.62X54 8. WINCHESTER 101 20G 9. WINCHESTER 74 225L 10. WINCHESTER 74 225LR 11. MI GARAND 30-06 12. SWEDE MAUSER 6.5 X 55 13. BULGARIAN AK-47 7.62 X 39 14. CROSSMAN 776 BB 15. RUSSIAN AK 47 7.62 X 39 16. BROWNING A BOLT 300 WINDMEG 17. CROSSMAN 10-17 BB 18. SAIGA AK 7.62 X 39 19. VEGA ARMS DIAMOND DOUBLE 20. PIONEER ARMS PPS 43 7.62 X 25 21. RUSSIAN AK PISTOL 7.64 X 39 22. ROMANIAN AK 47 5.45 X 39 23. ERIC AK 7.62 X 39 24. FNSCAR 308 25. ARMALITE AR 10 308 26. ARSENAL SLR 95 7.62 X 39 27. DPMS A-15 .223 28. ARSENAL SLR 105R 5.45 X 39 29. MARLIN ARMS 1895G 45-70 30. MARLIN ARMS 1895 LTD 45-70 31. SAIGA 12G 32. PALMETTO PA-15 .556 33. PARMIL ROMANIAN AK 5.45 X 39 34. PAW COMANDO .223 35. WINCHESTER MOD 74 22 SHORT 36. WINCHESTER MOD 61 .22 37. REMINGTON MOD 700 .308 38. WINCHESTER MOD 44 .22 SHORT 39. KRAG 1908 30-40CAL 40. MARLIN MOD 375 WIN 41. SPRINGFIELD KRAG 1896 30-40-CAL 42. REMINGTON 597 22 CAL 43. BENELLI 5-90 12G 44. REMINGTON 11-48 410 45. RUGER M-77 7.57 46. HK 91 308 47. RUGER CARBINE 44MAG 48. CARL GUSTAFS 6.5X55 49. WINCHESTER 74 22 SHORT 50. WINCHESTER 101 12G 51. BROWNING A-5 12G 52. CAA-AK 7.62X 39 53. WINCHESTER M-X150 50CAL ML 54. BROWNING M-2000 12G 55. CENTURY ARMS AK 7.62X 39 56. DOUBLE STAR 15 .223CAL 57. SAVAGE M 93 22 MAG 58. LLUNGMAN 6.5X55 59. COLT AR-15 A2 .223 60. NORINCO MAK-90 7.62X39 61. ROMANIAN AK 7.62X39 62. BROWNING BAR 338 WINCHESTER 63. BENELLI H&K SUPER 90 12G 64. BROWNING AUTO 22 65. PALMETO PA15 223 66. DAEWOO DR 200 223 67. REMINGTON 11-48 28G 68. SPRINGFIELD SAR 48 308 69. RUGER M77 257 ROBERTS 70. NORINCO AK 7.62X39 71. DIAMOND IMPERIAL O/U 12G 72. H&R TOPPER 12G 73. PTR 91 AK PISTOL 7.62X39 74. S&W MOD 27 357 MAG 75. S&W MOD 686 357 MAG 76. S&W MOD 242 38 CAL 77. S&W MOD 10 38 CAL 78. S&W MOD 29 44 MAG 79. S&W MOD 27 357 MAG 80. S&W MOD 29 44 MAG 81. TAURUS MOD 651 357 MAG 82. MAKAROV 9 X 18 M (BOLIVIAN) 83. PARAORDINANCE P-14 45 CAL 84. MAKAROV GERMAN 9X18 MM 85. GLOCK MOD 20 10MM 86. BROWNING HIGH POWER 9MM 87. MILL INC PINEY FLATTS TN 45/70 CAL 88. SATA 35 89. DAVIS O/U 38 CAL 90. RUGER OLD ARMY 45 CAL 91. S&W M-686 357 92. S&W M-19 357 93. S&W M-66 357 94. S&W M-60 357 95. BROWNING HIGH POWER 9MM(INGLIS) 96. S&W 686 357MAG 97. RUGER VAQUERO 45 98. TAURUS 357MAG 99. MILL PINEY FLATTS TN 410/45 100. NORINCO M-54 9X18 101. TAURUS M-327 102. PW ARMS 9X18 103. RUGER MARK 2 22CAL 104. S&W M-28 357 105. COLT 1911 45CAL 106. S&W BODYGUARD .380 107. COBRAY PM-9 9MM 108. CZ 52 7.62 109. GLOCK M-30 45CAL 110. TAURUS M-444 44MAG 111. SEG P-229 40CAL 112. EAA WITNESS 10MM 113. SHE68 FLARE GUN 114. 1942 US PROPERTY FLARE GUN 115. CHECH M-CZ-E2 9MM AS IS 116. RUGER SP101 327 FED 117. BARETTA 1942 380 118. SPRINGFIELD XD45 119. SPRINGFIELD 40 WIN 120. S&W MP45 121. N AMERICAN ARMS 22 MAG 122. TAURUS JUDGE 45-410 123. S&2 MP45 124. TAURUS M-727 327 FED 125. SPRINGFIELD XD 9MM 126. S&W 686 357M 127. SIG 226 9MM 128. GLOCK M21 10MM 129. TAURUS 557 357MAG 130. GLOCK 29 10MM 131. PARAORDINANCE P16 40CAL 132. GLOCK M22 40CAL For you who cannot medically wear a mask we offer absentee and phone bidding. Also by contacting us 24 hours before an auction we will have a face shield available.
Date: Saturday, November 28, 2020 Time:Noon ( Preview 11 am Barbara Frye Estate Auction Saturday November 28th Noon ( Preview 11 am) 266 Pamela Ct. Blountville Tn. This is a really nice local onsite estate auction that we were going to have in December but since we cancelled the Thanksgiving Saturday auction we have moved it up. Onsite auctions don't bother us much with the virus and social distancing is much easier, However you will be required to wear a mask at this auction anytime you are on the auction site. Plenty of room and we will all be in the beautiful East Tennessee open air. Bring a turkey sandwich because our concession will not be open. All items will be in the front yard and the driveway. This will be about a 90 minute auction. Partial listing: The best birds eye maple bedroom suite (ca. 1900) that we have ever seen in pristine condition, Two Victorian marble top walnut bedroom suites, fancy Victorian needlepoint fire screen, Edison cylinder player with a very large box of cylinders, Mahogany dinning room suite, Eastlake parlor suite, some oil paintings, oriental style carpets, oak sewing machine, spinning wheel, some crocks, Vintage coke tray, George Washington andirons, cast iron items, quilts, nice lots of vintage costume jewelry, country wash table, various kinds of glass, early Royal typewriter, basement full of unfinished furniture, and estate box lots .much more. Cash or Check 10% BP. No sales tax. Rain or shine. Our tent will be up. Kimball M Sterling Auctioneer #2476 For you who cannot medically wear a mask we offer absentee and phone bidding. Also by contacting us 24 hours before an auction we will have a face shield available.
Date: Saturday, November 21, 2020 Time:10 am ( Preview 9 am Estate of Robert Kelley Ward Coin Auction Saturday November 21, 10 am ( Preview 9 am) 125 west Market street Johnson CIty Tn Mask are required to attend this auction and chairs will be social distanced. We are a member ot the Tennessee Pledge group and CDC rules will apply. Hundreds of coins distributed into many small and large lots. Over 100 silver dollars, type coins, 18kt $150.00 Canadian coins, Silver American Liberty coins in original boxes, Commemorative silver coins, some bullion silver, Barber halves, partial silver quarter books, two mint bags of 1960 pennies, over 200 mint and proof sets ( some silver), some early 1960's sets, silver Lincoln-Buffalo-Edison coins, silver face lots, Bankers silver clock, Mint errors, large collection of pennies, many bag lots of assorted coins, and much more. This will be about a one hour auction due to the size of the lots. Cash or check 10% Buyers fee. No sales tax due to this being an estate. Preview 9 am 1. Seven com silver coins 2. 17 assort mint and proof sets 3. Bankers silver clock 4. 9 Morgan silver dollars 5. 5 Mint errors 6. 1890-O Morgan silver dollar 7. 4 Lincoln 90% silver dollars 8. 4 Lincoln 90% silver dollars 9. 3 American eagle proof coins 10. 7.50 face silver halves 11. 93.00 face clad silver 12. 18 American eagle dollars 13. Vinyl book with assort type coins 14. Canadian 18 kt 150.00 gold piece 15. Canadian 18 kt 150.00 gold piece 16. Partial set of silver quarters 15.00 face 17. 13 silver proof sets 18. 5 US com coins, Edison etc 19. 20 assort Morgan and Peace dollars 20. 2 proof silver eagles 21. 20 Morgan silver dollars 22. 14 assort silver halves including seated, barber, liberty etc 23. 20 Morgan silver dollars 24. 20 assort Morgan dollars 25. 10.00 face Kennedy and Franklin halves 26. 9 Franklin halves 27. 13 assort Morgan and Peace dollars 28. 9 Ike dollars in orig brown boxes 29. 4 proof sets, 1 eagle proof, 1942 Jefferson nickel 30. Silver com. 2 marines, 2 buffalos 31. 1936 bu quarter and 90 cents face silver 32. 5 dollar face silver in dimes 33. 3 silver proof sets, 94, 95,97 34. Opened mint bag of 1960’s pennies 35. Mint locked bag of 1960’s pennies 36. 11.50 face silver with other non face 37. 4.60 face silver 38. 5 1960 era mint and proof set 39. 20 balboas Panama large silver coin 40. Assort silver and coin lot, Jefferson nickels and birth sets 41. Assort com silver etc lot 42. Assort com silver etc lot 43. Binder of 11 barber quarters, 15 clad halves and other coins 44. Assort coin lot 45. Assort coin lot 46. Assort coin lot 47. Assort coin lot 48. Assort coin lot 49. Assort coin lot 50. Assort coin lot 51. Assort coin lot 52. Assort coin lot 53. Assort coin lot 54. Large lot various mint and proof sets, over 35 pcs 55. Over 17 assort mint sets 56. Assort lot including mint sets and other collectible coins 57. Bag lot of steel pennies, Roos dimes, Ike dollars etc 58. 42.00 face memorial and wheat pennies 59. Large box lot of over 50 mint and proof sets 60. Large box lot of over 50 mint and proof sets
Date: Saturday, October 17, 2020 Time:10:00 am Eastern ( P James Summers Estate Auction Large tool collection,planes,autos and various shop equipment Saturday October 17th 10:00 am ( Preview 9 am) Hawkins County Tennessee Airport 675 Main Street Surgoinsville, Tennessee 37873 Aircraft update Thursday: The Mechanic has finished annuals on the L 3 and the Champ and Piper .The airplane and engine log books are located at the bottom of this page. T Here are the AP reports: N47474 Aeronca L3B I found this aircraft to be in good mechanical condition. The fabric appears to be in good condition, spars, ribs and structure are clean and in good condition. Control cables, pullies and fairleads good and cable tension is proper. Control surfaces are straight and are properly adjusted. Tires show some signs of dry rot but is minor, oleo struts are ok. The engine has good compression in all cylinders, oil leaks are minor. The engine runup was good, oil pressure was within limits, static power was within limits. This aircraft in my opinion will make someone a very nice aircraft and with proper care will be a joy to fly for a numbers of years to come. Joe Brooks N84525 Aeronca 7AC Champ I found this aircraft to be in good mechanical condition. The fabric appears to be in good condition, spars, ribs and structure are clean and in good condition. Control cables, pullies and fairleads good and cable tension is proper. Control surfaces are straight and are properly adjusted. Tires show some signs of dry rot but is minor, oleo struts are ok. The engine has good compression in all cylinders, oil leaks are minor. The engine runup was good, oil pressure was within limits, static power was within limits. This aircraft in my opinion will make someone a very nice aircraft and with proper care will be a joy to fly for a numbers of years to come. Joe Brooks N83845 Piper J4A Cub I found this aircraft to be in good mechanical condition. The fabric appears to be in good condition, spars, ribs and structure are clean and in good condition. Control cables, pullies and fairleads good and cable tension is proper. Control surfaces are straight and are properly adjusted. Tires are good, oleo struts are ok. The engine has good compression in all cylinders, oil leaks are minor. The engine runup was good, oil pressure was within limits, static power was within limits. This aircraft in my opinion will make someone a very nice aircraft and with proper care will be a joy to fly for a numbers of years to come. Joe Brooks July 31,2024 is the end date(paid up date) to the hanger the Piper is located in. We will auction it subject to confirmation of the airport commission. All items belonging to the estate will sell to the highest bidder.This auction will consist of three of his planes. A 1941 L-3 Aeronca painted with Army green and insignias, A 1940 Piper Cub Coupe J4-A and a 1946 Aeronca 7ac Champ , (The estate executor is now do the annuals. This is the estate of James Summers. A local flying legend to many ,who was killed when he crashed his Ercoupe 415-CD on May 15 ,2020 ( you can google his name the crash and find the details) by clipping some trees near the runway at Hawkins County airport at the age of 83. There is no reserve and we are doing annuals on the planes and we expect to have those done by sale day), 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk( this car will need some work however it will start), 1963 Volvo 1800 Model 498(vin.P18DO4980), and two other usable vehicles, large group of tools and aeronautical parts and pieces, shop equipment, tool boxes and tools , desk, airplane prints, propellers and place parts for restaurant decoration, A pair of Mid-Century Style molded hand chairs, fans, mowers and much more. Plane Buyers- These planes are being sold to the highest bidder the morning of the auction. The three planes have been in three hangers for the past three years being not flown. We are getting annuals done on each plane. High bidder can take their plane with them if they trust them to fly or the Hawkins County airport offers tie downs ( and maybe hanger space- feel free to contact them). All paperwork that we have found in the estate will be available on the Friday preview. You are buying the planes as is where is with no warranty. Fly at your own risk. In some of the photos the tires are flat. We will air those up before the auction. For the plane buyers we will have a private preview Friday from 11 am till 3. If you would like to drive in or fly in feel free. We will have the planes out for you to see and investigate with all the paperwork that we have. Mr. Summers flew his Arcoupe the last three years of his life and the other planes sit in the hangers. If the annuals check out we hope to have a pilot fly the planes the day of the auction. Nothing else will be previewed the Friday before the auction. Only planes. We are not airplane dealers but auctioneers. I know you would expect more from a private seller but we are doing what we cane do. These planes are going to sell and I m sure it would be worth a trip to Tennessee if you are looking for a plane. The Street Rod and 2007 42' Gulfstream Tourmaster are not part of the estate. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. No sale tax on smaller items due to the Tennessee one time sale law.Online bidders will pay a 15% bp. Rain or shine this auction will take place. Phone and absentee bidding available. Must call at least 24 hours before the auction. 423-773-4073. If we can answer any questions for you please email us kimballsterling@earthlink.net Also to be sold the same day and not part of the estate is the following two items which will be sold with reserve. But very very motivated sellers. 1929 Ford model A four door Street Rod, fiberglass fenders. small Chevy 327( the owner thinks) Turbo 350 trans with a 3.71 rear end, Crager mags,trunk rack, front power disc brakes and rear drums. Very nice condition kept in the hanger next to Mr. Summers by the owner. Paint is great and this car is ready for the street. 2007 Gulfstream Tourmaster 40-a- RV. This home is like the Ritz Carlton and has less than 60k miles, king size suit in the rear with full bath, regular size refrigerator, new washer and dryer, solid surface counters, lots of storage, 330 Mercedes engine, Allison transmission, three slide outs, plenty of under storage, custom paint and much more. Two leather sofas that fold out for beds, custom blinds etc. Brochure: https://www.rvroundtable.com/wp-content/uploads/Gulfstream-1/2007/2007.TourMasterWeb.pdf Fly in Info- https://www.airnav.com/airport/KRVN Aircraft and engine log books for L-3: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/N47474.pdf Aircraft and engine logs on Champ: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/N84525.pdf Aircraft and engine logs on Piper: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/N83845.pdf Rogersville Tennessee would be the closest place to stay. ( about 10 Minutes from sale) Comfort Inn & Suites 2-star hotel 128 James Richardson Ln, Rogersville, TN 37857•(423) 272-8700 There are however many motels in Kingsport, Tennessee which is about 23 miles away
Date: Saturday, October 10, 2020 Time:11 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/cane-auction--world-class-5622. Single Owner World Class Cane auction Live Internet, phone and absentee bidding. Saturday October 10th 11am Eastern This is a great collection. Everything in this sale is in superb condition. You can "go to the bank" with anything in this auction. Fine jewelry canes, swords and dagger, many fine gold examples, folk art and much more. Kimball Sterling 423-773-4073 or kimballsterling@earthlink.net Cash or check 23%buyers fee. Check catalogue link for a. Details. https://we.tl/t-tXmRLZ2XMx?src=dnl
Date: Saturday, September 26, 2020 Time:10:00 am Eastern ( P Jimmy Grover Bassett Estate Saturday Sept. 26, 10 am ( preview 9 am) 327 Crawford Hollow Rd. Fall Branch , Tennessee 37656 Mask are required to attend this auction. 2009 Miata, very large modern Moose mount, Upscale Furnishing,Two Honda Atvs, Polaris Atv, Artic Cat,2003 Massey Mod- 1429-4 Tractor, repro percussion rifle with powder horns, group of various ammo, big group of Christmas ,1466 loader for the tractor, group of vintage outboard motors, canoe, large group of dolls. upscale used furniture and modern flat screen TVs, bows, military collectibles, swords and knives,military toys,sharks teeth, crystals and geodes, lots of army surplus Modern Samsung front load washer and dryer, utility trailer, lots of fishing gear, flight helmets,, lots of holsters African mounts, great camping gear with many lanterns, tools, some building material,and much more.We will post more photos the week before the auction and add to the list. There is a large group of items at this estate and a variety. Cash or check, 10% buyers fee and no sales tax. Directions to sale. Take Fall Branch exit from interstate 81 and drive through the village (Tn 93) to you see an mechanics shop at the bottom of the bluff then turn left on the old Baileyton highway. Take that highway till you reach Oak Glenn Circle and turn right, take that road till you see a Sterling Auction arrow where you will turn right. Follow Crawford Hollow till you reach #327 ( there will be two brick columns), turn through the brick columns and take your first left around the pond and find yourself a parking spot on the left. Please park responsible so we can have enough room.Crawford Hollow road is a very narrow road.
Date: Sunday, September 6, 2020 Time:2:00 Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-cane-auction-5486 Antique Cane Auction Live Internet, phone and absentee bidding. Sunday Sept.6th 2 pm Fine canes from three collections. Cash or check 23%buyers fee. Check catalogue link for a. Details.
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2020 Time:2:00 Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/fine-estate-jewelry-5390 Estate Jewelry Auction Sunday August 16th , 2:00 pm Preview Saturday 10:00 am till Noon and Noon day of sale. This auction will take about one hour. Mask are required to enter the building. 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 In-house, phone and internet bidding. Large Diamonds- two rings have over three carats solitaires, Garnets, Aquamarine, Rodilite , Pearls, jade, Engagement sets, 1 Carat diamonds, Black face Accutron wrist watch, Gold cameo, Diamond stick pen, earrings, 10 carat diamond and sapphire bracelet, Opal bracelet, Fancy gold and diamond necklaces, Amethyst and pearl bracelet , Men's stone rings, fine costume jewelry and much more. Cash or check 15% buyers fee. all lots have professional appraisals from GemCorp in Atlanta ,Ga. GemCorp is the best well known appraisal group in America. Kimball took the estate to Atlanta personally and sit there for 6.5 hours as the evaluation was done. The major lots have appraisal folders and will accompany the purchases.
Date: Saturday, August 1, 2020 Time:10 am Sonja Fox Absolute Estate Auction Saturday August 1st 10 am ( Preview 9 am) 2912 Newbern St. ( Off Plantation drive in Greenwood Dr. area) Johnson City, Tn. Sonja was a very well know real estate broker for many years and this area. Her home is packed full of nice antiques, collectibles, and upscale used furniture which is all in very fine condition. If you are looking for quality and condition this is your sale to attend Partial listing- Two very nice curved glass oak china cabinets, Victorian marble top table. Walnut high gentleman's chest, oak dressers and wash stands, depression glass and fine,china,exception antique safe,Mission style contemporary furniture, leather den furniture, depression bedroom and dinning suite, slag glass lamp, Eastlake parlor furniture, books, fancy stick and ball walnut Victorian Cheval mirror on stand,two Wolfe Brothers two drawer stands, ships model, good trunks, large group of vintage hats, needlepoint chairs, mahogany corner cupboard and desk, library table, collection of purple glass and Victorian glass, Victrola, oak sewing machine, nice Provincial sofa and center table, plus a large lot of Holiday decorations and box lots. All of this and much more. Cash or check 10% buyers fee and no sales tax due to this being a complete estate. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Covad Policy- Chairs will be social distanced under the tent and all people must wear mask to enter the house for preview.
Date: Saturday, July 18, 2020 Time:10:00 am Eastern Roger Babb Living Estate Auction 1533 Burgie Street Elizabethton, Tn. 37643 Fine real estate and a houseful of antiques and collectibles, furniture, great yard art, Custom built playhouse ( you have to see this to believe it)comic books, baseball cards, fine china and glass,cylinder phonograph, great costume jewelry, oak furniture, cast iron porch furniture, leather style sofa, French style vanity, kitchen collectibles, Trucking company service items, records, jewelry cabinets, prints and mirrors, fine china and glass, Nice depression bedroom suit, many attic treasures, box lots, early metal medical cabinet, and much more. Kimball M Sterling, Inc & Bart Long and Associates Personal Property by Kimball Sterling Principal auctioneer # 2476 Cash or check 10% Buyers fee. Preview 9 am Real estate by Bart Long Principal auctioneer #6163 Details house and terms at : https://www.bartlongauctions.com/ Covid notice- We are members of the Tennessee Covid Pledge. Social distancing is required, Please wear a mask when you cannot distance. Chairs will be placed at a social distance.
Date: Saturday, July 11, 2020 Time:10 am Reece Street Estate Auction 10 am ( Preview 9 am) Sat.July 11th 239 South Mohawk Street Erwin, Tn. 37650 Notice: No Friday night auction just Sat. This is a large collection of super items. Plan to attend this auction. We will add photos as we get to different areas of the home. Reece had been an avid collector of just about anything good throughout his life and a very active trader. His collection will include over 500 pocket knives, Clinchfield and other RR locks (over 100) watches, cuckoo clocks, antique clocks , local pottery , Blue Ridge and Cash Family, Swords, some furniture, BB guns, Zippos,musical instruments, vintage travel and alarm,clocks, coins,silver, local collectibles, some furniture, watch making tools , some antique pistols, ammo, and much more. Large hydraulic jack used by RR, Terms-Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Sales tax will not be charged. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Covid notice- We are members of the Tennessee Covid Pledge. Social distancing is required, Please wear a mask when you cannot distance. Chairs will be placed at a social distance.
Date: Sunday, June 28, 2020 Time:Various closing This will be a timed auction which will last 9 days. Terms, conditions, and catalogue at the following link. https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-canes-5232 Timed auction of various canes. This is a nine day auction. Click the link below for terms and catalog https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-canes-5232
Date: Saturday, June 27, 2020 Time:10:00 am ( preview 9 Great collection of Furniture, Country store and Great Antique smalls Saturday June 27th 10 am Onsite Auction. Items must be removed by Sunday at 2:00 100 West Elk Av. Elizabethton, Tn Over 600 items "Bring your trucks and your trailer, more here than meets the eye" Carter County Tn. Pie safe, large French wardrobe, kitchen cabinets, 313 National brass cash register, all types of glass and china,about 8 primitive cupboards, Massive plantation gold leaf mirror, best country store counter ever, many antique filling cabinets, Gas pump with globe, great country store display cabinets, Seeburg 200 play juke box, oak bank tellers counter, Oak post office,vintage working refrigerators, primitives, Flang Stamp sign, nice architectural items, Oak display cabinets, Tin signs, quilts, vintage ridding toys, Original hanging wall cupboard with great paint, 1950-60 half circle booth with table,depression glass, kitchen collectibles, upscale Christmas items such as a collection of blow molds, silver-plate, collection of counter scales, store coffee grinder, and much more. Country baskets and barrels,country benches, collection of snow sleds including a 6 person wood early toboggan, trunks, We will add to this listing week of sale and add many more photos. Cash or check 10% buyers fee We will open the Sunday after the auction for pickup from 10:00 am till 2 pm. and also after the auction. No exceptions
Date: Sunday, May 31, 2020 Time:1:00 Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-cane-collections-auction-5155 Antique Cane Auction Sunday May 31th , 1:00 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Online-Absentee and Phone bidding only Three private collections, over 100 canes, plus a few selective consignments including gun and sword canes., collection of gold and gold-filled dress canes, folk-art, fine silver collection including nude figurals,system canes, dress and country canes, a rare cased salesman sample with multiple handles. plus much more. Cash or check 23% buyers fee. By appointment only before the auction . An Internet catalogue will appear on this site about 10 days before the auction. Our provider for this auction will be bidsquare.com. There is an absentee and phone bidding form on the main page of our website auctionauction.com. If you would like to phone bid or leave an absentee bid please fill out the form and email it or fax it to 423 928 2816 or give us a call at 423 773 4073 ( that number is also good for text)
Date: Saturday, May 2, 2020 Time:10:30 Virus Rules for this auction. We have taken the Tennessee Pledge to help protect both the bidders and our employees. If you can't remember these please print them out. If you break a rules you will be warned but the second time you will be told to leave. As we all know this virus is serious. No one will be admitted to the house unless you have a mouth covering or mask. We will have surgical mask available for 2.00 and face shields for 10.00. If you have been around anyone who has been sick or you have a temperature over 100.2 please do not attend. You may call us with absentee bids 423-773-4073 or email kimballsterling@earthlink.net by 9 am morning of the auction. Only a small group will be allowed in the house for preview at a time. Social distancing will be in effect and you might be called down for it.. Make yourself aware. After a small item is sold you will come up front and get it yourself.. House will be wiped down good before the auction. Please try to get your bathroom business over with before the auction. Bathrooms will be only available for emergency use. Chairs will be in a stack in the front of the house. You will get your own chair and place it in the hilly yard at least a 8 foot distance from another bidder. Only we can prevent the spread of this virus and the rules might be the new normal for months to come. Sale Schedule Smalls will sell first then furniture.( we might slip a piece of furniture in every now and then) Piano will sell at 11:00 ( it is in the basement and has to be moved by Tuesday at 5:00. Tools in basement at 12:30 ( lots of good wood working tools). There is other stuff in the basement that will sell after the tools and the main auction ends. We will segregate the bidders as we sell those items. If you buy furniture and cannot haul it we will have the house open from 1 until 2 on Sunday. You will have to bring someone to help you load. If you can't attend and want to phone or absent bid please notify us ,kimballsterling@earthlink.net at least 24 hours before the auction. Harry Powell Living Estate (This Auction has a new date) May 2nd 10:30 am 417 Shade Tree Lane (Strawberry Fields Subdivision) Johnson City,Tn Mr. Powell has decided to downsize and has contracted us to auction the contents of the home. He is well known in the community as a Boy Scout leader, professor at ETSU and a friend to many. Partial Listing- Sets of sterling flatware-12 place setting and an 8 place setting of King Edward with serving pcs., 8 place setting of International 1810 with serving pieces, Sterling Tea service with sterling tray, set of Kitchen Kraft cookware ,large collection of sterling napkin rings, Cool costume and better jewelry-Stuart Nye- Art Deco, Native American, de Matteo sterling pin-Cameos and more, Steinway upright studio piano, very fine china and glassware,Ethnic jewelry, large group of Boy Scout patches-uniforms- Order of the Arrow-books and collectibles ,King Edward odd serving pieces,Early set of Meissen candle holders( as is some breaks and broken leaves),Roseville vase, Special police badge, some repousse sterling, large set of Teardrop glassware,Bybee pottery,Sterling wine goblets,upscale furniture, Fine bedroom ,Coins , cut glass, dinning and living room furniture. vintage woman's accessories, Boy Scout uniforms, Coke thermometer, Pepsin Gum store jar, art, Martha Washington sewing cabinet, Hummels,Fine art, Large collection of blown cranberry ornaments, Wood working shop, books, good quilts, drop leaf table, Mahogany china cabinets, tools, spinet desk. some antique dolls, sterling holloware, carpets,cedar chest, brides basket, some depression glass, Elegant glassware, porcelain collectibles, studio pottery. large German bisque doll. homespun coverlets and much more. Much more here than meets the eye. Rain or shine ....Our tent will be up. Cash or check, 10% BP.
Date: Saturday, February 29, 2020 Time:10:30 am Ralph Van Brocklin Estate Saturday February 29th 10:30 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tn 37604 The sale will include Rare Addington Pottery crock, porcelain Pepper Ky whiskey sign, local Tennessee and adjacent states bottles and areas throughout the country, trade and post cards, advertising, openers, and much more. Store ledgers, City directories,over 100 early advertising shot glasses, crocks, advertising pamphlets, Mini Jugs and more We will sell about 250-300 items by list then it will be grab and go on many more items. Be here for the surprises. Over 500 bottles. The sales list. we will sell many items after the list Which are not cataloged. 1 Bristol Virginia shot glasses including Southern Wine, Miller and Heller Brothers 2 Bristol Virginia shot glasses including Clinchfield, Dyers and Clinchfield 3 Bristol Virginia shot glasses including Bristol Dist, Gouge and Bryan 4 Bristol Virginia two shot glasses, Hessberg and Bristol Dist 5 Bristol Virginia Shot glasses, Victor Liver Syrup(3), Buntings and Son 6 Shot glass MP Dyer and Co. Bristol and Johnson City, white oil liniment bottle 7 Parx and Hendrix drug store, Greenville TN 8 Chattanooga shot glasses, a lot of ten, Alsodrooks, Ole mont=day, Fletch Catron, EB Gibson, Alsobrook Rye, Puliker,Hancock Rye, CD Cheatham, White Oak, Merry Christmas Chattanooga Dis. 9 Chattanooga shot glasses, Glendales Race King Rye, Detrich, Wakemans, Supreme Court Whiskey, Gibson(3), White Oak, Star(2), 10 Chattanooga shot glasses, Alsobrook(2), White Oak, Rose(2), Detirck, Dotson-Evans, Scott Price, Is Good Enough, Silver Hill, Will Lea and Co 11 Chattanooga shot glasses, White Oak, Wakeman, Gold Eagle, Livingston Thompson, Scott Price, RH Cate, Tennessee Club, Tennessee, Yellow Seal, Rice Bros. 12 Twelve Chattanooga glasses, Star(2), National, Cheatham, Detrick, Grainger, Lebron Jewelers, McCarty, Alsobrook, Kaufman Brothers metal thimble, Ole Scott, White Oak 13 Memphis 13 piece shot glass lot, Raynor, Purity, Old Modoc, Golden Age, Central(3), Ripley, Garrett, Cream of Still, Old Dominick, Old Oliver, DRS 14 Ten assorted shot glasses 15 Ten assorted shot glasses 16 Five Nashville shot glasses, Greenbrier(2), Hooper Grocery, Waggoner, Lee and Harper 17 Five assorted Nashville glasses, Hooper Bros, Hermitage Distilling co, Greenbrier, Tennessee Dist, Cascade 18 Six Nashville shot glasses, Marble Springs, Hooper Bros, Cascade, S Hartman, Painter, Hotel Tulane 19 Seven assorted shot glasses 20 Mini Jug, Sam Harris Shawnee OK 21 Mini Jug, Millers Oldest Corn Bristol VA 22 Mini Jug, J Brooks, Cleveland OH 23 Mini Jug, LC Jackson Florence TX 24 Mini Jug, Wendorf and Vaughn, Portland OR 25 Mini Jug, CF Swayze Pittsburg TX 26 Mini Jug, David Gregg, Luling TX 27 Mini Jug, Geo. Schaefer Albany MN 28 Mini Jug, RM Turner, Spokane WA 29 Mini Jug, Martin Lynch Pleasant Valley Bristol VA 30 Mini Jug, JL Lee Wichita TX 31 Mini Jug, WG Overhiser Syracuse NY 32 Mini Jug, Old Joe-WJ Smith Lexington KY 33 Mini Jug, BNG John Hopkins Rye 34 Mini Jug Hersh Bros Vinegar and Cider Louisville KY 35 Mini Jug, AM Storr, Scranton PA 36 Mini Jug, Carson and Bender, Scranton PA 37 Mini Jug, WR Toomb, PA 38 Mini Jug, Morris Wilmington NC 39 Mini Jug, Lee Scoton PA 40 Mini Jug, WR Toomb, PA 41 Mini Jug, BH Overpeck PA 42 Mini Jug, Freiberg and Kahn Cinn, OH 43 Mini jug, Father Marquette, Cinn OH 44 Mini Jug, IW Harper KY 45 Lot of Three mini jugs, Merry Christmas 1939 and 1942, GW Pease 46 Lot of four mini jugs, Continental Whiskey, EG Wilson-OH, LH Vegan-Allentown, Ole Rye Jug 47 Lot of 5 Oregon complimentary mini jugs 48 Lot of 5 Oregon complimentary mini jugs 49 Lot of seven Oklahoma Territory mini jugs, scratched 50 Lot of four Oklahoma, Holloway, Benson, Laughlin, Hirzel mini jugs 51 Three Oregon mini jugs, complimentary 52 Ten mini complimentary jugs from various establishments, Washington State 53 Five Washington mini jugs, Smith and McGurk, Hooker, Wilson (Spokane)- Hanson and Harotie-Tacoma, Goldthorps Gro. -Everette 54 Five Spokane mini jugs, Rice, Ebert Gro, Gilbert and Pace, WM Hall and Co, Exchange Gro 55 Mini jug, Old International Whisky, Spokane WA 56 Three motto mini jugs, Detrick Dayton OH 57 Four motto mini jugs, Detrick Dayton OH 58 Three motto mini jugs, Detrick Dayton OH 59 Two Detrick Rye Whiskey mini jugs 60 Four Johnson city embossed bottles 61 Five assorted embossed Nashville TN bottles 62 Three assorted embossed Knoxville TN bottles 63 Assorted box of bottles 64 Five mini jugs, Jones Bros, Sam John for Political Office, Carmeta Cider, Peter Anderson "Ark", Partridge and Blackwell 65 Two B&H John Hopkins mini jugs 66 One Nashville TN mini jug, Tn Distilling 67 Uba TN mini jug 68 Complimentary mini jug-Walker, Warner TN 69 Complimentary mini jug, Stafford, Dresden TN 70 Complimentary mini jug, Collins Bros, Spring City-possibly TN 71 W A Fincannon and CO., Bristol TN mini jug 72 W A Fincannon and Co., Bristol TN mini jug 73 Old Paducah Club Whiskey, J B Foote Whiteville, TN 74 Two Ozark, Memphis mini vinegar jugs 75 Complimentary jug of JR Woodard, Dry Hill TN 76 Four piece assorted lot of various mini jugs,Day and Bailey Memphis,B and H Peabody Memphis, Ellis Jones Drugs Memphis, Phoenix Club Monheimer and Co, Chicago 77 Scratch mini jug, EJ Brumley, Greenville TN 78 Two piece scratch mini jug lot,Both Pure Ozark vinegar jug (PHM), Memphis TN 79 Scratch mini jug, Murdock Bros, Jackson TN 80 Complimentary scratch mini jug of JH Hefloy, Trenton TN 81 Scratch complimentarymini jug of JT Ingram, Oliver TN 82 Scratch complimentary mini, jug , H Hengel, Sherman Heights TN 83 Scratch mini jug, JP Sherrill and Son, Nashville TN 84 Scratch larger mini jug by MA Jacobs, Lexington TN 85 Scratch earthenware mini jug, International Sour Mash, EARLY jug 86 Lot of Three mini jugs, three scratch and one regular jug, PA 87 Porcelain Pepper Distillery Sign, Lexington KY 88 Three piece advertising tray lot 89 Bristol VA embossed Clinchfield whiskey quart bottle also with a paper label 90 Four embossed Heller Bros quart bottles 91 Watauga Valley corn whiskey embossed bottle, Bristol VA 92 Happy Valley corn whiskey bottle, Bristol VA-TN 93 Clinchport embossed MP Dyer, Bristol VA quart bottle 94 TN BRG and Co, embossed quart bottle 95 Cherokee Martin Lynch embossed Bristol VA-TN quart bottle 96 Heller Bros embossed quart bottle, Bristol VA 97 Twelve porcelain advertising and calendar plates from various regions 98 Red ware crock 99 Washington County TN Flower pot crock with cobalt decoration 100 Local one gallon crock 101 Wooden mortar and pestle 102 Nashville TN Old Jug Jager pottery beer bottle 103 Salem Glass Works safety quart jar 104 Binder, almanacs and other paper catalogs 105 Collection of trade cards 106 Postcard album 107 Postcard album 108 Postcard album 109 Postcard album including many Santa Clauses 110 Standard Atlas of Umatilla County Oregon 1914 111 Budweiser "The Father of Waters" Indian print 112 Farrars Saspirilla Bristol TN embossed bottle 113 Chattanooga, Josephs Gonorrhea embossed bottle with paper label 114 Eight Blob Top Memphis TN embossed bottles 115 Fifteen embossed Memphis TN bottles 116 Nineteen embossed Memphis Tennessee bottles 117 Twenty-one Johnson city embossed druggist bottles 118 Twenty-one Johnson city embossed druggist bottles 119 Assorted bottle lot 120 Box lot of airport liquor bottles 121 Twenty-one assorted bottles including one Johnson City 122 Salt glazed canteen 123 Dr Eanhorst Jonesboro TN embossed bottle 124 Assorted box lot of tins and small advertising items 125 One gallon local crock 126 Oertel tip tray 127 Box of five California identical Claret wine bottles 128 William Gurst Brewing Co, embossed, Nashville TN 129 Two boxes of miniature airport whiskey bottles 130 Twenty seven Tennessee historical publications and Tennessee ancestors publications 131 Twenty six books from the East Tennessee Historical Society collection 132 Box lot of bottles including one with what appears to be a Bristol label 133 Box lot of assorted books including a US Fishery book 134 Four boxes of Marion VA photos 135 Box of insulators 136 Box of seven early crystal Tom and Jerry cups 137 Tennessee drug bottle collection 138 Assorted box lot of bottles and advertising items 139 Tennessee Homecoming medal 140 Knoxville Embossed Pepsi bottle 141 Box lot of Tennessee embossed soda bottles 142 Embossed Crockett Bros bottle, Johnson City TN 143 Two Bay Rum Johnson City bottles with paper label 144 Embossed with paper label East Tennessee Medicine castor oil, Johnson city and Jonesboro 145 Six Johnson City bottles 146 Six Johnson City bottles 147 Kingsport TN Pepsi bottle 148 Box of four Kingsport TN embossed bottles 149 Wampoles Cod Liver wood box 150 Patterson Red Seal Tobacco lunch pail tin 151 Assorted box of advertising items 152 Warners Diabetes Cure embossed amber bottle 153 Pair of Warners Kidney Remedy, embossed amber bottle 154 Assorted box of embossed amber and clear bottles 155 Assorted box of Memphis patent bottles 156 Andrews amber sarsaparilla embossed bottle with partial paper label, Bristol TN 157 Garrens Tonic paper label with box, Erwin TN 158 Two amber flasks one being a Union with handshakes and other being an eagle 159 Assorted bag lot of smaller advertising items including openers and corkscrews 160 Assorted lot of bottles and a few other items 161 Steamworks embossed bottle, Bristol TN 162 Amber Johnson City Coca-Cola bottle 163 Two Johnson City Bottling Works bottles 164 Amber paper label Johnson City TN 7up bottle 165 Steamworks amber embossed bottle, Bristol TN 166 Gerstle Bluff City Tn embossed aqua bottle 167 Pair of Warners Kidney Remedy, embossed amber bottle 168 Embossed Gerstle druggist aqua bottle, Bluff City TN 169 Box lot of bottle including Chattanooga, Knoxville and Memphis 170 Assorted box lot of twelve embossed bottles 171 Assorted box lot embossed bitters and druggist bottles 172 Assorted box lot of embossed soda and drug bottles 173 Assorted box lot of nine Nashville TN liquor and soda bottles 174 Box lot of ten assorted amber whiskey bottles 175 Assorted box lot of bottles 176 Assorted box lot of bottles 177 Assorted box lot of Johnson City, Memphis, Chattanooga etc soda bottles 178 Box lot of plain flasks 179 Assorted box lot of early bottles 180 Assorted box lot of various bottles 181 Assorted box lot of quart colored whiskey bottles 182 Ten embossed Memphis TN soda bottles 183 Box of twelve Memphis soda bottles 184 Assorted box lot of various bottles 185 Assorted box lot of various bottles 186 Assorted box lot of various bottles 187 Spring Elixir bottle, bright luster 188 Amber Schiedman Schnapps bottle 189 Ump darker blue Memphis soda bottle 190 Schlitz amber beer bottle, Charleston SC 191 Aqua embossed Memphis Pepsi Cola bottle 192 Four Mason jars 193 Box lot of Bristol items 194 Large ox lot of miniature whisky bottles 195 Ten Assorted Etched Shot glasses 196 Ten assorted etched hot glasses 197 Ten assorted etched hot glasses 198 Ten Assorted Etched Shot glasses 199 Seven assorted etched hot glasses 200 Nine California etched hot glasses 201 Five etched glasses -Tennessee assorted 202 Amber Johnson City Coca-Cola bottle 203 Memphis Aqua Pepsi bottle 204 Memphis Gay amber soda bottle 205 Two amber Memphis Coke bottles 206 Aqua Memphis Pepsi bottle 207 Tenn. Cola aqua bottle Knoxville, Tennessee 208 Four Pieces- Amber- Three Beeckers and one Indianapolis Brewing Co. 209 Campbellsville, KY amber Coke bottle 210 A Pan-American Exposition shot glass in original case 211 Amber St. Andrews embossed wine bottle, Bristol. 212 Johnson City O'Donnels half pint paper label whiskey bottle 213 Johnson City Club pint bottle paper label, M. Dyer 214 Johnson City Embossed M. Dyer rye bottle 215 Johnson City Embossed M. Dyer rye bottle 216 Peterman Paper Label Johnson City Bottle 217 A Greeneville, TN H.W. Harper Sour Mash pint bottle 218 Bristol, Tennessee paper label embossed bottle for sasaparilla 219 A Greeneville, TN embossed and paper labeled Ramon's Tonic in original box 220 Eighteen Memphis and Dyersburg, Tennessee aqua blob top soda bottles 221 Three assorted luster bottles 222 An Underwood Inks cobalt bottle 223 Raspiller Amber Brewing bottle with eagle embossed- West Berkley 224 Jenkins Chemist Louisville, KY aqua bottle 225 Nashville TN Greenhalge Hair Restorer embossed aqua bottle 226 Goochs Sasparilla aqua embossed bottle, Cinn. 227 48 Assorted medicine bottles mostly Memphis, most are embossed 228 Memphis aqua embossed soda bottles, 3 Hargan, J H Kump 229 A Cobalt M. McCormick Nashville, TN soda bottle 230 A cobalt M. McCormick Nashville, TN soda bottle 231 A cobalt M. McCormick Nashville, TN soda bottle 232 Ottenville Blue Nashville, Tennessee soda bottle 233 Belfast aqua Ginger saddle bottle 234 Anheiser Busch amber beer bottle 235 Assorted box of bottles 236 Pottery one quart storage jar 237 A Michigan Bar Adding ton signed crock 238 T.R. COEIELD one gallon jug with major crack 239 Clay face jug with marble eyes 240 Arnhem Liq. Co. one gallon glass jug Roanoke. VA. 241 Roanoke Wine and Liquor Co. embossed one gallon jug 242 Gorman Co. Roanoke one gallon glass jug 243 Aronhime Liq. Co. half gallon embossed Roanoke whisky jug 244 Assorted box lot of script and various other items 245 Box lot of advertising mirrors etc. 246 Misc. lot of advertising, pipes etc 247 Late 18th Century horn and brass traveling shot glass 248 Collection of 12 aqua druggist bottles 249 Six assorted embossed druggist bottles 250 Box of glass negatives 251 Assorted box Lot of paper items 252 Assorted box lot of paper items 253 Assorted box lot of paper items, cigarette cards 254 Assorted box lot of bottles and medicines, poison bottles 255 Two early bitter bottles 256 Two early bitter bottles 257 1904 Bristol Courier Supplement 258 Bristol Meal bag and A Bristol Corn bag 259 St Paul Minn. Jonhstreet Wine and Brandy Co 260 Three South Dakota mini jugs, Siolie & Rasmussen, Bradley-Hurley Beehive, Spratt Bros(Aberdene) 261 Three South Dakota mini jugs, Richards & Shultz(Iroquis), Howe-Garretson, Haugen- (Brookings) 262 Two South Dakota mini jugs, Jensen (Willmott), Wiley (Harrold), 263 Two South Dakota mini jugs, Townsend & Hill (Britton), Homedew (Redfield) 264 Two South Dakota mini jugs, Phillips and Waltz, (Brookings)- Payne (Lily) 265 Two South Dakota mini jugs, Our Home Store (Canastota), EC Toy (Andover) 266 Three South Dakota mini jugs, Grover(Hartford), Sieman (Westport), Stavig Bros.(Sisseton) 267 Two South Dakota mini jugs, Haley and Singer South-( Winifred), Sundstrom and Sundstrom-(Beresford) 268 Two South Dakota mini jugs, Smith and Reed-(Artesian), Gilruth-(Watertown) 269 Two South Dakota mini jugs, Christianson-(Vilas), Babb and Babb-(Wakonda) 270 Charlotte NC Ryland and Gresham scratch mini jug 271 Nashville TN JT Doores mini jug 272 Louisville KY Hirsch Bros scratch cider jug 273 Nashville TN mini jug, TN Distilling Co 274 One Paducah/Memphis Gregory and Dave/Bailey mini jug 275 One Paducah/Memphis Gregory and Dave/Bailey mini jug 276 Merry Christmas mini jug Preferred Stock U.S. Sasser 277 Two Jones Bros mini jugs, Blue Grass Vinegar, Louisville KY (For Sale by John Johnson and For Sale by JR Jackson) 278 Double size mini jug, The Atlantic- Bute MT. A well known early 19thC liquor store 279 Louisville KY mini jug, Little Brown Jug, " See you in 1909" 280 Darby PA Nelson and Newcomb Grocery mini jug 281 Port Townsend Mer. Co mini jug 282 Louisville Ky Jones Bros and Carr cider jug 283 Washington State, mini jugs, Everette WA-Thusen, Ridgeway,Entrop Gro, Wheeler Bros Gro. 284 Two Georgetown WA mini jugs- Matthews, Cavanaugh 285 Six assorted Washington State mini jugs- Van Eaton, Lebo, Port Townsend Mer. Co, Holcomb Gro. Co, JR Ryan, Tevete Gro. Dealer Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Preview 8:30 morning of the auction. Kimball sterling PAL 2476 Johnson City Tennessee
Date: Saturday, February 15, 2020 Time:10:30 am David Berry Estate Sat. Feb. 15th 10:30 2484 Wildwood Drive Kingsport, Tennessee (Preston Forrest Area) Antiques, Vintage Car Parts, Toys, Advertising, Rat Roders Delight, Another Killer Auction This will be the final auction of the Berry Estate. It will include the attic of the 30 by 45 foot garage. . Lots, and I mean lots, of early car parts for various vintage cars. Showcases in the garage, book shelves, over 150 great automobile coffee table books, tools and work benches, two or three closets full in the house. . Who know what we will find. Partial list- Glass Candy containers, Early bicycle lights, antique toys including a two Indian Chiefs in canoe friction and construction, advertising signs, Remington shell display case, knife cases, double vintage stamp machine, gas pump glasses, items for Rat Roders, early radios, good early automobile brochures and repair books, oil bottles with caring case, display cases and book shelves, Tn. state shaped tag holder, 1935 Tn. tag, local 3 gallon marked crock. country store and drug store items, Coke Clock and other Coke items, hook ornaments, Bose radio, soda fountain stools,Kingsport Glass advertising box,Northwest Coast bowl, copper boiler,spare tire metal covers, early hubcaps, all kinds of early car parts, large whitewalls, tools and hundreds of other items. Cash or check 10% buyers fee.No Sales tax Preview 9:30. Rain or shine this sale will be conducted in the garage. Kimball Sterling PAL 2476
Date: Saturday, January 25, 2020 Time:10:00 am Eastern Peerless Restaurant Saturday January 25th 10 am 2531 N Roan St, Johnson City, TN 37601 A Historic Sale among Sales Furnishings, Kitchen- Architectural--Lighting and More Commercial Items, Usable House-hold. Onan 20 se Natural gas generator Giant ss atrium dome and more More Photos and partial catalogue coming soon to this site!!!! After we finish the contents of the Peerless we will walk across the parking lot to the warehouse . Who knows what we will find there. 30 years ago I sold out the previous Peerless and boy was it a fun day. I was a young man then and I am just as excited as the first auction. Family restaurants always have interesting items that you don't know you need until you see them. You owe it to yourself to preview this second in a lifetime auction. Partial Listing-Furnishings, Kitchen Equipment- Freezers and Refrigerators- Stoves- Kitchen Work Stations- Working Ice Machines-Architectural- Lighting- Decorations- Tin Ceiling Tile, Wainscoting- Cornice- Tiffany Style Lamps,,Ice Machines, Bar stools and Table, Stack Chairs, Folding round and rectangular tables, Cast Iron Cocktail Tables, Stained Glass, Victorian Style Street Lights, Dishwashers, China and Flatware, Serving pieces, Gas Fireplace, Massive Brass Chandelier, Wine Coolers, Upscale Restaurant Booths, Wall Sconces, Nice Disk Type Alabaster Chandeliers, Table Goods, Pine Bombay China Cabinet, Many Sets of Very Usable Wood Restaurant Chairs, Upscale Bar Stools,Glassware, Flat Screen Televisions, Original Tables and Chairs from the Private Dining Rooms, Fine Prints and Mirrors,Antique Church Pew, Cast Iron Sidewalk Bench, Sold wood Birch Doors, Gentleman and Ladies Bathroom doors, Ceiling tile,Memorabilia,Table Lamps, Audio Visual equipment, Large Selection of Christmas Decor, Ceiling lighting. Massive Floral Displays in Vases, Oak High Chairs,Chair Dolly, Beautiful Front Doors with oval Beveled Glass ( buyer will have to wait two weeks to remove these) and it goes on and on. Watch for the catalogue at auctionauction.com about 10 days before the auction. Be sure and print it off and bring it to the auction with you and also keep an eye on our website to see the things we add. catalgoue here: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/peer.pdf Please remember after the peerless we will go across the parking lot to the warehouse and sell another 100 lots including many upscale booths, kitchen equipment, chairs and much more Preview -Friday January 24th 11 am till 3:00 pm and morning of the auction at 8:30 Terms- Cash or check, 10% Buyers fee, removal day of auction till 5:00, Sunday 10 am till 3:00 pm, Monday 10 am till 3:00 Pm and Tuesday 10 am till 2 pm. The building will close at 2 Pm sharp on Tuesday to prepare for the fantastic renovation like Johnson City and this area and never seen that will begin the next day. You must have your items out by that time or you will forfeit possession. Buyers must remove all purchases. If you buy electrical items it will be your responsibility to cap off wires. There will be an electrician furnished by the Peerless onsite to give advise. By registering for this auction you accept the terms of the auction. All items will sell "as is" at the fall of the gavel. The property transfers then to the buyer.( Except for the front doors.) Get your trucks ready or your friends truck ready for this historic Appalachian Highlands auction. If you need a mover I would suggest Bennet's Moving in Elizabethton. ( Nicole (423) 512-2850). Visit the plan for the New Peerless-Restaurant,Saloon,Bakery,Shops etc. at the following link: https://www.peerlesssteakhousegrill.com/ Kimball M sterling Auctioneer #2476 kimballsterling@earthink.net 423-773-4073
Date: Saturday, January 4, 2020 Time:10 am Large Kentucky Coin Collection Saturday Jan 4th 10 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, T. 37604 This is a nice collection including silver and gold both US and Foreign, Complete sets of Us coins, Currency, silver bullion, and much more Be here for an exciting auction. Many coins are slabbed. Cash or check 10% buyers fee Preview 8:00 am morning of auction . Catalog: 1: 1884-CC $1 GSA Morgan Certified MS63 in Holder. Included is the original GSA Box and Paper 2: 1986-2005 $1 Silver Eagles Certified MS69 NGC. Included is the better date 1996. 3: Large group of Denver and Philadelphia U.S. Mint tokens in 2X2 flips 4: 344 Uncirculated Jefferson Nickels . 5: 122 Uncirculated Sacagawea, Susan B. Anthony, and Eisenhower Dollars . 6: 270 Uncirculated Kennedy Half-Dollars . 7: 350 Uncirculated Washington and State Quarters . 8: 519 Proof Washington and State Quarters . 9: 338 Uncirculated Roosevelt Dimes . 10: 38 Cents, 134 Jefferson and Modern Nickels, and 130 Roosevelt Dimes all are Proof, priced, and ready for retail. 11: 104 Proof Kennedy Half-Dollars . Great for Flea Markets, Antique Shops, and Thrift Stores. 12: 18 Eisenhower, 12 Susan B Anthony, and 26 Sacagawea Dollars and all are PROOF, priced, and ready for retail. 13: I didn’t count these, but it looks like a whole !!!! Bright Red Uncirculated Lincoln Cents . 14: Nice BU group of RED BU Wheats. 1936, (3) 37-D, 38-D, 38-S, (2) 39-S, (3) 42, 42-S, (2) 43-D, (32) more in the 40’s, & (76) in the 50’s. Really Nice group! 15: I bought a big collection around 20 years ago. I never looked at this box, just a few handfuls. Should be a great deal for re-sellers as most are flipped and ready to sell. For sure I saw almost all BU or Proof (1c, 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c, $1), Canada and a few tokens. 16: 5 Better Morgan Dollars in Holders. 1888-O AU58 ANACS, 1889 Net AU55 ANACS Double Ear Variety, 1889 MS66 Certified Authentic GCGS, 1899-S AU53 NGC Better Date, 1904 MS65 NNG. 17: Complete Franklin Half-Dollar Set with an extra 1964 Kennedy Half. 2 or 3 are BU 18: Peace Dollar and Silver Eagle Collection. 9 Peace Dollars (1922-1935 1 each) and 22 Silver Eagles 1986-2007 19: Complete Washington Quarter Set 20: Complete Washington Quarter Set 21: 2 Complete Walking Liberty Half-Dollar Set 1941-1947 22: 2 Complete Franklin Half-Dollar Sets 1 has BU 1955 23: 3000+ Wheat Cents dates between 1930-1939. Plus 3 PCGS storage boxes 24: 1000+ 1920-1929 and 1000+ 1930-1939 wheat cents in PCGS storage boxes 25: 40 Complete Sets of Lincoln Wheat Cents with Folders (1941-1958-PDS). A few extra cents found in a few folders and I added 8 new 1 cent coin tubes. 2040 wheat cents plus a few extra. 26: 2 Partial sets of Mercury Dimes and a notebook of duplicates. The 16-D and 16-S in the sets are not guaranteed. The last notebook page has a few funky 1921 P&D’s. I believe the 1921 in the set book is real. Still a good mix of Mercury Dimes. 106 pieces total. Bid your own opinion. 27: 1 roll of (20) 1 Ounce Indian Head Obverse with Buffalo Reverse Silver Coins 28: Mix of (6) Indian 1c, (4) 1946-S 1c BU Red, (46) Liberty 5c, (46) Mercury 10c, World Coins with 1806, 1807, several in early teens up into maybe the 1960’s. Maybe 100 world coins altogether. 29: (2) 25 Count Original Rolls of 1st Year 2000 BU Sacagawea $1, 3 (20) Coin Rolls BU Susan B Anthony $1, (13) Bank Rolls Log Cabin Lincoln 1c, 8 Half-Pound Copper Bars, 80 BU Quarter OZ. Indian Head Coppers, 20 Walking Liberty & 20 Indian Head 1 OZ. Coppers, (10) 1 Gram Titanium Bars, 1 LB. Titanium Bar Cost you $40 on Ebay, 1 OZ. Nickel Round and 5 Half OZ Nickel Rounds. (5) 1 OZ. Zinc Rounds, 1 OZ. ZINC Buffalo Bar, 1 Circulated Roll 1936 Wheat Cents, 41 BU Red Canada Cents in the 1960’s, 2 Rolls of 20 Kennedy PROOF Half-Dollars Mixed Dates, 80 Mixed 1 OZ. Coppers, (2) 1 LB. Copper bars, (2) Kilo Copper Bars, 5 OZ. Copper Indian head Round, and a 1 Ounce Copper Train Bar 30: (5) Roosevelt Dimes Sets. 48 Silver Dimes Dated 1946-1964 PDS. 31: (5) Roosevelt Dimes Sets. 48 Silver Dimes Dated 1946-1964 PDS. 32: 162 MS66 Red 2009 Lincoln Cents. 82 2009-D Birth and Childhood and 82 2009 Formative Years First Day Ceremony, which my wife and I drove to Indiana and got these on the first day release and sent them off to NGC. You are buying 164 MS66 Red Lincoln Cents. 33: 162 MS66 Red 2009 Lincoln Cents. 82 2009-D Birth and Childhood and 82 2009 Formative Years First Day Ceremony, which my wife and I drove to Indiana and got these on the first day release and sent them off to NGC. You are buying 164 MS66 Red Lincoln Cents. 34: 36 Sets of PR69 Ultra Cameo Ultra Cameo NGC State Quarters. (18) 1999 Sets, (14) 2001 Sets, (2) 2002 Sets, and (2) 2004 Sets. 180 total PF69 UC NGC State Quarters making up 36 complete sets. 35: 36 Sets of PR69 Ultra Cameo Ultra Cameo NGC State Quarters. (18) 1999 Sets, (6) 2002 Sets, and (12) 2001 Sets. 180 total PF69 UC NGC State Quarters making up 36 complete sets. 36: 36 Sets of PR69 Ultra Cameo Ultra Cameo NGC State Quarters. (18) 1999 Sets, (6) 2002 Sets, and (12) 2001 Sets. 180 total PF69 UC NGC State Quarters making up 36 complete sets. 37: 36 Sets of PR69 Ultra Cameo Ultra Cameo NGC State Quarters. (12) 1999 Sets, (12) 2002 Sets, and (12) 2001 Sets. 180 total PF69 UC NGC State Quarters making up 36 complete sets. 38: 24 Sets of PR69 Ultra Cameo Ultra Cameo NGC State Quarters. (12) 1999 Sets, (12) 2001 Sets, & (82) 2009 Formative Years 1st Day Ceremony MS66 1c Red NGC which are 1st day release of the coins. 39: 185 PR69 Ultra Cameo Ultra Cameo NGC State Quarters. (5) 2000 Sets, (2) 2002 Sets, (2) 2004 Sets, and 131 Miscellaneous Non-Set Individual Assorted State Quarters. 40: (80) 2010 Lincoln Union Shield Cents P&D Packs. (4) 2006 All 5-States Quarter Packs, (25) 2007 All 5-States Quarter Packs, and (21) 2008 All 5-States Quarter Packs. 41: 240 packs, but you might count better. Each Pack is a 2-Coin Brilliant Uncirculated Set P&D of State or Other Special Minted Quarters. 42: 240 packs, but you might count better. Each Pack is a 2-Coin Brilliant Uncirculated Set P&D of State or Other Special Minted Quarters. 43: 20 Boxes each with 20 Sets of Brilliant Uncirculated P&D State Quarters for a total of 800 State Quarters. I did not double check each box so this is an approximate number that I believe to be correct. 44: 20 Boxes each with 20 Sets of Brilliant Uncirculated P&D State Quarters for a total of 800 State Quarters. I did not double check each box so this is an approximate number that I believe to be correct. 45: 20 Boxes each with 20 Sets of Brilliant Uncirculated P&D State Quarters for a total of 800 State Quarters. I did not double check each box so this is an approximate number that I believe to be correct. 46: 20 Boxes each with 20 Sets of Brilliant Uncirculated P&D State Quarters for a total of 800 State Quarters. I did not double check each box so this is an approximate number that I believe to be correct. 47: 1958-1959-1960-1961-1962-1962-1964 Proof Set in original envelopes. 48: 10 Sealed and Unopened 1961 Proof Sets Original Yellow Envelopes 49: (10) 1962 Proof Sets Sealed and Unopened in Opened Original Shipping Box 50: (10) 1961 Unopened Proof Sets, (10) 1962 Opened Sets and (10) 1964 Opened Sets 51: (6) 1976 Silver Bicentennial Proof Sets Includes the Silver Eisenhower Dollar, Silver Kennedy Half-Dollar, and Silver Washington Quarter. 52: (11) Liberty Seated, (13) Barber, and (15) Standing Liberty Quarters 53: $50 face in Barber Coinage. 100 Dimes, 80 Quarters, and 40 Halves. 2 rolls of each. 54: 1895 Uncirculated $20 Liberty Gold Necklace with 14K Gold Chain 55: Assorted Coin Jewelry Pieces. Morgan and Peace Dollar Money Clips. Silver Franklin and Silver Kennedy Half-Dollar Key Chains. Buffalo Nickel and Indian Head Cent Ear Rings. 56: 3 Shield 5c, 3 Liberty Seated 10c, 24 Liberty Seated 25c, and 6 Liberty Seated 50c : 57 (68) Slabbed Coins. (47) Presidential $1 PF69 Ultra Cameo NGC, (10) MS65 Red 1c Lincoln 1st Day Ceremony NGC, (1) 1916 10c Mercury, (8) Lincoln 1c in Vintage ANACS holders, and (2) Ultra Rare ICG Business Card Slabs from The Cheap Slab Store of which 100 were made. 58: Hundreds of mostly Tennessee Cancelled Checks from as early as 1897-98 up into W.W.II. What fun it is to look for checks written on your birthday! Johnson City, Bank of Jonesboro, Bristol, Benton Bank, Calhoun, Roanoke, Atlanta, and several more. 59: (57) Slabbed Coins-(Most PCGS), ANACS, ICG, and NGC. Included are (9) Lincoln cent Rolls. 1 roll 1930’S, 1 Roll 1940’s, and 7 Rolls 1940’s and 50’s. There is a LOVELY PCGS 1962 Proof 5c Toned BLUE. 60: (112) 1935 No Motto Blue Seal Silver Certificates 61 (187) Silver Certificates 62: 7 Certified Morgan Dollars all grade About Uncirculated. Also in this is 2 completed Bank Savings Books from when I was a kid in the 1950’s. These are filled with Silver 60 barber Dimes. 63: 2 gem Uncirculated 1999 $5 Notes Graded Gem Uncirculated 67, a very high grade. Included is 19 Two Dollar Red Seal Notes and a $100 Red Seal Note. 64: 24 Early Walking Lib Halves (1-1917, 2-1918, 1-1918-D, 5-1918-S, 2-1920, 5-1927-S, 8-1928-S), 27 Early Proof Cameo Silver Roosevelt Dimes (1-1955, 3-1956, 1-1957-1-1958, 1-1959, 1-1960, 2-1961- 1-1962, 8-1963, 8-1964). And a roll set of Silver Roosevelt Dimes 1946-1958-PDS Complete. 65: 4 Better Date Silver Dollars. 1983-S, 1886-O, 1887-S, and 1928. 66: Hundreds of Lincoln Wheat Cents 1909-1917-S. Included are (24) 1909 ($2.5-$5), 11-1909-VDB ($10.50-$13), 1910 (.25-$1.5), 1911 (.50-$2), 1911-D- $3, 1911-S ($45-$48), 1912 (1-$3), 1913 (.50-$15), 1914 (.50-$5), 1915 ($2.25-$15), 1915-D (1-$4), 1916 (.50-$4), 1916-D (.50-$9), 1916-S ($1.75-$4), 1917 (.40-$3.50), 1917-D (.50-$2.50), & 1917-S (.40-$2). $828.50 priced, flipped, and ready to Sell! 67: 2x2 cents flipped priced and ready to sell retail over $375. . 68: 2x2 cents flipped priced and ready to sell retail over $463. . 69: 2x2 cents flipped priced and ready to sell retail over $550. . 70: 2x2 cents flipped priced and ready to sell retail over $203. PLUS 2x2 Better Date Liberty V-Nickels flipped priced and ready to sell retail over $805 Over $1000 Priced and Ready to sell Retail on this ! 71: 8 Silver Proof Sets. (6) 2010 and (2) 2011 72: Possibly the best ion this auction. A box of Silver World Coins. In 2x2 flips, priced, and ready to sell. If you know your stuff this could be a steal. 73: 20 assorted Certified Silver Quarters. Included are 1954-D MS65 PCGS with Lovely Rainbow Toning along obverse bottom. PCGS proof 1955 & 56. 1976-S Bicentennial PR69 Deep Cameo PCGS. 1999-S PR69 Deep Cameo State Quarter Complete 5 Coin Set. Iowa and South Dakota PF70 Ultra Cameo NGC, the ULTIMATE HIGHEST GRADE! All 20 quarters are SILVER! 74: 2003 Canada Silver Maple Leaf Hologram 5 Coin Set & 2003 $20 Canada Hologram Niagara Falls 75: (3) 1858 FE 1c, 1915 5c F, 1923-S 5c VG, 1925 5c F, 1925-D VG, 1934 XF/AU, 1936-5c XF, 1936-D 5c XF/AU, 1919 10c VF/XF, 1924-S VG, 1926-D 10c VG, 1928-D 10c VG/F, 1928-S 10c VF/XF, (3) 1931-D 10c VG, F, & F/VF, (2) 1931-S 10c F, 1937 10c AU/BU, 1938 10c BU, 1942 10c MS63+, 1942 10c BU FB, 1945-S 10c AU/BU Micro S. 76: 2x2 flipped coins. Large Cents, Indian 1c, (2) 1909 Lincoln 1c, (3) Shield 5c, Several Buffalo 5c, s of Mercury 10c, (4) ancients, PL Canada 1956 1c, 1966 $2 Canada, and a 1955 Sixpence. Looks like 150 or more flipped, priced, and ready to sell coins. 77: (7) Complete Wheat Cent Set 1941-1958-PDS plus 1200 to 1500 Pre-Sorted 1941-1958-PDS Wheat Sets in tubes. (15) BU Nickel Rolls, (9) 2010 BU Rolls of Bank Wrapped 1st Year of Issue Shield Lincoln Cents. 2.5 Rolls of Proof Nickels and .5 Roll of Proof Cents. s of fun in this . 78: (40) Silver Eisenhower Dollars Original Issue Blue Package. 10 each 1971-72-73-74. 79: (14) Silver Year Sets 1935-1944 and 1946-1949. $11.90 Silver face value + 3 Silver 5c. 80: (12) Silver Canadian Proof Like Mint Sets. (9) 1962 and (3) 1967. 81: (31) NGC Certified Lincoln Cents. (5) 1909-VDB XF40, (2) 1937-D MS66 RED, (5) 1938-S MS66 RED, (5) 1939-D MS66 RED, (9) 1939-S MS66 RED, and (5) 1949-S MS66 RED. Current CDN Greysheet Value is $940. 82: (91) High Grade Certified NGC RED Memorial Cents. Not many of these get graded. (45) Grade MS66 RED and (46) Grade MS67 RED. 83: Display Case full of Israeli Mint Coin Sets. 84: 1980 Russian (28) Piece Olympic Silver Coin Set. 20.25 ounces of Silver. The last 2 recent sets on Ebay brought well over $400 each. 85: 1982 (¼) Krugerrand Gold South Africa. Graded MS64 Proof Like ICG. Affordable Gold Piece. 86: 1911 $2.5 Gold Indian 87: 1910 $2.5 MS63 SEGS Gold Indian 88: 1852 $1 Gold MS64 NNC Nice high grade piece. 89: 1874 $1 Gold MS64 NNC Nice high grade piece. 90: 1928 $2.5 Gold MS62 NNC Nice for the Grade 91: (2638) (3) $1 Gold Dollars. (2) 1853 and (1) 1856 Slanted-5 which is ready to be chained for a necklace. 92: 1862 $1 Gold MS64 PCI. Green Label PCI holders are well respected for their grading. 93: 1873 $2.5 Gold Open-3 PCI. Green Label PCI holders are well respected for their grading. 94: 1910-S $5 Gold Indian MS62 PCI. Green Label PCI holders are well respected for their grading. 95: 2003 $5 Gold Eagle MS70 ICG. The ULTIMATE GRADE. This coin currently lists at $2100. 96: (2638) 2008 West Point $5 Gold Eagle MS70 NGC. The ULTIMATE GRADE. 97: (2638) 2013 $5 Gold Eagle MS70 PCGS. The ULTIMATE GRADE. This special coin is signed by the U.S. Mint Director Philip Diehl. 98: This contains 3 Silver Coins and a little Gold. 1914P 50c & $1 Australia Year of the Horse MS69 NGC Early Releases. Also a 2016 Eagle First Day of Issue Silver Eagle MS70 NGC. Marks the 30th Year Anniversary of the American Silver Eagle and it is The ULTIMATE GRADE. Also included is an India 1/10 Gold Fanam. It is the world’s smallest Gold Coin and it is authenticated and certified by NNC. 99: (9) Rolls of BU Dollars and Half Dollars. (4) Dollar Rolls. (2) 2007-P&D George Washington and (1) 2007-P John Adams. All three grade MS63 or better by ICG. (1) Very Unusual U.S. Mint wrapped 2007- D John Adams with a Proof Like Dollar seen on both ends of the roll. Very likely a complete PL Roll! (5) Kennedy Half-Dollar Rolls 2005-P, 2006-P&D, and 2007-P&D. These originally had to be purchased from the Mint . 100: 5 Better Date Morgan Dollars. 1880-O, 1892-O, 1896-O, 1896-S, & 1898-S. 101: 9 Silver Commemorative Sets. Includes the popular 2014 BU & PR 50c Baseball Set and (7) assorted $1 and 50c Sets. 102: NGC Certified Gem Uncirculated Roll of Early Release 2011 American Silver Eagles 103: NGC Certified Gem Uncirculated Roll of Early Release 2011 American Silver Eagles 104: 20 Count Roll of mixed date American Silver Eagles 105: Scarce 1c Copper-Plated Zinc Planchet Set. In 1982 the mint switched from copper to zinc cents. The zinc cents are made in 3 stages before being die struck. This is a scarce set of the 3 stages. 106: 1996 Half-Pound Silver Round & 1996 4-OZ $100 Silver Proof Bar. Both are .999 Silver. 107: (41) Assorted Better Date Lower Grade Half Dollars. (11) 1917-P, (2) 1917-S, (2) 1918-P, (2) 1918-D, (2) 1918-S, (2) 1920-P, (1) 1920-D, (1) 1920-S, (1) 1923-S, (2) 1927-S, (1) 1928-S, (1) 1929-S, (3) 1949-P, (4) 1949-D, (2) 1949-S, (2) 1951-S, (1) 1892 Columbia, and (1) Booker T Washington Very Interesting Toning. NOTE: 1 of the 1951-S is a Very Nice AU Grade. 108: NGC Certified Roll of 20 Gem Uncirculated American Silver Eagles 109: 6 PROOF American Silver Eagles. (3) 1987, 1990, 2003, & 2004 PF69 Ultra Cameo NGC 110: 12 Littleton Packaged Mixed Date American Silver Eagles 111: 20 Assorted American Silver Eagles Mixed Packaging 112: 20 Encapsulated Assorted American Silver Eagles 113: 10 Certified American Silver Eagles 2007 MS69 PCGS, 2008-W MS69 NGC, 8 Mixed NGC Gem BU 114: Scarce 2008 W Eagle Reverse 2007 MS69 NGC. Do your research for this expensive coin. 115: 10 American Silver Eagles in Littleton Holders. (5) 2001 and (5) 2002 116: 10 American Silver Eagles in Littleton Holders. (5) 2003 and (5) 2004 117: (10) 2003 American Silver Eagles in Littleton Holders 118: A 3 page notebook with 63 coins in pages. There are several Mint Errors, several GOLD pieces, several SILVER pieces, a historical 1939 Silver 2 Reichs Mark with the Nazi Swastika, a Silver Pony Express so called Dollar, a couple of Large Cents, a couple of 1943 Cents that appear to copper but probably are not and a few other similar type coins, a few World Coins, a few tokens, several early Walking Liberty Halves, a few tokens, and more. 119: A grab bag full of all kinds of assorted coins! It needs to leave my house and go to your house. 120: 45 Plastic PCGS Coin Storage Boxes. 10 are Vintage Green and 35 Blue. Blue boxes sell as cheap as $7.50/@ plus shipping on Ebay. Vintage Green boxes sell for $12@ plus shipping. 121: 20 Coin Roll of Circulated Morgan Dollars 122: 20 Coin Roll of Circulated Peace Dollars 123: 20 Coin Roll of 10 Circulated Morgan Dollars and 10 Circulated Peace Dollars 124: 20 Coin Roll of 1 Troy ounce .999 Fine Silver Rounds 125: Box full of assorted coin surprises! s of coin tubes, a 10th Edition Red Book over 50 years old, notebook full of Proof Quarters, several Utah State 25c P&D Sets, currency holders, coin flips, and much more. Take the time to look through this box and find s of stuff for what will probably be a very low price. 126: 80 Irish World Coins with Catalog value of over $200. 127: 80 Mexican World Coins with Catalog Value $286 128: 40 Russian World Coins with Catalog Value over $160 129: 95 Switzerland World Coins with Catalog Value over $480 130: 80 Great Britain World Coins with Catalog Value over $900 131: 20 Canadian Bank Tokens with Catalog Value $200 132: 156 German Empire Coins Catalog Value over $500 133: 7 Silver German 3rd Reich with Catalog Value $650 134: World Proof Sets Catalog Value over $1200 135: 333 Uncirculated Repunched Mint Mark Lincoln Cents 136: 280 Proof Jefferson Nickels 137: Confederate Note, Fractional Note, and Confederate Stamp in Custom Made Holder 138: 1958 Double Mint Set Original Packaging 139: 20 Authentic W.W II. Military Notes Several Different Countries 140: Complete Canadian Nickel Set Hard Set to put together. Books at $300+ 141: Full Canadian Large 1c Set (1858-1920) + Partial Set Canadian Small 1c (1921 thru the 1960’s) 142: Roosevelt Dime Set UNCIRCULATED 143: 1932-1998 Complete Washington Quarters Set VF to Uncirculated includes all Silver and Proof 144: Authentic Ancient Coins in folder with information booklet on each coin. Book Value $500+ 145: Complete Walking Liberty Set 1916-1947. Book Value $1000+ 146: Uncirculated Franklin Half-Dollar Set 147: Partial Set of Barber Quarters 148: Partial Set of Silver Canadian Nickels Book Valued $750+ 149: 16 Complete Circulated Jefferson Nickel Sets 150: Complete Circulated Set of Mercury Dimes (minus the 1916-D) 151: 2 BU Jefferson Sets 152: Complete Circulated Set of Franklin Half Dollars 153: 2 About Uncirculated Franklin Half Dollar Sets 154: 2 AU-BU Washington Quarters 1941-1998 with all Silver and all Proofs 155: Partial Set Silver Canadian Dimes Books at $450+ 156: 1661 Spanish Netherlands Duct. Large Silver Coin Books at $350 157: 4 Certified Peace Dollars 158: 1952 Proof Set in Custom Red White and Blue Holder 159: Complete IKE Dollar Set with all Silver and Proof Coins 160: 94 Mixed US and World Notes 161: 120 Error Coins 162: 212 World Notes valued at $400+ 163: (4) 20th Century Sets 164 (9) Year Sets and 12 Proof Sets Several with Silver 165: $200 Face Value all Jefferson Nickels in 1930’s and 40’s 166: 4000 Steel Pennies Circulated 167: Assorted Coin Sets Books at $250+ 168: 280 Clad Proof Quarters 169: 300 Proof Lincoln Cents 170: Assorted Coin Sets Books at $350+ 171: Currency 172: 66 Assorted Certified Coins. Book Value of $600+ 173: Complete Circulated Set Barber Halves 174: 150 Ike Dollars 175: Complete Set Lincoln Cents 1909-2016. Includes Proofs 176: 2 Cherry Wood Kennedy Half Dollar Sets 177: Group of Tokens and Medals with some Silver. Books at $400 178: 597 World Coins with Catalog Value $500+ 179: 20 Partial Sets of Lincoln Cents. 1909-1940 180: 30 Obsolete Bank Notes Valued at $650+ 181: 12 Confederate Notes Valued at $400+ 182: of US Currency Silver Certificates and $2 Red Seals 183: 2 Kennedy Sets. Sell together or Choice 184: Partial Indian Head Cents Set 185: 406 Indian Head Cents 186: (20) Assorted $2 Notes (15) Red Seal and (5) Uncirculated 1976 Bicentennial 187: (20) Assorted $5 Notes (10) Silver Certificates and (10) Red Seals 188: 11 Obsolete Bank Notes Valued at $400 189: Complete Set Circulated Liberty Walking Half Dollars 1916-1947 190: Circulated mercury Dime Set Missing 1916-D 191: 1115 pieces. Assorted Indian Cents, Liberty Nickels, and Buffalo Nickels. 192: 20 Certified Quarters 193: 1903-S $1 EF40 Details ICG Cleaned 194: 1853 25c Liberty Seated Arrows and Rays AU50 ANACS 195: 5 Assorted Certified Buffalo Nickels: 1913 Type 1 MS64 NGC, 1936-D MS65 NGC, (2) 1938-D MS65 ANACS, 1938-D MS66 ICG 196: 1920-D 5c Buffalo XF40 Details ICG Corroded 197: 1924-S 5c Buffalo VF30 PCI Scratched 198: 1869 1c Indian VF30 Details ANACS Corroded 199: 1889-CC $1 Morgan VG10 Details ANACS Rim-Filed Cleaned Ex-Jewelry Piece 200: 1895-S/S $1 Morgan VG8 Details ANACS VAM-3 Hot 50 Bent-Cleaní 201: 1894-O $1 Morgan AU50 Details ANACS Cleaned 202: 1926-S 5c BuffaloVF30 PCI Scratched 203: 1834 50c Bust AU50 Details ICG Cleaned 204: (4) 1875-S 20c AG3 ICG 205: 1853 50c Liberty Seated EF45 Details ICG Arrows & Rays Cleaned 206: 1825/4/2 25c Bust GD6 Details ICG Over Date Bent 207: (7) 1932-D 25c AG3 ICG (5) are problem free, 1 is bent and 1 has Glue Residue 208: (3) 1916-S 50c Walkers ANACS Certified 1 is FR2 and (2) are AG3 Details. 209: (4) 1938-D Walkers (2) VG8 Details ANACS and (2) ICG (1) F12 Details & (1) F15 Details 210: 1897-O 50c Barber AG3 Details ICG Corroded 211: Complete Circulated Liberty V Nickel Set 212: 1957 Double Mint Set original packaging 213: 1954 Double Mint Set original packaging 214: 1952 Double Mint Set original packaging 215: 1951 Double Mint Set original packaging 216: 18 Civil War Tokens 217: 10 Large Cents 218: 20 Certified PCGS Silver Quarters 219: 1809 ½ Guinea Great Britain Gold XF40 NGC Catalog Value $900+ 220: 1913 $5 Indian Gold MS62 NGC 221: 1814 5 Francs Louis 18th XF45 NGC 222: 1806 25c Early Large Bust FR2 ICG 223: (3) ICG Certified 1932-S 25c F12, VF25, and VF30 224: (3) AG ICG Certified 1921 10c AG3 225: (3) ICG Certified 20c Pieces GD4, GD6, & VG8 226: 1830 50c Bust 50c EF40 ICG 227: 1805 10c Bust FR2 ANACS 228: 100 Uncirculated Rolls of Wheat Cents and Memorials BID is $455 229: (2) 2014 Kennedy 50th Anniversary Silver Sets Kimball Sterling Pal 2476
Date: Wednesday, January 1, 2020 Time:11 am Eastern David Berry Estate Auction Wed. January 1st 11:am 125 west Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Automobillia, Country Store, Signs, Watch Fobs and much more. We will sell about 150 lots online the " Katie bar the door" This is more of the Berry estate. It includes a 1936 Ford two door Cabriolet with rumble seat with a 283 Chevy ( #2), 1935 Lasalle two door convertible coupe(#2), both cars are running and ready for the road, Collection of over 100 Mascots/hood ornaments of which many are mounted on marble stands and identified with plaques, collection of over 400 auto emblems( most with porcelain, some automotive signs, early drug store cabinets and counters, country store items such as ribbon cabinets- spool cabinets- thread cabinets- display cabinets, some toys, and much more. A collection of good signs which will not be pictured on the website until about a week before the auction, Mac Collector tools, and a large collection of auto tags, large collection of enamel early auto watch fobs and much more. Some antique furniture, Here is the catalogue for the small online session of the auction. We have so much more other than this: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/david-berry-estate-4754 In house, absentee and phone bidding will have a 10% buyers fee. Internet bidders will have an 18% buyers fee. Preview the day before the auction 11 am till 3 and the day of the auction 9:00 am. "For the auto bidder: As a longtime friend of David Berry, I had the opportunity to spend some time around his classic automobiles and will share what I know about these cars. The 1935 Lasalle Convertible is a restored example of which only 820 were produced that year. It has a 248 cubic inch straight eight flathead engine that is rated at 105 horsepower. The transmission is a 3 speed standard shift. This car was restored to all original specifications and was awarded the Senior designation by the Antique Automobile Club of America. The car drives nicely and runs well, steering and brakes work well for a vehicle of this vintage. The windows roll up and down perfectly, the optional radio is operational. This was Dave's favorite, and as far as I know, all the parts of the car are original LaSalle parts. The 1936 Ford Cabriolet is what we refer to as a "Resto-Mod". This means the appearance of the vehicle is as an original vehicle with modifications to the drivetrain. It has a 265 cubic inch Chevrolet engine with a 4 speed manual transmission from a S-10 Chevy pickup. There have been some upgrades to the car such as 12 volt electrical system. This car also drives and runs well, the steering and brake systems are as original. Being a cabriolet, it has roll up door glass that works well. Any questions about the cars, I will be happy to answer Phone or text is 423-676-4343 or e-mail carsmith101@hotmail.com. Thanks! Mike Smith" Kimball sterling Principle Auctioneer 2476 423-773-4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Announcements day of sale take precedence over pre-sale advertising.
Date: Saturday, December 14, 2019 Time:10 am The Dave Berry Toy No Reserve and no Online Bidding Auction Saturday December 14th 10:30 am ( Preview 8:30) 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tennessee 37604 Mr. Berry collection many different categories of toys spanning over 125 years . His collection has pressed steel, toy soldiers, Jap tin, Tonka, Schucco, battery, 1900 to 2000. Just about every category known is represented. Smith- Miller, Structo, Dinky, Matchbox, Hubley, promotionals, farm and construction. You are only seeing about 10 % of it here. This will be an exciting long day with over 3000 toys. Many boxes of toys that have been packed away for years are yet to be opened in the upcoming week. We will add more photos the week before the auction on our website www.auctionauction.com Cash or check 10% buyers fee, no sales tax. Preview 8:30 am morning of auction and Noon until 4:00 on Friday before the auction. Kimball Sterling, Principle auctioneer 2476
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2019 Time:11:00 Ted and Ann Oliver Outsider/ Folk/ Pottery Lifetime Collection Auction Saturday December 7th 11:00 am ( preview 9:00 am ) 125 West Market Street Johnson City .Tennessee 37604 An important collection of outsider art which is all from the private collection of Ted and Ann Oliver. Many great items purchased directly from the artist over the past three decades.This art has been in this collection since its conception and not seen by the general public. Catalogue : https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/ted-and-ann-oliver-outsider-folk-art-collection-4659 Purchases can be held for pickup for 30-45 days after payment is received or we will deliver your items to the UPS store here in Johnson City for your directions for them to ship. Terms in house- phone, and absentee 10% buyers fee. 14% if paid by credit card. Absentee bid forms: http://auctionauction.com/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf Terms on Net - Bidspotter.com will have the terms listed there on the site after the catalogue is published. Elizabeth Sterling 423 833 -1278 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Kimball Sterling PAL 2476 Sign up on our main page at auctionauction.com to receive update emails for this auction
Date: Saturday, November 30, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern Thanksgiving Annual Auction Saturday November 30th 10 am 125 west Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Advance Notice : Invite your friends and family to Johnson CIty for this Historic event and a bite of turkey. Keep your eyes on this site and register on our main page at auctionauction.com for email updates. This is one of largest and best auctions of the year. This year we have a private collection from a Virginia Gentleman, A collection from an Indiana Psycho Therapist, Collection of silver and Jewelry from an "old time"collector, Fine oriental carpets, Antique toys and much . We will post photos over the next two weeks as items come it. "Out of towners" make your reservations at the Carnegie Hotel. Ask for the Sterling Auction rate. Items are coming in from various important estates around the country There will over 40 pieces of great furniture ready to use in your house including French, Country, Victorian, Period, Collection of great display adverting and store cases, Original cast iron figural African- American hitching post, Italian decorative items,Autographed Grandpa Jones banjo Good cast iron, Large collection of vintage Byers Carolers, Murano Glass, Orrefors bowl,RS Germany, large collection of vintage flower frogs, Very upscale Queen Ann custom dining room suite ( table is large enough to be used as a conference table), Pulled feather Tiffany Vase,heart shaped Tiffany perfume,Galle and Tiffany glass, sterling flatware, fine china and glass. German swords, war of 1812 sword,Advertising items including a Jack Daniels barrel and a front lift cigar store case, restored Coke refrigerator floor box, Fine paintings, US gold coins, canes, antique lighting, and much more. Cash or check 10% buyers fee Credit card payment 14% buyers fee Preview Friday 11 am till 2 pm Sat 9 am Kimball M Sterling PAL 2476
Date: Saturday, November 23, 2019 Time:10 am David Berry Estate ( Sale number 1) 2484 Wildwood Drive Kingsport, Tennessee (Preston Forrest Area) Saturday November 23rd, 10 am (preview 9 am) David Berry was the most avid collector that we have ever seen. We will probably have four or five auctions for this collection in the next three months. He collected antiques, toys, automobile items, vintage cars and car parts, pharmacy items, and much more. He had two houses and we are in the process of combining them. We will post more photos the week of the auction. The first sale will take place at the primary residence on Wildwood in Kingsport. It will include the household - Nice dental cabinet, cherry slant top desk, Lalique glass, oak furniture, China and glass, clocks and old radios, pocket knives, silver coinage, old medical items,over 2000 toys sold in lots ( toys sale will begin at 1:00 with preview at noon), oak roll top desk, block front Pennsylvania cherry chest,Queen Anne dinning room suite , oak princess dresser, Oak barley twist table,leather sofas, Hendredon tweed sofa, advertising and auto items, bottles,pharmacy items, Sarouk carpet, Oak high chair/strollers,tools, box lots and much more. We are still going through boxes that have been packed away for years. Lot of surprises. The 1:00 Toys sale ( Preview Noon) This sale will consist of over 250 cardboard flats of die cast, toy soldiers, vintage tin, Mason Dixon and Eastman toys, Corgi, Matchbox, battery, friction. An unbelievable collection. There will be a sale number two of toys later on. Cash or Check 10% buyers fee/ no sales tax. Announcements day of sale take precedence over pre-sale advertising. Kimball sterling, Principle auctioneer 2476
Date: Sunday, November 17, 2019 Time:11 am Eastern Antique Cane Auction Sunday November 17th 11:00 am Eastern 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Canes from Two estates and various collections. Many fine Gold dress canes. A collection of gun and sword canes from a Western estate, a nice Mike/Orion folk cane, silver dress and much more. Cash or check 20% BP in house and on the phone. 23% online. Catalogue: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-and-collectible-gun-sword-folk-art-dress-canes-4621 Preview 10 am morning of the auction. 423 773 4073 for absent and phone bidding.
Date: Saturday, November 16, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern Coin Auction 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty Tennessee Saturday November 16th 10 am ( Preview 9 am) This is a very nice collection including US gold, Silver dollars and other type coins. Items for both the small and large collector. Here is the list: 1 Roll of Eagles 2000 2 Roll of Eagles 2001 3 Roll of Eagles 2002 4 Roll of Eagles 2003 5 Roll of Eagles 2004 6 Roll of Eagles 2002 7 Roll of 1923 Peace Dollars - BU 8 Roll of 1924 Peace Dollars - BU 9 Roll of 1925 Peace Dollars - BU 10 Roll of Assorted Peace Dollars 11 Roll of Assorted Morgan Dollars 12 Roll of Assorted Morgan Dollars 13 Roll of Assorted Peace Dollars 14 4 Morgan Dollars (1891S, 1892O, 1902 (2)) and 1 CC Pocket Piece 15 6 Morgan Dollars (1892O (2), 1892S, 1896S, 1898S (2)) 16 6 Peace Dollars (1924, 1927, 1927S, 1934, 1934D, 1935S) 17 4 Peace Dollars (1925S, 1926S, 1927D, 1928S) 18 Assorted Peace and Morgan Dollars (11 pieces) 19 12 Kenedy Half Dollars (1964(10), 1966, 2009) and 2 Sacagewa Golden Dollars 20 4 Morgan Dollars (1878S, 1897, 1904O, 1921D) 21 4 Morgan Dollars (1904O, 1904, 1921, 1921S) 22 3 Morgan Dollars (1887 (2), 1888 all ICG MS64) 23 3 Morgan Dollars (1896 ICG MS63, 1899 and 1900 both ICG MS64) 24 3 Morgan Dollars (1899O, 1902O, 1904O all ICG MS64) 25 3 Morgan Dollars (1888O and 1889 both ICG MS64, 1896 ICG MS65) 26 3 Morgan Dollars (1888, 1889, 1890 all ICG MS63) 27 3 Morgan Dollars (1883O, 1884O (2) all ICG MS64) 28 3 Morgan Dollars (1885O (2), 1886 all ICG MS64) 29 Three 1923 Peace Dollar all ICG MS64 30 Three 1923 Peace Dollar all ICG MS64 31 5 Peace Dollars (1923 (4) all ICG MS64, 1925 ICG MS65 ) 32 3 Peace Dollars (1922S) all ICG MS61 33 4 Peace Dollars (1922S) all ICG MS61 34 4 Peace Dollars (1923S) all ICG MS61 35 4 Peace Dollars (1923S) all ICG MS61 36 3 Peace Dollars (1923) all ICG MS64 37 3 Peace Dollars (1922, 1923, 1924 all NGC MS65) 38 6 Peace Dollars (1922 (3), 1923 (3) all ICG MS63) 39 2 Morgan Dollars (1880S NGC MS63, 1880O ICG MS64 ) 40 2 Morgan Dollars (1900O, 1904O both ICG MS64) 41 3 Morgan Dollars (1886 (2), 1888 all ICG MS63) 42 3 Morgan Dollars (1882, 1883, 1884 all ICG MS63) 43 3 Morgan Dollars (1884, 1885 (2) all ICG MS63) 44 1903 $2.50 Gold Piece Unc 45 1925D $2.50 Indian Gold Piece ICG MS61 46 1925D $2.50 Indian Gold Piece ICG MS61 47 1926 $2.50 Indian Gold Piece Unc 48 1929 $2.50 Indian Gold Piece ICG MS62 49 1894 $5.00 Liberty Gold Unc 50 1900 $5.00 Liberty Gold Choice Unc 51 1909 $5.00 Indian Gold Piece Unc 52 1900 $10 Liberty Gold Piece Choice Unc 53 1907 $10 Liberty Gold Piece Choice Unc 54 1895O Morgan Silver Dollar EF45 55 1884 CC Dollar Choice Unc 56 1890 CC Dollar NGC MS64 57 1879 CC Dollar NGC AU58 58 1941S Walking Liberty ICG MS65 59 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1879S, 1879O, 1879) BU Unc 60 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1881S, 1882O, 1882S) Unc 61 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1880, 1880S, 1881) Unc 62 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1878S, 1878P w/7 tail feathers, 1878P w/8 tail feathers) Unc 63 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1902O, 1902, 1903) Unc 64 3 Morgan Silver Dollars 1887O, 1888O, 1888) Unc 65 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1885, 1886, 1887) Unc 66 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1882, 1883O, 1885O) Unc 67 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1900O, 1900, 1901O) Unc 68 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1898O, 1898, 1899O) Unc 69 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1883, 1884O, 1884) Unc 70 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1890O, 1891O, 1891) Unc 71 3 Morgan Silver Dollars (1889O, 1889, 1890) Unc 72 1889 CC Dollar ANACS VG8 73 1912S 5 Cent Piece NGC VG10 74 1883 CC Dollar PCGS MS62 PL 75 1921 Peace Dollar XFAU 76 1903O Dollar XFAU 77 20 Barber Halves 78 3-piece Columbus Quincentenary Coin Set w/$5 Gold piece 79 4 Barber Half Dollars (1901S, 1904S, 1913, 1914) 80 Complete Set of Roosevelt Dimes 1946-1964 81 U.S. Emergency Coinage Set No. 1 82 Iowa Centennial Half Dollar 1846-1946 AU 83 1893O Morgan Dollar 84 2 Morgan Silver Dollars (1880S- PCGS MS65, 1884O-PCGS MS64) 85 20 Assorted Barber Quarters 86 1928B Funny-back Dollar Gem Unc 87 Consecutive Pair of 1934 Funny-back Dollars Choice/Gem 88 $5.00 Large-size Johnson City note XF 89 $5.00 Indian Silver Certificate Fine+ 90 $100 1966 U.S. Note AU 91 63 Ben Franklin Half Dollars ($31.50) 92 $19.60 in Roosevelt Silver Dimes 93 $15.50 in Silver Quarters 94 $14.50 in Walking Liberty Half Dollars and 1 Silver Kennedy Half Dollar 95 $2.00 in Assorted Barber and Standing Liberty Quarters 96 $15.90 in Mercury Dimes 97 Assorted Silver Jefferson Nickles, Lincoln Pennies, V-Nickles, Buffalo Nickles 98 6 Type Coins (1835 Bust Half, 1853 One Cent, 1865 3 Cent, 1898 Barber Quarter, 1908 Barber Quarter, 1916 Barber Dime) 99 10 Mixed Silver and Regular Issue Eisenhower Dollars 100 10 Mixed Silver and Regular Issue Eisenhower Dollars 101 2 sets of 2014P & D JFK Halves, set of 2013 P, D & S JFK Halves, 2 sets of 100 Years of Nickles, set of Last 3 Years of V-Nickles 102 Set of National Parks Quarters 103 3 Sets of Obama colorized coins 104 Complete Set of Proof State Quarters 105 Assorted Paper Money 106 Assorted Paper Money 107 12 Rolls of Jefferson Nickles Unc 108 500 Jefferson Nickles 109 500 Jefferson Nickles 110 Roll of Tennessee Quarters 111 Assorted Coins 112 State Quarters 113 State Quarters 114 State Quarters 115 1999 Gold 50 State Commemorative Quarters 116 4 NGC Coin Boxes Cash or check 10% Buyers fee. Kimball Sterling PAL 2476
Date: Saturday, November 2, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern The Joanne and Joe Deyton Estate Collection Auction November 2 10 am ( preview 9 am) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee We have just added more photos. This will be the last add but there is much more to unpack. We are unpacking as fast as we can but I took time to show you a few photos . Many more coming. Over 250 boxes packed away for years still to go through, Just take a look at what we are finding. Mrs. Deyton was one of the most avid collectors in the Southern Appalachian region fro the 1980's till she passed a few years back. She worked 12 hours a day looking and buying some of the best of the the best in Tennessee and local Southern items. She could be at every flea market, antique show and knocking on doors at almost the same time.Her husband Joe was an avid collector also. This collection will include pie safes, southern pottery, a great country basket collection, paintings,Oak furniture, stacked bookcases, toys, advertising and country store, there is even a secretary that came from Washington College Academy, and much more. This will be a very impressive auction. Items are now being moved from the home place and the many barns at the home in Greene County. Make your plans now to attend this auction. You have never seen as many good antiques in one place as you will see on our auction floor. You will think you have dies and gone to antique heaven, This is the "Monster Load" Terms: cash of check , 10% buyers fee, Due to the estate already being settled there will be sales tax unless you have a sales tax number. Kimball M Sterling Inc Kimball Sterling PAL 2476
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern Ike and Mary Robinette Estate 116 Hillandale Dr. (Colonial Heights) Kingsport, Tennessee 37663 Fine Antiques and Collectibles and Cool Four Bedroom House Personal property by Kimball M Sterling, Inc. Kimball M Sterling PAL 2476 Real estate by Bart Long Auctions and associates Bart Long PAL 6163 This is the auction you have been waiting for Personal Property Listing and Terms: Mrs. Robinette was an avid collector for many years. This will be a great sale on location. Fine Tennessee furniture, large and fine quilt collection, fine china, country baskets, blue and white, Nice mountain rifle, French furniture, Many period chest and glass, large collection of ice cream molds, Beautiful epergne, , some sterling silver,East Tennessee banquet table, Corner and flat-wall cupboards, East TN. Pie safe,cherry sugar chest, yellow ware collection, 17th Century European furniture, great primitive kitchen collectibles, Tn blanket chest, "Art and Mystery of Tennessee Furniture", Fine and folk art paintings, Pottery, and much more. No reserves... everything will be sold to the highest bidder Make your plans to attend this auction if you like the better things in life. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. This sale will be sales tax exempt. Parking will be at Colonial Heights Shopping Center and the grass lot behind it Parking is located about 70 yards from sale location. We will be running a shuttle bus for those not wanting a nice morning stroll. You will be able to pull up to load. Under the Big Top.... rain or shine. Preview 9 am morning of the auction.We will also have a pick up on Sunday after the auction from 10 am till 2 pm for the larger items. This sale is located about 1 mile from the interstate. "Look for the First Tennessee Bank sign and turn right and parking is on the left. Real Estate-THIS STATELY ALL BRICK HOME HAS BEEN BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED BOTH INSIDE AND OUT AND IS MOVE IN READY * HOME IS LOCATED IN A WELL ESTABLISHED AND DESIRABLE NEIGHBORHOOD OFFERING LIVING ROOM WITH OPEN FLOOR PLAN TO DINING AREA WHERE FRENCH DOORS OPEN TO A LARGE SCREENED-IN PORCH THAT LEADS TO A WONDERFUL OUTDOOR PATIO AREA (THESE AREAS WOULD BE GREAT FOR A MORNING CUP OF COFFEE OR LOTS OF ROOM FOR ENTERTAINING FAMILY AND FRIENDS) * HOME ALSO OFFERS KITCHEN w/CENTER ISLAND, BREAKFAST NOOK, A BREATHTAKING MASTER SUITE, THREE ADDITIONAL BEDROOMS, TWO ADDITIONAL BATHS, OFFICE, DEN, BEDROOM SIZE WALK-IN CEDAR LINED CLOSET, LAUNDRY/UTILITY ROOM, DRIVE UNDER GARAGE AND OUTDOOR STORAGE BUILDING * EQUIPPED WITH A SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM * HOME SITS ON A NICE LOT WITH BEAUTIFUL WOODS IN BACK OF HOUSE * GREAT LOCATION!. See Bart Longs website for complete description and terms. Bartlongauctions.com Kimball M. Sterling PAL 2476
Date: Saturday, October 5, 2019 Time:10:00 am Multiple Estates Sale Sat. Oct 5th 10:00 125 west Market Johnson City, Tennessee "This will be a good sale for everyone.... lots of treasures" You are only seeing a few of the items in the photos. This will be an auction with various smaller estates. Local pie safe, face jugs and local pottery, selection of good carpets,Vintage US gold coins, paintings and prints, good Indian relics, store scales, toys, High dollar modern conference table.Nazi sword and other military knives, half carat set of diamond earrings,upscale used furniture including fancy Millander dining room suite, bedroom and dinning room suites, cast iron, James A. Maxwell plates, Large and important library with great books, Floor showcases, Tiffany Sterling, some coins, early cast iron patio furniture, primitives, furniture and much more. This sale will not have photos due to our time element. Maybe some on Friday. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Preview 9 am morning of the auction.This will be about a 2.5 to 3 hour auction. KImball Sterling PAL 2476
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2019 Time:10 am Unclaimed Lock Box Auction Saturday Sept. 21st 10 am 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty Tn. We will sell property from a local banks unclaimed lock- boxes. Includes Sterling flatware set, more sterling, pocket watches, Knives, diamond rings, gold chains and charm bracelets, wedding bands, coin ring, wrist watches and much more. All items will be sold with no reserve and no returns. Please attend preview so you will know what you are bidding on that morning. We also had two nonpaying bidders from our coin auction and we will resale a large group of silver and gold coins Preview 9 am , cash or check 10% buyers fee, Tn. Sales tax. This will be about a 75 minute auction. We will move very swiftly Kimball Sterling PAL 2476
Date: Saturday, August 31, 2019 Time:10:00 am Doozy Camper and Automotive Sales Surplus Auction Saturday August 31 10 am 2230 South Roan Street Johnson CIty, Tn 37601 " This will be a Doozy of an Auction" You owe it to yourself to preview this auction due to the vast categories that we will find in the many different buildings and cannot advertise, After over 35 years in business it is time for a surplus auction at this well known business. Remember the first inflatable Santa in this area(Its 30 foot tall and we have it to sell) You will not believe the items that we are going to have at this auction. The owners also have purchased over the years various other businesses and the building are full. We will walk the buildings and the grounds. Rain or shine bring your raincoats. Many large lots will be sold this day. Very partial Listing: 30 x 60 ' awning building ( 30 days to remove),Tool Boxes,,Bedliners, Truck accessories,grill Guards,,Push Bars,Floor Mats,Advertising Displays and Models,Steel Wheels (15” and 17”) Hitches,Hitch Receivers,Steps,Runn ing Boards (Diamond and Extruded),Wheel Covers,Wiring Harnesses,Sun Visors,Vent Visors, Mud Flaps,Bed Liners (Husky),Weather Tech Cargo Mats,Stainless Steel Wheel Well Molding,Mirror Extenders,Fiber Glass 53’ Chevy Truck Grill and Hood ( fits Chevy 88- 99),Wheel Chairs Carriers,Wheel Chair Lifts for trucks and vans,Running Board Lights,Bed Mat,Bed Caps,Truck Bed Covers,Truck bed Camper Shells,Fuel Gems,Bumper Guards,Bug Deflectors,Tonneau Covers,Rear Window Replacements for Trucks,Stainless Steel Side Steps,Black Side Steps,Tailgate Pieces Printers,Stereos,Cop y Machines,File Dividers,Desks,Lobby Seats, Book Shelves,Sign letters,Chairs,Displ ay Cases,Lifts,shelves, Concrete Benches and Tables,Concrete planters,Christmas Decorations (Trees, Ornaments, Sleigh, Inflatable 30 Ft, Santa, Yard Signs, Scrap, etc.),Mig and Tig Welder,,Plasma Cutter,Work Bench,Replacement Lift Motors,Tool Chests,Miscellaneous Hand Tools,Reciprocating Saw Drills,Retracks Replacement,Clothing Racks, Fork lift ( needs work) , Metal shelving,Prints (Religious, Patriotic, and Flower),Posters, Nascar Posters,Commercial Poster Display Rack,POW Veterans Flags and Patriotic Flags,Pepsi Collectors Bottles (by the case),World’s Fair Beer (by the case), A complete Christmas shop, and we are working on titles for a few vehicles. Plus who knows what else we will find in the buildings as we unpack the week of the auction Terms: Cash or check day of the auction. 10% buyers fee and sales tax unless you have a state tax number. Removal days of sale. Preview morning of the auction at 9 am and Friday before the auction from Noon until 3:00 . Parking will be directly behind the building. Just turn up where you see the auction arrow and go straight. Large field with plenty of parking.We will also have a pickup on Sunday from 10:00 am till 3. We cannot be responsible for for items left onsite by the buyer. Bring your trucks and trailers and be ready to buy. all items sell as is and announcements day of sale take precedence over pre-sale advertising. KImball M Sterling Inc. Auctioneers Kimball sterling Principle Auctioneer PAL# 2476
Date: Sunday, August 18, 2019 Time:noon The John Hamby Coin Collection, The Hall Collection of Military Firearms and Shot Guns including rare muzzle loaders and some modern, A St. Louis Cane collection including Sword and gun canes and many more. Sunday August 18th 12 noon Preview 9 am morning of the auction and Saturday August 17th Noon till 4 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty , Tennessee 37604 The coin collection- Mr. Hamby collected many fine proofs including high grade type proofs which are all slabbed , silver bullion currency, currency,foreign and much more. Two safes will also be sold that he keep most of the coins in. About 50 rare proof lots and more. (Rare proofs start at Lot 148) The Hall Gun Collection- Mr.Hall collected his entire life of high grade military pistols and long guns.4- Lugers,3- Broomhandles.3 P- 38s,Nambus,Steyre 1915 9mm plus other pistols including including Smith and Wessons, Colt,Browning and much more. After the end of the catalogue sales we will sell ammo and other gun accessories. Long guns include many high grade double muzzle loaders, French Buffalo carbine 3 shot 22, Remington Rolling block,M1 Carbine,Jap 7.7, 303 Enfield, Rem. 1100- Sportsman- Speedmaster,Rockola M1,R I Howard Drilling(ML), Mini 14 and more.(Guns start at Lot 208) The St. Louis Cane Collection- A rare pepper box dagger cane ( provenance- Rick Berkoff 100 Killers ), a dozen sword canes, shotgun canes, silver, gold and much more. ( Canes will start at 272) Catalogue: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/canes-coins- and-firearms-world-class-auction-4322/catalog?page=7 In-house, phone absentee and live internet bidding. Cash or check, No credit cards, 10 % buyers fee in house, Internet buyers fee will be more. It will be states on the internet catalogue. Modern guns will have to ship dealer to dealer. Our dealer for this auction is : "Cover Your Six Customs" in Johnson City. J. C. Harrison .423-268- 2060 Antique guns will ship by us. Harrison charges 25.00 first gun and 10.00 there after. Stay tunes for all of the photos and catalogue. We have posted coin and Gun Photos. Kimball M Sterling Inc. Kimball Sterling Principal Auctioneer 2476
Date: Saturday, August 17, 2019 Time:10:00 am Hampton Store-all 461 US 321 Hampton Tn 37658 Saturday August 17th 10am Terms -Cash only. We will not know the number of units util the morning of sale due to lessors right of redemption. We will walk from one unit to the next. Auctioneer will open the door to the unit and buyers will have 5 minutes to look at the sale items but will not be allowed in the unit. A 50.00 deposit up above the selling price will be collected to insure the unit is emptied.After emptied that day before closing the deposit will be refunded to the buyer. If buyer cannot remove day of sale they can rent the unit for 30 days . Kimball Sterling PAL 2476
Date: Saturday, July 27, 2019 Time:10 am John and Judy Hamby Estate Auction Saturday July 27th 10 am Preview 9am 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee This is a really good estate with antiques, upscale used furniture, and a nice wood working shop. We had to move the entire house to the auction gallery due to parking at the house. Pottery, unusual oak furniture, Victorian marble top tables, oak wall phone, black memorabilia, fine china and glass, upscale craft items, leather furniture, dining and bedroom suites, great iron bed, green graniteware, dolls, baskets, grandfather clock,Jadite,Lapis globe, costume and fine jewelry, burl bowls, hand-painted china, crystal,and much more. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. No sales tax. Kimball M Sterling, Inc. Kimball M Sterling .Principal Auctioneer 2476
Date: Saturday, July 20, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern Advertising, Large Keen Kutter, Vintage toy, Jars, Underground Comics Etc two Estate Collections plus much more Saturday July 20th 10:00am ( Preview 9:00) 125 w Market Street Johnson CIty, Tennessee 37604 One regular estate and one living estate. Many good items. The first is a large collection of Keen Kutter items- tools, knives, advertising, axes, yard tools and much more over 200 items. The second estate includes a large collection of advertising signs, vintage toys, jars and bottles, thermometers, fruit and cigars labels, Pet Milk crates, Matchbox toys, good paper items and comics, Corn Fed comics,motor cycle toys, Planters Peanut, Coin op gum machine, trade cards, Funny book and much more, local advertising including Sammys apex Nudie lift up calendars,Nostalgic Mad comics, windup toys, Book of Knowledge mechanical banks, collection of Army windups,and much more Cash or check 10% Buyers fee. Kimball Sterling Principle auctioneer 2476
Date: Saturday, June 29, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern Stoney Creek Lifetime Collection Sat. June 29th 10 am 125 west Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee This lifetime collection will be moved to our auction gallery due to parking space at the sale location. You are only seeing part of it in the photos. Fine Federal and country furniture, over 40 listed artist paintings, country furniture, nice collection of export pottery, country baskets, cast iron, early accessories, antique carpets,folk art, wicker, early glass, nice silver plate, Queen Anne dinning room table with chairs, fine American chest, nice Federal sideboard, Imari, Country wardrobe, plus much more. Watch our website the week before the auction for more photos and details. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Preview 9 am morning of the auction.
Date: Saturday, June 22, 2019 Time:11:00 am Eastern Day Antique Cane Auction Sat. JUne 22 11:00 am Eastern. 125 W. Market Street and Live on the net at Bidsquare.com Johnson City, Tennessee The selection will include a group of rare systems sticks, silver and gold dress,sword, hard- stone , folk art, political and much more!!!!! Three different collections. This auction will be live in- house and live on the internet at bidsquare.com Phone and absentee bids accepted. Cash or Check 20% BP in-house and 23% online. Preview morning of auction at 9:00 am. Here is the link to a partial catalogue. More coming https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-cane- auction-4201 Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL- 1915 423 773 4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Monday, May 27, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern Monday Memorial Day Estates Auction Monday May 27th 10 am 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tn 37604 Be sure and make this auction of the preview, We have many great eatate items coming in every day. A Colorado Estate. Advertising from the Ralph Van Brockin Estate, A good local estate , Art , Carpets, plus selective consignments Period furniture, Fine Sterling, Ladies 5 ct cluster with three stones one carat or more plus smaller stone( White Gold) Early pewter collection, Andrew Johnson signed land grant,extensive meat platter collection,carpets, Early tall case clock,upscale advertising signs and items, vintage toys , Ephemera , Model Adams road grader, Dispose a Mule mechanical bank, Tiffany purse watch by Movado, slabbed silver dollars, Large set of Wallace Violet flatware in large silver casket, fine art, Nazi dagger large salt glaze collection, curved glass oak display cabinets, pair of Cherry poster single beds, and more. Cash or check 10% buyers fee in house. Preview is Sunday before the auction 1:00 till 3:00 and morning of sale at 9:00 am
Date: Saturday, May 18, 2019 Time:10 am Massive Coins, Gold , Silver Living Estate Auction Saturday May 18th 10 am 125 West Market street Johnson CIty, Tn Preview Friday, Noon until 4 and morning of the auction at 8:30 am This will be our largest coin, silver and gold auction that we have ever conducted. Rare CC dollars, both vintage and modern gold coins. Proof sets, complete sets of USA coinage, over 400 silver dollars and rare date coins, type coins, a rare gold and silver West Point,bullion, Many coins are graded and slabbed, We will add many more coin about two weeks before the auction. Probably about 100 lots extra lots bringing to total to about 350 plus Catalogue link: https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/141104_lifetime-coin-gold- bullion- auction/ Cash or check 10% buyers fee.
Date: Saturday, May 11, 2019 Time:10 am Jack Whaley Estate Sat. May 11th 10 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee This is a nice local estate with good pottery, pie safe. corner cupboard, porcelain Dr. Pepper sign, many clocks, antique plane collection, oak side by side, primitive cupboard, oak bedroom furniture, great smalls, etc. Good early Washington County estate. Take a look at the photos. Cash or check 10% BP. Preview 9 am. Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL 1915
Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 Time:10 am Jack City Bar and Restaurant Liquidation Auction Wednesday April 24th 10:00 am 1805 North Roan Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Restaurant equipment will be sold at 10 am with the art and furnishing to follow Folk Art,Decorations, Kitchen Equipment, Furniture and more The coolest place Johnson City has ever had and a staple for many years. Mills Investments of Morristown has decided to close this location and the auction will take place on Wednesday April 24th at 1805 North Roan St. in Johnson City, Tn. A complete list of the equipment will be up soon. Kitchen double door freezers and refrigerators, bottle coolers, draft box, keg racks, cooling display case, glass chiller, dunage racks,wine bottle tree, Hoshiziki Ice machine,gas grills, smaller pizza oven,cool bar stools, lighting, sound system with speakers, booths. bar tables, TV's,Metro shelving, cabinets, flatware and dinnerware, SS shelves, condiment cooler units, commercial microwave, Hobart meat slicer, Electric cheese grader, oak high chairs, plus much more. Many larger lots of smaller equipment to be sold Decorations: Folk art painting, decorated upscale modern mirrors, collections of handmade art cowboy boots. Unusual lighting fixtures, painted columns, folk decorated tables and chairs, paint decorated doors, bottle cap bird houses, neon beer signs, Large neon Jack City Grill sign ( must be removed by buyer), crystal chandlers, large group of folk art paintings in many different categories, single hanging art glass shades, large iron bottle tree, plus much more, Terms of sale: cash or check 10% buyers fee. Tn. sales tax. all items will sell as is. Equipment will be plugged up and running for your examination. All items must be removed the day and evening of the auction. No exceptions. Come ready to haul and move your items out side by 6 pm. Anything that is directly wired must be capped off to the building. No equipment attached to the building will be sold at this time but subject to change day of the auction. This includes sinks and walk ins Preview Tuesday April 23rd 1:00 till 3:00, then morning of the auction at 9 am. Kimball M Sterling,Inc TFL-1915 423-773-4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Saturday, April 13, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern Bill and Elaine Pickering Estate Auction Saturday April 13th 10:00 am Preview 9:00 am 125 West Market St., Johnson City, Tn. Furniture, Fine Glassware, Gulf Oil and More Cash or check with no buyers fee or sales tax This estate will be moved to our gallery due to parking not available at the home place. The Pickerings of 1208 Edgewood, Johnson City were avid collectors and in the early days of Sterling Auction attended just about every auction. Mrs. Pickering was a very heavy glass buyer specializing in Heisey. Years ago they went the dealer way for a few years and set up at the Va. Highlands Festival. Most of those items are packed away and have not been seen for years and do not appear in any of these photos. Bill really liked Gulf Oil items and automotive including early Tennessee tags. They collected fine oak such as curved glass oak cabinets, Jelly cupboards, and some mission. You are really going to enjoy this auction early Tennessee collection. Very partial listing: Two Oak curved glass china cabinets, oak side by side, large collection of Gulf oil items,Mid Century bedroom suite, costume jewelry and cameos, Churns, Tn. auto tags, baskets, Jelly cupboards. Aesthetic sofa, Fenton, 50's porch chairs, ornate cast iron yard furniture, Very large and important collection of Heisey glass, mission oak desk and tobacco stand, Mid Century hope chest, service station cone top oil bottles and carrier, advertising items, Amish porch swing,some wicker furniture, oak dinning room furniture, Fostoria, Iron Mountain stoneware, oil lamps, nice book cases, some Victorian furniture, collectible toys, household items and tools,clocks, cast iron, garden statues, oak bible tables,Toms jar, copper cookware, Moonshine oak barrel, Victorian glass, enamel table and cabinets,walnut one drawer stand, folk art boxes, two oak sideboards,some carnival and depression glass, plus much more . Check back about two days before the auction. Box lots and lesser value items will be sold the following Monday in Liz and Emmas Monday night auction at 5:00.
ADVANCE NOTICE Time:10:00 am Eastern U S Magis International Education Center Has notified Kimball M Sterling, Inc.that in order to better coordinate for campus renovation the the auction has been cancelled
Date: Saturday, March 30, 2019 Time:10:30 am Eastern US Gold, Unc Silver Dollars, Currency, Bullion Auction Saturday March 30th 10:30 am 125 West Market St. Johnson City, Tennessee Preview 9 am morning of the auction and Friday before the auction Noon till 4 pm. We will be accepting absentee, phone and email bids but this auction is not live online. We have three different estates. One is a large estate including fine silver dollars. US gold coins, and upscale currency. The coins from the estate of former mayor Ralph Van Brocklin including many fine type coins, large collection of 3 cent nickles, type coins, bullion etc, The third group is the Scott estate which includes Foreign .999 and sterling proof coins from around the world, Franklin mint sets,Mount Everest Sir Edmund Hillary and sherpa Tenzing Norgay autographed first edition silver coin and cover. 1932 D quarter and more. Slabbed three legged Buffalo Nickle Here is the correct catalogue. Please print you a copy and bring it to the sale. 1 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1878, 1878 S (2), 1878 7/8 F (3) 2 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1878, 1878 S, 1878 7/8 F (2), 1879 O 3 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1878 S (4), 1879 O 4 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1879 S (4) 5 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1879 S (2), 1880 (2), 1880 O 6 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1880, 1880 S (4) 7 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1881 S (5) 8 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1880, 1882 (2), 1882 O, 1882 S 9 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1880 O, 1880 S (2), 1882 S (2) 10 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1880, 1880 S, 1882 O, 1882 S, 1883 11 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1880, 1880 S, 1882, 1883 O, 1888 12 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1881 (2), 1881 S (3) 13 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1881 S (4), 1882 O 14 Morgan Dollars 1883 S, 1884 S, 1885 S 15 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1883, 1884 (3), 1884 O 16 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1885 (2), 1885 O (3) 17 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1885 O (5) 18 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1885 (3), 1886, 1887 19 Morgan Dollars 1886 O (2), 1896 O 20 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1887 (4), 1887 O 21 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1887 (5) 22 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1887 S (2) 23 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1887 (4), 1888 24 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1886, 1887, 1887 O, 1889 O 25 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1888, 1888 O, 1889 (3) 26 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1890 (3), 1890 S (2) 27 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1890, 1891 O, 1899 O 28 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1891 (4), 1891 O 29 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1897 S, 1891 S (2) 30 Morgan Dollars 1892 (3), 1892 O, 1892 S (2) 31 Morgan Dollars 1893 (2) 32 Morgan Dollars 1894 O (2), 1894 S 33 Morgan Dollars 1896 S 34 Morgan Dollars 1896 S (2), 1897 O, 1898 S 35 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1897, 1898 O, 1899 O (3) 36 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1898 O (3), 1890, 1899 O 37 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1880 S, 1886, 1899 O (2), 1901 O 38 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1896 (4) and 1897 39 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1900 (2), 1900 O (2), 1901 O (2), 1902 O 40 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1900, 1901, 1902 O (2), 1902 41 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1900 (2), 1903 (2), 1904 O (2) 42 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1904 (4) 43 Morgan Dollars 1904 S (3) 44 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1904 O (5) 45 Uncirculated Morgan Dollars 1921 (3), 1921 S 46 2 Silver Commemorative Half Dollars 1893 47 Silver Peace Dollar 1934S 48 Silver Peace Dollar 1934S 49 3 Mercury Dimes 1916, 1921 & 1921D 50 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1921 51 Peace Dollars 1921, 1934 D 52 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1922 (3), 1922 D, 1922 S 53 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1922 (3), 1923 (2) 54 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1922 (4), 1923 55 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1923 (4), 1923 D 56 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1922 (4), 1925 57 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1922, 1923 (2), 1925, 1925 S 58 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1923 (2), 1924, 1925, 1926 59 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1923 (2), 1924 (2), 1926 60 Peace Dollars 1928 S (2) 61 Uncirculated Peace Dollar 1925, 1926, 1934 D 62 Peace Dollar 1927, 1927 D, 1934 D 63 Peace Dollar 1927, 1935 S 64 Peace Dollar 1934, 1934 D 65 1881 Carson City Silver Dollar 66 1887 S Silver Dollar 67 1890 Carson City Silver Dollar 68 Uncirculated 1891 Carson City Silver Dollar 69 1894 Silver Dollar 70 1894 O Silver Dollar 71 1895 O Morgan Silver Dollar 72 1901 Silver Dollar 73 1921 Peace Dollar 74 1928 Peace Dollar 75 1882 Uncirculated Shield Nickle 76 1937 D 5 cent 3-Leg 77 1909 S VDB Penny VF 20 78 1929 Standing Liberty Quarter 79 Liberty Walking Half Dollars 1916, 1916 D, 1916 S 80 Liberty Walking Half Dollars 1917, 1917 D OBV, 1917 D REV, 1917 S OBV, 1917 S REV 81 Liberty Walking Half Dollars 1918, 1918 D, 1918 S 82 Liberty Walking Half Dollars 1919, 1919 D, 1919 S 83 Liberty Walking Half Dollars 1920, 1920 D, 1920 S 84 Liberty Walking Half Dollars 1921, 1921 S 85 Liberty Walking Half Dollars 1923, 1927, 1928, 1929 (2), 1933, 1934 (3), 1935 (3) 86 Ten Uncirculated Silver Dollars 87 Lafayette Silver Dollar 1900 88 Pillar Dollar 1769 89 Pillar Dollar 1795 O 90 Silver Quarter 1932 91 Uncirculated Silver Stone Mountain Commemorative Half Dollar 92 10 Silver Dollars 93 10 Silver Dollars 94 1955 Proof Set - Boxed 95 1955 Proof Set - Display 96 1955 Proof Set - Flat 97 6 Uncirculated Walking Liberty Half Dollars 98 Uncirculated Carson City Dollar 1882 99 Full Set of Peace Dollars 1921-1935 100 Full Set of Peace Dollars 1921-1935 101 Full Set of Liberty Walking Half Dollars 1916-1947 102 Set of Uncirculated Jefferson Nickles 1938-1981 (missing 1979S proof) 103 Full Set of Jefferson Nickles 1938-1961 104 Full Set of Jefferson Nickles 1938-1961 105 Two Full Sets of Jefferson Nickles 1938- 1961 106 Full Set of Franklin Halves 1948-1963 107 Full Set of Franklin Halves 1948-1963 108 Full Set of Franklin Halves 1948-1963 109 Full Set of silver Roosevelt Dimes 1946- 1964 110 Set of Mercury Dimes 1916-1945 (missing 1942 over 41) 111 Set of Mercury Dimes 1916-1945 (missing 1942 over 41) 112 Two sets of Lincoln Head Cents (Book 1 missing 1909 SVDB, 1909S & 1914D Book 2 missing 1955 double die) 113 Partial Set of Indian Head Cents 114 145 Indian Head Cents 115 Alaskan Gold Nugget 116 62 Uncirculated Washington Quarters - 46 Silver 117 Two 2007S Presidential Dollars PF70 Ultra Cameo Proof Sets 118 Four Partial Sets of Buffalo Nickles 119 Complete Set of Washington Quarters 1932- 1964 120 Lincoln Cents Book 1 1909-1940 (missing 1909 SVDB, 1922D error) 121 Lincoln Cents Books 1 & 2 (1 missing 1909SVDB, 1909S, 1922D error; 2 missing 1955 double die & 1960 Small date) 122 Full Set of Liberty Standing Half Dollar Collection Book One 1937 to 1947 123 3-piece Replicas of First & Last Year of Issue Double Eagle Proof Set (each 1 ounce of .999 Pure Silver) 124 28-piece set of 1980 Russian Olympic Coins 125 15 Uncirculated Silver Half Dollars 126 53 Uncirculated Silver Quarters 127 55 Buffalo Nickles with dates 128 48-piece Uncirculated set of Silver Roosevelt Dimes 129 21 rolls of Nickles 1939,1947D (10), 1949S (2), 1950, 1958 (7) 130 ~8.5 pounds of Wheat ear Pennies 131 4 rolls Uncirculated Roosevelt Dimes 1954, 1957, 1958D, 1959 132 3 rolls Uncirculated Roosevelt Dimes 1946S, 1955, 1955S 133 160 Buffalo Nickles with dates 134 83 Buffalo Nickles without dates 135 20 Uncirculated 1959D Franklin Half Dollars 136 20 Uncirculated 1964 Kennedy Half Dollars 137 20 Uncirculated Silver Dollars 1884 O 138 20 Uncirculated Silver Dollars 1904 O 139 14 Uncirculated Silver Dollars 140 2 rolls of Franklin Half Dollars 1948 & 1948D 141 2 rolls of Franklin Half Dollars 1953 142 Silver and base metal Foreign Coins 143 3 rolls ($30) of Kennedy Clad Half Dollars (40% silver) 144 5 Commemorative Coin Sets, includes 7 Silver Dollars 145 7 Proof George Washington Silver Commemorative Half Dollars 1732-1982 146 Rare Proof- like Uncirculated Carson City Silver Dollar 1883 147 5 Uncirculated Eisenhower Silver Dollars 148 3 Proof Eisenhower Silver Dollars 1971 & 1972 (2) 149 8 Uncirculated Eisenhower Silver Dollars 1971 (2) & 1972 (6) 150 2 1956 Proof Sets 151 2 1956 Proof Sets 152 5 1957 Proof Sets 153 5 1957 Proof Sets 154 2 1958 Proof Sets 155 2 1958 Proof Sets 156 2 1959 Proof Sets 157 5 1960 Proof Sets 158 5 1960 Proof Sets 159 1960 Small Date Proof Set 160 1961 Mint Set & Proof Set 161 2 1962 Mint Sets 162 1962 and 1963 Mint Sets 163 2 1970 Mint Sets 164 3 1970 Mint Sets 165 Commemoratives: Star Spangled Banner Silver Dollar and Liberty Silver Dollar & Half Dollar 166 3-piece 1992 Proof Set: $5 Gold and Silver Dollar & Half Dollar 167 2-piece Smithsonian 150th Anniversary Commemoratives: $5 Gold and Silver Dollar 168 3-piece 1993 Bill of Rights Commemorative Set: $5 Gold and Silver Dollar & Half Dollar 169 3-piece 1992 U.S. Olympic Coin Set: $5 Gold, Silver Dollar & Clad Half Dollar 170 1995 U.S. Olympic $5 Gold Proof 171 20 Silver Certificate Notes 172 10 1928 $2.00 Notes 173 10 1953 $2.00 Notes 174 Giori Proof Test Notes 175 25 cent 5th issue Fractional Currency 176 1935A WWII Pacific Theater $1.00 Short Snorter 177 2 $1.00 Silver Certificates: 1899 Black Eagle and 1923 Washington 178 2 1914 Federal Reserve Notes: $1.00 and $20.00 179 1917 U.S. $2.00 Note 180 1907 $5.00 "Woodchopper" Note 181 3 Bicentennial Silver Proof Sets 182 5 1968 Proof Sets 183 5 1968 Proof Sets 184 5 1970 Proof Sets 185 5 1970 Proof Sets 186 5 1970 Proof Sets 187 5 1971 Proof Sets 188 5 1971 Proof Sets 189 5 1971 Proof Sets 190 5 1972 Proof Sets 191 5 1976 Proof Sets 192 5 1977 Proof Sets 193 5 1978 Proof Sets 194 5 1980 Proof Sets 195 5 1982 Proof Sets 196 5 1983 Proof Sets 197 11 Proof Sets (1969, 1970 (3). 1972 (3), 1973, 1981, 1984, 1988) and 2 1981 Mint Sets 198 $2.50 1851 Gold Coin in 14K gold bezel 199 $2.50 1861 Gold Coin 200 $2.50 1928 Gold Coin 201 $3.00 1855 Gold Coin 202 $3.00 1860S Gold Coin 203 $5.00 1893 Gold Coin 204 $5.00 Liberty Half Eagle Gold Coin 1901 205 $5.00 1912 Gold Coin 206 $5.00 1912 Gold Coin 207 $5.00 1913 Gold Coin 208 $10.00 1894 Gold Coin 209 $10.00 1914 Gold Coin 210 $20.00 1904 S Uncirculated Gold Coin 211 $20.00 1927 Gold St Gaudens 212 1879 Carson City Silver Dollar - Mint State 61 Brilliant U 213 1889 Carson City Silver Dollar - Mint State 45 Extra Fine 214 1891 Carson City Silver Dollar 215 1892 Carson City Silver Dollar 216 Two 1893 Colombian Half Dollars 217 Three 1893 Uncirculated Colombian Half Dollars 218 Uncirculated 1883 5 Cent Liberty (No Cents) 219 6 Seated Half Dollars 220 1875 S 20 Cent Silver Coin 221 Two Morgan Silver Dollars 1884 S and 1885 S 222 Ten Seated Silver Quarters 223 Seven Large 1 Cent Coins 224 Two Carver and Washington Commemorative Half Dollars 225 14 Type Coins 226 60 Walking Liberty Half Dollars 227 Three Rolls of Franklin Half Dollars 228 Three Silver Canadian Dollars and 2 Canadian Centennial Co 229 Uncirculated Canadian Sets: two 1967 Silver sets and one 1 230 $5.00 1899 "One Papa" Silver Certificate 231 2 Large Cents and a Hibernia Penny 232 16 3 Cent Nickels 233 Assorted Type and Silver Lot 234 3 Dollars Face Silver Halves 235 Assorted Lot 236 Assorted Foreign Silver lot, a Silver Dollar Money Clip 237 Four Dollars and 70 Cents Face Silver 238 Token Lot 239 18 Proof and Unc Roosevelt Dimes 240 3 foreign gold coins 241 Assorted Lot 242 Foreign Silver lot Mostly 50 Percent 243 A Rare Mnt Everest Comm with Autographs 244 Assorted Foreign Silver Lot 245 Assorted Silver lot with Various Silver Contents 246 Assorted US lot Some Silver 247 Foreign Sterling Coin Lot 248 Large Foreign Sterling Lot 249 Assorted Foreign Proof Lot Some Silver 250 Foreign Sterling Silver Lot 251 Foreign Sterling Coin Lot 252 Three American Eagles 253 Assorted Foreign Lot Some Silver and Political Tokens 254 Assorted US lot Some Silver 255 United Nations 10 oz Sterling pair of Books Cash or check 10% buyers fee. A printable catalogue will appear here at auctionauction.com the week of the auction. KImball M Sterling Inc TFL 1915 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern Living Estate of an Antique and Western Very Avid Collector Saturday February 16th 10:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Many more photos and listing coming week of the auction This is an unbelievable auction. Over 3000 items ( maybe 4000) in one day including Oak furniture, Red Wing pottery collection,regulation slate pool table,fine china and glass, boating items, brass band instruments, advertising signs, collection of buggys, massive custom made king size bed, pottery, primitives,cowboy items, and much much more. We will have great photos on our website the week before the auction. There are over 300 boxes still to unpack that have been packed away for years. Preview 9 am morning of the auction. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Phone and absentee bidding.
Date: Saturday, February 9, 2019 Time:10:00 am Eastern Antique Cane Auction Feb. 6 start and ends Feb.16th 2019 Balance of the Rick Wagner Estate, and other fine canes from private collections Here is the catalgoue: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-cane-auction- 3803 This will be an absentee cane auction with a full catalogue on this website about one week before the auction. The auction will last for eleven days.Rick had the best collection of Dartmouth College Indian canes in the world and we will be offering the entire collection in this auction,other canes from the Wagner collection, A group of ivory canes which will be offered to Tennessee bidders only (you must have a Tennessee drivers license to bid on these ivory canes and they have to be shipped within the state of Tennessee}, system canes, large handle gold- filled dress cane, dress canes, folk , historical, carnival cane collection, silver dress, cane cases, books and much more. As the time winds down on each lot that lot will go live. Be sure and entire your highest absentee bid and the Bidsquare program will bid you competitively if you cant be by your computer. Canes must start at there starting bid to sell. Cash or check 23% buyers fee. No phone bidding or absentee. All bids must be entered on the website catalogue.
Date: Tuesday, January 1, 2019 Time:11 am Antiques and Estates Auction New Years Day- Dr. Ralph Van Brocklin Crocks and Advertising, Don and Shirley Kay Collection, Charlie Green Bottle Collection and much more Tuesday January 1st, 11:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 We will sell over 500 lots with 300 by internet catalogue and the rest we will mix in. One of our best New Years Day auctions. Cataloged items will be up by the Sat. before the auction, but remember we have 300 other items including good estate furniture and more. The pottery collection of Dr. Ralph Van Brocklin including many local potters including Decker and more, Big Spring Saloon and other local whiskey jugs, collection of salt glaze whiskey canteens, Collection of Thomas Gaffney Mich. Bar pottery, Bristol liquor jugs, Nashville grocery crocks, Memphis Druggist, very rare Greenville liquor jug over 100 pieces, self framed rare advertising signs, and other early pottery, Don and Shirley Kay have collected early paper and advertising for over 40 years and their collection brings to market beautiful early die cut advertising, pottery, country store, Americana, Palmer Cox brownies, WW II posters and many unusual items ,The Charlie Green bottle collection including many hard to find bottles and sets of early bottles, and various other items from smaller estates. Large group of Bristol bottles. This will be fun and exciting day for the Collector. I personally knew each one of these world class collectors for over forty years each. Very Partial listing other than the collections- check back Billy Ray Hussey face jug and other Ga. and North Carolina jugs, large collection of country and Cherokee baskets( included in the Cherokee collection is a large group of miniatures, Schoenhut circus figures, Nice 1920 s barber chair, country primitives, Sterling Holloware, Primitive Lazy Susan table, Fine carpets,antique toys, Davis pencil post bed, outsider art, Cherry twin beds, cast iron advertising string-holder, fine carpets, Jewelry, Fine art and prints,Formal and Country furniture, fine china and crystal, dress canes, Country store showcases, Chippendale style settee, check back for more. Here is a link to some of the pottery , bottles and advertising: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Kimball-M-Sterling-Inc-Auctioneers-Tfl-1915-296745763700603/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2380573285317830 Preview New Years Eve Noon until 4 and morning of the auction at 9:30 and just stop by the week before the auction . Cash or check 10% buyers Partial catalogue: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antiques-and-estates-auction-new-years-day-3762 Kimball M Sterling, Inc. TFL 1915
Date: Saturday, December 15, 2018 Time:10:00 am Eastern James D.Smith Estate Saturday December 15th 11 am Box lots at 9:30 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Antiques-PT Cruiser- Upscale Furnishings-Tools and much more We have moved this estate to our gallery in Johnson City due to expectations of inclement weather. This is a nice estate. Fine furniture, clocks, dolls, fine china and glass, upscale furnishings, fishing items, PT Cruiser, house safe, oak washstand, great leather sofa, Modern large Flat Screen, lots of tools and contents of shop, oak side by side, plantation bench, curved glass oak cabinet, Victorian slab wall pockets, stack bookcase, oak sewing machine, Modern poster bedroom suite, vintage toys, Singer featherweight machines, blue willow, good flatware, nice clock collection, costume jewelry, children's irons, fine prints and frames, great yard art, drop leaf desk, early photos in cases, country kitchen collectibles, plus much more. Note- We will unpack boxes in the garage that have been packed away from a previous move. I can tell you there will be great surprises This will be our last sale before our New Years Day Auction. Ya'll have a good Christmas and a very happy Holiday of your choice. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. There will be no sales tax on this auction. Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL 1915
Date: Saturday, December 8, 2018 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-canes-and-walking-sticks-3643 Important Absolute Cane Auction Saturday December 8th ,11 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 This will be a wonderful selection all from one collection in Europe. We will list a catalogue Mid November on this website. A nice upscale presentation with many different categories. This is a sale that you have been waiting for.Check back soon. I have included a few photos for a nice preview. The sale will be live in house, telephone, absentee and Bidsquare.com. Cash or Check 20% buyers fee( Internet pays 23%). Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL 1915 423 773 4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Saturday, November 24, 2018 Time:10:00 am Eastern Amy Costner Estate Auction Saturday November 24th 10:00( Preview 9 am) 1008 East 8th Ave. Gump Edition Johnson City, Tennessee This is a really nice local estate and if you like antique and collectible items to entertain with this is the mega load. Fine china and many patterns of crystal, Over 40 pieces of Cybis and Herend porcelain, Local Indian relics including axes and a great bird stone, Pair of walnut corner cupboards, Over 400 tobacco tags, Wedgwood Williamsburg, fine art,pictorial Chinese carpets, Royal Dux,art glass, Plantation desk, butlers desk, Very fine mirrors, Dinky toys, toy Civil war soldiers, Victorian cast iron urn, Murano glass, upscale iron patio and kitchen furniture,country baskets, crocks, inlaid gallery desk, costume jewelry primitive kitchen items,good library, fine upscale sofas and chairs, Nice Staffordshire group,Statues, lusters,Jean Caviness pottery angels, vintage Christmas items, Upscale modern Christmas collectibles,perfume bottles, great estate box lots, and .........A 3000 sq. foot attic which is packed full of early goodies, We will post more photos and add to the listing the Wednesday before the auction. Stay tuned Cash or check 10% BP. No sales tax. Rain or shine our tents will be up
Date: Saturday, November 3, 2018 Time:10:00 am Armetta Blevins Hunigan Estate Auction Saturday November 3rd , 10 am ( 9 am preview) 204 Cheshire ( Behind Walgreens) Piney Flats, Tennessee 37686 This is surely going to be a good auction. The 5k square foot home is loaded with fine furniture, Best Christmas decorations ever, jewelry, antiques, fine china, bedroom and dinning room suites, Fenton leather sofas and chairs, tools and much more . Flat screen TV's, good kitchen items, flatware, ornate furniture,and prepare for a long all day auction. Dont you buy anything new before this auction. The items in this house are in mint condition and you will save hundreds compared to furniture store prices, vintage department store telephone sign, Oak secretary, Two really nice jewelry cabinets,great yard and home statues, carpets, all types of Holiday decorations, boxes and boxes that have been packed away for years. Over 200 great box lots to be sold after the main sale. You must come to see this collection. Cash or check. 10% buyers fee , No sales tax Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915
ADVANCE NOTICE Time:10:00 am Eastern The Old Butler Mansion in Hampton, Tn Sat. October 27th, 10:00 am 206 Main Street Hampton Tennessee 37658 This house has a great collection of antiques and they are from many different periods. Be here for an exciting all day auction. Many treasures to be found. There will be fine furniture, glassware, primitives, good local pie safe, Victorian, country furniture, oak, bedroom suites, secretaries, side by sides, china cabinets and hall trees, dinning furniture, early wood cook stove and much much more. Box lots to follow . Cash or check 10% BP. Rain or shine. Our tents will be up.9 am preview The early home place will be sold by Jerry Hall (l- 2003) Remax Checkmate Auction Company TFL-2557- 423-282-0432. Please check with Jerry on the real property for all the details. Jerry will sell the house first and then we will start on the personal property and antiques Kimball M. Sterling, Inc. TFL-1915
Date: Sunday, October 21, 2018 Time:1:30 P M Sunday Afternoon Estates Sunday Oct. 21st 1:30 ( Preview 11 am) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 We are still unpacking ....check back for more on the Tuesday of the auction Antiques, Pottery, Rare Coins, Trains and More This will be about a two hour auction consisting of a few smaller better estates including a collection of Rookwood pottery, Very nice collection of early crib quilts, Sterling Rose fine piece tea service, Bill Bledsoe paintings, quilts, primitive flat wall cupboard, quilts squares,High quality Millender flame mahogany dinning room suite suite, Oak Jacobian dinning suite, Oranate Victorian mantle, Rare Coins including a 1937 three leg Buffalo nickle, 1955 double die, 1909s vbd, ( All coins are being slabbed at this moment)collection of stamps and gem stones, Restored coke cooler with applied top and bar rail, Great bakers cabinet, Shaker style Russel Wright china, a very nice folk art cabinet( you folk art people need to see this one), marble top chest and washstand, Large train collection, sterling silver, Tramp Art youth bed, Murano glass. Mid Century coffee table, Upscale king size bedroom suite, Upscale glass top and painted dining room suite, Saturday Evening Girl vase, Round sterling tray and vase, Mid century glass, Large set of Royal Copenhagen china, Massive walnut Victorian bookcases, leather chairs, collectible Christmas ornaments, Plus much more to be listed as we get closer to the auction date. Cash or check. 10% buyers fee. Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL.1915
Date: Saturday, October 13, 2018 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-and-quality-modern-cane-auction-3459 Antique Cane Auction Sat. October 13th 11 am 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tn 37604 Our early Fall antique cane auction consisting of a large Ohio collection and various consignments. Live in house, on the Net and phone and absentee bidding. This sale will also have a group of quality custom made modern canes. Most of those cane were made in the last quarter of the 20th Century. For you folk art lovers take a look at the Fraternal Order of the Eagles cane. Lot 96. There are some nice gun and sword canes in the offering. The auction will be carried live on bidsquare.com. The catalogue link above take you to their catalogue for live and absentee Internet bidding. There is a 3% add on for this service. Printed Catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/kimball-catalog-9-2018-WEB.pdf Cash or check 20% BP. Preview 9 am morning of the auction Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL 1915
Date: Saturday, September 22, 2018 Time:10:00 am Living Estate Auction of Bill and Mary McClellan Saturday September 22 10 am ( Preview 9 am) 1502 Robin Hood Lane Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Antiques- Household - Woodworking Shop This is a nice local estate in a good older upscale neighborhood. Blue decorated local crock, Two corner cupboards, Sterling flatware and hollow-ware, gold and costume jewelry, nice spinet piano, a pair of two drawer stands, Cherry Davis style dining room suite, Cherry Davis bedroom furniture, oak kitchen clock, nice camel-back sofa, an unsearched attic, vintage Christmas items, Cuckoo clock, pocket watches, fine crystal stemware, vintage furs, large selection of silver-plate serving pieces, upscale used furniture, early hand painted china. Hummels, wing back and Victorian chairs, silver dresser items, scrap gold, pocket knives, Iver Johnson pearl handle revolver, large group of wooden thread spools, Jade and ivory( Instate bidders) carvings , carnival bowl, lusters, Murano style torcheir lamps, drop front console desk, bridge lamps, piano stool, good antique woodworking tools, camel back clock, Nice three piece mahogany poster bedroom suite,antique camera,large braided oval rug,golf clubs, nice early walnut picture frames, books plus much more. A complete wood working shop for the serious builder or the hobbyist. Many different types of shop equipment including saws, planners etc, Many hand tools also. Mowers,yard equipment and much more. Cash or check 10 % buyers fee Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Monday, September 3, 2018 Time:10:00 am Eastern Large Labor Day Monday Auction Monday September 3rd ,10 am (9 am preview) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37614 Blowing Rock Estate, Knoxville Coin Collection and Much more. You will see more photos just before the auction date. Two Hinkle Harris corner-cupboards, Local pie safe, Hinkle Harris tab with chairs and buffet, Silver dollars, currency, Gold dime , Silver face, Original large set of iron gates that were found at the back of Robins Roost, postcards, Collections of type and mint set coins, Fenton, Iron Mountain lot, Bear Mechanical store display Early, crystal stemware,wicker, Art Deco marble cabinet bar, Place size Persian carpet,good vintage pine pieces, Pair of sleigh pine twin beds, Victorian glass front showcase, Etergere, oak bonnet dresser, roll top lowboy oak dresser, French china, Fine crystal, carnival glass, Painting and prints, Sterling candelabra. Nice set of lusters,Walnut Victorian bookcase secretary , Fine English ca. 1790, oak book case, small drop-leaf table , crocks, Fine jewelry, Singer Featherweight, Franciscan China, Miniature liquors , plus much more Cash or check 10% BP KImball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, August 18, 2018 Time:10:00 am Dean Malone Estate Gun Auction Saturday August 18th 10:00 am ( Preview 8:30) 362 Summit ( off Antioch Rd.) Jonesborough, Tn 37659 Dean was an avid collector of guns in the best of best condition and bought the best. Be here if you are looking for nice items for your collection. Pistols ( he really liked Colts), shotguns ( liked .410), rifles, ammo, knives, and much more. Tennessee residents with proper ID will be able to take their purchases with them. Out of state buyers must go through an FFL. The auctioneers are acting as agents for the estate. The seller of the guns is the estate. All items must be paid for the day of the auction. Partial list: Colt- 1901 .45 Bisley,Frontier Scout .22( extra barrel),Peacemaker .22,Officers Model .38, Officers model match .22 ,Army Special .38, Police positive .32-20, Police positive .38 special, Agent .38 special, Agent .38, Detective special .32 and a .38, Pocket positive 1913 .32 police ctg, Official police .38, MK IV .380 series 80 Gov. model,two .25 cal semi autos, Frontier Scout .22 Nebraska comm. pearl grips Ruger New model single six .32 H&R mag.,Mark I,II,II all .22, LPC 380,P95 9x19mm , SR9 9mm, SR 1911 .45 Smith Kit Gun 22/32, Bodyguard air weight .38, Two .32 revolvers,Nickle 357 Other handguns: Browning Challenger II .22, Browning .25 Auto., Baretta .25, Diamond Back 9 x 19 Tennessee Orange,Springfield Armory Champion .45 in case,Taurus PT .22, Taurus "The Judge" 0410/.45, Taurus .17 HMR Shotguns: Fox 410 side by side, Browning Sweet 16 with extra barrel,Charles Daly .410 over and under, Browning Twelvette 12 gauge with engraved black receiver, Browning Twelvette double auto 12 gauge with green receiver,Browning double auto 12 gauge vr, Browning double auto 12 gauge rr with gray engraved receiver, Mossberg .410 pump, Winchester .410 "Quail Special", Winchester 1300 ,20 gauge Rifles: Anshutz,Henry Golden Boy .22, Henry 30/30,Two Henry Wash, County Tn commemoratives .22 (one with gold receiver) and a 30/30, Marlin 30/30, Thompson .45 Silver Dollar City, Winchester "Buffalo Bill" 30-30 com., Winchester model 68 Other items" Large Liberty Gun safe, lots of ammo, gun cases, knives, cleaning kits and much more. Terms- No sales tax due to this being an estate, cash or check 10% Buyers fee. We reserve the right to hold a purchase if paid by check if the buyer is not known by us or does not have the acceptable credentials. Cash is king. Drivers license from all buyers will be copied that day and an affidavit of non felony conviction form from those who are not known to us. Guns are now at the catalogers office in Elizabethton and after he finishes we will post more info. I will receive the guns back about two days before the auction. ATF Rul. 96-2 Clarification from the ATF "In the case of estate-type auctions, the auctioneer acts as an agent of the executor and assists the executor in finding buyers for the estate’s firearms. The firearms are possessed by the estate, and the sales of firearms are made by the estate. In these cases, the auctioneer does not meet the definition of “engaging in the business” as a dealer in firearms and would not require a license.An auctioneer engaged in estate-type auctions, whether licensed or not, may perform this function, including delivery of the firearms, away from the business premises." KImball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 Johnson City , Tn 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2018 Time:10:00 am Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/historic-robins-roost-war-of-the-roses-etta-love-estate-auction-3335/catalog Historic Robins Roost American Queen Anne House, Antiques, Contents The Etta Mae Love Estate Real Estate 10 am Antiques and Personal Property 10:30 am ( Preview online and 9 am morning of the auction) 1309 South Roan Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 In the 1886 governors election for Tennessee's,brothers Robert and Alfred Taylor ran against each in what is referred to as the "War of The Roses" campaign that gained international attention. Democrat Robert supporters wore white roses and Republicans supporting Alfred adorned red roses. Robert Taylor helped win him the election. Alf later was elected Governor of Tennessee in 1920. The brothers later lived in Robins Roost. It is on the National Historic Register and suitable for a private residence, Bed and Breakfast, upscale rehab etc. The antiques consist of many categories from period furniture, accessories, paintings and much more. Furniture from country, fine Victorian, and just about any category or style that was made. A complete catalogue with descriptions and photographs will appear on this website about three weeks before the auction. The eight bedroom home is furnished impeccably with antiques. After the catalogue section of the auction we will sell over 200 other items straight out of the first floor of the house. Furniture, glass ware and much more. Personal Property by Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915 - Cash or Check 10% buyers fee. No sales tax will be collected. Kimball Sterling 423 773 4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Real Estate by Bart Long and Associates TFL-5298 10% down day of sale with closing in 30-45 days. 10% buyers fee Bart Long 423 573 5000 office@bartlongauctions.com
Date: Saturday, August 4, 2018 Time:10:30 am Robert Bob Samuels Estate August 4th 10:30 (Preview 9:30) 1908 Pleasant View Drive Johnson City, Tennessee Bob was a long time client- friend and many of you knew him. He started with us about 15 years ago at the ripe age of 84 and continued to his recent passing at 99. He and his wife came to every auction in Johnson City that had a camera in it and he has put together a great collection of over 300 cameras and equipment. Household furnishing including good American Danish, Mid Century Style items, ethnic items, both print and 3-D art, display and book cases,books, household, tools and much more. This will be a quality sale,There will be many cool items at this auction. Cash or Check 10% BP. No sales tax due to this being an estate. KImball M Sterling TFL-1915
Date: Sunday, July 22, 2018 Time:1:00 AM Eastern Below is a link to the online catalog: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/collectors-carousel-estates-auction-3311/catalog Collectors Carousel Estates Auction Sunday July 22 1 pm (Preview 10 am) 125 West Market St. Johnson City, Tn. 37604 This is a partial list and more photos coming soon. The first 226 lots will be by catalogue then we will sell over 200 more. This will be Sunday sale. Upscale Chippendale dining room suite, early chest, Victorian epergne Advertising, Tennessee furniture, Large bronzes, electric full orchestration player piano,George III Mahogany Secretary Desk With Bookcase, Heriz carpet 18th Century life size bronzes, antique cast iron jockeys, brass cash register, fine antique jewelry, canes and cane handles, country store items including showcases and other store items, black memorabilia, pedal cars,8' Jolly Green giant, early child's farm wagon,Collection of important African American oil paintings, early oil paintings, country furniture, one horse sleigh, art glass lamps,child's horse barber chair,large iron parlor stove, organola, Collection of straight razors including pearl and nude, best Paul Casey powder horn that was ever carved, local grooved Indian axes, 14kt gold hunting case watch,emerald and diamond ring, Meissen coffee set with large matching platter,Art Deco counter-top figural shoe display, Collection of Ron Slagle vintage pottery nude pitchers, Chase chrome and Bakelite magazine rack, Rare slabed bust dollar, Civil War tintypes and photographs, collection of pearl knives consisting of fruit, melon and others, Case knives, Antique jade jewelry, White gold diamond bow broach,Turnbull and Asser enamel cuff links , sterling flatware serving pieces,hurdy gurdy folk art cart,Pepsi cast iron stand, Large Mettlach punch bowl, Mint Woodstock 1992 leather jacket, ladies gold braclets, French mirror,Tydol banner,Vintage framed posters, large acid etched three piece glass with sporting scenes,Large bare breasted German carved female figure with beer taps,massive shop made bear trap, Mint Haywood Wakefeld dining and bedroom furniture ( blonde), Shaving stand, local empire chest, antique Persian carpets, Art Deco bar with marble tops, Ralph chair,Contents of a very upscale home with poster beds and more. Cash or check 10% BP in house.
Date: Saturday, July 14, 2018 Time:10:30 am William "Bill" Adams Estate Sat. July 14th 10:30 am (Preview 9:30) 436 West Chestnut St. Johnson City, Tn 37604 Nice local estate including 1860's drop leaf table with carved legs, Hanging slag glass leaded lamp. Chinese room size handmade carpet, nice one drawer harvest table, fine chins and glass, deacons bench, nice bedroom furniture, rattan couch with tables,bookcases, Iron Mt. mugs, crock and individual butter mold, good frames and prints, waterfall bedroom, sulfide paperweights, lots of good books, Provincial painted furniture, yard tools, Victorian furniture, other carpets, large collection of electric lamps, big flat screen TV, household items and much more ... Many estate box lots. We will also sell the yard barn on this property. We will add many more photos the week of the auction as we get the home shaped up. Cash or check 10% BP. No sales tax on this one Kimball M Sterling. Inc TFL-1915 423 773 4073
Date: Friday, June 15, 2018 Time:6:00 pm Living Estate Friday Evening Auction 1450 Highway 81 ( about halfway between Jonesborough and Fall Branch) Friday June 15th 6 PM ( Preview 5:00) Jonesborough, Tn. 2012 John Deere x540 lawn tractor, Antiques and collectibles, Household and more This will be a Friday evening auction on site. The owner is moving and has contracted us to sell many nice items and antiques. She has packed up many great items to move and decided to downsize. Really downsize. So we will not be posting a lot of photos due to us unpacking her items all day Friday. Be here for an exciting auction of surprises. Fine furniture, lots of antique glass, kitchen gadgets, Roseville, fine china, Art Nouveau sofa set with two chairs, Large bubble glass breakfront, antique mahjong set, Large collection of vintage hats, rugs, Art Deco furniture, teak furniture, primitives, and much more. Upright washer and dryer, leather sofa, Bombay style grandfather clock, McCoy, lots of good silver-plate flatware, wood carvings, costume jewelry, teapot collection,yard tools and much more About a two hour auction. Cash or Check 10% Buyers fee. Items must removed day of the auction.
Date: Sunday, June 10, 2018 Time:2:00 pm Sunday After Upscale Household Auction Sunday Sunday June 10th 2:00 pm (Preview 1:00 pm) 125 West Market Johnson City, Tn This will be about a 60 minute auction but lots of good items out of a local upscale home. Suede pit group, pine country table and dinning furniture, bedroom suites, better Foosball table, formal sofa, stainless and maple wine cabinet on wheels, iron and wood furniture, outdoor furniture , upscale exercise equipment, foam interlocking floor tiles ,kitchen stools, designer lamps,plus much more . Some antique furniture to be listed. Cash or check 10% BP. Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL -1915
Date: Friday, June 8, 2018 Time:Noon- Preview 11:30 Contents of T Nail Salon Friday June 8th Noon ( Preview 11:30 am ) conducted at Storage Max Building kc. 3304 Browns Mill Rd, Johnson City, TN Eight pedicure massage spa chairs in near mint condition, 9 manicure tables, Flat screen TV's, nail bar,washer and dryer, office chairs,Product including OPI polish- gel and much more still new in original boxes, shellac,acetone,microwave, new color product, Art Brut glass chandelier,supplies,refrigerator,holiday decor, fans, cleaning supplies and many items that were boxed up when these items went into storage. All of this was stored in climate control so all products are in fine condition. All items will sell to the high bidder. Who knows what we will find in the boxes. Cash or check. No buyers fee KImball M Sterling TFL-1915 Auctioneer 423 773 4073 Come to the front gate next to the office then turn right at the top of the hill then turn left between the buildings and you will find us. We will have some of the items outside. You will see them. Rain or shine.
Date: Saturday, June 2, 2018 Time:10 am and 1 pm Greg Hensley Estate and his Tri City Excavating Auction Real Estate, Equipment, Vehicles, Tractor, Tools and More Saturday June 2, 10 am and 1 Pm 285 Brookside Drive ( Off the John B Dennis North) Kingsport Tn. 37660 Personal Property by Kimball M Sterling Inc. (TFL 1915)- Ph. 423 773 4073 10 am Start time and 8:00 am Preview Partial Listing- 1988 International service truck 4 ton hoist 226800,Case 300 gas tractor,2008 F150 4x4 118388 ,1996 Chevy 3500 236872 ,1985 International Dump ,1997 Ford F150 4×4 256818 ,1973 GMC Brigadier and trailer 104478 ,1988 Autocar Dump truck ,1995 John Deere 455G Loader New undercarriage New motor 9258 ,50 ton detachable late 60s Dorsey lowboy trailer ,5000 lb Tramac 777 hammer ,Tools and boxes , Hobart gas wire welder, and Lincoln stick welder,New Cat it water broom, blade, and forks , large sockets and ratchets, gas tank, drill press, break, Compressor, storage trailer, scrap and much much more. The vehicles will be running day of sale. Titles will be available. Cash or Check 10% Buyers fee ____________________________________________________________________ Real Estate Bart Long Auctions (TFL- 5298)- PH. 423 573 5000 1:00 sale time with preview all day or by appointment Partial One -Fronting John B Dennis North and Brookside in the rear, A 1 acre lot with access on John B Dennis near the 3000 address. The rear and part of the side adjoin the Brookside property. Partial Two- The garage and office of Tri City Excavating. This property has a large garage/shop and office. 2889 total square feet which includes a block building with a metal roof, two room office and reception area, drive through with roll up doors for large equipment, .82 acres. large parking area and more. Property will be sold separate and then regrouped and offered as a whole with a 5% increase. 10% down day of sale and closing in 30 days. 10% Buyers fee
Date: Saturday, May 26, 2018 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Henry Marder Estate Cane Absolute Auction May 26 11 am (Preview 9 am) 125 West Market Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Below link Internet bidding and catalogue: https://www.bidsquare.com/auctions/kimball-sterling/antique-cane-auction- 3207 Here is the link for the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/MAY-2018-WEB.pdf Here is the link to interactive catalogue. https://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/-may-2018-issu Mr. Henry Marder was one of the most avid collectors in the world and known by many. Purchases were made from private collectors, early cane auctions like the Beeman collection in the late 1990's, the Monek Family Dispersal Auction ,and there are many well documented canes. He purchased from every major collection that we have sold in the past 10 years. The collection consist of major whale bones, guns, swords, gadget, dress,jewelry, narwhal, folk art and much more. There will be over 300 canes sold in about 240 lots offered in our gallery in Johnson City, Tn. A large cane library and cane stands will also be offered. He bought for over thirty years. Phone ,absentee, Internet, and in-house bidding. Cash or check 20% Bp ( 23% on Bidsquare.com). This is an absolute auction with no reserves. This is an advance notice. Details will be on our website www.auctionauction.com in the near future. This is the auction that you have been awaiting. We will print a catalogue for this collection. We dropped yearly subscriptions this past year. Catalogs will be available for $35.00 USA and $90.00 overseas including postage and will be printed in a limited edition. They will be mailed two weeks before the auction. Any bidder wishing to receive a publication must send a check( No phone orders) and check only to: Marder Collection % Kimball M Sterling 125 W. Market St. Johnson City, Tn. 37604 There will be no comp catalogues. However there will be a free digital catalogue on our website. Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tn 37604 423-773-4073
Date: Sunday, May 20, 2018 Time:12 Noon Eastern Time Sunday Estates Auction Sunday May 20th 12:00 (11 am preview) 125 W Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee We will sell items from the estate of Dean Martha Collins, a nice household of upscale items and art from the Gump Edition, plus more. Antique Fashion clock by Southern Calendar Clock Co, Large group of Iron Mountain Stoneware " Over the Hills", Collection of Royal Doulton mugs,retro bar, large grouping of Franciscan china, silver and silver plate,19th Century three drawer chest, Corgi and Dinky toys, good ball cards,silver dollars and face silver, U S blanket notes; some type coins, toy trains, Art Deco sideboard and curio, Davis poster cherry bedroom suite, fine art and prints, Ethan Allen corner group, upscale upholstery headboards, set of ribbon back dining chairs, set of Chippendale style dining chairs,early game console with many games, Compodemonte Chandeliers, fine china and glass, cool 1970s bedroom suite, plus much more. Great estate box lots. Cash or Check 10% buyers fee Kimball M Sterling, Inc. TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2018 Time:10:00 am Eastern Greg Hensley Estate Auction Saturday May 5th. 10:00 am (Preview 9 am) 4766 Highway 11 W , Blountville Tn. 37617 This is a lifetime collection of great items that has many different categories. The photos that you are seeing were made on the initial visit and we will replace these about three weeks before the auction. There are items that have been boxed up for years and we will post those as we get to them. Stay tuned for much more. Country store items, a great local pottery collection, Large toy collection, Early carnival items,Steel and mechanical Banks, pedal toys, Coke items, Tennessee Pie safes, Pinball and phone booth, Store display doll, airplane carnival ride, clocks, Intermountain telephone sign, Advertising thermometer collection, Cap guns, Country baskets, battery toys, Pressed steel toys, Doll houses and doll house furniture, Art Deco dental cabinet with tools, Historic Kingsport Cupola with weather-vane, plus much more. Even the box used to carry snakes by Rev. George Went Hensley best known for popularizing the practice of snake handling in rural Appalachia and more and more. Red White and blue gingerbread work, Art Deco dental cabinet with tools, many great windup toys some with boxes, Cowboy star items, dealer promotional cars, stack book case, country bakers cabinet,Quilts, Gas collectibles. enamelware, plus more The pottery collection consist of a signed Cain, signed Harmon cobalt decorated , Decker,Segal other local signed stoneware,plus much more. There is a nice group of local miniatures crocks and jugs. Some Blue Ridge including advertising pieces and a Clinchfield chocolate pot. Cherokee bears and juvenile Roseville pieces. The sale site is located about halfway between Kingsport and Bristol on 11 W. Terms- Cash or Check 10% buyers fee. Due to this being an estate there will be no sales tax collected Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Time: Arcade Absentee Cane Auction End Date 4-18-2018 This is one of our smaller absentee auctions that we do a couple of times a year. 50 lots and we will add more. Have fun. Catalogue link: https://www.bidsquare.com/c/arcade-cane-auction Cash or Check 23% BP Kimball Sterling, Auctioneer VAAR 1556
Date: Saturday, April 14, 2018 Time:10:00 am Jackie Vaughn Estate Auction- Real Estate, Antiques, Household Saturday April 14th 10 am Preview 9am 3105 Fairbanks Rd Kingsport Tennessee Located off "Old" Beason Well Road in Bloomingdale Section. Not New Beason wll Rd. Personal Property Partial Listing by Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 This will be a good one with some treasures. We will be treasure hunting until the day of the auction. Be here for an exciting day at the auction. Take a look at the photos for the listing. Fine furniture,Italian porcelain, cool 1970's furniture and decorations, many antique clocks, leaded glass lamps,carved furniture, dolls.cool decorative lamps, fine art prints, oil lamps, better Fenton, oriental items, bookcases, Duncan Phyfe dinning suite, bedroom furniture, Large collection of Camodimonte, Fancy mirrors, Nice mirrored hall tree, Barbies in boxes, and much more glass and china, and household. Terms- Cash or check 10% BP. No sales tax will be collected. Rain or shine tents will be up. Kimball M Sterling 773 4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Real Estate by Bart Long Auctions TFL-5298 Here is the link to the Real Estate: http://www.bartlongauctions.com/auction/index.php? ptype=viewFullListing&reid=5157&title= Three bedroom brick with full basement. Large rear deck and good landscaping. and then there is a total of five other lots. Terms- 10% deposit day of the auction . A 10 % buyers fee will be added to the gavel price to determine the final price. The real estate will sell "as is" to the high bidder. Subject to owners confirmation Real Estate Inquires Only( No Personal Property) Bart Long Auctions 423-573-5000 Office@BartLongAuctions.com TFL 5298
Date: Saturday, April 7, 2018 Time:10:00 am Allens Carpet Surplus Auction and the Estate of Sidney Allens Tools-We will add many more photos the wed. before the auction of tools etc 2908 E Oakland Ave Johnson City, TN 37601 Sat. April 7th 10:00 am If you are building or remodeling you do not need to miss this auction.You will save a large amount of money on your job by buying surplus We will be selling the personal tools of Sidney Allen and surplus tile (many different types to choose from thousand of pieces), flooring, carpets, equipment, barn lumber,logs,fishing gear, antique architectural items, building material. and much more. Complete listing and photos soon. Forklift will be on site for loading. This will be a great selection. This auction will take place in the warehouse on the back side of the main building. We will not be selling any contents of the main store. Mr. Allens tools will be moved form the home-place to the sale location. This is a surplus auction and an estate auction not a going out of business auction Cash or check 10 % buyers fee Preview 8 am.
Date: Saturday, March 24, 2018 Time:10:00 am Eastern Estates and Antiques Auction Saturday March 24th 10:00 am Preview 9 am 125 W. Market Street Johnson City Tennessee 37604 Antiques - Coins - Pottery and more Very partial listing: Two heavily carved European dinning room pieces, Collection of pottery including a very large sewer tile tree trunk- Cobalt crocks- early folk pottery- and more,Lionel speed boat toy, childs roll top desk, Great poster kingsize bedroom suite, carpets,French side table,Mans 14kt antique jade ring, large coin collection with silver dollars, silver face, type coins, 10.00 US gold note, Large Phoenix vase with "Pans", Great small early advertising and country store signs, set of Luray, Rare Fenton blue horse medallion footed bowl, Beautiful reverse painted vintage lamp, early Chinese rooster root carving, large group of costume jewelry, Murano bird, estate box lots,almost new washer and dryer, Navajo rugs, Indian pottery, formal dining table with 8 chairs, mission oak desk, Butler Tennessee living estate,Plus much more Cash or check 10% BP Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, March 10, 2018 Time:10:00am Robert Settle Estate/Regina Settle Living Estate Auction Saturday March 10th 10 am Preview 9 am 238 Union Church Rd. Jonesborough, Tn 37650 Antiques, Fine Furnishings, Large UT Collection and More " Everything in this home is in immaculate condition" Partial Listing: Upscale fine furnishing including bedroom and dinning suites, Large solid wood press cabinet Ca. 1900, Baseball card collection to be sold as a whole, Early tall case clock.Elvis collection, fine china and glass,Lee blue jean patch rug, Large upscale UT collection including many autographed items , kaleidoscope collection, Home theater specialty seating, Oak wash stands, CC and O toy train, autographed Cal Ripkin and other balls, watch and fountain pin collection. Very large group of costume jewelry, leather recliners, early antique smalls, over 500 hinged trinket boxes, Curio cabinets, Rice carved tall poster bedroom suite, nice antique quilts,vintage mahogany furniture, many flat screen TV's, oil paintings and fine mirrors,pop corn "man cave" machine, collection of die cast cars and trucks, Mission style oak bed, great household items, Jesus Love Me disk music box, Modern curved glass china cabinets and oak roll top, animal print occasional furniture, designer carpets, dolls, camel back sofa, wood sugar bucket, Victorian condiment set,group of unusual ottomans, Nice porch rockers and iron patio furniture, Large group of upscale Holiday decorations Christmas, Easter, Halloween and UT,Maple corner desk, Victorian and Windsor style chairs, Cut glass, bed steps, oak vanity and stool, cuff links,walnut drop leaf Wing-back chairs,vintage wash table, tools, framed Civil war items, Lee Bowie knife, cherry drop leaf table, good large and small showcases for collectibles,leaded glass lamps,oak sewing machine, Remington antique typewriter, bookcases and desk, Early fire helmet, leather Drs. bag, Inlaid music box table, Nice pair of matching antique oak frames, Mission style desk and bookcases, Scrapbook workshop , jewelry making tools, Wii,Signed Peyton Manning football and card, other footballs and helmets,ethnic jewelry, books, 100's of great estate box lots. Directions- Take Highway 11 toward Jonesborough and turn right at the light at Headtown Rd. Go about 100 yards and turn left on Union Church and you will see us on the right. Mostly street parking. Cash or Check 10% Buyers fee. Sales tax will not be collected. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, February 24, 2018 Time:11:00 am Eastern Masengill's Specialty Clothing Store Sat. February 24th 11 am ( preview 9 am) 206 East Main, Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Catalogue/Photo link: https://www.bidsquare.com/c/masengills-100-year-old-store-auction Live in-house and online Make your plans to own a piece of East Tennessee History. Over 100 years in business. Antiques, fixtures, and much more. French cabinets, Many ornate pier mirrors, display cases, Tennessee Jackson press, Antique harp, Many fancy wardrobes, Mid Century modern items, Many mannequins from the 1930s to the 1970's , Large antique office safe, architectural items including great columns- doors- mirrors,store displays from different eras, fancy desks and a bookcase secretary, French and Italian style furniture, Oak stack bookcase with 6 stacks, nice early church or pub pew, 1940's red living room suite, 1950s kitchen table, bow making machines, early brass rails, Art Deco sales counter with from display, large group of custom cherry modern shelves, over 1000 wood hangers, Advertising items, Large standing concrete lion, many rolling shelves for clothing, antique cash registers, sewing items, old commercial sewing machines, many antique shelves, Iron Cheval mirror with cast iron lions Ca.-1900, Victorian furniture, Many fine upscale crystal chandlers. small lot of vintage clothing, office furniture, storage rooms to be sold with contents, over 2000 new old stock gift boxes, plus much more. Sign up on our main page for our email news letter Cash or check 10% Buyers fee in house Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL 1915
Date: Saturday, February 3, 2018 Time:11:00 am Eastern Massive Lifetime Collection of Silver and Gold Coins, Oddities, etc. Saturday Feb. 3. 11:00 am Preview 8:30 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 This collection has been put together over the past 45 years. 98% of all of the coins are slabbed and graded. Large collection of US gold, American Eagles , Type coins, silver dollars including Carson City, collection of mint errors, currency, complete sets of U S issued coins, silver face,unsearched wheats and graded rare wheats, silver rounds and bars, and much more. This auction is much larger than the last. Make your plans to attend. After we finish the catalogue auction we will have many more in-house lots to sell. They will be available at the sale viewing and sold only to in house bidders. Here is a link to Internet bidding and catalogue with photos etc: https://www.bidsquare.com/c/living-estate-coin-collection Terms- Cash or check 10% bp in house and 15% absentee and live internet. Preview- The day before the auction at noon till 5:00 and the morning of the auction at 8:30. 1 Lincoln cents "1909VDB - MS60, 1910s (3) VG 10 2 f-12,1911 AG 3 1913 MS VG 8, 1918S G4" 2 Lincoln cents 1984 - 89 MS65 -67 (13) 3 Lincoln cents 1982 - 84 Mostly MS64-66 (19) 4 Lincoln cents 1992 - 2004 MS62-66 (18) 5 Lincoln cents 1931S VS20 6 Lincoln cents 1944 - 60 Mixed mostly MS64-65 (12) 7 Lincoln cents 1970's and 80's MS63-66 (9) 8 Silver eagle 1986S MS 69 Ultra Cameo NGC Proof 9 Silver eagle 1986S MS 69 Ultra Cameo PCGS Proof Signed by chief engraver 10 Silver eagle 1987S Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 11 Silver eagle 1987S Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 12 Silver eagle 1988S Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 13 Silver eagle 1989S Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 14 Silver eagle 1990S Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 15 Silver eagle 1990S Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 16 Silver eagle 1991S Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 17 Silver eagle 1992S Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 18 Silver eagle 1993P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 19 Silver eagle 1994P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 20 Silver eagle 1995P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 21 Silver eagle 1996P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 22 Silver eagle 1998P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 23 Silver eagle 1998P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 24 Silver eagle 1999P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 25 Silver eagle 1999P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 26 Silver eagle 2000P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 27 Silver eagle 2000P Proof MS69 Ultra Cameo 28 Seated Halves "1853 Arrows and Rays VG Details, 1858O VF, 1866S VG " 29 Seated Halves "1849O F12, 1857 VG8, 1859S VG" 30 Seated Halves "1859O VF, 1862S VG, 1865 Good" 31 Seated Halves "1875 AU, 1877 CC Fine, 1877CC G" 32 Seated Dollar 1873 VG 33 US Gold 1926 $2 1/2 Indian AU58 34 US Gold 1908 $2 1/2 Indian AU 35 US Gold 2010 $10 Indian MS61 36 US Gold 2012W $50 Indian Buffalo P69 Ultra Cameo 37 US Gold Eagle 1995 $5 MS69 38 US Gold Eagle 1996 $5 MS69 39 US Gold Eagle 1998 $5 MS69 40 US Gold Eagle 2002 $5 MS 69 41 US Gold Eagle 2005W $5 MS69 P Cameo 42 US Gold Eagle 2010 $5 MS69 43 US Gold Eagle 2010 $5 MS70 44 US Gold Eagle 2014 $5 MS68 45 US Gold Eagle 2016 $5 MS68 46 US Gold Eagle 2017 $5 MS68 47 US Gold Eagle 2017W $5 MS 69 P Cameo 48 US Gold 1856 $1 MS61 49 US Gold 1904 $2 1/2 MS60 50 US Gold 2015W $100 High Relief MS70 51 US Gold 2016W 1/4 oz 100th anniversary of the Standing Liberty 52 US Gold 2008W Bald Eagle P70 Ultra Cameo 53 Gold Lot 2011 Cook Islands Tribute P68 Cameo 2016P Austrailia wedge tail eagle MS69 54 Buffalo Nickels 1913 - 1938D Missing 18D 55 Jefferson Nickels 1938 - 1969 Complete set 56 Franklin Halves 1948 - 63 Mostly unc. 1949S Missing 57 US Silver Eagles Book "1986 - 2017 Silver Dollars Partial set, (24)" 58 Morgan Dollars 1878S unc (3) 59 Morgan Dollars "1878 8 tail feathers MS63, 1880S MS64" 60 Morgan Dollars "1880 MS62, 1881S (2) MS64 MS62 " 61 Morgan Dollars "1882O MS62, 1883O MS62, 1883 MS63" 62 Morgan Dollars "1883 MS62, 1884O (3), MS58, MS62, MS63" 63 Morgan Dollars "1884O (3), MS61, MS63, MS64" 64 Morgan Dollars "1884S (2) VS, AU" 65 Morgan Dollars "1885O (2) MS62, MS63, 1886 AU, 1887 MS62" 66 Morgan Dollars "1888 MS65, 1890 MS63, 1890S MS61" 67 Morgan Dollars "1892S VG, 1893O G6, 1896 AU" 68 Morgan Dollars "1897 MS61, 1898O MS63+, 1900 MS62" 69 Morgan Dollars "1901O VG, 1902 AU, 1903 AU, 1921 MS62, 1921S AU" 70 Morgan/Peace "1888O Morgan, 1921 Peace VF, 1922 Peace" 71 American Eagle "2001 Proof, 2004 Proof (2)" 72 American Eagle 2005 Proof (3) 73 American Eagle 2005 Proof (5) 74 American Eagle 2006 Proof (2) 2007 Proof 75 Buffalo Dollar Silver 76 Silver Dollar 2008 Proof (2) 77 American Eagle 1995W Proof 78 American Eagle "2001, 2002, 2003 Proofs" 79 American Eagle "2003 (2), 2004 Proofs" 80 American Eagle "2005, 2006, 2008 (2) Proofs" 81 American Eagle "2013, 2016, 2017 Proofs" 82 American Eagle 2017 (3) 83 Infantry Dollar 2012 (3) 84 American Eagle 2003 MS 70 Silver Eagle 85 American Eagle 2003 MS 70 Silver Eagle 86 American Eagle 2011 MS 70 Silver Eagle 87 American Eagle 2014 MS 70 Silver Eagle 88 American Eagle 2015 MS 70 Silver Eagle 89 American Eagle 2016MS 70 Silver Eagle 90 American Eagle 2017 MS 70 Silver Eagle 91 American Eagle 2008 MS 70 Silver Eagle 92 American Eagle 2099 MS 70 Silver Eagle 93 American Eagle 2011 MS 70 Silver Eagle 94 American Eagle 2012 MS 70 Silver Eagle 95 American Eagle 2013W MS 70 Silver Eagle 96 American Eagle 2014 MS 70 Silver Eagle 97 American Eagle 2015W MS 70 Silver Eagle 98 American Eagle 2012W MS 70 Silver Eagle 99 American Eagle 2017 MS 70 Silver Eagle 100 American Eagle 2017 MS 70 Silver Eagle 101 American Eagle 2015W MS 70 Silver Eagle 102 American Eagle 2016 MS 70 Silver Eagle 103 American Eagle 2017 MS 70 Silver Eagle 104 American Eagle 1997 Proof MS 70 Silver Eagle 105 American Eagle 2001 Proof MS 70 Silver Eagle 106 American Eagle 2002 Proof MS 70 Silver Eagle 107 American Eagle 2003 Proof MS 70 Silver Eagle 108 American Eagle 2004Proof MS 70 Silver Eagle 109 American Eagle 2007 Proof MS 70 Silver Eagle 110 American Eagle 2010 Proof MS 70 Silver Eagle 111 American Eagle 6 american Eagles slabbed 112 Morgan Dollars "1882 MS 62, 1881O (2) MS 61, 1881O MS 60, 1890 XF, 1897 MS 63, 1879S MS 62, 1880O MS 58, 1890 VF, 1904 MS 63 " 113 Morgan Dollars "1892S F, 1892S VF, 1895S Good, 1895S VF" 114 Morgan Dollars "1883S EXC, 1883S AU, 1899 MS 58, 1899 MS 62" 115 Morgan Dollars "1879S MS 64, 1885O MS 64, 1888 MS 64, 1880S MS 64, 1880/9S VF" 116 Morgan Dollars "1881S MS 61, 1885 MS 61, 1904O MS 63 (2), 1880S MS 611879S MS 63 (3)" 117 Morgan Dollars "1882S MS 64, 1882O/S MS 62, 1881S MS 64 (2), 1887 MS 64, " 118 Morgan Dollars "1885O MS 58, 1885O MS 62, 1879O AU (2), 1883O MS 62, 1884 VF, 1891O VF, 1896 MS 62, 1900 MS 62, 1900O VF" 119 Morgan Dollars "1878 MS 62, 1886 MS 63, 1896 MS 63, 1878 7TF VF, 1878 Fine" 120 Morgan Dollars "1887 MS 63, 1887 MS 64, 1882S MS 63, 1881S MS 64" 121 Morgan Dollars GSA 1884CC UNC 122 Morgan Dollars GSA 1884CC UNC 123 Morgan Dollars GSA 1882CC UNC 124 Morgan Dollars GSA 1885CC UNC 125 Morgan Dollars "1880CC, 1891CC, 1890CC" 126 Morgan Dollars "1882CC AU Whizzed, 1882 UNC Details, 1890CC Fine" 127 Morgan Dollars 1884CC PL 62 128 Morgan Dollars "1882CC MS 62, 1890CC VF (2)" 129 Morgan Dollars "1892CC G, 1893CC VG Details, 1879CC VG" 130 Morgan Dollars 1878CC Gov't box 131 US Gold Liberty set Set of 1986 $5 -10-25- $50 Gold MS 69 132 Morgan Dollars 1883CC Gov't Box 133 Morgan Dollars 1884CC Gov't Box 134 Morgan Dollars Assorted (5) 135 Commemorative Dollars 2014 Silver Baseball Hall of Fame (6) 136 Commemorative Dollars Assorted Silver (6) 137 Commemorative 2015 Silver Five ounce Homestead NE 138 American Eagle Proofs "1995, 2012 (2) " 139 American Eagle Proofs "2013 (2), 2014 (2), 2015 (2), 2016 (3)" 140 American Eagle 25th Anniversary Silver Coin Set 141 Commemorative 2012 America The Beautiful Denali Five ounce Silver Unc 142 Commemorative 2016 America The Beautiful Harper's Ferry Five ounce Silver Unc 143 Commemorative 2017 America The Beautiful Cumberland Gap Five ounce Silver Unc 144 Commemorative 2017 America The Beautiful Frederick Douglas Five ounce Silver Unc 145 Commemorative 2017 America The Beautiful Frederick Douglas Five ounce Silver Unc 146 Commemorative 2016 America The Beautiful Harper's Ferry Five ounce Silver Unc 147 Commemorative 2016 America The Beautiful Teddy Roosevelt Five ounce Silver Unc 148 Prestige Set "1992, 1993, 1994 Proof Sets" 149 Prestige Set "1995, 1997, 1997 Proof Sets" 150 Prestige Set 1996 Proof Set 151 Prestige Set "1983, 1984, 1986 Proof Sets" 152 Prestige Set "1986, 1987, 1988 Proof Sets" 153 Prestige Set "1989, 1990, 1991 Proof Sets" 154 Large Cents Assorted (4) 155 Type Coins "Half cent 1851 VF Details ,1865 Two cent AU Details,1870 Three cent XF" 156 Type Coins "1869 Half Dime AU, 1831 Dime VF, 1871 Dime VG, 1887 Dime VF" 157 Commemorative and Foreign Coins Assorted 10 Ounces Silver 158 US Penny 1909svbd 1909S VDB Fine 159 US Penny 1909svbd 1909S VDB Fine 160 Buffalo Nickels 1937D EF 161 Kennedy Halves Assorted lot of slabbed coins 162 Washington Quarters 1958 - 1996 (10) 163 Type Coins Assorted (6) 164 Presidential Mint Errors Missing Edge Letters 165 Franklin Halves "1948 MS 66, 1948 MS 66, 1949S MS 65, 1951 MS 66, 1952S MS64, 1952S MS 65" 166 Franklin Halves Assorted 1953 - 1963 (14) 167 Lincoln cents 1957 - 2009 Assorted (16) 168 Nickels Assorted 1935 - 1970 (9) 169 Franklin Halves "1955 Bugs Bunny MS 66, 1960 Proof MS 66 DDO" 170 Assorted Proofs "1981S Dollar MS 69, 1976 S Clad Quarter MS 68 1986 Liberty Half Dollar MS 69" 171 Assorted Coins "1996W Dime MS 67 FT, 2014D Half Baseball MS 70, 1928S Peace Dollar AU 53" 172 Bag of Coins $100 Face Bicentennial Quarters 173 Assorted Pennies 1953 - 1999 (10) All slabbed 174 Assorted Pennies 1955 - 1981S (10) All slabbed 175 Assorted Nickels 1970 - 1999 (9) All slabbed 176 Assorted US Coins (8) Coins 177 Mint Errors (7) Coins 178 Mint Errors 1943D Double Die Obverse 179 Mint Errors 1999 YAM 180 Mint Errors 1995 Double Die MS 67 181 Mint Errors Assorted Coins (8) 182 Mint Errors "1944D Cent DDO MS 64, 1971 DDO MS 65" 183 Mint Errors "1979 Cent Off Strike MS 60 Details, 1983 Die Chip MS 66" 184 Mint Errors 1964 Half Obverse Struck Thru MS 63 185 Mint Errors "Cent Formative years FS 802 MS 66, FS 803 MS 65" 186 Assorted Coins 2015P Gem Pf Austrailian High Relief Eagle Five Ounce 187 Assorted Coins 2014 Kennedy Halves in Mint Case 188 Assorted Coins 2014 Kennedy Halves in Mint Case 189 US Proof Set Limited Edition 2016 Proof Silver Set 190 US Proof Set Limited Edition 2012 Proof Silver Set 191 US Proof Set Limited Edition 2013 Proof Silver Set 192 US Proof Set Limited Edition 2013 Proof Silver Set 193 US Mint Set Enhanced 2017 (2) 194 Ancient Coin Pontius Pilate Coin 195 Foreign Coin "One Ounce High Relief Austrialian Eagle, 2016,2017 MS 70 " 196 US Cent Flying Eagle (4) 197 US Silver Eagles "2008W MS 69, 2013 MS 69 " 198 US Coins 1954 Proof Set 199 US Coins 1955 Proof Set 200 US Coins 1966 Proof Set (3) 201 US Coins 1957 Proof Set (2) 202 US Coins 1958 Proof Set (2) 203 US Coins 1959 Proof Set (2) 204 US Coins 1961 Proof Set (3) 205 US Coins 1962 Proof Set (3) 206 US Coins 1963 Proof Set (3) 207 US Coins 1964 Proof Set (2) 208 US Coins Assorted (6) 209 US Coins Silver Proof Sets 1995 - 2005 (8) 210 US Coins Silver Proof Sets 1999 - 2007 (10) 211 US Coins Silver Proof Sets 2004 (5) 2007 (2) 212 US Coins Silver Quarters Proof Sets 2005 (10) 213 US Coins Silver Quarters Proof Sets 2004 - 2015 (10) 214 US Coins 2008 - 2010 Silver Proof Sets (3) 215 US Coins 2006 - 2007 Silver Proof Sets (3) 216 US Coins 2016 Silver Proof Sets (4) 217 US Coins 2017 Silver Proof Sets (3) 218 US Coins " 2013 (2), 2014 (1), 2015 (1), 2016, (1) Silver Proof Sets" 219 US Coins 2012 (1) Silver Proof Sets 220 US Coins 2012 (2) proof sets 221 US Coins 2015 (4) Proof Sets 222 US Coins 2014 (3) Proof Sets 223 US Currency 16 High Grade SC Dollar Certificates 224 US Currency 15 Mixed SC Dollar Certificates 225 US Currency 7 Dollar Consective numbers SC and 3 Star notes 226 US Currency $54 Face Assorted Currency 227 US Currency 6 Unc and 1 Hawaii SC Dollar 228 US Currency 3 Dollar Black Eagle SC Mixed Signatures VG - Fine 229 US Currency 1923 Dollar SC Fine (2) 230 US Coins 2017 (2) Silver Eagle one ounce MS 70 231 AM Scope Microscope 232 Silver Eagle 2008 P $1.00 Eagle PF-69 Ultra Cameo 233 Gold Eagle "2017 W $10,00 Gold P.R. 69 Deep Cameo" 234 Gold Eagle 2016 Gold Eagle G $5.00 MS 70 235 St Gaudens Gold 1927 $20.00 St Gaudens gold piece MS 63 236 Gold Eagle "2016 $10,00 Gold Eagle MS 70" 237 Gold Eagle 2013 W $5.00 Gold Eagle Proof 70 Ultra Cameo 238 Gold US Dime 2016 W Gold Dime SP 70 Early release 239 U S Type2 Gold 1856 Slanted 5 $1.00 Gold Piece XF 240 U S $2 1/2 Indian 1928 $ 2 1/2 Indian MS 62 241 $20.00 Liberty Gold 1897 S $20.00 Liberty Gold Piece AU 58 242 Comm. Gold Tuvalu 2016 P Tuvalu $15.00 Pearl Harbor Gold MS 69 243 $1.00 U S Gold 1851 $1.00 U S Gold XF 244 U S $5.00 Indian 1986 $5 -10-25- $50 Gold MS 69 245 Special Mint Set "1966 Special Mint Set - Nickle and Dime MS 67,Others MS 66" 246 Special Mint Set "1967 Special Mint Set -Nickle and Half MS 66,Others MS 67 Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL 1915 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, January 27, 2018 Time:10:00 am Steve Woodyard Estate Sat. January 27th 10:00 am (Preview 9 am) 203 Brethren Church Rd ( Off Greenwood Drive) Jonesborough, Tn 37659 Household, Guns, Great Tools, Hunting and much more This is a nice estate with sectional sofas. flat Screen tVs, collection of mounts including many deer-raccoon - squirrels etc. pocket watches, turkey decoys and blinds, party ten, NASCAR autographs, targets and ear protection,kids pool tables, Hot Wheels Super Ultimate Garage ,Fly rods and large tackles boxes, camping lanterns,chain saw, mower, weed-eaters, hunting apparel,ladders, Sears enamel gas grill with a fish fryer add on,bedroom suites, 10 long guns and ammo, Large NASCAR group of die cast and other collectibles, over 500 mint Hot wheel cars tools, tool boxes, cross bows, long bows,Pressure washer, roto tiller, freezers, collection of wildlife statues,hunting gear,oak finish kitchen table and chairs, fishing gear,air soft collection, household china and glass,bookcases, mowers and much more. Cash or Check 10% Bp. Sales tax will not be collected. Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL 1915
Date: Friday, January 19, 2018 Time:Various Times Cane Auction Dress, Folk Art, Gadget and many more Canes Ends February 10th every two minutes starting at 10 am Eastern. You may enter your high bid and Bidsquare will do all of the bidding for you or you can sit by the computer and bid live as each lot ends. There will be a two minute count down on each lot. Check back often we will be adding lots throughout the time period. Here is the link to Internet registration and the catalogue. https://www.bidsquare.com/c/antique-cane-auction-0 Cash or check 23 % bp. If you need assistance in this type of bidding process please contact us at 423 773 4073 or email at kimballsterling@earthlink.net .
Date: Monday, January 1, 2018 Time:10:30 am Our 31st New Years Day Auction New Years Day 10:30 am ( Preview 9 am) 125 West Market street Johnson CIty, Tn Plan to spend a few hours with us on this day. Various estates, collections and consignment. Walnut N.C. period high chest(skinned) ,Toy Train collection and slot cars, Fine Jewelry, Oriental carpets, railroad items, trolley car coin exchanger, a small Johnson City estate with some really cool smalls, Victorian fixtures and lamps, Pair of inlaid Drexel Chest of drawers, Country furniture, sterling, coins, Large group of Asian antique smalls, Fine print, China and crystal, Blountville estate,1830 Tall case clock,Sterling hollow-ware, Fancy silver plate serving pieces, pottery, and much more More listing and photos coming . cash or check 10% Buyers fee Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, December 16, 2017 Time:10:30 am Erwin Memorial Funeral Home 1015 North Main Avenue Erwin, Tennessee 37850 This business had been closed for a few years and we have been contracted to sell the contents of the home, large basement, and warehouse. Just take a look at the photos and you will see a small amount of the items. We will uncover many items the week of the auction and post more photos. I have conducted two other funeral homes in the past 40 years and we always fine interesting items. Be here . Sale will be conducted inside. 1998 Jaguar XJX Vaden Plas 141k miles ,one owner, 1993 Buick Hearse 90k miles Very partial listing; Large group of church pews in very fine condition, Victorian style and Italian style formal furniture, Coke ice box,. Nice office safe with combination. Fine prints, French Provincial furniture, Lecturnes, pulpits, ornate mirrors, Carved tables, conference table, large group of upscale folding chairs,file cabinets, copy machine, desk. upscale used furniture, antique Victrola, store clothing displays, Rattan dining table and chairs. Late 60's and 1970's furniture, and then there is the old warehouse which has very early caskets for haunted houses etc, early wood boxes and cooling boards, furniture, and much more yet to be found. Keep an eye on this site for updates. Terms Cash or Check 10 % buyers fee. Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL 1915
Date: Saturday, December 9, 2017 Time:10:00 am Eastern Auction is on.. heated tent... No snow in Morristown Virginia E. Sisson Two Ring Massive Estate Auction Saturday December 9th... 10 am (preview 9 am) 2189 CROCKETT RIDGE RD Morristown, Tennessee 37814 Antiques, Upscale Used Furniture, Low mileage 2003 Cadillac and More This will be exciting day for you auction goers. Mrs. Sisson owned and operated Sissons Fine Jewelry for many years and was well known to the community. Her taste were impeccable. There are many different categories in this event. We have the contents of the home, her Condo in Ft. Lauderdale, and the contents of a very large attic and basement which include many early antiques. We will run one ring until about noon of the major things in the house and break into two rings for the rest of the day. This will make an exciting event even more exciting. One ring will be selling upscale used furniture from the Fl. condo and the contents of the attic and the basement and the other will continue selling the contents of the house. Fine carved furniture, Oak roll top, fine china and glass, odd oak file cabinet, Shirley Temple collection, Large selection of Ken Allen Pottery,Two grandfather clocks, violin and mandolin, sterling flatware, Federal chest and servers, antique wall clocks, fine cut glass, painted french twin bedroom suite, Fancy tall Victorian bed, Oak curved glass china cabinet, upscale leather top tables, Oak table and chairs, Iron patio furniture, Lusters, Fenton, , Slate pool table, Kitchen clock, oriental carpets, straight razors, country store items, Oak ice box, best concessional chairs ever, blanket chest, marble top tables, dolls, small dome top trunk, Oak hall tree, luster crystal lamps, 1927 Winchester Simmons catalogue, Fancy Victorian marble top dresser, some vintage clothing and purses, large group of marble top Victorian tables, Collection of piano and banquet lamps, Large Rosewood Etagerre, Victorian marble top carved server, two 20th Century Cherry corner cupboards, Gov. Windthrop desk, Oak bookcase, Nice country dough bowls and rolling pins, Leaded glass lamp, Martha Washington sewing cabinet, Large collection of records to be sold as a collection, Country basket, Exceptional Chevall mirror, drop leaf cherry table, Country quilt, small early piano, children's country chair, oil paintings, large drum table and other mahogany furniture, Early "Home Sweet Home" calligraphy, nice over mantel mirrors, children's dishes, Pr. of sky blue coraline Nippon vases. Country kitchen smalls, Singer feather weight, Great set of early twin poster beds, ice cream table and chairs, carved Asian chest, great estate box lots and much much more. Cash or Check 10% BP. No sales tax will be collected. Our tents will be up. KImball M Sterling Inc TFL 1915
Date: Sunday, December 3, 2017 Time:1:00 Pm Eastern Time . Ben Hall Auction Sunday December 3rd 1:00 pm ( Noon Preview) 708 East Unaka Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Dr. Ben Hall has downsized from his very spacious townhouse . All of the items in the house are of fine quality. Be here for this two hour Sunday afternoon auction. Many treasures including but not limited to the following: Iranian 10 by 13 handmade Kashan carpet with a Harb's appraisal , Fine Hepplewhite dinning room suite,Virginia mMtalcrafters brass chandelier,Large bookcase secretary, Eames chair with label, Large group of fine cut glass, Chippendale style love seat, Stevens and Williams pitcher, Limoges and much other fine china, large group of antique wicker, Empire chest and game table. costume jewelry, odd sterling pieces and a large selection of good silver-plate, Sheraton style sofa, Ornate Chinese tile, Fine prints, large group of antique crystal stemware,Bronze Chinese lamp, Chinese snuff bottles and other oriental smalls,Victorian corner chair, Victorian carved chairs, French side table, Vitrine table, Japanese woodblock prints, early books and newspapers of interest, Fox Hunting print, Provincial twin bedroom suite and other framed items, plus much more including box lots and washer and dryer. Cash or Check 10 % Bp. KImball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915 Auctioneers www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, December 2, 2017 Time:10:00 am Eastern Kay Correll Living Estate Auction 148 Woodland Drive ( Not Avenue) Pinecrest Subdivision Sat. December 2nd 10:00 am Johnson City Tennessee 37601 Personal Property by Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 This will be a good one with some treasures. The house has been closed up for years. We will be treasure hunting until the day of the auction. Be here for an exciting day at the auction. Take a look at the photos for the listing. Fine furniture, glass and china, wicker, Primitives, and household. Terms- Cash or check 10% BP Kimball M Sterling 773 4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Woodland is located off the Milligan Highway just as you cross into Carter County Real Estate by Bart Long Auctions TFL-5298 Two bedroom house with a very possible third bedroom on two large lots in Pinecrest subdivision. This home has hardwood floors, a sun porch which could be used as an office or extra bedroom, living room, dining room, cute kitchen and a full basement with an outside entry. There is a detached two vehicle carport with a concrete floor. Vintage poplar and oak trees which makes part of this lot a wild-bird haven. This house could be a showplace with some tender loving care by its new owners, Terms- 10% deposit day of the auction . A 10 % buyers fee will be added to the gavel price to determine the final price. The real estate will sell "as is" to the high bidder. Real Estate Inquires Only( No Personal Property) Bart Long Auctions 423-573-5000 Office@BartLongAuctions.com TFL 5298
Date: Saturday, November 25, 2017 Time:10:00 am Eastern Thanksgiving Saturday Estate Auction and More Sat. November 25th 10:00 am Preview 9:00 am 125 West Market St. Johnson CIty, Tennessee 37604 This is a very partial listing. Photos added till sale time. This will be a large auction with some fine estate items. One estate that has been packed back for years will the the leader for the auction. Decker tulip crock, cast iron lawn jockey, spice cabinet, Fine primitive furniture, cherry drop leaf tables, County tall desk, country pottery collection, Nippon, Wedgwood china, Gutta purcha photo case, Pair of pencil post twin beds, Victorian marble tables, best selection of sets of antique chairs that we have sold. Lusters, Large collection of early fancy silver-plate, U S and foreign coins coins, Long guns, Fine jewelry, Oriental carpets, Dore bronze sconces and French andirons, clocks, fine art, Picasso prints with COA, fine china and crystal, two vintage mountain rifles and powder horn, Large 19th Century linen press, Navajo rugs, English linen press, Estate coins-knives and jewelry, textiles. large collection of Victorian oil lamps, needlepoint firescreen, Impressive mahogany sideboard with matching china cabinet, French bronze sconces, paintings, spinning wheel, one drawer stands, pr. of French inlaid stands, scrap gold, Plantation desk, Victorian sofa and chair, more to come Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL 1915
Date: Saturday, November 18, 2017 Time:10 am Eastern Christine Owen Estate Auction Saturday November 18th 10 am (Preview 9 am) 401 East Chilhowie Av. Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Sale location- Chilhowie Av. is broken into three different streets. We are on the center section which is only one block. It runs between Oak and Baxter beside I 26. American Fostoria, Mid Century items, Massive oak round curved glass china cabinet, depression glass, two maple bedroom suites, large mahogany drum table, curio cabinets, cookie jars, round oak table with pressed back chairs,two pine painted modern kitchen table with chairs, leather recliner, dolls,two carved back mahogany sofas, par of Chinese marble top fern stands, textiles, Two over mantle mirrors, large formal punch bowl, Cherry bedroom suite, Flat screen TV, oil lamps and cast iron, fine china and glass, and much more. The basement and the garages are full of goodies. Hundreds of estate box lots. Modern Stack bookcase, desk,wicker and cast iron planters, Chinese carpets etc. Cash or Check 10% Buyers Fee.
Date: Saturday, October 28, 2017 Time:10 am Central Time Large Two Day Auction- The Choo Choo collection Here is the catalogue for the Saturday online and live auction. https://www.bidsquare.com/c/choo-choo-auction This is one of the largest single owner collection ever offered at public auction. This is a sale of your lifetime. The Saturday sale will consist of restored or very fine original condition items. The photos you see on this page are for the Saturday auction but I can tell you there is much more than you see here. Advertising, architectural antiques, bicycles, barbershop, neon, toys, country store, soda shop, wagons, tractors, coin-op,cash registers,clocks,Tennessee furniture, boats,pedal toys, showcases,store counters, large group of Coke signs and machines, set of Jockey scales, butcher shop and store items, massive church bell,and much more. Warehouse Auction -10:00 Central Friday October 27th, 9 am Preview Live on site 207 Main Street Decherd, Tennessee 37324 Barn Auction 3:00 Central Friday October 27th, 2:00 Preview Live on site (Front Gate opens 1:45) 161 Valley View Lane Belvidere, Tn. 37306 Important Collection Auction-10 am Central Live on site, Bidsquare.com, Absentee Saturday October 28th, 8 am Preview 161 Valley View Lane Belvidere, Tn. 37306 (Auction sites are within 10 minutes of each.) Motels: Monteagle,Tn., Smoke House Inn and Restaurant (Cool Place) 931-924-2091, Super 8 , 931- 924 -2222 Winchester Tn., Best Western, 931 -967-9444 Decherd, Tn., Quality Inn, 623-207-7707 Fly in to Chattanooga 65 miles to auction, Nashville 85 miles to auction. All interstate driving except the last 20 miles. Shipping; James Price Shipping-423- 943-3123 Terms of sale. Cash, Cashier’s Check, Travelers Check, Buyers not known to us and out of state bidders must have a bank letter of credit addressed to Kimball M Sterling, Inc. if they intend to write a personal or business check. In state and buyers known by us may write a business or personal check with ID. Credit cards or Paypal will not be accepted. Bank wire is also an acceptable form of payment. There will be a 15% buyer’s premium added to the gavel price to reach the final selling price. Internet bidders will pay an 18% buyers fee. All items will sell “as is” and the buyer accepts full responsibility for their purchases after the gavel falls. By registering for the auctions you accept the terms of this auction. Types of Sales- Phone, Absentee, Live in house ; live internet of the Saturday auction conducted on Bidsquare.com Removal of Purchases- Your items must be paid for day of the auction and a seven day removal policy is in effect. Longer time can be arranged for those special larger items but not to exceed 30 days. James Price shipping can help you with any item, “big or small”. Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL 1915 423 773 4073 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Friday, October 27, 2017 Time:10:00 & 3:00 Central Large Two Day Auction- The Choo Choo collection This is one of the largest single owner collection ever offered at public auction. This is a sale of your lifetime. The Saturday sale will consist of restored or very fine original condition items. The photos you see on this page are for the Friday but I can tell you there is much more than you see here. Afternoon sale photos go from the old Ford tractor to the buggy s. Everything else plus more is for the 10 am auction. Here is the catalogue for the Saturday online and live auction. https://www.bidsquare.com/c/choo-choo-auction Advertising, architectural antiques, bicycles, barbershop, neon, toys, country store, soda shop, wagons, tractors, coin-op,cash registers,clocks,Tennessee furniture, boats,pedal toys, showcases,store counters, large group of Coke signs and machines, set of Jockey scales, butcher shop and store items, massive church bell,and much more. Warehouse Auction -10:00 Central Friday October 27th, 9 am Preview Live on site 207 Main Street Decherd, Tennessee 37324 Barn Auction 3:00 Central Friday October 27th, 2:00 Preview Live on site (Front Gate opens 1:45) 161 Valley View Lane Belvidere, Tn. 37306 Important Collection Auction-10 am Central Live on site, Bidsquare.com, Absentee Saturday October 28th, 8 am Preview 161 Valley View Lane Belvidere, Tn. 37306 (Auction sites are within 10 minutes of each.) Motels: Monteagle,Tn., Smoke House Inn and Restaurant (Cool Place) 931-924-2091, Super 8 , 931- 924 -2222 Winchester Tn., Best Western, 931 -967-9444 Decherd, Tn., Quality Inn, 623-207-7707 Fly in to Chattanooga 65 miles to auction, Nashville 85 miles to auction. All interstate driving except the last 20 miles. Shipping; James Price Shipping-423- 943-3123 Terms of sale. Cash, Cashier’s Check, Travelers Check, Buyers not known to us and out of state bidders must have a bank letter of credit addressed to Kimball M Sterling, Inc. if they intend to write a personal or business check. In state and buyers known by us may write a business or personal check with ID. Credit cards or Paypal will not be accepted. Bank wire is also an acceptable form of payment. There will be a 15% buyer’s premium added to the gavel price to reach the final selling price. Internet bidders will pay an 18% buyers fee. All items will sell “as is” and the buyer accepts full responsibility for their purchases after the gavel falls. By registering for the auctions you accept the terms of this auction. Types of Sales- Phone, Absentee, Live in house ; live internet of the Saturday auction conducted on Bidsquare.com Removal of Purchases- Your items must be paid for day of the auction and a seven day removal policy is in effect. Longer time can be arranged for those special larger items but not to exceed 30 days. James Price shipping can help you with any item, “big or small”. Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL 1915 423 773 4073 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2017 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Antique Cane Auction Sat. Oct 14th 11:00 am Eastern. 125 W. Market Street and Live on the net at Bidsquare.com Johnson City, Tennessee Here is your link to the catalogue and live Internet bidder registration. https://www.bidsquare.com/c/antique-cane-auction The selection will include a Remington 32. cal Large dog cane, Gold quartz, Native American Sword canes, a rare Michael Cribbins folk art cane, Gold and silver dress, Whalebone and other nauticals, system canes, Oak store display cane cases and stands and much more. Also includes will be a large selection of collectible cane catalogues from various auction houses. This auction will be live in-house and live on the internet at bidsquare.com Phone and absentee bids accepted. Cash or Check 20% BP in-house and 23% online. Preview morning of auction at 9:00 am. KImball M Sterling, Inc TFL-1915 423 773 4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Saturday, October 7, 2017 Time:10:00 am Eastern The Estates of Charles and Charlotte Brown Custom Real estate By Bart Long Auctions TfL-5298 and Personal property by Kimball M sterling INC TFL-1915 367 Sinking Springs Road (GPS address) Sat. October 7th 10 am ( Preview 9 am) Bristol Tennessee 37620 Special item : 2009 Dodge Caravan SV , Kneeling conversion for handicap with DVD and TV, only 36,327 miles. Sold for over 33k new. The gun rules have changed for this auction. Guns may be purchased by anyone legal. All guns will be run through Uncle Sams Pawn in Bristol. There will be a 25.00 fee for the first five guns and 5.00 per gun after that. This change was due to ATF rules for settled estates. Long Guns, Fine Jewelry, Antiques, Handy-cap Accessible Van, Pocket watch collection ( over 50 watches), Coin Collection, Knife collection ( over 200 knives), Upscale used furniture, tools,Gold men's wrist watch collection, Grand piano, fine china and glass ,aluminium fishing boast with Honda motor,Large selection of Sterling ,silver flatware- many pieces and sets including Eloquence-English Gadroon - Old Master, Chippendale dinning room suite, Chinese style king size bedroom suite, depression glass, crystal, Stressless style recliners, Massive store store showcase ca. 1890, Victorian lusters,Nippon, silver and lingerie chest, oak wash stand, fancy Depression tables, Fraternal swords, early counter top candy scales, iron patio furniture and good yard art, Ansonia mantel clock, inlaid demi-loon console cabinet, Italian painted occasional furniture , fine mirrors and print, Nice antique painting, great sofas, and much more. Cash or Check 10% BP Rain or shine , our tents will be up. This sale is located just off Highway 421 about 20 minutes from Johnson City. Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL-1915 Personal property ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bart Long Auctions will sell the custom built house also on this day. ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th * 10 AM 5 BEDROOMS – 4 BATHS – 5 GARAGES 10.7 ACRES +/- 367 SINKING SPRINGS ROAD EXT. - BRISTOL, TN HOUSE & PERSONAL PROPERTY ESTATES OF CHARLES and CHARLOTTE BROWN FROM THE MOMENT YOU START DOWN THE TREE LINED DRIVEWAY TO THIS STATELY HOME, YOU WILL KNOW YOU HAVE FOUND THE PLACE TO CALL YOUR OWN * THIS HOME HAS BEEN BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED INSIDE AND OUT WITH MANY UPDATES INCLUDING: NEW GRANITE, TILE AND CABINETRY IN KITCHEN AND BATHROOMS * THE ENTRANCE TO THIS 4,100 SQ. FT. ALL BRICK HOME OPENS INTO AN ELIGANT FOYER WITH A WINDING STAIRCASE TO THE SECOND LEVEL, TO THE RIGHT ARE FRENCH DOORS LEADING TO HUGE FORMAL LIVING ROOM w/FIREPLACE AND THE PRIVATE LIBRARY w/SITTING AREA AND JUST TO THE LEFT OF FOYER IS A SPACIOUS FORMAL DINING ROOM * THE MAIN FLOOR ALSO OFFERS A BREATHTAKING MASTER SUITE WITH LARGE BATH AND WALK –IN CLOSET, DEN w/FLOOR TO CEILING STONE FIREPLACE, KITCHEN w/GRANITE, TILE, CENTER ISLAND, PANTRY AND DINING AREA w/ LARGE BUILT-IN CABINET, OFFICE w/BUILT-IN SHELVING, CABNETS AND DESK, FULL BATH, LARGE UTILITY ROOM, MUD ROOM AND 2 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE * A SECOND MASTER SUITE IS LOCATED ON THE SECOND LEVEL, WHICH INCLUDES A SPACIOUS SITTING AREA, HUGE WALK IN CLOSET, A JETTED SOAK TUB, TILED SHOWER AND DOUBLE VANITIES; THE UPSTAIRS ALSO ACCOMADATES THREE ADDITIONAL LARGE BEDROOMS AND FULL BATH * HOME HAS CENTRAL HEAT/AIR AND IS EQUIPPED WITH A SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM * FOR YOUR OUTDOORS LIVING, THERE IS A GAZABO, PATIOS AND COVERED PATIO, GREAT FOR A MORNING CUP OF COFFEE OR LOTS OF ROOM FOR ENTERTAINING FAMILY AND FRIENDS * PROPERTY ALSO HAS A THREE CAR BRICK DETACHED GARAGE, UTILITY BUILDING AND TWO CIRCULAR DRIVE-WAYS * THIS IS DEFINITELY A "ONE OF A KIND" PROPERTY, A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON 10.7 ACRES +/- GIVING YOU THE PRIVACY EVERY HOME OWNER DESIRES * LAWN AREA IS APPROX. 5 ACRES AND APPROX. 5.7 ACRES OF PASTURE FOR LIVESTOCK OR OTHER USES YOU MAY HAVE * IT DOESN’T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS ! REAL ESTATE TO BE AUCTIONED BY BART LONG - CALL: 423-573-5000 PERSONAL PROPERTY TO BE AUCITONED BY KIMBALL STERLING - CALL: 423-773-4073 SEE www.AuctionAuction.com FOR PHOTOS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY http://www.bartlongauctions.com/auction/index.php? ptype=viewFullListing&reid=5135&title=
Date: Monday, September 4, 2017 Time:9:30 and 11:00 am Mary Elizabeth and Bobby Lewis Hodge Estate Labor Day Monday Sept 4th 9:30 am and 11 am 158 McMacken Rd. Limestone,Tn, 37681 Autos, Equipment, Antiques, Household, Belleek, Hummels,Guns Automobile, Machinery, Etc,- 9:30 am Preview 8 a m. This is a very partial listing. S denotes parts or scrap car. 1976 Lincoln -s,1970 Lincoln-s,1969 Lincoln Mark 3-s,1955 Ford 1-ton truck (farm) ,1978 Ford-wrecked, Freight Truck w/cab -s 1969 Ford truck - Ranchero,,1974 Ford truck - Ranchero-s,1969 Ford Ranchero-s, 1970 Ford Ranchero-s,1970 Lincoln Continental MK III .1980 Kenworth tractor trailer truck -s,1986 Toyota Supra,1978 Mercedes 3001971 Ford Torino,1970 Ford Torino -s, 1971 Ford Torino GT,,1969 Ford Fairlane. 1970 Ford Torino GT, 1969 Ford Ranchero, 1971 Ranchero - 302 ,1974 F350 Camper Special, 1977 Lincoln Versaille-s,1990 Chevrolet S10 pickup,1993 Toyota Tercel,009 Toyota PU - Single Cab,1978 Mercedes 300,1971 Torino,1970 Torino-s.1971 Torino GT,1976 Jeep Wagoneer,1994 Lincoln Mark VIII ,1971 Lincoln Mark III, 1979 Lincoln Town Car,1979 Lincoln Continental Mk V,1979 Ford tractor trailer truck,1977 Ford F100 truck,1969 Reconstructed trailer, 1952 Libe 696 hauling trailer,1974 Ford Ranchero GT,1978 Ford Ranchero GT,1977 Ford F250 Dually truck, 1968 Ford Torino Cobra, 1985 Ford 1-ton diesel truck,1973 Ford truck-s,2004 Toyota truck,1990 White Ford tractor truck,1990 F350 Tool Box White Ford truck,1992 Ford F350,Bucyrus Erie -65C 65 ton Crane, Various Ford V-8 Engines (351C, 429, 400,302),2 International V-8 Engines 40 Ft Semi Flatbed trailer for hauling crane boom Plus More. Antique sale 11:00 am (Preview 10 am) Large collection of Hummels,Teadly Teas dispenser, Large group of Boyd's bears. large collection of Belleek.Nice Roseville collection.Oak bow-front China cabinet,, Fenton collection, Sterling silver Christmas Reed and Barton Crosses plus a large group of other upscale Christmas ornaments, Bose home theater system and Bose radio with CD changer,1930's wicker porch three piece set, cast iron patio furniture,four matching upscale display cabinets, Cherry drop leaf table with hutch and Windsor style chairs,Cedar wardrobe and chest, Poster bedroom suite,Thomas Kincaid items,Sole Treadmill,children's rockers, Upscale painted chess set, Wrought iron porch furniture, Jacobian style dinning room suite. Leaded glass pole lamp, Guns both short and long, ironstone, Edwardian style parlor suite, Jackson press, Hand-painted china, Cherry country dinning table with chairs, Large collection of Upscale Christmas ornaments, Italian marble top server, Victorian sofas and love seat, curved glass oak display cabinet, fine china and glass, wood stove,Sterling Christmas ornaments, Depression dinning room suite,many fine china cabinets, primitives, crocks, tools, grand piano, bedroom suites, Nice TVs. Mid Century bedroom suite,dolls and teddys,Modern tread mill,trunks,huge group of tools-mowers-weed-eaters, Modern Washer and dryer, Churns and a smoke house full. . This house is loaded be ready for a much large list. It is a good old country home-place Partial Gun list S and W Model 292 -44 mag, S and W Model 484- 22 Cal.,Ruger 357- SP101,Ruger Single Six,Ruger Blackhawk 357, Ruger Mini 14 Ranch Rifle,Winchester 12 ga. -37a, Davidson 12 ga. Double, Savage 22 rifle,Ruger 22 -172210, Remington 22 Mod-572, Mossberg Mod- 500, Plus others. Guns can only be sold to Tennessee Residents with proper D.L. We are an agent for the seller/estate. The sale of firearms at an estate auction is considered a direct sale from owner/estate to an individual. Residents may take their purchases home day of sale Directions- Sale is located a few miles out of Jonesborough, Tn . Take route 11 toward Greeneville and you will come to some bridge construction at McMacken rd. Go through the construction and you will see a McMackin detour sign at Opie Arnold Road. Take a right there and follow the auction arrows. Cash or check. 10 % buyers fee. Out of state bidders must have a letter of credit from there bank. It may be faxed to 423-928-2816 before the auction or emailed to kimballsterling@earthlink.net. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 423-773-4073 www.auctionauction.com Here is a list furnished from the estate. There may be more cars by auction time. I will post a complete list before the auction. List furnished from Estate YEAR/MODEL Color Notes 1 6Y89A885149 1976 Lincoln Scrap? Up on Hill? 2 0Y89A824172 1970 Lincoln White Desireable Motor (365HP) 3 9Y89A885917 1969 Lincoln Mark 3 White Desireable Motor (365HP) 4 F35V5A22500 1955 Ford 1-ton truck (farm) White 5 D70BVBE5552 1978 Ford-wrecked, Freight Truck w/cab Red 6 9K49R145930 1969 Ford truck - Ranchero White? R Code (428) (big block car) needs motor but will make a rare restoration 7 4A47H102697 1974 Ford truck - Ranchero Brown Rusty 1/4s, No seats 8 9K48F180360 1969 Ford Ranchero Red Has magnum 500 wheels 9 0A49H139725 1970 Ford Ranchero Tan/Wood Rare Squire Edition 10 QY89A-851042 1970 Lincoln Continental MK III **** Yellow . In good condition. Cool car 11 JT2MA70L7G0002249 1986 Toyota Supra Red Like brand new. Cool car. 12 12313012062965 1978 Mercedes 300 Silver in good condition. High miles, but it’s a diesel. Well maintained in its day 13 1A35F221768 1971 Ford Torino***** Blue We need to decide if it is salvageable 14 1A35H232775 1971 Ford Torino GT Blue was a nice looking driver back in the 90s 15 9A30F284117 1969 Ford Fairlane Red May be a salvageable car? 16 0A35M141290 1970 Ford Torino GT Orange Collectible. 351C 4V, 4sp, Shaker, ribbon Tach, cool color with laser stripe 17 9A48M288920 1969 Ford Ranchero White Nice Potential 18 1A47F179415 1971 Ranchero - 302 Green Need to find title. Was a clean car before sitting. Easy to get going and clean up 19 F35MKU84305 1974 F350 Camper Special Brown Need to find title. Great truck to restore and use for work. 390CI, C6, Dually 20 7W84H810334 1977 Lincoln Versaille White scrap 21 1GCCS1943T8107956 1990 Chevrolet S10 pickup Black 22 JT2EL46S7P0318486 1993 Toyota Tercel Green 23 STENX22N29Z667686 2009 Toyota PU - Single Cab White Bill of Sale - never titled to hodge. Low milege in Exel Condition 24 ? 1969 Ranchero White 25 ? 1969 Ranchero Black 26 J6A15MZ060311 1976 Jeep Wagoneer* Red Loaded, needs restoration, but its complete and a collector 27 1LNLM91V6RY656259 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII** Maroon Good condition. Will run/drive with clean gas and battery 28 1Y89A857890 1971 Lincoln Mark III Yellow Nice Car 29 9Y825761355 1979 Lincoln Town Car Blue May be worth a lot more. We used this for long trips. 30 9Y895681383 1979 Lincoln Continental Mk V Yellow 31 W91LVEE9912 1979 Ford tractor trailer truck ? Maybe the one facing in under the Lean To 32 F10GNX84283 1977 Ford F100 truck** Brown Aluminum Bed 33 DMV29405 1969 Reconstructed trailer** 34 6966 1952 Libe 696 hauling trailer** 35 4A48S124465 1974 Ford Ranchero GT** Green I put new motor, transmission in 1992. has been parked since. Drove it back from Tx 36 8H48H135038 1978 Ford Ranchero GT*** Beige Was a great low milege vehicle before sitting in the weeds the last 20 years 37 F25JCY10458 1977 Ford F250 Dually truck** Maroon 460 Dually. Great condition work truck. 38 8A42R263354 1968 Ford Torino Cobra Blue Cobra? 428 dark blue, nice car. Will make valuable collector 39 2FDJF3711FCB11253 1985 Ford 1-ton diesel truck** White Steel Flat bed 40 F25HLR95278 1973 Ford truck (Harkleroad??) Brown/Yell Steel Flat bed, Trailer Special 41 5TENL42NX4Z308375 2004 Toyota truck White high milege. But runs and drives 42 2FTJW35HXLCA78110 1990 F350 Tool Box White Ford truck White Desirable truck for the tool box setup and bed 43 ? 2006 F450 white Runs, Flood victim Second list of more cars etc J6A15MZ060311 1976 Jeep Wagoneer* Red Loaded, needs restoration, but its complete and a collector 1LNLM91V6RY656259 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII** Maroon Good condition. Will run/drive with clean gas and battery 1Y89A857890 1971 Lincoln Mark III Yellow Nice Car 9Y825761355 1979 Lincoln Town Car Blue May be worth a lot more. We used this for long trips. 9Y895681383 1979 Lincoln Continental Mk V Yellow W91LVEE9912 1979 Ford tractor trailer truck ? Maybe the one facing in under the Lean To F10GNX84283 1977 Ford F100 truck** Brown Aluminum Bed DMV29405 1969 Reconstructed trailer** 6966 1952 Libe 696 hauling trailer** 4A48S124465 1974 Ford Ranchero GT** Green I put new motor, transmission in 1992. has been parked since. Drove it back from Tx 8H48H135038 1978 Ford Ranchero GT*** Beige Was a great low milege vehicle before sitting in the weeds the last 20 years F25JCY10458 1977 Ford F250 Dually truck** Maroon 460 Dually. Great condition work truck. 8A42R263354 1968 Ford Torino Cobra Blue Cobra? 428 dark blue, nice car. Will make valuable collector 2FDJF3711FCB11253 1985 Ford 1-ton diesel truck** White Steel Flat bed F25HLR95278 1973 Ford truck (Harkleroad??) Brown/Yell Steel Flat bed, Trailer Special 5TENL42NX4Z308375 2004 Toyota truck White high mileage. But runs and drives 2FTJW35HXLCA78110 1990 F350 Tool Box White Ford truck** White Desirable truck for the tool box setup and bed Ends in 37Y4NNA89141 1992 Ford F350 White Cab only and frame, straight 6 diesel? Third list 1 Bucyrus Erie -65C 65 ton Crane 2 Various Ford V-8 Engines (351C, 429, 400,302) 3 2 International V-8 Engines 4 40 Ft Semi Flatbed trailer for hauling crane boom
Date: Saturday, August 19, 2017 Time:10 am Real Estate, Antiques, Clocks and Rocks Reuben and Ruth Russell Estates Auction Sat. August 19th 10 am 2219 NORTH Greenwood Drive Johnson City , Tennessee 37604 Fancy curved glass oak china cabinet, Large Victorian curio, vintage red satin glass "Gone with the Wind" lamps, Collection of French clocks, Two early tall case clocks, Large original Victorian newel post lamp, marble top tables, Wonderful Mid-Century bedroom suite, carnival glass and hand-painted china, Indian relics, Large art collection including over 200 painting by Tennessee artist Lorena Webb ( some really cool folk art), Mr. Russell was a geology professor in the 1950's at ETSU and an avid rock hound and has a very large collection of both major and minor specimens, silver dollars, fine china and glass, many other antique clocks, crocks and jugs, blue salt glaze, large silver-plate punch bow, walnut Victorian stands, poster bed, two country store showcases, trunks, large cedar chest, tools and lawn mower, washer and dryer, Shelton clock , Fenton glass, Victorian lighting fixtures, hatpins, cut glass, cast patio table and iron sofa, Large collection of rough garnets,and much more If one of you rock hounds out there would contact me at kimballsterling@earthlink.net, I could use some help on the rocks and minerals. Kimball M Sterling TFL 1915 Personal property only . Cash or check 10% Buyers fee No Sales tax, Rain or shine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Real Estate- Three bedroom brick house with full basement on "professors row" located near the university on North Greenwood Dr ( North Greenwood is the original Greenwood Drive where the Gregs Pizza use to be). The home has a 10 year old roof and two baths. Large level lot and house has ornate cast iron security gates, doors and windows, Property is fenced and ready for your child to play or pets. House could use some updating or could be lived in as in. Terms- 10% deposit day of the auction . A 10 % buyers fee will be added to the gavel price to determine the final price. The real estate will sell "as is" the the high bidder which has to be confirmed by the seller. Real Estate Inquires Only( No Personal Property) Bart Long Auctions 423-573-5000 Office@BartLongAuctions.com TFL 5298 Lead Paint Notice- Lead Warning Statement Every purchaser of any interest in residential real property on which a residential dwelling was built prior to 1978 is notified that such property may present exposure to lead from lead-based paint that may place young children at risk of developing lead poisoning. Lead poisoning in young children may produce permanent neurological damage, including learning disabilities, reduced intelligence quotient, behavioral problems, and impaired memory. Lead poisoning also poses a particular risk to pregnant women.
Date: Saturday, August 12, 2017 Time:10:00 am Geneva and A.D. Harrell Estate and Living Estate "This estate has been moved from the Harrell farm in Buladean N.C." Saturday August 12th 10:00 am Preview 9:00 am 125 West Market Street, Johnson City, Tn We are unpacking this estate as quickly as possible. Thought I would put up a few photos for you. I will add more photos as we place items on the auction floor. This will be a good one. It is a nice "as found" estate" like we all love to find. Auction will consist of the contents of the home place and barns on the farm. This is a nice early estate with many categories of antiques and collectibles.Other than fine antiques,Art pottery, China, country store items, mission desk, cast duck boot scraper, local pottery, depression glass, Elegant glassware,various glass and china,cast iron, nice windsor chairs, Victorian library stand, trunks, oak stack bookcases, round oak table, walnut wash stand, Winthrop desk, primitives, fine furniture, Jelly cupboard, oak bedroom furniture, platform scales, etc., and there will also be a doll collection which many are still in the original box.This is better than your average collection with dolls from all ages. Make your plans to attend this lifetime collection. Cash or check 10% BP. Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, July 29, 2017 Time:10:00 am Antiques and Collectibles Auction Saturday July 29th 10:00 am( 9 am Preview) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee This is a good everything auction. These items have been in storage for quitea few years. They belonged to an "old time big dealer". Who knows what we will find when we get over 100 boxes unpacked next week. Partial listing: Toys, depression glass, Fenton, bottles, Nice oak mantle with original mirror, oak furniture, crocks, dolls and doll items, NASCAR items, primitives, churns, fine china and glass, oriental style rugs, collection of smoking stands, showcases, gold club display racks, early screen door, scooters,blue ridge, depression wardrobe, wicker baby cradle, primitive cradle, collection of antique advertising crates,man cave decoration, good smalls and paper, antique books, plus much more Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Kimball MSterling, Inc TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, July 22, 2017 Time:9:30 Estate Coin Absolute Auction Sat, July 22, 9:30 am ( preview 8:30) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, TN. 37604 Nice local collection with large group of Silver dollars including some rare dates and some good Carson City dollar, Set of Washington quarters including the 1932 d, sets of Franklin halves type coins, sets of pennies and war nickles,Stone Mountain and others, large collection of Franklin and Liberty halves,some foreign, lots of face value silver, Mercury dimes, Bust half, Indian cents, set of Liberty halves,and much more. Cash or Check 10% BP. List This is the corrected list as of Friday Noon. Disregard Previous list >1. 3 partial Cent books,9.00 silver >2. Complete Jefferson Nickel book 1938-61 >3. 39 Indian cents >4. Assorted US type lot >5. $5 face value silver Roosevelt Dimes >6. Assorted 28 steel penny lot, 3 Indian Cents & >7. Lincoln cents partial book >8. Complete set Washington Quarters includes 32D >9. Roll of Franklin halves >10. 5 Rolls War Nickels >11. $25 face value Washington Quarters >12. $12.50 face value Washington Quarters >13. $12.50 unc Kennedy Halves >14. $20 face value Silver >15. $25 face value Silver all Washington Quarters >16. $13.50 face value Franklin Halves mostly unc >17. Assorted coin lot >18. $50 face value Walking Liberty Halves >19. $52 face value complete set Liberty Halves >20. $10 face value Barber Halves >21. 1890S Silver Dollar unc >22. 1891CC Silver Dollar >23. 1890CC Silver Dollar >24. 1879CC Silver Dollar >25. 1892CC Silver Dollar >26. 1921 Peace Silver Dollar >27. 1889 Silver Dollar unc >28. 1889S Silver Dollar >29. $20 face value Liberty Quarters >30. Stone Mountain & Columbian commemorative Halves >31. 20 Morgan Silver Dollars >32. 5 Silver Dollars >33. 10 Silver Dollars >34. 10 Silver Dollars >35. 10 Silver Dollars >36. $54 face mostly Mercury Dimes >37. $17.50 face value set of Franklin Halves >38. $17.50 face value set of Franklin Halves >39. $17.50 face value set of Franklin Halves >40. 11 Large Cents >41. 1823 & 1830 Silver Halves >42. Misc. Coin lot >43. $7 face value Silver Mercury Dimes >44. $20 face value Franklin Halves S mint >45. $20 face value Franklin Halves D mint >46. $21 face value Franklin Halves P mint >47. 2 1955P Franklin Halves >48. $21.50 face value Washington Quarters & US Halves >49. $17.50 face value set of Franklin Halves >50. 9 unc Franklin Halves >51. 14 unc Kennedy Halves >52. $30 face value Liberty Halves >53. $26.50 face value Liberty Halves >54. $33 face value Franklin Halves >55. 1914D & 1931S Lincoln Cent >56. 1894 o Silver dollar Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, July 8, 2017 Time:10:00 am Tennessee Estates Antiques and Collectibles Auction Saturday July 8th, 10:00 am ( Preview 9 am) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Photos and complete listing coming soon. This will be one of the better gallery auctions that we have conducted in a long time. Make your plans to attend. Large local collection of pottery including Cain,MaGee, Mort, Harmon, Large collection of Mini whiskeys including Bristol. White elephant spongeware mini from Knoxville, Three fancy oak curved glass china cabinets, Collection of Victorian carriages and doll items, Baby grand piano, Masonic grandfather lodge clock Howard Miller, Collection of vintage fine condition wicker furniture. outside horn phonograph, oriental carpets,vintage oil paintings, Large antique bottle collection ( local Bristol bottles) pressed glass, Vintage Coke clock, White house vinegar, carnival glass collection, Outsider art, Large collection of vintage pattern quilts ( much better than the normal), German military helmet and gas mask, Upscale furnishings, Victorian furniture, a complete California estate with nice art work, Estate box lots and much more This will be a good one folks Make your plans to attend. Cash or check 10% BP.
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2017 Time:10:30 am Massive Sunday Antiques Estates Auction to benefit the Vineyard Fellowship Sunday not Saturday June 25th 10:30 am 1009 East Watauga Street Johnson CIty, Tennessee 37601 Folks this is going to be big absolute auction with many nice items. This is the former Frances Moore house and a very well known house in Johnson City. Its the large brick on the corner of Watauga and Oakland. She passed away about ten years ago and the house and contents were purchased about four years ago from the estate. The present owner of the has donated the house which the fellowship has for sale and the large antique collection to the Vineyard Fellowship with the proceeds to be used for the building fund. This 5000 square foot house is loaded with fine furniture, smalls, and much more. Many unique items. Keep your eyes on this site for photos and details. Terms are cash or check 10% Bp. Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2017 Time:10:00 am Tools, Furniture, and Radio Controlled Airplanes and More Saturday June 24th 10 am 118 Spring Hollow Lane Jonesborough , Tennessee 37659 The present owners the Kennedys, are moving and have hired us to sell at absolute auction household furniture including bedroom, living room and home office. TV.s, and much more. Mr. Kennedy was a RC plane enthusiast and we have four planes and a large tool box full of various parts. A partial list of the very well keep tools are listed below. • 10” Ridgid Miter saw • Husqvarna 440 18” chain saw less than 1 year old • Worx electric trim saw on a pole • Riding mower jack • Paslode gas cordless framing nailer • Ryobi biscuit joiner • Bosch 1/2” electric drill • DeWalt electric drill • Niko electric drill • Bostitch Pneumatic brad nailer • Rotozip • Kreg joiner kit • Craftsman compression test kit • Craftsman plunge router • Makita 18 volt drill set • Craftsman saws all • Craftsman 19.2 volt drill set • Craftsman Microtork torque wrench • Kobalt torque wrench • Airless Wagner paint sprayer • Router bit set • Porter Cable forstner bit set • Skil benchtop drill press • Craftsman router with Bosch router table • Porter Cable band saw • Bench top grinder • Bench top sander • 10” Delta table saw, new • 20 volt electric weed eater • Craftsman 4 cycle weed eater with attachments • Troybilt 2 cycle weed eater • Troybilt leaf blower • Troybilt 163 cc push mower, new • DeWalt 5.0 scfm air compressor • 3 ton floor jack • 1 Kobalt chest tool box • 1 US General chest tool box Nice garage cabinets, yard tools automotive tools, heaters and much much more. RC Plane info: Pawnee 40 with 80” wingspan Setup for tow plane Electric powered with Hacker motor ____________________________________________________________ Kadet LT40 with 70” wingspan Nitro powered Comes with field box and electric starter _____________________________________________________________ Telemaster Senior 94” wingspan Setup for tow plane Electric powered with Rimfire motor Four-Star 120 81” wingspan This is a NIB (new in box) kit Build it the way you want it Builder’s toolbox Many miscellaneous parts Covering iron Incidence meter Cash or check 10% BP Preview 9 am morning of the auction Sale Directions- Exit off of 11E on Payne road beside Ingles in Jonesborough, follow Payne road till you get to a stop sign on State Route 81 (W. College St.), drive directly across 81 (W. College ST.) (Payne Road turns into Rocky Hollow Road) till you get to Tipton Road and turn right.Then go to Spring Hollow Lane and take a right then you will see our auction arrow in the driveway. Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL 1915 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, June 17, 2017 Time:10 am Lou M. Fox Baskett Estate Auction Saturday June 17th 10:00 am 905 East Main Street Jonesborough, Tn. 37659 Finest Modern Home on 2.5 acres in Jonesborough, Fine Antiques, Upscale Furnishings, Pottery, and 2012 Ford Explorer (44k miles , loaded) The Personal Property: Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL-1915 423 773 4073 Kimballsterling@earthlink.net A wonderful lifetime collection including over 500 pcs of art pottery, mostly McCoy ( many to be sold in large lots), Local pie safe, upscale furnishings, 200 pcs of Monex American Sweetheart, Jadite, early coke cooler, collectible depression kitchen glass items,quilts, modern formal cherry dinning room suite with matching huntboard, one drawer stand, drop leaf pine tables,Ladies gold and diamond wedding set with total weight of 1.75 ct ( about a half ct center and diamond band)., Ladies 3 diamond drop necklace, Art Deco coffee service, early oil lamps, country cupboard, crocks, Iron Mt. stoneware,fine china and glass, Mahogany slant top desk, oak bow front china cabinet, collection of carnival glass, Laundry wood stove, quilts, early meal chest, vintage hats, early dry sink, large group of antique frames, vintage lighting, apple butter brass kettle, primitive cottage furniture, American Fostoria ,depression glass, country kitchen items, fine prints and artwork, Vintage style light post with electric lanterns, large group of modern expensive wicker( much better than the vintage), baskets, miniature coffee grinder, stoneware, 78 records, group of modern yard tools, office furniture, duck decoy, modern block front Chippendale desk, Modern cherry county style bedroom furniture, large group of modern upscale sofas and chairs,freezer, Wolf Brothers two drawer stand, set of four Windsor style chairs, formal fern stand with brass gallery, collection of pottery jardinieres, modern upscale bedroom suites, great estate box lots, 2012 Ford Explorer, and much more The Real Estate A stunning custom built brick and dry-vit exterior maintenance home with over 4000 square feet built in 2001. This home was built by a local well known builder for his grandmother and no expense was spared in the design and construction. The main living area with over 2500 square feet was created as a single living floor with three bedrooms,two baths, large great room with vaulted ceiling and gas fireplace. The dinning room is openly designed off of the great room and there is a sun room den extended from the living area.Wide doors and hall complement the entire home. There is over 200 square feet of maintenance free decking on the exterior. The large eat in kitchen has custom cabinets and custom granite counter tops. Crown molding and custom trim thorough-out and high ceiling. Bathrooms have custom tile and the house has custom hardwood flooring. .Custom landscaping and an attached two car garage. A 1500 square foot basement, wood garage doors,and a concrete drive way are other fine appointments. Terms- 10% deposit day of the auction . A 10 % buyers fee will be added to the gavel price to determine the final price. The real estate will sell "as is" the the high bidder which has to be confirmed by the seller. Real Estate Inquires Only( No Personal Property) Bart Long Auctions 423-573-5000 Office@BartLongAuctions.com TFL 5298 Cash or check 10% Bp on everything sold that day but no sales tax.
Date: Saturday, June 10, 2017 Time:10:30 am Erwin Living Estate Auction 110 Tennessee Road( off Ohio Street) Saturday June 10th 10:30 am Erwin Tennessee 37650 A nice living estate in the Valley Beautiful, Erwin , Tennessee. The owner has sold her home and has a lifetime of items to sell including fine furniture, collection of porcelains purchased in Germany, antique figural clock, , Mid Century dinning room suite, and much more. Be here for an exciting auction day. Preview 9:30 am. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Kimball M Sterling , Inc TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, June 3, 2017 Time:10:00 am Estate Auction Sat, June 3rd 10:00 am 811 Xanadu Court Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Parking- There are about 45 parking spaces on Xanadu Court. Do not block driveways. We will have someone there to help you park. If you have a friend there ask them if you can park in there drive way. Landmark Shopping Center ( Corner of Knob Creek and Sunset) is close by . You can park there and walk over then drive in to load. If you are are able walk please try one of the remote parking places. This will be a two hour auction max but the quality is good. Only a few estate box lots. No Junk The church has told us the day before the auction that we cannot use there parking.I have taken their name off of the list. This is a nice older small estate with some premium antiques and collectibles. Partial listing. Large collection of Cybis figurines,Great Hummels,Souvenir spoons, Breitling pocket watch, crystal, Wedgewood, Best Mid- Century bedroom suite we have offered, Large collection of Madame Alexander dolls ( many with boxes), Stick and ball Aesthetic chairs,Various oriental carpets, Fine china and glass, costume jewelry, curio cabinets, Majolica style vase and furniture, Meissen style table, interesting library, Delft , fine prints and paintings,1970's outdoor furniture, Mid Century smalls, box lots and much more. Cash or check 10% BP Preview 9 am
Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 Time:10:00 am Eastern Cane Auction Dress, Folk Art, Gadget and many more Canes Ends February 10th every two minutes starting at 10 am Eastern. You may enter your high bid and Bidsquare will do all of the bidding for you or you can sit by the computer and bid live as each lot ends. There will be a two minute count down on each lot. Cash or check 23% Buyers fee Timed Online Only Auctions A timed online only auction is automated and takes place solely online. The bidding for each lot is opened at a predetermined level set by the auctioneer, usually at a set time and stays open over an extended period of hours or days. During this period of open bidding, a bidder will be able to see the current high bid on each lot. You may place a higher bid at a defined bidding increment you choose. A bidder’s identity is always kept confidential during the auction. In a timed only online auction bidders are automatically informed by email if they are the high bidder, or if they have been outbid by another competing bidder. At the end of the defined bidding period, if the highest bid offered meets the minimum price designated by the seller as acceptable, the lot is sold. Bidding on all lots in a timed online only sales begin to close at a specified time, with lots closing at regular intervals until the auction has ended. Some timed auctions allow extended bidding. In such a case, if a bid is placed on a lot within a specified time before closing, the bidding may automatically be extended for a set period of time. Length of extended bidding is set by the auctioneer prior to the opening of the auction. This is a new process of today's internet auctions. We will post the catalogue a few days before March 6th. Bidding will begin and you will be able to see what others are bidding. This auction will be carried on Bidsquare.com not liveauctioneers.com, There will be no live auction in the house and the only catalogue will be the one on the net. We hope you enjoy this style of auction. You will know when someone outbids you which is not possible on the other format that we used. Please feel free to go to Bidsquare now and register for their site and be ready for our catalogue.
Date: Saturday, May 27, 2017 Time:10:30 am St. Martin Estate 271 Cleveland Sat.May 27th 10:30 am Preview 9:30 Gate City Va. This is a really nice estate in Downtown Gate City. Fine antique furniture with one heck of a corner cupboard, local pie safe. and many styles of furniture, fine china and glass, paintings, nice Bramback baby grand piano, large library, lots of cast iron yard furniture, and much much more. Lots of blue willow . spinning wheel , trunks, political buttons, and 100s of box lots Our tent will be up rain or shine. Great estate box lots. This house has been closed for over 12 years and you will be the first to buy. Be here for an exciting day. Cash or check 10% BP. Preview 9:30 am Kimball M Sterling Auctioneer Lic# VAAR 1556
Date: Saturday, May 20, 2017 Time:10:00 am Pleasant Hill and its Contents Auction Sat. May 20th 10:00 am (Preview 9 am) 214 Johnson Street Bristol, Va, The Bud Phillips Home and Antique Collection Auction The Real Estate: Pleasant Hill Here is a link to the history of the home: https://www.bristolhistoricalassociation.com/pleasanthill.html This home House will sell at 10:00 am . REAL ESTATE TERMS: PROPERTY SOLD “AS IS-WHERE IS” WITH NO WARRNTIES OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND * 10% BUYERS PREMIUM ADDED TO HIGH BID TO DETERMINE THE FINAL CONTRACT PRICE * 10% DOWN ON DAY OF SALE * BALANCE DUE AT CLOSING IN 30 DAYS * BART LONG - OWNER/AGENT/AUCTIONEER Real Estate Inquires Only( No Personal Property) Bart Long Auctions 423-573-5000 Office@BartLongAuctions.com VA Lic. # 2907-003278 --------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Property Partial Listing: Walnut Victorian Halltree, Federal massive teester canopy bed, Pink marble vase with ormolu mounting on stand, Empire marble top hall mirror with petticoat mirror , Victorian rose carved sofa, turtle top marble Victorian table, Ornate gilt over mantle mirror with carving, French garniture clock set, Massive Victorian étagère, Large Austrian and Old Paris vases, Mahogany tall case clock, set of 4 Victorian rose carved chairs with needlepoint seats, Large pre- Nippon and Japanese Vases, Marble top Victorian sideboard with life-size carving of a deer, Collection of oil portraits of various people, Empire Mahogany server, Various shelf clocks, much pressed glass and other fine smalls, 8 fretwork Victorian dining chairs, Federal claw foot sofa, Rococo massive carved bookcase, Massive early Victorian bookcase, country store mail clerks station with cage, Collection of hand painted Bristol glass, Victorian concave under glass mounted exotic birds in frame, Vintage library and photo albums, Marble pedestal, Ornate Gilbert square grand rosewood piano with figural gilt work, Nice Steinway upright piano, Asian accessories, early hide cover stage coach trunk, brass candlestick phone, collection of carved parlor chairs, fashion prints, Dutch Windmill painting by P. Riliny, other landscape and decorative paintings, some Victorian glass, mahogany column front desk, unusual painting of the Gilbert baby from Bristol pealing an apple,many good clocks, Heavily carved mahogany bookcase, Jerome and Daily 8 day clock, Federal massive bookcase, various Gone with the Wind lamps, brass and marble stands, Oil of a CSA gentleman that once hung in the CSA Museum ,various wash bowls and pitcher prints, stereo viewer and many cards, kitchen primitives, early oil lamps, art pottery, painted grain blanket chest, Painting of Capt. James Wood, Masonic needlepoint, Oriental style carpets, and attic room and a basement full of goodies, old Bristol yearbooks- paper- photos, plus much much more. Personal Property- Terms-Cash or check 10% Buyers fee.Personal property will start about 10:20 Rain or shine . Our tents will be up. Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 VAAR 1556( Do not call about real estate call Bart) 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2017 Time:10:00 am Kyle Shell Warehouse Auction May 13th 10:00am 104 EAST Walnut Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 It was 1947 and the Shells opened their station on Roan and Walnut Street in Johnson City. Behind the station is a large 6 bay building where things seemed to get stored for many years. We are selling that storage. Partial listings: boxes and boxes of new old stock old, Gas pumps, early tire racks, advertising, sign poles, 40" trailer for storage, Studebaker homemade trailer, SS Chevy wheels , early jacks and tire changers, oil pumps, tools,racing trophies, station office equipment, many wooden Coke crates, antiques,oil station cabinets, antique furniture, scrap metal, plus much much more. We will post more photos at www.auctionauction.c0m the week of the sale. who knows what we will find . Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Rain or shine . Preview 9 am Kimball M Sterling , Inc TFL-1915 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Paul Weisberg Estate Lifetime Cane Collection Saturday April 29th 11:00 an Eastern 125 West Market Johnson CIty, Tennessee 67604 and the World " Do not miss this auction. The collection is a museum in itself. Paul Weisberg was one of the great cane collectors in the world for the last five decades and known by many. His collection is vast and includes many important desirable selections. The gun and sword cane collection is the best that we have ever handled with Remingtons, flint locks, single shot derringers with blades, spring hilt swords, fine French and English blades and much more. The collection included fine porcelain, gold quartz, political, folk art and the best system cane collection that has ever gone to market. Rare full size globe, Ronson lighters,flicks, ear trumpets, artist,whalebone, tortoise, carved dogs, automated monkeys, fan, picnic, blow guns. rare bow and arrow , entomology, telescopes, microscopes, para-scopes, violin, dulcimer,ukulele, harmonica, beheading, pipe and cigar holders, and hundreds of other great canes. Internet catalogue and bidding at this link: https://www.bidsquare.com/c/paul-weisberg-cane-collection Here is the link to the interactive catalogue: https://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/issupaul Terms cash or check 20% buyers fee in-house,phone and absentee. This auction will be carried live on Bidsquare.com The catalogue will be ready about three weeks before the auction. If you are on the subscriber list you will receive one. If not you many order a catalogue for 35.00 by sending a check to us and stub it 12017 Kimball M Sterling Inc. 125 West Market St. Johnson CIty, Tn 37604 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, April 22, 2017 Time:10:00 am Estate Auction and Depression Glass Saturday April 22, 10:00 125 west Market Street Johnson City, Tn 3704 This will be a good auction for all. We are still unloading the Ca. estate and seeing lots of cool stuff including furniture and much more, then we have a lifetime collection of depression glass. Over 200 plus items with some being rare, vintage bike, wall phone, and much more. Lots of American Fostoria,Vintage bicycle, Great Asian furniture, oak desk and bible table, iron patio furniture including chaise lounges,great butter dishes and salt and pepper shakers, Set of oak chairs, upscale Modern household items, Large load of prints including Beatles and Civil War,Mid Century prints, refrigerator dishes, English oak table and chairs, Great leather top foot stool with hoof feet, Iron crosses,pair of fauteuil chairs, Two nice windsor chairs, three tier Mahogany table, gate leg tables, art display pole lamps, Nordic Track, silver-plate, Saki sets, Large handmade doll house in mint condition,wicker sofa, Elegant glassware, Heisey Rose and orchid, kitchen gadgets, plus much more. Take a look back at the website on the Friday before the auction Cash or check 10% BP Preview 9 am
Date: Saturday, April 15, 2017 Time:10:00 am Maxie Jordan Estate Sat. April 15th 10 am 504 Pilgrim Court Johnson City , Tennessee 37601 "Who knows what we will find in this house We will post photos again the week of the auction" Upscale Furnishing, 2005 Toyota Camry (needs some body work but has about 27,000 miles, and hundreds Great QVC boxes packed in the Garage and throughout the house.), Tiffany style lamps, some fine jewelry, silver plate flatware m cedar chest, apple ceramics, small kitchen appliances, Nice dinning room suite in mint condition, mirrored credenza, leather recliner, cedar wardrobe, French style chair, Over 100 great pocket books, large candle lots, French bedroom furniture, 1950's maple bedroom suite,hundreds of pieces of costume jewelry to be sold in lots, great jewelry cabinets, American fostoria, fine china and glass, dolls, Nice curio cabinets, great kitchen gadgets which many are still in boxes, small flat screen TV, and much more Cash or check 10% Buyers fee. Rain or shine Preview 9 am Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL-1915 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, April 8, 2017 Time:10:00 am Hilbert Farm Auction 126 Hilbert Rd. Sulphur Spring Area Jonesborough Tn 37659 Antiques- Primitives- Model A Ford- Household This will be a good one and we will post better photos the week of the auction. This farm has been owned by the Hilberts since 1906 and now it has been sold. There are smoke houses, sheds , barns etc packed full of generations of personal property ,antiques and farm related items. We will not know what all is there until we starting working onsite the week of the auction. There is also an older home on site that was packed up years back and we will have everything under our BIg tent. Very partial listing( Check back)- 1931 Mod/ A Ford town sedan,Oak round oak table, Victorian marble top dresser, various wash stands, kitchen cabinet, country primitives, Oliver horse drawn cultivator with great original paint,brass apple butter kettles,enamel ware, toys, crocks and jugs, handmade daybeds, Brass bed, porch and patio furniture, early locust split rail fencing, antique saddles and tac,Victorian country store spool cabinet, boxes of china and glass,mid-century bookcase, Christmas tree corner cupboard, power tools and antique hand tools, Childs roll top desk, utility items, some modern furniture, and who knows what else. Large stack of salt treated lumber, hay forks,loaders, compressor, ladders,milk cans, antique barn tools, and who knows what else we will be selling. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Preview 9 am and we will have plenty of parking at the farm. Directions- Take the Gray Exit of I 26 and go toward Sulphur Springs. When you get to Bacon Rd. turn right and then turn left on Hilbert. Go to the dead end and you are at the auction.
Date: Saturday, April 1, 2017 Time:10:30 am Large Early Antiques Collection Etc. Saturday April 1st 10:30 am 501 HWY 346 (old Highway 11) SURGOINSVILLE, TN 37873 Take 11 W out of Kingsport and follow it through Surgonsville till you see a large Spanish house horse farm on your left and just past it you will see the Hope Worship Center. Just past the center turn left. This is a lifetime accumulation of buying over the past 35 years. There will be just about everything you can imagine from two cast iron farm house sinks, Early Tennessee mantel, vintage bisque dolls,Barbie items, 1950's complete kitchen cabinets,collection of early iron dog irons, Iron Mountain stoneware,early box camera with stand and a photographers glass negative box with accessories, early apple picking ladder, Kayak,automobile weather vane, snow sleds, fine glass and china, Victorian furniture ,two harvest tables, fodder chopper and other farm tools, and much more including a large collection of rare country local chairs "the best of the best", Nice iron bed, Local pottery including Harmon and much more,farm wagon,Ford tractor, Massive Tennessee formal clerks desk, church pew, textiles, contents of a log house, farm tables, primitive tools, copper pots, early fishing gear,Ken Allen pottery, quilts a, slant top desk, one drawer stands, flat-wall cupboards,blanket chest and trunks, inlaid game table,sleds,textiles and early paper,vintage transit, country baskets, early door hardware, collection of wood planes, political items, Walnut three drawer Chippendale chest, Oriental carpets, great oil lamps and more . Contents of about three out buildings. Plus lots of items you would expect to find on a working gentleman's farm including mowers, ladders, hand tools. This will be a good one. Cash or check 10% Buyers fee. Preview 9:30 am Rain or shine our tents will be up.
Date: Saturday, March 25, 2017 Time:10:00 am Dot Farnett Living Estate Sat, March 25th 10 am 1101 RONALD LANE JOHNSON CITY, TN 37601 Ms. Farnett is moving and she has contracted us to sell the contents of her home. Antiques, household, Sterling flatware, tools and much more. Blenko water bottles, Mid Century Bedroom. Quilts, primitives, Grandfather clock, tools, wicker tea cart, Upscale used furniture, Oak kitchen table and chairs, holiday items,tools, oak furniture, Damask Rose Sterling flatware, pottery, kitchen gadgets, and much more Cash or check 10% Bp. Preview 9 am xxxxxxxxo https://gratis-sexo.com/ helen paul porno https://peggy2.com/sex-kara-kaa-ka-maratea angelique noir porn https://kingfucking.com/japanese-mothera
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Time: This is a timed auction that ends March 15th. Here is the link to the catalogue and registration: https://www.bidsquare.com/c/outsider-art-auction Timed Online Only Auctions A timed online only auction is automated and takes place solely online. The bidding for each lot is opened at a predetermined level set by the auctioneer, usually at a set time and stays open over an extended period of hours or days. During this period of open bidding, a bidder will be able to see the current high bid on each lot. You may place a higher bid at a defined bidding increment you choose. A bidder’s identity is always kept confidential during the auction. In a timed only online auction bidders are automatically informed by email if they are the high bidder, or if they have been outbid by another competing bidder. At the end of the defined bidding period, if the highest bid offered meets the minimum price designated by the seller as acceptable, the lot is sold. Bidding on all lots in a timed online only sales begin to close at a specified time, with lots closing at regular intervals until the auction has ended. Some timed auctions allow extended bidding. In such a case, if a bid is placed on a lot within a specified time before closing, the bidding may automatically be extended for a set period of time. Length of extended bidding is set by the auctioneer prior to the opening of the auction.
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2017 Time:10:00 am Eastern Two Living Estates etc Sat. March 11 10:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee This will be a good general auction. We will sell the contents of 1300 Buffalo of JC. Its the big pink house in the photo. We will add listing and photos next week. Plus all of the following Large group of Jadite, Maitland Smith dinning table, antique wicker,lots of Blue ridge, fine china and crystal, flatware,King-size upholstery designer bed, dolls, Shabby Chic, Oak wardrobe,Deco kitchen cabinet, oak rocking chair, Pair of carved elephant fern stands, Screens, Nice Persian carpet, dolls and doll items, 1950s cookware, Black Forrest style clock, lacquered cabinet, carved mantle Cherry dinning room suite,lions, lots of quilts, trunks, iron yard and patio furniture , oak file cabinet, Depression china cabinet, easels, tea cart, oil lamps, many estate box lots and more Cash or check 10% Buyers fee Preview 9 am
Date: Monday, March 6, 2017 Time:Two weeks timed Auct Today is March 18th and here is what will happen: Lots will begin to close in order at 2:54 Eastern time. They will close in numerical order. If a lot has a bid on it the lot will be extended for two minutes. If it has no bid, it will just close with no extension.So if you are interested in a lot that does not have a bid you must place a bid to extend it and win it. Timed Antique Cane Auction March 6th through March 18th Online and absentee phone in bids Timed Online Only Auctions A timed online only auction is automated and takes place solely online. The bidding for each lot is opened at a predetermined level set by the auctioneer, usually at a set time and stays open over an extended period of hours or days. During this period of open bidding, a bidder will be able to see the current high bid on each lot. You may place a higher bid at a defined bidding increment you choose. A bidder’s identity is always kept confidential during the auction. In a timed only online auction bidders are automatically informed by email if they are the high bidder, or if they have been outbid by another competing bidder. At the end of the defined bidding period, if the highest bid offered meets the minimum price designated by the seller as acceptable, the lot is sold. Bidding on all lots in a timed online only sales begin to close at a specified time, with lots closing at regular intervals until the auction has ended. Some timed auctions allow extended bidding. In such a case, if a bid is placed on a lot within a specified time before closing, the bidding may automatically be extended for a set period of time. Length of extended bidding is set by the auctioneer prior to the opening of the auction. This is a new process of today's internet auctions. We will post the catalogue a few days before March 6th. Bidding will begin and you will be able to see what others are bidding. This auction will be carried on Bidsquare.com not liveauctioneers.com, There will be no live auction in the house and the only catalogue will be the one on the net. We hope you enjoy this style of auction. You will know when someone outbids you which is not possible on the other format that we used. Please feel free to go to Bidsquare now and register for their site and be ready for our catalogue. The presentation consist of canes from four private collections . Dress canes, systems, swords. gold quartz, folk art including a Jefferson cane and much more. Here is the link to the catalogue and registration: https://www.bidsquare.com/c/march-antique-cane-auction Cash or check 23% Buyers fee.
Date: Sunday, March 5, 2017 Time:2:00 pm Sunday Sell your common and rare coins with us. This collection brought six figures. We have been auction dealers in coin collections in Tennessee, New York, and many other locations. Free appraisal on one or coin collections. Professional coin auctioneers. Rare Cache of Silver and Gold Coins found in home in Sullivan County, Tennessee A “motherload” of a numismatic treasure trove will be auctioned Sunday March 5th at 2 PM by Kimball M Sterling, Inc. of Johnson City , Tennessee. Kimball Sterling principle auctioneer and President received three phone calls over a period of a year to view a coin accumulation. The third call was charm. He visited the home which was in a secluded section of Sullivan County and knocked on the door. After entering the small two bedroom home the occupant pointed Mr. Sterling to three boxes on the kitchen floor. He picked up the first box and the first thing found was a collection of US minted gold coins of every denomination including the rare $3.00 example and each edition of the $1.00 gold coin. The container held over thirty plus US gold coins with a value of lower to mid five figure value. The box also contained vintage currency including National Bank notes of which some were issued in Johnson City, Erwin and other local cities to other cited throughout the USA. These National notes are very rare. Sterling at this point ask the owner if they had any idea what they had in value and the answer was “No”. The he advised that this was the best collection or accumulation that he has seen is his over 50 years in the antique and collectible business. The second box was very heavy as Mr. Sterling put it on the table. The first thing in the top of the box was a collection of every example of Carson City silver dollar that was minted in the years of production. Many have been certified by ANACS as MS 62- 64 uncirculated examples. These 12 coins are in the 10k range in value. Also in the box were many common and rare silver dollars, silver bars and rounds, foreign gold coins, USA type coins of most denominations, and many large gold and silver certificate blanket notes. Both fractional and early state notes were found. A collection of US large cents, silver coinage of which some will be sold in $100.00 bags. Certified rare coins including two 1916D Mercury dimes, 1913s Buffalo nickel, and 1932d quarter were found in this box. Complete sets of Franklin and Liberty halves plus books of other silver coinage and type coins. Box number three was an exciting group including many commemorative halves, mint and proof sets, two cent and three cent pieces, more currency, silver dollars, gold coins, tokens, rolls of silver coinage, foreign silver coins, complete sets of silver nickels, rolls of buffalo nickels, mint error coins, and much more. Mint rolls of silver dollars, a very large collection of Indian and Lincoln cents were found. Mr. Sterling looked at the owner and said out loud “ What a great collection you have” then the owner said that there was more. They headed down a small wood staircase to the basement which was cluttered to the ceiling with just about anything imaginable. They walked to the back corner of the basement and two rolling racks of clothing were moved to expose a large red shag carpet from the 1970’s. The owner advised Sterling to pull the carpet back and there were two very large boxes which were filled to the top with rare and collectable coins. Mr. Sterling spent two days in the home cataloguing the entire collection with Dr. Mike Marchioni, expert in charge of Sterling’s coin department and nationally known numismatists and Vice President in charge of collection clerking Blair White. Lots in this sale will range in value from $5.00 to $6000.00 which will attract the novice young collector, the most advanced, and the bullion collector. The collection of thousands of coins was moved to a local bank for storage until the sale date. The collection will be available for viewing at 10:00 am the day of the auction Sunday March 5th which will begin at 2:00 pm. This is a public auction and the coins will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. A catalogue of the auction appears at www.auctionauction.com. Terms will be cash or check for purchases and a 10% Buyers fee. Sterling is located at 125 West Market Street in Historic Downtown Johnson City. 1. Clad $20 face 2. Peace Dollars 20(Roll) (unc.) 3. Morgan Dollars 1886 20.00 (Roll)(unc.) 4. Morgan Dollars 1890 (unc.) 5. Franklin $50 face(unc.) 6. Franklin $50 face(unc.) 7. $65 face sliver (mostly unc.) 8. $100 face quarters 9. $30 face sliver 10. $70 face Franklin Halves 11. $60 face Liberty Halves 12. $70 face Liberty Halves 13. Three US $1 Gold Pieces - 3 types 14. Two US $2 ½ Gold Pieces - 2 types 1913 / 1856 15. US $3 Gold Piece - 1854 16. Two US $5 Gold Pieces - 2 types 1894 / 1911 17. 1910D $10 Gold Piece Indian 18. 1887S $10 Gold Piece Liberty 19. 1895S $20 Gold Piece Liberty 20. 1925 $20 Gold Piece St. Gaudens 21. Complete set of Franklin Halves - Book 22. 54 Indian/Flying Eagle Pennies 23. Set of Buffalo Nickels 24. Complete set of Silver Washington + 17 clads 25. $25 face value Silver Certificates 26. $29 face value Silver Certificates 27. $68 face value older bills 28. $1 Silver Certificate and $2 US note 29. 10 Columbian Half Dollars 30. Collection of V Nickels 31. 10 Seated Quarters 32. 9 Seated Halves 33. 6 Bust Halves 34. Bag lot of Type Coins- Commemorative halves, shield nickels, 35. 10 Assorted US Silver Dollars ( au/unc.) 36. 10 Assorted US Silver Dollars (au/unc.) 37. 10 Assorted US Silver Dollars (au/unc.) 38. 10 Assorted US Silver Dollars (au/unc.) 39. 10 Assorted US Silver Dollars (au/unc.) 40. 10 Assorted US Silver Dollars (au/unc.) 41. 10 Assorted US Silver Dollars 42. 10 Assorted US Silver Dollars (au/unc.) 43. 1921 Peace Dollar 44. 2 1921 Peace Dollars 45. 2 1921 Peace Dollars 46. 1893CC Silver Dollar 47. 1885CC MS 63 Silver Dollar 48. 1891CC Silver Dollar 49. 1885CC MS 62 Silver Dollar 50. 1899CC Silver Dollar Grade EF45 51. 1873 Seated Silver Dollar 52. 20 Assorted Silver Dollars 53. 20 Assorted Silver Dollars 54. Three 1921 Silver Dollars - Peace 55. 23 US Silver Dollars 56. 1892CC MS 62 Silver Dollar 57. 1880CC MS 62 Silver Dollar 58. 1881CC MS 63 Silver Dollar 59. Liberty Halves - 4-1938D, 1-1916D, & 1-1921S and seven others, 21 and 21D 60. 13 Older Liberty Halves 61. Stone Mountain and Pilgrim Commemorative Halves 62. 1- Stone Mountain and 2- Pilgrim Commemorative Halves 63. 2- 1951 - 1958 Proof Sets 64. 31 Large Cents and other Type coins 65. 1891CC MS 64 Silver Dollar 66. Roll of Morgan Dollars 67. Roll of Peace Silver Dollars 68. Blue Book of Mercury Dimes Complete Set 69. Blue Book of Mercury Dimes Complete Set 70. 1913S Buffalo Nickel, Nickel and Penny Books 71. Piece of Eight 72. 1717 Connecticut Cent 73. 1878S US Trade Dollar 74. Group of mistruck coins, 6 75. Assorted Mint Sets 76. 1956, 1957, 1958, & 1959 Mint Coin Sets 77. Three - 1921 Peace Dollars 78. 1879 cc Silver dollar- Ms 62 79. 9 - Uncirculated Dollars & 1 - 1890CC Dollar 80. 17 Assorted Silver Dollars 81. 11 Fractional Currency 82. 10 Fractional Currency 83. Box lot of Nickels and Pennies 84. $200 Face Value Old Notes 85. $340 Face Value Old Notes 86. 7 US Notes $35 Face Value and $91 Face Value Star Notes 87. Erwin $20 National Bank Note 88. Elizabethton $20 National Bank Note 89. Johnson City $20 National Bank Note 90. Nashville $20 National Bank Note 91. $200 Face Value State Federal Reserve Notes 92. $54 Face Value Assorted Silver Certificates and US Notes 93. $282 Face Value Assorted US Bank Notes Representing all Federal Reserve Districts 94. US Type Dimes 95. US Type Dimes 96. US Type Quarters 97. US Type Half Dollars 98. Silver Jefferson Nickel Set 99. Lot of Obsolete Confederate and Federal paper money Georgia Miledgeville 1.00 note 1864 .. 2.00 1864 .. 3. 1864 Valley Bank Hagerstown Maryland 5.00 1855 Farmers and exchange Charleston 1826 or 8 5 .oo note State Bank of SC 5.00 1853 Scott County Va. 1862 50 cents 50 cent CSA fractional 1864 20.00 CSA 1864 Richmond 20.00 CSA .. .. Really good shape Au two pieces of military payment script 100. US Gold Indian Type Set 1910S St. Gaudens, 1932 Indian $10 1909 $5 Indian, 1929 2 ½” 101. 14 Different $2 ½ Gold Indian Coins 102. South African Coin Set 103. Assortment of Coins including some Carson CC Silver Dollars 104. 1908 $20 Gold Piece 105. 1908 $20 Gold Piece 106. 1907 $20 Gold Piece 107. 1898 $10 Liberty Gold Piece 108. 1905 $10 Liberty Gold Piece 109. 1899 $10 Liberty Gold Piece 110. $55 Face Value Silver in US Halves 111. 8 Obsolete Bank Notes hesapeake Canal 1841 5.00 .. 1840 20.00 Commercial Bank Millington Md. 1840 5,00 Bank of Augusta 5.00 nothing filled out State Bank SC Charleston 10.00 1859 State of Ms. 1865 50.00 Va. Treasury note 1862 1.00 Va. .. 1862 50.00 Richmond 112. $91 Face Value Federal Reserve Notes 113. Four CSA Notes 114. Two Gold Certificates $10 & $20 115. Three Silver Certificates 2 - $1 & 1 - $2 116. Three - $1 Silver Certificates 117. $5 Silver Certificate 118. $10 US Buffalo Note 119. 1880 US $1 Note 120. 1875 US $1 Note 121. Two US $1 Notes 122. Bristol VA $20 Bank Note 123. Roanoke VA $20 Bank Note 124. Knoxville TN $5 Bank Note 125. 1886 Silver Certificate $1 126. $2, $5, & $10 US Notes 127. $71 Face Value Assorted Federal Reserve Notes 128. 15 Uncirculated $1 Silver Certificates 129. Big Stone Gap $10 National Bank Note 130. Norfolk $10 National Bank Note 131. Lynchburg VA $10 National Bank Note 132. Springfield TN $20 Bank Note 133. Nashville Bank Notes $5, $10, & $20 134. Chattanooga $20 National Bank Note 135. Knoxville and Lenoir $5 National Bank Note 136. Johnson City $5 National Bank Note 137. $25 Face Value National Bank Notes 138. 1883 $5 Gold Piece 139. 1894S $5 Gold Piece 140. 1905S $5 Gold Piece 141. 1907D $5 Gold Piece 142. 1879S $5 Gold Piece 143. 1901 $5 Gold Piece 144. 1901 $5 Gold Piece 145. 1881 $5 Gold Piece 146. 1895 $5 Gold Piece 147. 1901S $5 Gold Piece 148. 1907D $5 Gold Piece 149. 1914 Indian $5 Gold Piece 150. Cigar Box Lot of various coins, tokens, etc., over $50 face value of silver. 151. 1959, 1961, 1962, 1963, & 1964 Proof Sets 152. Approx. $102 Face Value Silver Coins 153. Foreign Coin Lot 154. Notebook of various Silver & Type coins, approx. $37 face value + Type coins (as is) 155. Group of 1950s Mint & Uncirculated Coins 156. Set of War Nickels 157. 16 Mint Sets 158. Bag Lot of Ike Dollars and Mint Sets 159. Assorted Silver & Commemorative Coin Lot, Approx. $4.85 face value 160. Five - 1963 through1964 Silver Mint Sets 161. Box of Jefferson Nickels, Approx. Face Value $8.50 162. 11oz. of Various Silver 163. Assorted Type Coin Silver, etc. Mint Sets 164. Box Lot of Nickels 165. Approx. 400 Silver Nickels 166. Lot of 35 Silver Dimes 167. 52 Heraldic Art, Approx Half Ounce Silver Rounds 168. Approx $70 Face Value Ike Dollars 169. French 20 Franc Gold Rooster 170. Bag of Type Coins Approx. $3.75 Face Value 171. CSA Penny & Civil War Tokens 172. Stone Mountain Half, Unc. 173. 2 Stone Mountain Halves, Unc. 174. Stone Mountain Half, Unc. 175. 5 Columbian Commemorative Halves, Unc. 176. 1946P-D-S Booker T. Washington Halves 177. Three Booker T. Washington Halves, Unc. 178. Seven Assorted Booker T. Washington Halves, Unc. 179. Five Assorted Booker T. Washington Halves, Unc. 180. Four Carver Halves 1951-1954, Unc. 181. Eight Assorted Carver Halves, Unc. 182. Eight Assorted Carver Halves, Unc. 183. Eight Circulated Silver Dollars- 1878CC Dollar, au. 184. Bag of Buffalo Nickels & V Nickels 185. Bag of Type Coins 186. 85 $2 Bills 187. Assorted Tokens, US Coins, & Foreign Coins, w/ a few local Tokens 188. 17 Assorted Mint Sets 189. 6 - 1968-1970 Mint Sets, 18 Clad Halves, & 5 Ike Dollars 190. Lot of Type Coins, Buffalo, Barber, & Silver Dollars, Approx. Face Value $20.95 191. Six CC Dollars, unc. And circulated 192. Assorted Coin Lot 193. Assorted Cigar Box Lot 194. Commemorative Halves, Canadian Silver, Dollars, & Mint Sets 195. 11 US Modern Silver Dollars 196. 13 Canadian Maple Silver Leaf 197. 11 Silver Eagles 198. 19 Ike Dollars 199. Group of Mint & Proof Sets, 1960s 200. $190 Approx. Face Value State Quarters & Sacagawea Dollars 201. Assorted Coin Album, Approx. $9.50 Face Value 202. Assorted Bag Lot of US Coin Silver, Tokens, and Foreign, Approx. Face Value $16 203. Commemorative Silver Lot, Approx. Face Value $5 204. Commemorative Silver Lot, Approx. Face Value $6.50 205. Ike & Mint Set Lot 206. Approx. $7 Face Value Buffalo Nickels 207. Assorted Mint Sets & Other US Coins 208. Bag of Mint Sets 209. 10 Nice Silver Dollars 210. 5 Nice Silver Dollars 211. 5 Unc. US Dollars 212. 4 Unc. US Dollars 213. Assorted Coin Lot, Approx Face Value $2.25 214. Type Lot of US Coins 215. Bankers Bag w/ Clad Halves & Assorted US Coins 216. Approx. 55 $2 Bills 217. Various Collection of US Notes and Roosevelt Dime Set 218. Repousse Coin Lot 219. Blue Book of Type Coins, Approx. Face Value $12.80 220. US Silver Coin Set, Approx. Face Value $8.50 221. Mint & Proof Sets and Assorted US Coins 222. Large Penny Lot 223. Approx. $150 Silver Face Lot + 1 Ounce Silver Round plus some odd lots
Date: Saturday, March 4, 2017 Time:10:00 am Lillian Yount Living Estate and Real Estate Auction Saturday March 4th 10 am 205 Richardson Dr. Rogersville, Tn 37857 The Real Estate: This could be your dream home. Great three bedroom brick home in a great section of town with approximately 1 acre flat lot. Built in 2000 with many updates. Two car garage, large family room and kitchen, sun porch, wide doors throughout the house, recent roof, quality construction. The master bath has a walk-in tub and shower. Perfect for the family or person with a handicap This home House will sell at 10:00 am . Terms- 10% deposit day of the auction with closing in 30-45 days. A 10 % buyers fee will be added to the gavel price to determine the final price. The real estate will sell "as is" the the high bidder which has to be confirmed by the seller. We have a motivated seller. Real Estate Inquires Only( No Personal Property) Bart Long Auctions 423-573-5000 Office@BartLongAuctions.com TFL 5298 Personal Property- Partial listing- Local Country chest, massive oak bible table with glass ball feet, Fenton, vintage textiles, depression glass, art pottery, great contemporary dinning suite, painting and prints, piano stool, upscale sofa and love seat with tables, crocks, great Art Nouveau table, pressed and cut glass, fine china and crystal, vintage jars, lingerie chest, statues, wing back chairs, 4 leather dining chairs, smoking pipes, books, nice trunk, German stein, kitchen collectibles. nice sun room furniture, many estate box lots,large lighted curio cabinet, walking sticks, nice modern bedroom suites, house hold items and appliances, and much more. We will post more the week of the auction. Terms-Cash or check 10% Buyers fee.Personal property will start about 10:20 Rain or shine . Our tents will be up. Kimball M Sterling Inc( Do not call about real estate call Bart) 423 773 4073
Date: Monday, February 27, 2017 Time:Feb. 27th to March 1 Here is the link to the auction and catalogue. This is a timed and absentee auction. Nothing will take place in the gallery. Terms and conditions are listed at the catalogue link. You will bid on the following site: https://www.bidsquare.com/c/outsider-art-auction
Date: Saturday, February 18, 2017 Time:10:00 am Eastern Jonesborough Tn. Real Estate and Antiques Etc. Sat.February 18th 10:00 am Preview 9 am Humphrey Living Estate 315 W MAIN STREET Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659 Here is a list of some items we found in the basement the week of the auction. No photos but here is is: Large collection of Ertl banks including mostly Texaco, Haviland Oil trucks and planes (about 30 pieces mint in box), Older baseball cards, UT collectibles, sterling silver flatware set, Davy Allison and other racing items, sets of golf clubs, dolls and doll items, large group of children's Golden Books,wooden planes,antique tools, antique furniture, plus many box lots. The Real Estate: Two story, three( or four) bedroom early 20th Century ( 1910) home on one of the most desired locations in Historic Jonesborough. Main Street location which is only about two blocks from the downtown area.Original woodwork, grand staircase,updated kitchen, sun-porch, Aesthetic oak mantles and woodwork. Iron fencing and a front porch to die for. This home has been in this family for over 100 years. Approximately 2800 square feet with a large walk in basement. Adjoining the rear of the house is a wonderful large cleared lot which has plenty of room for pool, playground ,garden etc. A great home place to raise a family or to just retire. You can move right in this home with little or no work. House will sell at 10:00am Terms- 10% deposit day of the auction with closing in 30-45 days. A 10 % buyers fee will be added to the gavel price to determine the final price. The real estate will sell "as is" the the high bidder which has to be confirmed by the seller. We have a motivated seller. This prospective buyer , if he wishes ,may inspect the house for lead paint as per Federal guidelines anytime before the auction. Real Estate Inquires Only( No Personal Property) Bart Long Auctions 423-573-5000 Office@BartLongAuctions.com TFL 5298 The Personal Property A houseful of antiques and furnishing including: Fine antique buffet, Large set of Oak chairs,Federal style sofa, King size rice carved bedroom suite, Nippon and other hand-painted china, crystal, Nice upright piano, leaded glass lamps, occasional and country furniture,oak sewing machine, pine dry-sink and cupboard( not antique) , country smalls, front porch full of wicker, wagon seat, tools, a basement full of goodies still to be discovered,cane collection, clocks, crystal,ruby red goblets,dolls, wing back chairs,fine prints, household items, and much more. We will post more photos the week of the auction as we start to explore the basement. More than meets the eye here. Terms-Cash or check 10% Buyers fee.Personal property will start about 10:20 Rain or shine . Our tents will be up. Kimball M Sterling Inc( Do not call about real estate call Bart) 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, January 28, 2017 Time:10:30 am Estate Auction Sat. Jan 28th 10:30 am 125 West Market street Johnson City Tn This estate has many unusual items including a Japanese root table, lots of Blueridge, fine china and crystal, flatware, Oak wardrobe,Deco kitchen cabinet, oak rocking chair, Pair of carved elephant fern stands, Screens, Nice Persian carpet, dolls and doll items, 1950s cookware, Black Forrest style clock, lacquered cabinet, carved mantle lions, lots of quilts, trunks, iron yard and patio furniture , oak file cabinet, Depression china cabinet, easels, tea cart, oil laps, many estate box lots and more Preview 9:30 Cash or check 10% Buyers Fee. Kimball M sterling Inc. TFL-1915 www.auctonauction.com
Date: Sunday, January 1, 2017 Time:10 am Eastern Sneak Preview Saturday 11 am till 1:00 New Years Day Estates and Antiques Auction Sunday January 1st 10 am 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty , Tennessee 37604 Items from the Mark King Estate, Contents of a Historic home on Main Street in Jonesborough, Living Estate items from Weaverville NC. Very Partial Listing-Tennessee Jackson press, large collection of Southern and Appalachian pottery, Germantown Blanket,Rare Hawkins County Tennessee Cherry dressing stand with multiple drawers, Large collection of fine oriental carpets, Southern Folk Art, New England high boy chest, primitive furniture, Collection of Tennessee history books, lots of great tchotchkes,various early drawing and artwork, wood and stone carvings, Kachina dolls, primitive musical instruments, country and Native American baskets and some pottery, Tennessee one drawer work table, antique and folk art canes, various vintage mens jewelry, Collection of different styles of flatware, Outsider pottery and artwork, two mint condition Thomasville sofas, Chinese Coromandel Screen,English Secretary? chest of drawers, Italian Cassone (Chest) with secret drawer and til, RR lanterns, Original Vargas calendar, flax wheel , RR file cabinet, WWI Poster and other paper items, mountain dulcimer, Kilim rugs, antique Chinese carpets, collection of fur coats and silk Kimonos , tramp art items,Room size Persian handmade Kerman, homespun coverlets. NY Pembroke table, rag rugs, kitchen primitive smalls, Hepplewhite sinning table, round oak table, small church pew, scalloped country table, display glass shelves, Oak partners desk,Collection of service style pins, early photographs and postcards, folk painted single bed, Bottles and jars, Silver plate ornate tea service, Ronson table lighters, country chairs,Collection of ornate Continental miniature doll house silver furniture, Maple country bed, Nice record collection , library,Mid Century items, Rare red and white chenille spread and other textiles, farm house furniture, Afghan War rugs, African and Pre Columbian style items, wing back chair, various fraternal metals and other pins of note, anonymous 19th Century carvings, shades for Aladdin and other oil lamps, quilts, prison art, Connecticut period tall case clock , Oak four stack bookcase, local pie safe, large group of Prince Albert china, other fine china and glass, Walnut gun cabinet,Massive Blenko covered jar, Sterling marrow spoon, paintings and prints, plus much more. The best estate box lots that you have seen. Guitars- C F Martin New York Parlor Ca, Ca. 1888 Martin 00-45 Ca 1900 S# 9186 ( owner thinks this is a 00 45 but the serial number and construction says it is a 00 42) Martin GT 75 1965 s# 210444, Mint Martin GT 70 1965 S#211666 Mint Martin D-35 1974 s#366170 Martin special Order D-35 1976 s# 399943 Cash or Check 10% Buyers fee. Preview 9:00 am Kimball M Sterling Inc. 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604
Date: Sunday, December 11, 2016 Time:Noon Eastern The Yard Environment from the Estate of Mark King 257 OLD STAGE COACH RD, Blountville, Tn.37617 Sunday December 11th, Noon Eastern Many of you will know Mark who was our clerk for over 15 years. He was a researcher and author. Rest in Peace. Lots of interesting items in this sale. Come and see it !!!!!!! This auction will take place at 257 Stage Coach rd. which is where Mark lived for most of his adult life. We will sell stone carvings, birdbaths, outdoor pots and jugs, planters, pottery figures, limestone chimney stones, birdhouses, life size wood carving, Native American figures and totem pole, many great anonymous pieces that were bought throughout Appalachia , iron animals,whirligigs, Uncle Sam figure, Sewer art,Muffler art, shrines, small folk art, Iron skeleton-birds and flowers. and much more. Many surprises. We will add photos the week of the auction as we uncover folk art smalls etc. Cash or check 10% BP. Rain or Shine. Bring an umbrella. We will walk the yard and sell as we go and finish in the garage with some smalls of folk art. Preview 10 am day of the auction. All items must removed the day of the auction. This auction should take about 1.5 hours.Plenty of time to drive to Blountville and get back home on the same day. Parking is on the streets in the neighborhood. You will be able to pull into the yard to load. See you at the auction. The balance of the estate will be sold in our New Years Day Auction KImball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915
Date: Sunday, November 20, 2016 Time:Noon Eastern Tony Greg Estate Antique Toy Collection Sunday November 20th Noon Eastern Time 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty , Tennessee 37604 " It time to go to the auction the way they use to Be" This is the mother-load of good antique toys, pedal cars, and assorted other items. Tony was a great guy and collector, who passed away a couple of decades ago, known and respected by many in the Great Smokey Mt. area. He and his wife owned a wrecker company in Cosby Tennessee and he was always on the trail of vintage toys. He would show up at my house early Sunday morning when I had been on the road in my early days. We have many boxes still to unload. Many early press steel, cast iron, pedal cars and much more. Many ride on toys, some bikes, windups, dolls, bike and toy parts and pieces. Tricycles,scooters, horses. early pedal airplane and rocket, Jut look at the few photos and imagine much more. Some box lots will be sold. Be ready to be surprised when you see it all. All in various conditions. Great toys and parts toys. Preview Morning of the auction at 10 am. or week of the auction by appointment. Absentee and phone bids will only be accepted from bidders that have previewed the collection. Cash or check 10% BP. Out of state checks will be accepted with bank letter of credit. Credit card buyers will pay a 5% service charge added to the buyers fee. Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915 Auctioneers www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, November 19, 2016 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Antique Cane auction Sat. November 19th 11 am Eastern 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 A premier collection of fine antique canes including Objects of Virtue, Silver , Gold,Historical, Folk-Art and much more. Canes once belonging to many important individuals throughout the world. The best of the best.Live internet, phone,in-house and absentee bidding. Feel free to contact us for information on this auction 423 773 4073. kimballsterling@earthlink.net Here is a link to the internet catalogue: https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/95127_antique-cane-auction- 11- eastern-time/ Here is the link to the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/nov.pdf.pdf Here is the link to the interactive catalogue: https://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/kimball-nov-2016-catalog-issu__fina Terms- Cash or check 20% buyers fee. Preview morning of the auction at 9 am and anytime before the auction by appointment. KImball m Sterling Inc Auctioneers TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tennessee 37604
Date: Saturday, November 12, 2016 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Directions: Take the first Big Stone exit then turn left. Go about a mile and you will dead end on 5th. Turn right go past the Dairy Queen and you will see us on the right across from Community Motors. Parking is on the street in the neighborhood. We are keeping a large loading zone so you will be able to pull up and load. Collinsworth Estate Auction Saturday November 12th 11 am 505 4th Av. East Big Stone Gap, Va. 24219 THis is going to be a good estate auction. About three years ago the estate was going to have a tag sale and decided not to. Items were priced and the sale never happened. Three years later we enter the picture with a great auction for the collector. Mrs. Collinsworth was a very well known collector in this area of Va. There is a two story house full and three out buildings. We will sell fine antiques,household, and much more. LOts of great furniture including a massive oak bow-front, Victorian high headboard bed and dresser, wicker, bookcases, pie safe, Windrop secretary, Victorian dinning table, Victorian etagere, oak kitchen furniture, silver chest, walnut buffet, vintage wicker,oak clawfoot bow-front,mah. corner cupboard. curio cabinets, walnut marble top wash stand, country furniture ,Eastlake and much more More: Clock collection, pottery ,salt-glaze, fine china and crystal, carnival glass, cut glass, Fenton, brides-basket,depression glass quilts, dolls, hand-painted china, trunks, spinning wheel,the glass collection cover many different eras, antique mirrors and prints, 100's of great box lots, steins, country pottery,vintage lamps, French clock sets, Coca Cola collectibles, plus hundreds of other items. Preview 10 am. Rain or shine our tents will be up Cash or Check 10% Buyers fee. We will add a new set of photos the week of the auction at auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, October 15, 2016 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Antique Cane Auction Saturday Oct. 15th 11:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Nautical Collection with Whale Bone and Narwhal,Gold and Silver Dress Canes, Gadget, Swords, Gun, Folk, Large outsider Cane Collection, Stands and Cases and much more. WE will also offer a group of unpaid lots from the Johnny Winter Collection. This auction will have an internet catalogue only. You may print the catalogue from this link. https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/94032_antique-cane-auction- 11-easterntime/ Here is a link to print a pdf with full descriptions: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/octcanepdf.pdf Elephant ivory has been banned from interstate commerce without the demanded info from Fish and Game which is practically impossible, however instate bidders are not affected when it comes to antique ivory. Thereforwe will probably have antique ivory in the auction which will not appear in the catalogue and will only be offered to instate bidders. Its time to attend one of our auctions if you are instate. Cash or check 20% BP. Preview 9 am
Date: Saturday, October 8, 2016 Time:10:00 am Eastern Antique and Estates Auction Sat. Oct 8th- 10:00 am (Preview 9am) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tn. Various estates and collections including toy trains, fine china and crystal, Lenox china and vases, Costume jewelry. Rare vintage 3 ct. diamond broach, pocket watches, Upscale bookcase secretary,sofas, iron patio furniture, fine prints, sterling silver, and much more. Cash or check 10% BP
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2016 Time:10:00 am Eastern Make your plans to attend this great auction on September 17th. A complete list and photos will appear on this site about three weeks before the auction. Stay tuned and book your hotel now. Century Enterprises, Inc. Auction Saturday September 17th 10:00 am ( Preview 8:30 am) 117 Park View Circle ( Piney Flats Industrial Park) Piney Flats, Tn. 37686 Updated List of autos to be offered. These cars are restored and ready 1968 GTO London Taxi 1965 London Taxi 1979 Lincoln 1976 NASCAR Race Truck 2005 Lincoln 1979 Malibu 1964 Convertible Camaro 1968 Convertible-1968 CHEVROLET CAMARO RS CONVERTIBLE WITH FACTORY AIR, 327 4-BARREL AUTOMATIC, ORIGINAL NUMBER MATCHING ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION, POWER TOP, POWER WINDOWS, POWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES, SPORT WOOD-GRAIN STEERING WHEEL, CONSOLE, AM/FM RADIO, 15" RALLY WHEELS with NEW TIRES - P215 FRONT P255 REAR, ALL ORIGINAL SHEET METAL, EDELBROCK INTAKE, HEADERS, THREE (3) YEAR OLD RED PAINT and INTERIOR with NEW WHITE TOP. RUNS AND DRIVES GREAT! Century Enterprises in the Piney Flats Industrial Park has sold its building and must vacate and move to their new building. The new building is smaller and cannot hold the collection. Bob McNab, president of Century Enterprises has hired Kimball M Sterling , Inc Auctioneers of Johnson City to sell vintage motor bikes ,restored running automobile engines and parts,British Taxi, A NASCAR racing truck, Collectible advertising signs, fine office equipment bicycles,Rare NASCAR items, Restored 1971 Lincoln, London phone booth ready for restoration,and Chevrolet 1957-63 283, 1960 Impala engine 283, 2 Chevrolet 1966-67 283, 1960 265 Chevrolet engine, A400 A Model convertible top, assorted glass, Ducati motorcycle parts and pieces, license tags, Chevy 63/64 new coil springs, 327 Chevy heads 68/69, crankshaft 327, 1958 Chevy intake for 348 and carburetor, Chevy bell housings, various Chevy hubcaps and trim rings, corvette 56/61 power glide plates, assorted Chevy horns, 63/64 Chevy heavy springs, 409 fly wheels, 1963 409 intake, 1958 348 barrel, 76 corvette four barrel intake, 63/65 409 Chevy heads, 67 Chevy three speed transmission, group of take out rear ends, 67 impala dash board, assorted chevy antennas, assorted chevy interior body parts, 60 Chevrolet instruments, headlights and various lenses for Chevrolet's, Phoenix go kart, various A model parts, Ford ring gear and pinion, assorted Chevy emblems, GM flasher, valve cover gaskets 396, 409, 348, 283, 350, ford chrome valve covers, aluminum ford covers 390/428, 63 impala take off bumpers, Pontiac GTO 70/70 bumper, 64 Chevelle bumpers, Nascar racing parts and accessories, radiator, exhaust, hubs, Chevy consoles 63-67, Chevy automatic shifters, Rusty Wallace racing tool cart, Thunderbird front end nose (Bill Elliot), Chevy '67 working AC unit, assorted tires, white walls, box lot Torino parts, Ford Mustang parts, assorted steering wheels, 69 Roadrunner mutters, assorted oil pans, jacks, 63/64 Chevy heater box, auto tilting jack, seat covers and seats for a '65 Corvette, 63/64 Chevy grills, Bill Elliot tire dolly and jack, complete unassembled Compact motorcycle, unassembled Indian motor bike, 47/53 Chevy truck grill, Indian scooter, All State moped, Ciao motor bike and others, large assorted Chevy chrome 58-67, 63/64 Chevy clutch, petals, fan shrouds, 64/68 Chevy headlights, aluminum tire rack for motor bike, assorted Chevy and Pontiac mats much more. Terms Cash or Check 10% buyers fee. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Only the featured items ( not background items) in the pre-sale photos will be in this auction.
Date: Monday, September 5, 2016 Time:10:00 am Eastern Very Large Estate with Fine antiques and Collectibles Monday Sept . 5th, 10:00 am Preview 9:00 am In our Gallery 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 " I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime" Over 100 pieces of Francis I Sterling Flatware will be sold in our Labor Day Monday Auction. Large 12 place setting with great serving pieces. Pristine condition You are seeing general photos. I can tell you that there are two bedrooms that are so full you cannot open the door but about 6 inches and both are packed from the floor to the ceiling. The basement is the same way. There are many treasures to be found and I will post photos as we find them. Details and photos soon. This will be an all day auction with fine furniture. china and glassware, Asian and Japanese items, Country furniture and formal furniture, Fine paintings, Crystal, Yard art, some items that have been packed away for years. Make your plans now to attend this once in a lifetime auction. Cash or check 10% Buyers fee.
Date: Saturday, June 18, 2016 Time:12 Noon Eastern Time Important Canes from the Ann and Pat Arthur Collection Saturday June 18th 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 This is not your normal cane auction. Some of the best of the best that have been off the market for years. Ann and Pat were purveyors of the finest in the l970's and 80's. This is a small selection of some of the finest in the collection. Where are you going to get these today? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We will be offering about 90 canes in this collection. Rare Faberge handle in its original box once belonging to Mrs. Yule Brenner and Baron Enrico di Portanova which was purchased at Wartski in London, Rare gun canes, Porcelain bare breasted compartment cane, Narwhal, Artist system cane, the rarest of all physicians canes,Art Deco and Art Nouveau,Folk-art,Coral, plus much more. Cash or Check 20% buyers fee. Preview 9 am the morning of the auction. A printed catalogue is available for 25.00 Internet catalogue and internet bidder registration: https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/89189_canes-annpat-arthur- collection-noon-eastern/?logout=true Here is the link to the copy of the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/june2016.pdf Here is the link to the interactive catalogue. Its fun, http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/kimball-june-catalog-issu?workerAddress=ec2- 54-165-25-251.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016 Time:10:00 am Eastern Chesla & Ruth Sharp Lifetime Antiques Collection and Historic House Auction Saturday June 11th 10:am (Preview 9:am) 145 Jonesborough Water Plant Road Limestone , Tennessee 37681 ( Near Historic Jonesborough) From:Knoxville, TN Take US-11W N, US-25E S, I-81 N and US-11E N to Clear Springs Rd in Greene County 1 h 54 min (99.1 mi) Take Old State Rte 34 to Jonesborough Water Plant Rd in Washington County 7 min (3.4 mi) Turn right onto Clear Springs Rd 0.2 mi Turn left at the 1st cross street onto Old State Rte 34 2.4 mi Keep right to continue on Taylor Mill Rd 0.3 mi Turn right onto Gravel Hill Rd 0.2 mi Turn left to stay on Gravel Hill Rd 0.2 mi Turn right onto Jonesborough Water Plant Rd0.2 mi 145 Jonesborough Water Plant Rd Limestone, TN 37681 From Johnson City: Take US-11E S/US-321 S to Washington College Station Rd 25 min (15.3 mi) Turn left at the 1st cross street onto W State of Franklin Rd 2.7 mi Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto US-11E S/US-321 S/W Market St Continue to follow US-11E S/US-321 S 12.6 mi Follow Washington College Station Rd, Old State Rte 34 and Gravel Hill Rd to Jonesborough Water Plant Rd 8 min (4.1 mi) 145 Jonesborough Water Plant Rd Limestone, TN 37681 From Asheville N C: Get on I-240 W/US-70 W from Broadway 3 min (0.6 mi) Follow I-26 W to Erwin. Take exit 37 from I-26 W 43 min (45.6 mi) Continue on TN-81 N. Take Treadway Trail and TN-353 S to Jonesborough Water Plant Rd in Washington County 27 min (16.4 mi) 145 Jonesborough Water Plant Rd Limestone, TN 37681 Mr. Sharp passed away this year and Mrs. Sharp has decided to sell the collection and the home-place. This is an auction you want to attend if you like fine early american antiques. They spent a lifetime putting this collection together. The Real Estate: Bart Long and Associates Reality and Auction TFL-5298 Call Bart or Jan to see this real estate but not the personal property- Bart cannot show you personal property at this location.276-466-HOME Early Tennessee Brick Mansion which is on the National Register as the home of Col. Thomas Telford on one acre of land. Washington County's best keep secret .This home is completely restored with its original floors and is ready to move in the day after the auction. Not one dime was sparred on the restoration of this fabulous historic property.This is probably the best best restored Federal home that we have ever offered. Beautifully landscaped of the period and ready for the new Owner.Built in cupboards and great Clark Gable staircase. Three bedrooms, study , den large living room, dining room,, two baths , brick patio, kitchen is to die for for the purist, fenced with a custom made fence in the style of the Federal period and a great view of Little Limestone Creek. Quite nights and lazy days. This house is also large enough for some major entertaining.Real Estate Terms- Cash or check, 10% buyers fee, 10% down day of sale and balance due at closing in 30-45 days.Sale is subject to owners confirmation the day of the auction. The owner is a very willing seller. Lead Paint Notice- This home was built in the early 19th Century and may contain lead paint. This is your notice. The Antique Collection: Kimball M Sterling, Inc. TFL- 1915 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-7734073 Do not call Kimball about real estate. You must call Bart at the above connections Very Partial Listing- Formal hunt-board, sugar chest, three great corner cupboards ( one is Grayson County Va.) many nice stands, Tea tables, Federal sideboard, collection of oil paintings, fine carpets, Native American pottery-rugs and baskets,large collection of Native american bolo ties, Primitives, game board, large collection of blue and white transfer ironstone platters, pottery, early stretcher table, fireplace iron, nice collection of early mirrors, canopy bed, two period highboys, leaded glass lamp, Fiesta,Windsor chairs, fine clocks, Tall case american clock,collection of white ironstone. period Chippendale side chair,hooked rugs, paint grained blanket chest, , other blanket chest, Large William and Mary Kas,Local jelly cupboard, Hepplewhite chest,nice trundle bed, salt glaze, spinning wheel, early childs chair, butter molds, quilts and linens, large library to be sold in lots, Heriz carpet, spice cabinet, floor dough box, wicker furniture, banquet table and much more. Some modern household items also. Plus great yard items including John Deer riding mower, yard tools, hand tools and much more. There is a large library in the house. One that you would expect from two lifelong college professors. Many art coffee table books, an extensive Native American collection, Hardback Antiques books, English and Civil War history. some early American books, and much more. First edition Novels etc. These will be sold at noon on the back patio .Probably 5000+ books which will be choice and then by the box lot. Terms- Cash or check- 10% buyers fee. This is an estate so sale tax will not be collected. All items must be paid for the day of the auction. There will be a pick up on Sunday. June 12th from noon till 2:00 for larger items that could not be loaded on the day of the auction.You will have to have help with you. We will only have someone there to open the house.
Date: Saturday, May 14, 2016 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Antique Cane Auction Saturday May 14th,2016 11:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City Tn 37604 and the World This is a wonderful selection of canes from various collections. Many Objects of Virtu, Collection of American gold dress, Gold Quartz Gold Rush cane, Erotic canes and plaques,Fine sword canes, Silver, Fine hard stones, Remington gun cane, Probably the last offering of fine ivory canes until the law is changed by a future president, Nautical, A rare fan cane, system cane,and much more. Here is the link to the pdf printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/may_2016_catalog.pdf Here is the internet bidding and catalgoue link: https://content.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/87893_antique-cane-auction- collections/ Here is the link to the interactive catalogue: http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/httpsterlingsold.compdf_may_catalog? workerAddress=ec2-54-173-110-217.compute-1.amazonaws.com A printed catalogue is available for 25.00. By check only to: Kimball M Sterling, Inc 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Preview is morning of the auction at 9 am or by appointment two weeks before the auction Phone, live Internet, absentee , and in-house bidding. Terms- Cash or check 20% Buyers fee. Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, May 7, 2016 Time:10:00 am Colonel Frank and Dr. Ginger Rutherford Estate Auction Saturday May 7th 10:am 213 STRAWBERRY FIELD DR JOHNSON CITY, TN 37604 Listing Update 5/2/16- 14kt full slide bracelet, two cultured pearl necklaces, 14 kt serpentine chains, 12 place setting of Haviland Apple blossom with many serving pieces, large group of Cape Code crystal, Gorham Rosewood crystal, Lenox Shell crystal, Over 100 pcs of White Top and whispering Pines by Iron Mt., Sterling salts and candlesticks, large group of Appalachian quilts, Mid -Century aluminum salad set in various colors, nest of colorful Fire King bowls , scrap gold, These were two of the finest people that I have ever knew in my life. Enough said. Partial Listing:Everything in this home is ready to use in your home. Perfect restored condition. Large clock collection including grandfathers- wag-Art Deco- American - German, Jewelers regulator and much much more all in fine restored working condition, Antique furniture including oak tables and chairs, walnut and oak washstands, Walnut hall tree, Country store oak spool cabinet on stand, Hummels, Iron Mt. Stoneware, Fine china and crystal, Crocks and pottery, Sterling Silver flatware, Western bronze and prints,Spinning wheel, wood churn and copper cookware,Curio cabinets, Wing back chairs, hand-painted china, Black Forrest diary box, Upscale modern Queen Ann dinning room suite, carnival glass, Porcelain statues, Martha Washington sewing cabinet,Fine art prints,oil style lamps, Iron Windsor dinning chairs,some Mid-Century furniture, Upscale modern bedroom suites and office furniture, 100th anniversary coke thermometer,woodworking tools,Apple butter kettle, rockers and occasional chairs, Fancy antique mirrors, steins, unusual fancy oak cabinet sewing machine, many nice blanket chest, copper bed warmer, bid screen TV, various buffets and some nice depression furniture, country canes and formal cane or umbrella stand, Ship door stop, oil paintings, Nice ships door coffee table, and much much more . Cash or check 10% Buyers Fee. Preview 9 AM morning of the auction. If you see something in the photos and cannot attend the auction then you may email me at kimballsterling@earthlink.net and we will accept an absentee bid. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Kimball M Sterling 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, April 16, 2016 Time:10:00 am Eastern The Tillie Memmer Life Time Collection Saturday April 16th 10:00 am 18101 Horton Hwy, Fall Branch, TN 37656 also a 2009 V W Jetta Diesel Tillie Memmer is absolutely one of the finest and coolest persons that I have ever known in my life. She moved to East Tennessee in the early 1980s from California and I met her just right after that. She brought some great items with her but continued to collect the last 32 years here in Tennessee. She is Internationally known as a doll house miniature wicker furniture maker of museum quality pieces. Many of you would know her if you saw a photo. She is downsizing from over 3000 square feet and only keeping a few pieces. Very Partial listing. You are seeing only about 25% in the photos Fine Antiques, Glass, Art,Andrew Johnson land grant, Upscale Furniture, Primitives, Folk Art, baby rattle collection, Rock and Roll items. Victorian, Art Glass, Pottery, Carpets, Toys, Children's Collectibles, Kitchen Collectibles, Marble top furniture, Early Grandfather clock, Hundreds of smalls, Brides Basket collection, Epergne, some advertising items, Victorian Cast Iron ornate Bench, Victorian cylinder desk, Victorian wicker. Mesh bags, art pottery, linens and vintage clothing Contemporary Art Glass Lamps, 4 x 10 Antique Tabriz, Two room size Heriz, many other handmade and factory carpets,Federal style furniture, Walnut Victorian tables and Parlor furniture, Collection of antique oil portraits,Wavecrest box collection, Curved glass display cabinet, Gone with the Wind lamps,French and Italian Furniture and much more. 95% of the oil portraits are of the period but have been restored over 25 years ago. We have looked for signatures on the painting but not having much luck. The week of the auction we will remove the canvas from the frame and see if there is something hidden. Frames have also been restored. There are four great primitive portraits and others. Cash or check 10% BP Rain or shine our tents will be up. 9 am preview. Please do your own due diligence on anything in this auction. It is your responsibility. All items sell as is with no warranty.
Date: Saturday, March 26, 2016 Time:Noon Eastern The Johnny Winter Raisin' Cane Collection: Saturday March 26th, Noon Eastern 125 West Market Johnson CIty Tn 37604 The famous rare collection of canes from the Johnny Winter estate will be sold at auction by the reputable Kimball M Sterling Inc. The group consist of rare and unique antique and folk art canes that were carried by one of the most important musicians of our times. They will be sold Saturday March 26th and the auction will be in-house and carried online at liveauctioneers.com . Some of the canes were especially made for Johnny Winter some being antiques over 100 years old including dress and folk art canes that he personally collected for years. A special selection is an antique sword cane with a push and lock mechanism., A group of canes will be sold that appeared on classic album covers and in famous photos of the Blue/Rock legend along side the likes Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker BB King and many more. Portions of the funds from this auction will support the estates favorite charities. With this collection a group of canes from other private collectors will be offered. IN-house, live internet, absentee and phone bidding Here is the link for the internet catalogue: https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/85333_the-johnny-winter-cane- collection/ Here is the link to the interactive high resolution catalogue: https://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/johnny_winter_feb-catalog-issu Here is a link to the low resolution printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/johnny_winter_FEB_catalog.pdf Terms- Cash or Check 20 % Buyers fee.
Date: Saturday, February 20, 2016 Time:12 Noon Eastern Time The Ann and Pat Arthur Cane Collection Sat. February 20th 12:00 Noon Eastern 125 West Market st. Johnson City Tennessee The Arthurs , long time collectors and cane scholars have decided to sell a wide selection of canes. Rare gadgets, dress and ivory, fine gun canes and swords, great folk-art canes, and much more. This auction will also include cane cases, books, drawing,stands and jewelry. This is an opportunity to buy some very pure and desirable canes for your collections. Here is a link to the internet catalogue: https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/84221_cane-auction-ann-and-pat- arthur-collection/ Links to the interactive printed catalogue : http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/kimball-jan-catalog-issu__2_ Cash or check 20% Buyers fee for in-house,phone and absentee bidders, Preview morning of the auction 9 am and anytime before the auction by appointment Kimball M Sterling Inc. 125 west Market Street Johnson City, Tn 37604 423 773 4073
Date: Friday, January 1, 2016 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Our 30th New Years Day Antiques and Estates Auction Friday New Years Day 11:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 A very large lot of american Fostoria has been consigned.Also a large collection of Dali, Iscart, Miro, Picasso , early oil paintings etc. Two Estates, Balance of the Jeff Bridwell Estate, A Boca Raton Lifetime Collections, Skeet Guns, Gold and Silver coins, Folk Art, Estate Carpets, A Pittsburgh Ethnic collection, Rare Canes, Art Pottery, Mid Century Modern furniture, Loulie R. Anderson (American/Tennessee, b. 1887), "River - Hillsboro State Park," 1939. Oil on canvas,Four Massive Brass Chandeliers,Large collection of silver and enamel card and smoke cases, Restored Oak roll top desk, Collection of advertising pocket mirrors, Worlds fair items, Rare Black Americana alarm clocks, Deldare, Early teddy bears, formal desk, Fine and Costume jewelry, Sterling flatware serving pieces, Antique miniature pistols,Thaden-Jordan Furniture Corporation dinet suite,Zsolnay,Rookwood mate vase, Local decorated crock, collection of Skulls in bronze and other materials, Skeleton painted folk art,Victorian Cylinder desk, snow shoes, large record collection, Vintage stereo equipment ,Cowboy holsters,vintage hunting knives,Tennessee History book collection, Painting and prints, Country furniture,Hendredon bookcase,Oak roll top bedroom suite,Massive rattan chairs, French desk, Upscale used furniture, Ethnic jewelry, Antique Carousel Horse,Local Corner Cupboard, Early Religious items, Cherry Pencil post Bed,Fine china and glass,Two carat diamond cluster in white gold, Genuine Scrimshaw Whales teeth,quilts,oak roll top desk, upscale used furniture, vintage sterling smalls,Two rare French cast iron and painted bakers wall hanging faces, Best Mid Century Lamps ever, Cowboy laps,white Provincial dinning and bedroom furniture, Native American bead-work, and much more. Cash or Check 10% Buyers fee................ Preview 9 am Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL 1915
Date: Saturday, December 19, 2015 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Todd Rankin Absolute Estate Auction Saturday December 19th 11:00 539 Tumbling Creek Road, Erwin, TN 37650 Antiques, Autos, UTV, Boat, Household This will be an exciting absolute auction just in time to buy yourself the Christmas present no one knows you want. Mr. Rankin has put together a collection that will make you happy. The contents of three of his homes on this road will be sold at the main home-place. Partial Listing: 2011 Subaru Outback(4s4brbcc9b3365130), Late 1992 300 class Mercedes Wagon, Mileage on Subaru is around 67,000 & Mercedes is in the 80,000 range,2012 RCE 800 gas Polaris Ranger, Wooden skiff row boat with trailer, #24(very large) cast iron churn bell, Lots of Blue Ridge, Double butcher/ chopping block , great estate box lots. tools, appliances, table lots.glass, Asian pottery and china, large copper candy kettle, Windsor style bench, children’s toy wooden wagon, patio furniture, oak icebox, jelly cupboard, nice leather sofa and chair, Cherokee basket, custom iron pot racks, tribal carpets, small hay wagon with wood wheels, paintings and prints, upscale used furniture, spinet desk, modern flat TV’s, bedroom furniture, Empire chest, Maple highboy, crocks and crock churns, daisy churn, Railroad signal lantern, Tibetan statues, Japanese woodblocks, large wooden airplane prop with curved tips, large B B Q smoker, crystal and china, limestone chimney and foundation from an early log house ( 30 days to remove), Best strawberry advertising sign we have ever sold, barn full of good lumber to be sold in one lot, John Deer mower, whales tooth and other nature items including mounts, military clock from airplane, many good country porch rockers, Fine Danish style dining table with chairs, Tiffany style lamp, ballerina bronze, floor globe with iron stand, wicker and iron porch furniture, primitives, curved glass china cabinet, and much more. Terms – Cash or check with a 10% buyers fee. Sales tax will not be collected. Vehicle buyers will pay sale tax when they register. Preview will be 10 am the day of the auction. Items must be removed the day of the auction. All items sell “as is” at an absolute estate auction. Bring your truck or trailer . Directions- Take Exit 43( Temple Hill) Interstate 26, then get on Highway 19 W, Follow 19 till it bares to the left toward Spivey Mountain, Look for our auction sign and turn right on Tumbling Creek and you will find us. Storm date if the auction cannot be conducted is January 9th, 2016
Date: Saturday, December 12, 2015 Time:12 Noon Eastern Time Antique Cane Auction Sat. December 12th, 12 Noon Eastern Time 125 W Market Street Johnson CIty , Tennessee, 37604 Here is the internet catalogue. Please register if you would like to bid live on the net: https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/81851_winter-antique-cane-auction- 1200-eastern/ Here the the link to the high resolution interactive catalogue: http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/kimball-nov-catalog-issu__1_ Click here for the fast loading copy of the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/kimball_nov_catalog_web.pdf This our best Winter offering ever. Over 230 canes. Fine jewelry canes, Ivory, sword, guns, folk art and much more. Catalog will be up very soon on this website. Preview morning of the auction at 10 am or two weeks before the auction by appointment. Kimball M Sterling inc TFL 1915 Cash or check 20% BP
Date: Saturday, November 28, 2015 Time:10:30 am 25th Annual Thanksgiving Auction Saturday November 28th 10:30 am 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tennessee 37604 Three Estates and Collections The Charlie Green Country Basket Estate Collection- For the past 30 years Charles bought the best of the best of local baskets. From the Dave Byrd auction 30 years ago until his death he bought the best. Not quantity but quality. "Fine furniture, art pottery including a large group of Deldare , Large fox and hound collection,country furniture, Fine crystal and glass, antique toys from a Fl. collection, Monumental jockey bronze, game-room items, Long guns including Military-Ialian carcano m Mark 1 Enfield carbine,, 1909 Mauser Argentino,, Model 98 Mauser,1936 Nygant,, Enfield 303, Mark I Enfield 303,1898 Springfield 30-40, Eddystone and more,, ( all guns will have to have paperwork through Sams Gun Shop in Bristol),Sterling items, Fine art and prints, Jewelry, Country pottery, silver and gold coins, Silver eagles, early postcards, House full of Hendredon furniture, very upscale used furniture, collection of porcelain .nude enamel card and cig. cases, painting and prints, The Lorraine Brown estate, Collection of 15 various collectible military rifles, Club Car electric golf cart. large antique toy collection, Black Americana collection, Large Jockey Bronze and other bronzes, more coming soon Plus much more coming Stay turned and plan for this Big Auction. Cash or check 10% BP. Preview Friday noon till 2 and morning of the auction at 9am www,auctionauction.com KImball M Sterling, Inc TFL-1915 125 West Market St. Johnson CIty, Tn 37604
Date: Saturday, November 14, 2015 Time:10:00am The Dewey Crum Collection Cash or Check No buyers fee Saturday Nov. 14th 10:00 am 252 Kim Drive, Kingsport Tn. 37663 1925 Ford Mod.T, Hit &Miss Engines, 1977 Lincoln Town Car, International Farmall 140 Tractor, Pie Safe, childs Model T pedal car, auto models still in box, old china, Country cupboards Large shop full of tools and tool boxes, engine hoist,sanders, hand &power tools, grinders,compressors,trailers, electric,engines, antique smalls, auto toys, file cabinets, early auto swap meet items, nice mowers, yard tools, jacks, floor model tool boxes, ladders, Delco Light motor, dollies, child's wagon, antique desk and chairs, anvil, drill press and other power tools, 100's of items and many to be sold in box lots, cabinets, a shed and garage full. Utility and car hauler trailers, riding and push mowers, Allstate tin Suoer Service station toy, Old desk top brass and iron fan, the auction. Preview 9:00 am Rain or shine our tent will be up. Turn east on Sinking Creek of Kpt. Hwy. 36 on Fordtown, turn right on Beechwood then left on Kim. www.auctionauction.com Kimball M Sterling TFL-1915 Auctioneer
Date: Monday, November 2, 2015 Time:3:00 pm Estate Firearms and Knife auction 306 Hickory Bluff ( Located in Woodstone Condominiums on East Oakland) Monday November 2nd 3:00 pm Preview 2:00 Johnson City, Tn 37604 Rules- Tennessee residents with picture ID and have not been convicted of a felony will be able to take their firearm purchases with them the day of the auction. We will photo your license for the estate and have a felony form for you to sign. Out of state buyers may purchase but the estate will deliver your purchase to Sams Gun Shop in Bristol,Tennessee and you will have to pay a transfer fee of 25.00 and a 10.00 TBI fee. Kimball M Sterling, Inc. is the agent for the estate in helping them liquidate the collection. Buyers are purchasing from the estate not from the auction company. Bring your lunch if you can take a late lunch and have an exciting lunch hour. We should be through in about one hour. Parking is a little tough so get there early and find you a spot. Cash or check 10% BP. No sales Tax on this auction. Map of sale location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/306+Hickory+Bluff,+Johnson+City,+TN+3760 1/@36.3618781,-82.3758127,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x885a7d5f17fe104b:0x28e9948 141498c87 1. Marlin Mod 60 .22 2. Lakefield Mark II .22 3. Mossberg 158K-A 20 ga. 4. Bay State 12 ga. 5. Marlin Mod 60 .22 6. Stevens Tip Up 44 short cal. 7. Mossberg 46M .22 8. FIE SB 410 ga. 9. Lakeside Double Barrel 12 ga. 10. Springfield 1896 30-40 cal. 11. Warrant Black Powder S/S 12 ga. 12. Browning BPS 10 ga. 13. Browning 1885 270 cal. 14. Smith & Wesson 1000M 20 ga. 15. Mauser 98 300 cal. 16. Browning Ducks Unlimited 12 g. 17. Ithaca 600 12 ga. 18. Marlin 1893 38-55 19. Weatherby Olympian 12 ga. 20. Smith & Wesson 1500 270 cal. 21. Savage 1899 30-30 cal. 22. Savage 1899 300 Savage 23. Savage 1899 30-30 cal. 24. Savage 1899 30-30 cal. 25. Savage 1899 250-3000 26. Browning T-Bolt Action only .22 27. A Frazier Side lock 24 cal. 28. Savage 110 30-06 cal. 29. Remington 870 12 ga. 30. Winchester Super grade XTR 12 ga./30-06 31. UZI Model A 9mm 32. Bacon Boot Pistol 32 Rim Fire 33. Iver Johnson Mod.66 .22cal 34. Hi-Standard Mod. B .22cal 35. Ruger Security-6 357 cal. 36. Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 mag. 37. Kimber Ultra Covert II 45 cal. 38. Kimber Ultra CDP Elite STS II 45 cal. 39. Colt MK IV Series 70 45 cal. 40. Colt Conversion Unit .22 41. 2 Daisy BB Pistols and BBs 42. Box of 100 12ga shells 43. Box of 100 12ga. Shells 44. Box of 90 20ga. Shells 45. Box lot of Ammo 46. Box lot of Ammo 47. Box lot of Ammo 48. Box lot of Ammo 49. Box lot of .22 LR 50. Range Bag of Shotgun Shells 51. Ammo Bag lot 52. Bag lot ear protection 53. Bi-Pod 54. SKB Pistol Case 55. Gun Cleaning Oil 56. Bag lot 57. Bag Lot 58. Heritage Gun Safe Model U4272 59. 19th Century Arab Sword 60. Box of Custom Knives three 61. Buck Spirit of 76 Knife 62. Brian Yellow Horse Buck Custom Knife 63. Bag Lot of Knives 64. Bag Lot of Knives 65. Bag Lot of Knives 66. 2pcs Knife lot Then we will sell odd different items including cases etc
Date: Saturday, October 31, 2015 Time:12:00 Eastern Time Outsider and Folk-Art Auction Sat. Oct 31st Noon Eastern 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Outsider art by many known artist, pottery, anonymous. and much more. Live in-house, phone bidding and on the net. We will also have a large group of items to be sold to the in house bidders. Be here for the great surprises. Cash or check 20% BP Preview 10 am morning of the auction . Here is a partial catalogue. We will add many more pieces up until sale day. https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/79665_outsider-folk-art-auction- noon-eastern-time/ To see the cataloged items click the link above but to see a sample of the after auction items look at the photo viewer on this page KImball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 www.auctionauction.com kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Saturday, October 3, 2015 Time:10:00 am Rain or shine our dry tents are up. Spend the day under the big top The John Warren Collection of Country Store, Antiques, Furniture. Local History and Much More Bart Long of bartlongauctions.com will offer the house. See his website for details Saturday October 3rd 10:00 am 505 Ravenwood Drive Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 BE HERE BE HERE BE HERE, The garagem the house the storage units are packed full of goodies and I mean goodies. This is going to be a great one. I have known John for over 40 years and he has been one of the best pickers in the Southeast. He has decided to move to Maryland and sell his Johnson City Collection. Country Store, fine furniture, great smalls. architectural items, toys, primitives, and much more. He bought a many good local items from the original clock at Science Hill to the mail chute form the Johns Sevier Hotel. There will even be some building materials and upscale used furniture for the buyer. We will add photos all the way to the last week of the auction. Check back often. Cash or check 10% BP, rain or shine preview 9am morning of the auction
Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 Time:10:30 am Mary L. Weistfeld Lifetime Collection ABSOLUTE AUCTION No Reserves and No Internet Bidding Saturday September 26th 10:30 am 25521 Old Saltworks Road Abingdon Va. 24210 "The carved sideboard is by Mabel Kreger, not Mary Creggor . Our mistake but now corrected. She's been the subject of a William King Museum exhibit, and taught woodcarving at Stonewall Jackson College, in Abingdon, during the 1920's, before opening her own store.We have also discovered that it has a top which we will post to the site soon." This will probably be the best auction you will ever attend. The quality is superb from the Pine Hunt-board to Spiliman Carousel horse. From country furniture much of which is Southern, pottery, quilts, coverlets, some antique firearms and military items, Southern and African -American art, Cumbow china.antique toys, Mabel Kreger sideboard, early iron, fine china and glass,advertising, country store, early Christmas and other Holiday items, yard art,kitchen collectibles, Folk-art, and much much more and more. The sheds and the barn are loaded. From High Country to primitives it is great. Baskets,gadgets, tins, Iron Mt. Stoneware, One drawer stands, silver and on and on Terms - Cash or check 10% BP. preview 9:00 Rain or shine our tents will be up
Date: Monday, September 7, 2015 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Labor Day Monday Auction September 7 11:am 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty , Tennessee 37604 " Many items yet to be unpacked, Great items" Fine furniture,Native american rugs, Walnut corner cupboard, Sterling, Large vintage battery toy collection, Oak and brass 8 drawer National cash floor model register, Vintage Juke Boxes, sterling silver, fine antique jewelry,rare coverlet collection including one with train, Early antique toys, fine Violins, fine china and glass, Early Sampler, Hendredon breakfront,hundreds of smalls, large group of Cash Family pottery, coins,Large library of antique and unusual books, Restored one Horse sleigh, Gibson acoustic guitar, Art, Chinese hand-made 9 x 12 carpet,Large reverse painting of George and Martha Washington, Indian style blankets ,carpets, Coin-op machines,Cloisonne vase,set of early candy store scales, a great collection of unusual smalls from a Philadelphia estate, Early Colt pistol, Muzzle loading Kentucky rifle, National 317 Candy store register, Corner cupboard and early Va. furniture plus much more . There is no coin op flipper in this sale . It is a coin op boat which has been restored. Cash or check 10% BP,, Preview 10 am
Date: Saturday, August 29, 2015 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Antique Cane Auction- A Lifetime Collection Saturday August 29th 11:00 am 125bWest Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee 37604 Sales results below but you have to log into liveauctioneers. If you do not have a password , get one from this link. It will take about 60 seconds https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/76102_antique-cane-auction-11- eastern- time/ Link to interactive high resolution catalogue: http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/kimball_aug_catalog_issu A long time collection with many fine examples including canes and cane related items. Fine hardstone, ivory,dress, gold and much more. Cash or check 20% buyers fee Preview morning of the auction at 9:00 am
Date: Saturday, August 22, 2015 Time:10:00 am Eastern One sterling set is Grand Baroque not Francis 1st Estates Auction Gallery Sat. August 22 10:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tennessee Coins will start at 10 am and and the Antiques will follow about 10:45 Over 80 lots of silver dollars many high grades, Gold and type coins, bullion,Franklin Mint sets, 90% silver, some currency, Over 80 coin related lots from two related estates, you will not believe the diversity of this collection. Thousands of coins sold in lots. Va. period chest on frame, Franklin Mint family bible with an ornate Sterling silver cover, Set of Buttercup sterling and other sterling serving pieces, Franklin Mint sterling plates. books, spinet piano , swords, Pocket watches and jewelry, Pharmacy collectibles,large collection of early china dolls, Antique moon globe,early sword and long blade collection, Ship collection,Upscale set of twin poster beds, Museum copy prints, Mid Century items, Military rings, early sampler,inlaid folk table.Fine China and glass, Francis 1st sterling flatware is not here it is Wallace Grand Baroque, walnut day bed, sterling, folk art, Oak dining room suite and other oak furniture, carpets, Pr of large carved wooden Blackamors, primitive furniture, jewelry, Mid Century items, and much more. Esquire Galleries will also be here with a fine selection of Gallery Prints. Cash or check 10% BP Preview 9 am morning of sale. COIN COLLECTION 1. 23 Morgan Dollars 2. Group of Collector Coins, No Gold, No Silver 3. Assorted Collectors Lot, mostly modern quarters, etc. 4. U.S. Penny and Stamp Lot 5. 16 American Silver Eagles 6. Box Lot of State Quarters and various other items 7. Collection of Liberty type coins 8. Type Coin Lot 9. 8 $2 Bills 10. $5 & $10 U.S. Gold Eagles 11. Box Lot of Collector Coins and Stamps, etc. 12. Swiss 20 Franc .900 Gold Coin 13. Indian Head Penny Lot 14. Silver, Type, Penny Coin Lot 15. 10 U.S. Silver Dollars 16. Collection of U. S. Silver Dollars 17. Type Coin Collection 18. Kennedy Half Collection 19. 15 Dollars Face Value - Silver Halves 20. America’s First Ladies Stamp Collection 21. 8 Face Value Liberty Halves 22. 10 Face Value Liberty Halves 23. 11 Face Value Liberty Halves 24. 24 Colonial Statehood Collection 25. Assorted Coin Lot including Type Coins, Dimes, and Half Cents 26. Over 70 Ike Dollars, Plus More 27. Large Box of Various Coins 28. 11 Paint Decorated Silver Eagles 29. 20 Silver Eagles 30. Group of Type Coins 31. Assorted Silver and Type Lot 32. 10 U.S. Silver Dollars 33. Large Assorted Box Lot 34. 19 U.S. Liberty Coins 35. Assorted Coin Box Lot 36. Collection of Silver Dollars 37. Framed U.S. Type Coins 38. Box Lot of Assorted Coins 39. 8 U.S. Silver Dollars 40. State Quarter Lot 41. 9 Silver Eagles 42. 21 Troy Ounces of .999 Silver 43. Over 25 Troy Ounces Silver Bullion 44. Assorted Coin Lot and Foreign Currency 45. 21 $2 Bills 46. 5 $1 Silver Certificates - 1 Hawaii 47. Obsolete State Currency 48. Obsolete $1 Bills 49. 4 Obsolete U.S. Bills 50. Assorted Bric-a-Brac 51. Large Framed Various Coin Lot 52. Assorted Blue Book Collection, Silver and Type 53. Littleton Green Book Collection of Type and Silver Coins 54. Box Lot of Stamps 55. Lot of 10 U.S. Silver Dollars 56. Lot of 10 U.S. Silver Dollars 57. Lot of 10 U.S. Silver Dollars 58. Lot of 10 U.S. Silver Dollars 59. Lot of 10 U.S. Silver Dollars 60. Lot of 10 U.S. Silver Dollars 61. Lot of 10 U.S. Silver Dollars 62. 1884-CC Morgan Dollar Uncirculated 63. 1883-CC Morgan Dollar Uncirculated 64. 1887-CC Morgan Dollar Uncirculated 65. 1884-CC Morgan Dollar Uncirculated 66. 1882-CC Morgan Dollar Uncirculated 67. 1881-CC Morgan Dollar Uncirculated 68. 6 Troy Ounces of .999 Sliver 69. 6 Troy Ounces of .999 Silver 70. 90% Gold Balboa Panamanian Coin 71. 30 $2 Bills 72. 10 Silver Certificates 73. 10th Ounce Gold Eagle 74. Large Wheat Penny Collection 75. Assorted Coin Box Lot 76. Assorted Coin Box Lot 77. 5 Silver Dollars 78. $21 Face Silver 79. Assorted Bag Lot of Foreign Coins, etc. 80. Bag Lot of Script and Tokens 81. Collection of Nickels Including Wartime 82. Collection of Nickels Including Wartime 83. Assorted Commemorative and Type Coin Lo
Date: Saturday, August 1, 2015 Time:10:30 am Gladys Cornelius Estate Auction Saturday August 1st 10:30 am 25580 Cornelius Drive ( South Holston Lakeside) Abingdon, Va. 24211 We will post more photos the week of the auction. Stay tuned. Many of the smalls were packed up when we signed the contract. Be ready for some killer items. A nice early estate with fine antiques, china and glass, primitives, toys, Mid -Century items, Lots of Cumbow china. one drawer stands. Victorian , Empire, Fancy oak carved curved glass china cabinet, Red satin Gone with the Winds lamp, walnut wash stand, country corner chair with green paint, other Gone with the Wind lamps, many estate box lots, early master carpenters chest, Mid -Century chairs and chest, primitives that need restoration,antique toys, flamed cherry drop leaf table, walnut jelly cupboard, Victorian glass, Jackson Press, child's oak roll-top desk , early spinning wheel, Victorian pier mirror with marble console table, Walnut Victorian hall-tree, antique clocks, inlaid Italian style coffee table,bible table. oriental items,walnut work table,Massive brown marble Victorian dresser, Walnut Victorian knee-hole marble top dresser, modern upscale used furniture, a large basement full of goodies and much much more, Cash or check 10% Bp. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Preview- 9:30. Kimball M Sterling Auctioneer VAAR 1556 www.auctionauction.com 423-773-4073
Date: Saturday, July 25, 2015 Time:10:00 am The Cecil A. R. “Tiny” Smith Antiques Estate Auction Sat July 25 (10 am)and Sunday July 26th (11 am) 812 Dresden Av. Johnson CIty, Tn. 37604 "Tiny" Smith was a long time collector here in this area and many of you would know him if you saw a picture. He looked for good antiques in this area for over 50 years. We will post a complete set of photos the week of the auction His collection includes Day One-local pottery,Midget Masons some Decker, pottery from other regions, Planters Peanut collection, Primitives, Clocks. country cupboard, kitchen cabinets. wall cupboards, advertising, kitchen collectibles, silver-plate, great tools, antique bottles, guns, showcases, mesh bags, salt glaze, Bennington, massive collection of miniatures , prints, large collection of country baskets, some oak furniture, trucks, depression and carnival glass, collectible jars, Large oil lamp collection, spinning and flax wheel, pie safe, Coke regulator clock, wall calendar clock, Nippon and other fine china,wood plane collection, churns . primitive rolling pin collection, sponge-ware. copper, lanterns and extra colored globes, razor trade sign,country store scales, other country store collectibles, China cabinets, glass candy containers, Aladdin lamps. butter molds, White House Vinegar, Toys, New old stock store items, Miniature cast iron toy iron collection, Miniature block plane collection, carbide lamps and advertising tins, collection of salesman sample and toy cast iron stoves, shaving mug collection,large group of brass buckets in various sizes, cobalt decorated pottery, Advertising whiskey jug collection. box lots and much more. Hundreds of pieces of local, North Carolina, Decker, North Eastern, Pennsylvania, cobalt decorated, advertising, earthenware, red ware, salt glaze, miniatures, Bennington, sponge ware, Mocca, Georgia, yellow ware, jugs and pitchers, storage and churns, foot warmers, spittoons, whiskey etc pottery, Oak ice box and hall tree, RR station crank phone, National Brass candy store register, Clarks and Teaberry gun stand and store jars, Over 100 pieces of Planters Peanuts items, Primitive cupboards, Candy containers, Large collection of early cast iron pots and other kitten items, large collection of brass candy kettles, Over 15 country store display cabinets and unusual stands, New old stock country store items, carnival and depression glass, flow blue and much china and early glass, some early local folk art pieces, over 100 oil lamps, coverlets and quilts, textiles, cobblers tools, primitive corner shelf, early Hawaiian guitar, straight razors, mesh bags, salesman sample stoves, large collection of good jars-patent medicine and whiskey, over 40 primitive rolling pins, original Coke regulator clock, other regulators including a Jewelers, tools, country basket collection, lanterns, butter mold collection, Curved glass oak cabinet, trunks, early eclectic fans, large group of wood planes, antique lighting, modern woodworking tools, hundreds of pieces for Hoosier cabinet restorations, early telephone oak ringer boxes, National Biscuit store jar, antique lamps, antique hardware, Aladdin lamps. Cast iron doorstops, Victorian glass, shaving mug collection, and much much more. Sunday Day two- His working shop. He enjoyed restoring kitchen cabinets and he kept many and many parts on hand, woodworking tools both modern and antiques, crocks, box lots, work tables, jars, plus much more. Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Rain or shine our tents will be up.
Date: Sunday, July 12, 2015 Time:1:00 Eastern Sunday Afternoon Estates Auction Sunday July 12 1:00 Eastern 125 West Market Street Johnson City ,Tennessee We have three estates to auction with furniture, antiques, carpets, sterling silver,china and glass, jewelry and much more. This will be a great sale and you will be impressed.This sale will shock you. If I were you I would be here. This is all the listing that you will see but our building will be loaded. If you need anything this will be the sale for you Preview Sunday at 11 am Cash or check 10% BP. KImball M Sterling Inc TFL 1915
Date: Saturday, June 27, 2015 Time:10:00am Dr. E E Perry Estate Auction Saturday June 27 10:00 am 348 PRICE RD ELIZABETHTON, TN 37643 Link to color brochure: http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/perry_printed_brochure_5-2015_enlar We will sell about 100 items by internet catalogue and then we will sell over 400 wonderful upscale items; Here a link to a very partial internet catalogue: https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/73279_dr-ed-e-perry-upscale- estate-10-am-eastern/ Update June 12th: On the Dr. Ed Perry Auction we will sell the first 90 lots by catalogue and then start with over 350 lots including leather books. antiques, guns, upscale kitchen items, fine carpets, furniture, Mid Century Lane bedroom. Japanese furniture and prints, wine and spirits, upscale training equipment, painting and prints, Harley Davidson items, over 3000 Dvds and books on tape to be sold in large lots, bookcases,desk, maple bedroom, large hot tub, smokers, great TV's, upright washer and dryer, redwood furniture, outdoor furniture, 10" light house, bi-wing airplane childs swing, leathers, statues, uncut currency, collection of cuff links, over 400 coffee table and airplane books, great message table, weights, fine crystal and china, every imaginable kitchen small appliance, freezer and refrigerator,occasional chairs, electronic lacquered cabinet, designer lamps, oak bistro table with chairs, Murano style loving couple statue, some tools, antique doctors bags, local art, pottery,Norman Rockwell Dr. prints, 1950s chrome tables, and over 150 great estate box lots. Personal Property: Kimball M Sterling Auctioneers Fine Home on Stoney Creek, 2014 Porsche 9NS Wide-body 911, 2014 Jag Mod FTS Convertible,1979 Ferrari Spy( needs work sold as is) ,2015 Lexus RXS four wheel drive, Famous James Motorcycle, Walls of Mcintosh Stereo equipment, Large coin collection including silver dollars, silver eagles, US gold, Krugerrands, 10 ounce silver bars, other coins, Men and ladies gold and diamond jewelry,Wines, Great Mid-Century furniture and art, Large collection of original female nude art, Flat screen TV's,Adrian Pearsal Crafts Associates living room suite, Leather book collection, Upscale used furniture, Redwood outdoor furniture, Great kitchen gadgets, fine china and glass, library, guns, coin jewelry, pilots accessories, Harley items, American Danish furniture, upscale exercise and weight equipment, Military items, Fine handmade carpets, and much more. Cash or Check 10% Buyers Fee. Preview 9:00 am Kimball M Sterling Inc Auctioneers The Real estate: Bart Long Auctions Large 4 Bedroom one level home on Stoney Creek with recent restorations, two garages for five cars, One bedroom guest house, app. 1.6 acres, Screened Canopy porch on creek, gourmet kitchen, storage pantry,library, large master suite, office and sun room, flat well groomed yard, all modern fixtures, and more 348 PRICE RD ELIZABETHTON, TN 37643 10% down day of auction, 10 % buyers fee, sale subject to sellers confirmation Call Bart Long 423-383 3339 Bart Long Auctions TFL-5298
Date: Saturday, June 6, 2015 Time:10:00 am Eastern Hightower Estate 441 East Main Blvd, Church Hill,Tn June 6th 10:00 am Preview 9:00am We will sell the contents of the Hightower home-place in Church Hill Tennessee on June 6th. It is much like the day that it was furnished in the early 1950's. . Retro Retro in fine condition, Mint 1977 Buick, Antiques that were family items in the 1950's., also mechanical store displays form the Hightowers children clothing store in Kpt. Bart Long will sell the fine real estate of Bart Long Auctions in Bristol 441 East Main Street, Church Hill Personal property - Cash or Check 10% buyers fee Kimball Sterling TFL-1915 Real estate- 10% down day of auction, 10 % buyers fee, sale subject to sellers confirmation Call Bart Long 423-383 3339 Bart Long Auctions TFL-5298
Date: Saturday, May 30, 2015 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Antique Cane Auction Sat., May 30th 11:00 am 125 west Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee 37604 Sales results below but you have to log into liveauctioneers. If you do not have a password , get one from this link. It will take about 60 secondsand internet catalogue: https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/71590_antique-cane-auction-11-am- eastern/page1 The interactive catalogue. High Resolution http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/kimball_may_catalog_izzu This will be one our finest presentations. Fine historical canes collection. An Indiana collection consisting of a Mike Orion-Remington Dog head-Pique and much more, A New York Collection of gadget Canes, plus a nice European collection. Over 200 canes. Catalogue 25.00 by mail, free on this web site by the middle of May. Cash or check 20% Bp.
Date: Monday, May 25, 2015 Time:10:00 am Memorial Day Monday Estates Auction Monday May 25th 10:00 This will be a large and great auction with many different categories covered Come by Sunday afternoon for a preview from 2- 3:00 This auction will consist of various estates including a very large coin collection with quality pieces, Fine furniture,oak hall tree and curved glass oak china cabinet,large set of Chantilly Sterling flatware, state souv. sterling spoons, Gold charm braclet, Art Deco gold jewelry, diamond bands, designer gold rings, local and North Carolina pottery, crystal and glass, Large group of 1060's toys ,Currency collection including a 500.00 bill and National bank notes, dolls, Harmony Community Estate with lots of good primitives, lap top pinball games,Advertising, string instruments, Boca Ratton estate of fine smalls,Iron patio furniture, Cherry bedroom furniture, local one drawer stand,silver and plate,jewelry, books, quilts,cross cut, iron kettles,and much much more. Gold jewelry, large collection of antique sterling flatware,vintage board games Photos coming soon, Preview 9 am morning of the auction. Cash or check 10% BP, This auction will be held in our gallery at 125 W Market Street in Johnson CIty Tn
Date: Saturday, May 2, 2015 Time:11:00 AM Eastern The Betty Humphreys Designer Clothing Auction Sat. May 2nd 11 am Eastern 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee Live in-house, Internet, absentee and phone bidding. Catalogue link. More Coming https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/70401_designer-clothing-auction- 11-am-eastern/page1 Over 200 pieces ( many large bag lots will be sold) in mint condition. Some still with original tags. You will have to see this to believe it. Our inventory for this estate is larger than most upscale department stores in New York. This is part two and the final offering of a wonderful collection mostly bought in Atlanta at Saks, Neiman Markus , and other upscale stores throughout the World. Sizes 0-6 and a few larger This closet was kept in immaculate condition with the items being carried to the same dry cleaner in Atlanta for cleaning and storage for the life of the wardrobe. Truly a million dollar closet belonging to one collector. Escada, Fendi, Donna Karan, Tom Ford, Akris, Ralph Lauren, Armani and many more. Belts, clothes mostly, some sun glasses, jackets and coats, and much more. Preview Friday May 1st Noon till 4:00 and morning of the auction at 8 am. Cash or check 15% BP
Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015 Time:11:00 AM Eastern The Henry Foster Cane Collection Sat. April 11th 11:00 am Eastern 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee 37604 Sales results are at the below link. You must login to see results. If you do not have a login it only takes about two minutes to get one. Internet catalogue and registration: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/69082_henry-foster-cane-collection- 11am-eastern/page1 Here is the link to the interactive printer catalgue( Higher Resolution): http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/issu_final_for_aril_11 Here is the link to the low resolution catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/kimball_MAR_catalog_WEB2_final.pdf This is the final session of the the fine cane collection of Mr. Henry Foster. The session will have a great nautical whale bone group, the best Narwhal cane ever offered at auction, cane cases and stands including a rare round oak cane case, library, Tiffany gold and silver including a Nast eagle, hardstones and folk[art,Japanese , Babcock gun cane,sword canes, fine dress, a large group of Art Deco, silver handles,system canes, and much more. We will also offer some larger lots at the end of the catalogue sale on our internet auction. This sale will be in-house, online, phone, absentee, and live in our auction gallery. Cash or check 20% BP. Preview April 10th Noon till 5 and the morning of the auction at 9 am. An internet catalogue will appear on this site two week before the auction. A printed catalogue is available for 25.00. Catalogs will be in the mail on or before the 20th of March KImball M Sterling Inc TFl-1915 423 773 4073
Date: Saturday, April 4, 2015 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Lifetime Military Collection Sat. April 4th 11 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee 37604 click here for catalogue http://www.invaluable.com/catalog/searchLots.cfm?scp=c&catalogRef=ZV8ZISL823&row=1 This is a lifetime collection of a collector who bought only the best. We will have US and other countries items. There will be a complete catalogue on our website about three weeks before the auction. Large group of Firearms. uniforms, bayonets German items. WWII, WWI and more Swords, etc, Memphis Belle items, paintings , books, large sweetheart collection, patches, medals and more Cash or check 10% Bp Preview Friday Noon till 2 and morning of the auction at 9 am The dealer handling the guns will be the following. Sams Gun and Pawn Shop 2323 Volunteer Pkwy, ( Located near Drive-in on JC side of Bristol) Bristol, TN 37620 Phone:(423) 764-4866 25.00 for the first gun and 10.00 there after . Guns will be ready for pick-up on the Thursday following the auction. Takes a while to get paperwork done on this many guns. KImball M Sterling Inc. TFL 1915
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2015 Time:10:00 am Eastern Private Collection Auction Saturday March 21- 10 am (Preview(9am) 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tennessee " I know this collector and he bought the best of everything. He would search the nooks and crannies in a coon skin hat" This is a one person collection consisting of just about everything and it is all good stuff. Fine glass and china, furniture, lamps. toys, collection of East Tennessee Rope Beds, A great pair of French Twins, scales, depression glass, clocks, Hull pottery and others, etc etc Dont miss this one . Partial Listing- Curved glass china cabinet, Oak desk file , Very ornate brass bed, Over mantel mirror from the Massengile House, much clear Iris glass and other depression , Royal Vienna plate, country store scales and tins, quilts, many sets of clear luster French lamps, Ornate oak hall tree, Vintage Hartman luggage set, Victorian epergne, large collection of Hull, 19th century photo collections., set of 6 chairs from Buntings Drug store, Fold art house, Bristol fire chief hat and badge, prints and paintings, good collection of antique books, cranberry pickle caster, cut glass, Large group of Navarre pattern crystal. early blanket chest, Mid Century sofa and tables, Victorian folky mantel , Hand painted German china, group of Westinghouse Hall china, silver and costume jewelry, Louis Vuitton garment suitcase, ladies head vases, kitchen clock, antique lamp collection, a collection of great East Tennessee rope beds, Banjo Clock, French and Italian furniture, Victorian horn hat rack, pair of Great French twin beds, some antique toys, Ladies art glass spittoon, Piano babies and early bisque doll, Tea Leaf set, early gold counter scales, Victorian pier mirror with marble base, ornate silver-plate serving pieces, ornate center pieces and statues, English and Italian art glass, Art Deco Toaster, display cabinets, Large Henredon Breakfront, vintage clothing, records, sterling, Indian jewelry, Brown and white advertising jug, I gallon greenish brown crock, quilts, Carved Italian sofa, many occasional carved tables, shawls, hundreds of pieces of good glass and china, many great wall sconces, miniature egg baskets, oil lamps, China clock, group of early decorative mirrors, Early school yearbooks, painted furniture, gout stools, Brass fireplace fender, lead scotty dogs, carnival glass, Art Deco glass and other items, Rare 1940’s Bakelite and chrome magazine stand, Wash set stand and wash set, cranberry glass, Chinese carved marble top table. Iron four panel screen, linens, and much much much much much more Cash or check 10% Buyers Fee Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Sunday, March 15, 2015 Time:2:00 pm Sunday After Go-Cart. Upscale Household, Office and Collectibles Sunday Auction Sunday March 15th 2:00 pm (Preview 1:30) 129 Stemwinder ( Not on Gps, New) Take a right on Smith Lane. at Amigos Mexican Restaurant in Jonesborough and you will find us. Jonesborough Tn. 37659 Nearly new 5 HP go-cart, Oriental carpet runners, Large group of teak yard furniture, Nice bedroom and Dining room suites, Bistro set, Iron patio furniture, four round restaurant tables, Nice upscale sofas, Cheval mirror, file cabinets. Upscale office desk, box lots, Large Tiffany style hanging lamp, wood dining tables with chairs, chaise lounges , various smalls, small kitchen appliances, group of silk trees and plants, Large bookcase desk, child work table with four chairs,end tables, good office chairs and much more Cash or check 10% BP. This auction will take about 70 minutes. Rain or shine. Come spend the time "At the Auction" Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 423-7736-4073 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, February 21, 2015 Time:11:00 Eastern Outsider Art Auction Saturday February 21st 11:00 Eastern 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tennessee 37504 Partial catalogue . We will be adding till the week of the auction. Check back often. Internet catalogue and bidding{ http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/67187_outside-folk-art-and-canes- 11-am-eastern/page1 Items from the George and Sue Viener, Roff Graves,Kimball and Victoria Sterling Collections and more. Works by many major artist. Purvis Young, Jimmy Sudduth, John Mason, Ted Gordon, George Williams, Benny Carters Throne,David Butler and Mose Toliver from the Baking in the Sun exhibition,Sylvanus Hudson, Mary Proctor, William Cross,Richard Burnside, Joe McFall,Sybil Gibson, Jack Savisky, Louis Vuittonet, BF Perkins, Son Thomas, Harriet Wiseman,Charlie Lisk, Gat Brothers, Mary Proctor,Early pieces by Noah and Charlie Kinney, a bench from Paradise Gardens, The Best Large Benny Carter New York ,Bernice Simns, Early Anonymous. Folk Art Canes, Chuckie Williams,Lonnie Holly,Minnie Black, Calvin Cooper,Hubert Walters, Floretta Emma Warfel, Braulio Diaz,Alva Gene Dexheimer , Tago, Tom Tarrer,Willie Jinks,Emitte Hyck,Michael Wysochansky, Cher Shaffer, Howard Finster,Jessie Aaron, Kevin Orth, plus many more T Terms -Cash or check 15% bp. Preview 10:00 am morning of the auction
Date: Saturday, February 7, 2015 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Antique Cane Auction Saturday Feb. 7th, 11:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson CIty, Tennessee 37604 Sales results below but you have to log into liveauctioneers. If you do not have a password , get one from this link. It will take about 60 secondsand internet catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/66200_antique-cane-auction-11-am- eastern/page1?logout=true Interactive printed catalogue: http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/kimball_feb_catalog_issu/0 Copy of printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/kimball_FEB_catalog_WEB.pdf Our Winter selection of antique canes from various collections. This auction will consist of over 200 fine canes. Ivory, Blow Gun , Sword, Objects of Virtue, Gold, silver and much more Details and catalogue coming Mid January. Make your plans to attend this auction in our gallery . A printed catalogue is available for 35.00 Cash or Check 20% BP. Preview morning of auction at 10:00 am and any day before the auction by appointment.
Date: Saturday, January 24, 2015 Time:11:00 AM Eastern The Wise Estate Collection of Designer Clothing, Shoes and Handbags Here are two choices of catalogs you can print for the Betty Humphreys Auction. Take your choice and bring them with you Catalogue list( prints fast and a good list) http://www.liveauctioneers.com/auctioneers/CL66111.html? img=y&o=la&r=0&n=10000&filter=none&displaytype=auctioneerreport Catalogue with photos( 53 pages, very slow print): http://www.liveauctioneers.com/auctioneers/catalog-pdf-66111? no_description=1 January 24, 11:00 am Eastern 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Sale Preview Jan 23rd 11 am til 4:oo and morning of the auction at 9:00 am Partial catalogue(more to come) http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/66111_estate-designer-clothing-acc- 11am-est/page1?rows=120 Over 400 pieces in mint condition. Some still with original tags. You will have to see this to believe it. Our inventory for this estate is larger than most upscale department stores in New York. This is a wonderful collection mostly bought in Atlanta at Saks, Neiman Markus , and other upscale stores throughout the World. Sizes 0-4 and shoes 7-7.5. This closet was kept in immaculate condition with the items being carried to the same dry cleaner in Atlanta for cleaning and storage for the life of the wardrobe. Truly a million dollar closet belonging to one collector. Chanel Clothing, handbags, and shoes; Designer handbags by Gucci, Louis Vuitton , Prada ,and various other upscale designers, Designer fur coats with retails from 4000.00 to 25,000.00, Fendi, Donna Karan, Tom Ford, Akris, Ralph Lauren, Armani. Ferragamo,and many more.A complete catalogue will be on this site mid January. Cash or check 15% BP
Date: Thursday, January 1, 2015 Time:11:00 am Large New Years Day Auction Thursday Jan. Ist 11:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee Anne Sherrill Estate and Much more Very Partial listing. Photos and more coming soon. Antiques,Signed Peter Max Print,Fine Diamond Jewelry, Carpets, Native American, Fine Art, Cast iron Claw-foot tub, Large collection of woodworking tools, Jewelry, Antique Firearms, Victorian desk, Signed Peter Max print. claw- foot bath tub,folk art, antique carpets, Mid Century bedroom, Canes, Stein Collections, Folk-Art, Mid Century Items, Gold Coin jewelry, Sterling, The Anne Sherrill Estate, other small estates, Oak Hall tree, Large round inlaid dining table, oak serving cart, fine china and glass, advertising and tobacco collection(Many rare items, Dammy Nicely prints, sterling silver, Large collection of Japanese woodblock prints,ethnic jewelry, Weller Coppertone platter with frogs, Rare US Trade dollar, Authentic scrimshaw whales tooth,Whiting Davis Bag, Madame Alexander poodle,early American black rag doll, early ironstone, early prints, and much more Cash or check 10% Buyers fee, Preview 10:00 morning of the auction and The day before the auction noon till 3:00. Absentee bids may be left during both previews.
Date: Saturday, December 6, 2014 Time:11:00 AM Eastern The Henry Foster Cane Collection Saturday December 6th 11:00 am Eastern 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee 37604 The sale results. You cannot see them if you do not login. If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds after you reach the following site. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/63711_henry-foster-cane-collection- 11-am-eastern/page1 A fine lifetime collection of over 240 canes to be sold to the highest bidder. The following link is to the interactive printed catalogue: http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/foster_high_res_cat. The internet catalogue and the registration link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/63711_henry-foster-cane-collection- 11-am-eastern/page1 Here is a copy of the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/Henry_Foster_Website_catalgoue_low.pdf From the Collector: I began collecting canes and walking sticks in 1972 when I bought, for $700 at an auction in New York City, one lot consisting of 35 canes. I now had a collection and the objects piqued my interest to learn more about the canes I had just acquired. I began looking for canes, particularly ivory handled pieces, wherever I travelled. At antique shows, shops and auctions I purchased canes whenever I found them. To my eye, they were small, beautiful works of art. At the time, I was the owner of a home heating oil business in Brooklyn and earning a good income. I was unmarried and the prices of canes were much lower then than they are today. Over the next 15 years I was able to purchase over 200 good quality ivory handled sticks. I met my wife to be, Margaret, in 1987. She loved the ivories but thought we had quite enough canes and I ceased my quest to further increase my collection. We were married in 1989 and the next year we sold the company and moved to Miami. We bought a 4000 square foot home with lots of room to display our canes. I was a boxing manager ( Glen Johnson was my major fighter) and I began travelling internationally with my fighters. I began buying canes again around 1992 but limited my purchases to nauticals and elegant dress canes. In 2012 I slowed down on my boxing business and had some health issues. We sold our home in Miami and relocated to a 1900 square foot house in a smaller town in Florida. The canes went into storage. I contacted you and now you’ve have the canes to sell for us. It’s difficult to let go of a collection assembled over almost 45 years, but all things must pass. I hope we get great prices and that the new owners appreciate these works of art as much as we did while acquiring and owning them. Sincerely, Henry Foster Make your plans to attend the auction of the Henry Foster cane collection here in Johnson City. Details will be up soon. Henry is a world famous boxing manager and promoter. There will be over 240 canes in this session. If you have wanted to attend one of our auctions this will be the the one.Printed catalogs will be mailed the third week of November. Buy you a plane ticket and come to this auction. Stay at the Carnegie Hotel here in the city. Ask for the Sterling Auction rate. Preview 3-5 pm December 5th and morning of the auction at 9:00 am. Phone, absentee, in_house, and internet bidding. Cash or check 20% BP
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2014 Time:10:00am Our Annual Thanksgiving Saturday Estates Auction November 29th 10:00 am Sterling Auction Gallery 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee 37804 Major items from the Estate of a Mississippi River Delta Collector, Coin Collections, Sterling Silver Va. Collection, Fine Carpets Etc We will add photos until sale date so check back often, Over 100 pieces of furniture of major styles, art pottery,fine carpets, large U S and Canadian coin collection, sterling flatware, Fine art,Large collection of American Fostoria, Pocket watch collection, ETWNC RR keys and pocket watches, Fenton, Sterling flatware,over 30 US large cent, US type coig collection, unsearched buffalo nicklesm estate box lots, cane collection, folk-art, Imari and English transfer, ironstone, Country primitives , fine china and glassware, Roseville, dining room suites, pie safe, step-back cupboards, salt-glaze, Victorian cottage bedroom suite, door stops, fine antique clocks, cut glass, early hanging corner cupboard, school masters desk, Federal secretary, painted corner cupboard, harvest tables and country stands, lot of blue willow,dressing tables,large group of good oil paintings,unusual display cabinets, Asian items, firescreens, drop leaf tables, tea tables, upscale used furniture, Jeorge Jensen sterling mocha spoons, lanterns, plus hundreds of other items. This will be one of the best auctions of the year. Check back often. Cash or check 10% Buyers fee. Preview Friday 1 till 3 and the morning of the auction at 9:00 a m
Date: Saturday, November 1, 2014 Time:11{00 am A Philadelphia Antique Curiosity Gun , Sword, and Cane Curiosa Estate Auction Sat. Nov. 1st. 11:00 am This collection will be sold at our auction gallery. 125 West Market Johnson City , Tennessee 37604 Internet bidding and catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/62420_g unsswords-swordgun-canes-canes/page1? rows=120&logout=true This collection was put together by a physician many years ago. This is a very early collection which includes over 60 antique guns including 19th century animal trap guns, blunderbuss, percussion pistols, curiosity pistols,Remington vest pockets, Allen pepperboxes,Remington derringer mod. 95, swords and sword canes, gun canes, knives, air gun cane in original display box,, knife pistols. Civil War swords and contract rifle, Remington Ball and Claw 22 gun cane ,flick sticks, other odd canes, powder horn and flask, swagger stick swords, defensive canes, over 35 early gun canes,and much more. Erotic ivory carvings, The best "Win Place Show" ivory horse carving you have ever seen, ( Three horses in an overall handle carving), Some great folk=art canes and much more Sale will be conducted in house and live on liveauctioneers.com Cash or check 20% BP
Date: Saturday, October 25, 2014 Time:10:00 am Mike Murray Estate Sat. Oct 25th 10:00 am 206 Lamont Street Johnson City, Tn 37602 Guns,Knives, Tools, RR Items, Cast Iron, Primitives and Much more This is the lifetime collection of one of the finest gentlemen that ever attended our auctions. He was a goo friend of our entire crew as well as my family. Many of you would know Mike if I had a photo to put up. I would always kid with him and Joy that he was Joy's son. We had a good time with that over the past few years. Mike collected anything he liked and boy did he like a lot of stuff. here is a very partial listing. Over 40 long and short guns that will be sold onsite to Tennessee residents only with a photo ID which we will take a photo of. A felony check will also be run. Tennessee buyers will be able to take guns home with them. Out of State buyers will pay for their guns and they must be picked up at Sam's Gun Shop in Bristol Tn.They will transfer it to a dealer in your state. Fees will be applied. Large knife collection including many fine Case and other brands, Railroad collection including lanterns, locks , keys, oil cans and much more, large Griswold, Wagner cast iron collection including many rare pieces, Large antique bottle collection that was removed the the VA grounds over 50 years ago( Sure to be some rare ones in these), antique tool collection, mountain dulcimer, Fly rods and fishing items, advertising, post cards, good used furniture, stained glass and large wagon wheel ceiling fixture, Bushnell GPS range spot scope new in box, early slave ball and chain, egg scales, collection of lanterns, Fire department collectibles, copper, country store items, primitive kitchen collectibles and granite- ware,Indian relics,firearm accessories including cases- cleaning- and much more, metal utility cabinets, modern tools, lcok collection, crocks,military items, vintage anything at this auction. Cash or Check 10% BP. No sales tax due to this being an estate auction. Preview 9:00.am Rain or shine our tents will be up.
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2014 Time:11:00 AM Eastern The Grand Tour Cane Collection Sat, Oct 18th 11:00 Eastern 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee A private collection presentation. This sale will consist of over 160 canes in many categories. Jewelry, Folk-art, gun , sword,hardstone and many other types of canes. Please take a look at the links below. Sales results below but you have to log into liveauctioneers. If you do not have a password , get one from this link. It will take about 60 seconds. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/61111_a ntique-canes-the-grand-tour-11-am- eastern/page1 Interactive printed catalogue: http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/kimball_sept_catalog_int A printed catalogue is available for this auction. Preview- Anytime the week of the auction by appointment. 9 am morning of the auction. Cash or Check 20% BP
Date: Saturday, September 27, 2014 Time:10:00 am GORDON & SANDRA Gray Living Estate Sat. Sept. 27th 10:00 am Preview 9:00 am 1476 OLD BOONES CREEK RD (Yes Old Boones Creek) JONESBOROUGH, TN 37659 This is a really nice living estate with antiques, upscale furnishing , fine carpets, art,. silver, porcelain and much more. More photos are coming. The Grays have moved to their Southern home and have contracted with us to sell the contents of this very upscale home. There a many small items that have been boxed up over the years. We expect to find some very good smalls. Check back the week of the auction for more photos. Large group of carpets, Upscale modern sofas, Great set of twin beds, nice selection of patio furniture, Hepplewhite chest, Asian antiques including an early opium bed, French and Italian furniture, fine china and crystal, marble furniture, fine art and prints, quilts, ironstone, butcher block. King size poster bedroom suite. many odd chest, large breakfront, iron patio sets, 1970's contemporary designer desk and office furniture ( Looks like Miami Vice upscale), horse weather-vane, block front three drawer chest, other bedrooms suite and formal dining table, household items and great box lots. Photos and details: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.767784399930068.1073741904.296745763700603&type=1 Rain or shine Cash or Check 10% BP
Date: Saturday, September 20, 2014 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Auction of a 40 Year Cane Collection "The Two Mansions Collection" Sat. September 20th 11:00 am 125 West Market St, Johnson City Tennessee 37604 Our new interactive catalogue: http://issuu.com/kimsold/docs/two_mansions_cane_auction/0 Click below for a copy of the printed catalogue. http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/kimball_sept_catalog_WEB.pdf The Internet catalogue and registration for Internet bidding and sales results( You must log in to liveauctioneers to see results) http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/59613_two-mansions-antique-cane- auction-11-est/page1?logout=true " I received a call on Sunday July 20th from an old collector that I thought was dead , so does anyone else that knew him, and he told me to get in my car and drive if I wanted to sell his collection. I said when and he sad "Now if you want to do it". I packed a small bag and started driving . It was a long drive and I packed every cane by myself from his mansions( yes plural) basement and now opportunity knocks for you the collector. This will be a chance of a lifetime. Most of you enjoy buying on the internet from us but this might be a good time to visit us and you have enough advance notice for plane reservations. Do it......... come to Tennessee. I am working on the catalogue now. He will remain dead to me as per his wishes. This collection will consist of over 300 canes that have not been on the market for many years. Fine ivory, sword canes,the finest collection of carnival canes ever offered, Jackie Robinson cane, Japanese Ivory, gold and silver dress, Nude stanhope canes, Heidelberg ivory cane, 17th Century massive German ivory,Rabbits, Cats, Mechanical Ivory, Objects of Virtue, system canes,Large carnival canes collection with many rare examples,automation lobster claw, Native American Ivory, case stands, nautical canes, and much more. No consignments will be accepted for this auction. Cash or check 20% Bp.
Date: Saturday, September 13, 2014 Time:10:00am Fred Holloway Estate Auction Antiques, Woodworking Shop, Household and More Sat. September 13th. 10:00am 3711 East Mtn View Rd ( One block off of Bristol Highway near Zekes) Johnson City , Tennessee 37604 A nice local estate with lots of goodies. Fred was a collector and a great repairman for many years in the area as well as a fine gentleman. I meet Fred over 35 years ago and had various dealings with him.Most of you early collectors would remember him as one of the first dealers in the Jonesborough antique Mart. He like most of us upgraded throughout the years.. He will be missed by the older anitque community. Rest in Peace.. Here is a link to a few photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.767496843292157.1073741903.296745763700603&type=1 Partial listing- Coke store cooler, Orange Kist wood cooler, Oak icebox, lots of crocks, one drawer stand, Great oak Hoosier cabinets, Yarborough rocker, Victorian chest and chairs, marble top table, Howard Miller grandmother clock, Mission oak desk, Large set of Iron farm wheels, early decoy, depression glass, great kitchen gadgets, Oil paintings, chopping blocks, bottles. round oak table and chairs,Windsor chairs, Oak wall phone, candlestick phone, antique wood planes and other tools, oil lamp collection, Pie birds, Kentucky Derby glasses and pottery, Bowie knife, primitives, finished fodder chopper, oak bible tables, brass app;e butter kettles, walnut shadow box frames, contents of Fred's woodworking shop including tools, clamps, veneer, lumber, electric tools, limestone flooring, plus hundreds of items and great box lots. Cash or Check 10% BP. The sale will take place a the home. The woodworking ship will be moved to the home. The house is located one block off of the Bristol Highway behind Enterprise Car Rental. Turn left at Zeke's Market and then turn left on Mt. View. You are there. Preview 9:00 am Rain or chine our tents will be up,
Date: Monday, September 1, 2014 Time:10:30 am Labor Day Monday Auction 10:30 am September 1st Photos : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.753223824719459.1073741898.296745763700603&type=1 This auction of various estates will be held in our gallery at 125 West Market Street in Johnson City, Tennessee. A nice Kingsport estate consisting of French and Italian furniture, oil paintings, accessories, fine china and glass. A three bedroom home has been moved to our gallery. A Northeastern estate including silver, coins, collection of military and other yard-long photographs, folk-art and a 30 lb meteorite , Charlie West pottery roosters, and more. A Local estate including quilts, large group of costume jewelry,gold jewelry, antique tool collection, quilts, fine cherry furniture,and much more Plus A Hendredon Chinese Chippendale sofa with silk, fine carpets,Herend figure collection, great china and crystal,early American large cents, silver Canadian coin collection,upscale used furniture, comic books,tokens,books,Mettlach stein, Pair of small erotic bronzes, estate box lots, linens, large Jewel Tea collection. Important sets of china including Indian Tree and more, Sterling bread and butter plates, stemware,paintings, and much more soon to be listed. Preview Sunday 1:00 till 3:00 (Absentee bids may be left) Day of sale 9:30 am till sale time Terms Cash or Check 10% Buyers fee.
Date: Saturday, August 30, 2014 Time:10:00 am John Cole Estate Sat. August 30th 10:00 am 1206 Erie Lane Elizabethton , Tn 37643 Mr.Cole collected only the best and kept his collection in "tip-top" condition, Most items are mint condition. Long and short guns, large knife collection, marbles, fishing collectibles,steins, world carvings,Budweiser toys, tractors, NASCAR, toy trains, Western leather books and other western items, advertising signs, Craftsman tool boxes, hundreds of hand tools of the highest quality, antique tools, showcases and bookcases, advertising premiums, curio cabinets, early bayonets, canes,woodworking tools,Remington bronze, Case and other upscale pocket knives,Disney and Mickey Mouse items,sporting collectibles, fire trucks,toy soldiers, lighthouse collection,banks,fixed blade knives, gun case and much more,A very equipped shop. Partial List of Firearms for the sale this Sat . In Elizabethton. all but the older two pistils are in mint shape and never been fired.. Tennessee residents only on the guns. TN. D. L. required to take possession from the estate day of the auction. Rem 12 ga. 1100, Rem 1100 Light 20, Crescent Double, Rem 700-30.06, S and W 357 Revolver, Older S and W CTG Revolver, Davis 25, Glenfield Mod. A 30-30, foreign flintlock pistols, and more Cash or check 10% BP. Preview 9:00 am Rain or shine our tents will be up. Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915
Date: Saturday, August 16, 2014 Time:10:00 am The Neville House Collection 608 Taylor Street Bristol , Tennessee 37620 Saturday, August 16th, 10:00 am Preview 8:00 am outside and 9:00 am inside Office will open at 9:00 A lifetime of antiques, architectural items, and much more. The Italian Villa will also be offered. Photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.749089428466232.1073741897.296745763700603&type=3&uploaded=122 This is a wonderful collection including fine furniture, carpets, art, hand painted grand piano, the owner got many great architectural pieces from older homes that were torn done in the 1970-80's including doors, mantels, lighting brackets, tin ceilings, built in cupboards, gingerbread, stained and leaded glass, and much more, china and glass, boxes of fine glass and pottery, iron cook stoves, You will not believe this auction. Horse drawn equipment, lamp post, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda,dolls, fine wicker, French and Victorian wardrobes, brass and iron bed, Italian furniture,massive furniture, linen press, Victorian sideboard, marble center table, early deacons bench, some advertising, large collection of house columns, a fifty foot trailer full that has been packed away for years, great yard art, Hepplewhite chest, Victorian child's pull cart, statues, collection of French and Italian sofas,Victorian beds, and much more The Personal Property- Terms Cash or check 10% BP. Kimball M Sterling inc,. TFL-1915 The Real Estate- Terms- subject to confirmation. 10% down day of sale /balance at closing in 30/45 days. Cash /check 10 BP. www.bartlongauctions.com Bart Long Auctions TFL-5298 , 423-383-3339
Date: Saturday, August 2, 2014 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Antique Cane Auction including A Fine Nautical Collection, Private Collections and More Saturday August 2 11:00 am The sale results. You cannot see them if you do not login. If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds after you reach the following site. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/57571_antique-cane-auction-1100- eastern/page1?logout=true Here is the low resolution link to the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/8_2014.pdf This Summer offering will consist of fine ivory, scrimshaw, upscale sword canes from a West Coast collection, the private collection of a chauffer to a well known deceased mobster, gold and silver and much more. A very rare Tiffany jade, A riding crop reportedly belonging to the Rough Rider himself, folk-art and historical, over 200 lots. Cash or check 20% BP
Date: Saturday, July 26, 2014 Time:11:00 am Betty Humphreys Estate Auction-Auction-Auction 115 Dotson Ave. Wise, VA Saturday July 26th 11:00 am Fine Jewelry-Upscale Furnishing-Antiques and more Check Back the Tuesday evening before the auction for a complete set of Jewelry photos and more. Photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.742652982443210.1073741894.296745763700603&type=3 Very Partial Listing- Ladies S/G Rolex, 3 ct diamond, 5 ct emerald cut champagne solitaire, massive 18kt necklace, much more upscale jewelry, David Yurman silver, Pearls, Channel jewelry, sterling- gold - diamonds Art Deco bedroom suite, three upscale bedroom suites, formal sofa with end tables and lamps, Fine prints and mirrors, Oriental style carpets, fine china and glass, costume jewelry, a house full of occasional furniture, porcelain accessories, Designer linens, desk, lingerie cabinet, paintings, some appliances, kitchen items, estate box lots, fancy serving items, and much more. 100’s of items, coins, books, linens, Christmas items, some antiques Terms: Cash/check 10% BP, Preview 10:00 am. Rain or shine, Tents are up. Kimball M Sterling Auctioneer Vaar-1556 423-773-4073-kimballsterling@earthlink.net Announcements day of sale take precedence over presale advertising
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2014 Time:10:30 am Melba Goulding Estate Auction Saturday July 19th 10:30 am This estate has now been moved to our auction gallery to be sold at 125 West Market in Johnson City Fine upscale furnishings including leather, bedroom suites, dinning suite, silver-plate, china and glass, costume jewelry, art, bookcases, iron patio furniture, and much more. Estate box lots , appliances ,safe, flat screens, carpets, and much more. Flat screen TVs, oriental style carpets, inlaid center table, lots of upscale figurines, paintings and prints. chaise lounge ,book shelves, and more. Be Here for a nice upscale auction. Cash or check 10% BP. Preview 9:30 am, Rain or Shine-Tent will be up, Kimball M Sterling, Inc. Auctioneers TFL-1915 Photos at : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.723784340996741.1073741890.296745763700603&type=1 Cash or check 10% BP. Preview 9:30 am
Date: Saturday, July 12, 2014 Time:10:00 am Eastern Living Estate Absolute 50 Year Firearms Collection Auction Saturday July 12th, 10:00 am (Preview 8:30 am) 361 BILL BENNETT RD ( Cherokee Rd. past the school , Turn left of Spice Hollow Rd, then right on Bill Bennett) JOHNSON CITY, TN 37604 A life estate of a collection of over 450 firearms (and still finding guns), ammo, and much more. This collection is a single owner sale and we are acting as agents for the life estate. Guns will be sold at the residence. Take a look at the list and you will see what we have. The list will be updated a couple of days before the auction. We should end up with over 500 lots including guns, ammo, cases, holsters, etc. All firearms are at a warehouse location being catalogued and will be at the auction site the morning of the auction for preview. Here are the rules. 1. Update to Rules. I have been contacted from the regional ATF office in Nashville. All guns except antique black powder must be run through an FFL dealer. You will pay for your guns day of auction and pick up your guns at a local FFL . FFl and Curio license holders will be able to take their guns with them.You must give us a copy and it must match the name on your drivers license.. No ghost buyers.The dealer handling the guns will be the following. Sams Gun and Pawn Shop 2323 Volunteer Pkwy, ( Located near Drive-in on JC side of Bristol) Bristol, TN 37620 Phone:(423) 764-4866 25.00 for the first gun and 10.00 there after . Guns will be ready for pick-up on the Thursday following the auction. Takes a while to get paperwork done on this many guns. 2. Antique firearms will be sold directly to any buyer with proper ID. 3. Out of state buyers must pay for their items the day of the auction and furnish a local FFL in their community that they would like to have their guns shipped. A local FFL will charge you 25.00 a gun plus shipping. The estate will also deliver your guns to a local FFl to begin the process. 4. Out of state buyers not known by the auction company must have a bank letter of credit for the auction company to accept their check. Please email this letter before the auction to kimballsterling@earthlink.net or fax to 423-928-2816. The auction company reserves the right to hold purchases of buyers who do not have acceptable credentials. 5. Terms of auction. Cash, cashiers check, money order or check. 10% BP. No credit or debit cards accepted. 6. Rain or shine. Our tents will be up. This will be about a 6-7 hour auction. We will sell in order by provided list. 7. With a collection this large and a long period of collecting there might be some items that we purchased that might have been stolen years ago. We have furnished serial numbers for you. We also furnished a list to the TBI which is required by law. Do your due diligence on the guns you are interested in before the auction. Any gun that is found to have been stolen over the past 40 years will be refunded to the buyer. 8. Parking is roadside on Bill Bennett road. We are also attempting to make arrangements with neighbors for yard parking. Concession’s and chairs onsite. 1. AB170345U Remington 870 20 ga. 2. 60342X0 Excel 20 ga. 3. 317241X Remington 1100 20 ga. 4. C176470 Winchester 370 12 ga. 5. 181981 Waffentabbik M78 45 cal. 6. H007054 Rossi 59 22 M 7. 4526750 Winchester 94 30-30 8. 3271795 Winchester 94 30-30 9. 17333745 Marlin 60 22LR 10. L240633 Stevens 62 22LR 11. 4031224 Winchester 94 30-30 12. No Ser. # Savage 220A 16 ga. 13. 23011303 SKS 762x39 14. E30093 Hi-Point 995 9MM 15. No Ser. # Mossberg 183D-B 410 16. No Ser. # J C Higgins 20 12 ga. 17. 1154526 Mossberg 283T 410 18. 18826641RT Browning 2000 12 ga. 19. HL121029606516 Chancan 12 ga. Pump 20. L339411 Mossberg 500A 12 ga. 21. 4401069 Winchester 94 30-30 22. 85342442 Connecticut Valley Arms Squirrel 32 Cal 23. 10726 RFIE 45 Cal. ML 24. S41ST280278 Rossi 22LR 25. 15496707 Steger Condor 20 ga. 26. B037623 Stevens 94 20 ga. 27. No Ser. # Stevens 94 16 ga. 28. 8111870 Remington 7400 30-06 29. 110873 Winchester 12 12 ga. 30. 833874 Zastava Mark 5X 300 Win Mag. 31. V905188V Remington H70 12 ga. 32. 04622PY151 Browning A5 12 ga. 33. 65097 Browning A5 12 ga. 34. No Ser. # Winchester 37 12 ga. 35. N464637V Remington 1100 12 ga. 36. C702995 Winchester 37A 12 ga. 37. 705782 Mississippi Valley Arms 410 38. 143077V Remington 870 12 ga. 39. 3037827A Boito over-under 12 ga. 40. 35837741 Ruger 1022 22 Cal. 41. 37627 Armi 1860 44 Cal. 42. 1235271 Ruger Auto pistol 22 Cal 43. No Ser. # Stevens Tip up 22 Cal. 44. P1332997 Hi Point C9 9 MM 45. A11269 Cai 1953 762x25 46. 875107 Excam HW7 22 Cal. 47. 781M0S Colt Scout 22 Cal. 48. 331506 Smith & Wesson 32L 49. AE49488 H & R 949 22 Cal. 50. 65009741 Ruger Single 6 32 H&R Mag. 51. HR45187 Heritage Rough Rider 22 Cal. 52. 122520 Fllitiet 1865 44 Cal. 53. 9123 Colt DA 38 Cal. 54. 1178625 J C Higgins 88 22. Cal. 55. A50731 Excam 885 22 Cal. 56. 77726 Charter Arms Pathfinder 22 Cal. 57. 49683 Colt Trooper 357 Mag. 58. 123852 Jukar 45 ML 59. DWF8834 Smith & Wesson SW9VE 9MM 60. F34167 EEA C885 22 Cal. 61. 938606 Smith & Wesson 38 Cal. 62. D142862 Smith & Wesson 10-5 38 Cal. 63. 8710067 Ruger Blackhawk 44 Mag. 64. J21531 Dakota SA Army 357 Mag. 65. 20425 USFA SA Army 45 Colt 66. 5590777 Ruger VAQUERO 44-40 67. VAF9055 Smith & Wesson 5906 9 MM 68. 27137303 Ruger Mark 3 22 Cal. 69. 2160325 Remington 66 22 Cal. 70. A1005971 Cherokee 75 20 ga. 71. 7B1238 Smith & Wesson 916A 12 ga. 72. 490540910 Ithaca 49 22 Cal. 73. 99123586 Marlin 94 357 Mag. 74. 99123653 Marlin 94 45 Colt 75. 99116058 Marlin 94 38-55 76. 837733 Winchester 94 30-WFC 77. L2432057 Winchester 1300 20 ga. 78. L216827K Remington 1100 20 ga. 79. L028090V Remington 1100 12 ga. 80. No Ser. # Springfield 87A 22 Cal. 81. 896169 Winchester 70 30-06 82. S624428V Remington 870 12 ga. 83. No Ser. # Springfield 67F 12 ga. 84. L723099M Remington 1100 12 ga. 85. 2121819 Remington 66 22 Cal. 86. T206818V Remington 870 12 ga. 87. 3583175 Winchester 94 30-30 88. 11584171 Ruger 1022 22LR 89. L3528081 Winchester 1300 12 ga. 90. S2143296 SKB 900 12 ga. 91. 05332D57 Browning 2000 20 ga. 92. BP016187 Colt M4 22LR 93. 2596 Savage 24V 222/20 ga. 94. A7466182 Remington 742 30-06 95. D715670M Remington 870 12 ga. 96. E107824 Stevens 94 20 ga. 97. 168575 Winchester 290 22 Cal. 98. H227440 Mossberg 600 12 ga. 99. 96E0258 Intrac Arms Over/under 16 ga. 100. C648167M Remington 870 12 ga. 101. 3438 Stevens Side by side 530A 12 ga. 102. 91539359 Marling 60 22LR 103. No Ser. # Sears 101 410 104. No Ser. # Stevens 58A 410 105. 181106 Rossi S411 22 Cal. 106. No Ser. # Stevens 24 410/22 107. AH307984 Harrington Richardson 58 20 ga. 108. D216045W Remington 870 16 ga. 109. E031509 West Point 197TD 410 110. A503119U Remington 870 20 ga. 111. A189137H Remington 870 410 112. 3918410 Winchester 94 30-30 113. 23331669 Ruger 1022 22LR 114. 18462791 Marlin 60 22LR 115. 23975985 Squiers Bingham 20 22LR 116. No Ser. # Savage 6 22LR 117. 94661952 Marlin 925M 22 Mag. 118. AT385700 Harrington Richardson SBI 12 ga. 119. M458313X Remington 1100 20 ga. 120. No Ser. # Revelation 350A 12 ga. 121. SB015966 Weatherby Mark IV 300WBY Mag. 122. No Ser. # Winchester 67A 22 Cal. 123. 1890463 Winchester 94 32SPL 124. 3855074 Winchester 94 30-30 125. 3172350 Winchester 94 30-30 126. 51591NYL17 Browning LH Medallion 7MM Rem. Mag 127. No Ser. # Remington 514 22 Cal. 128. D480954 Savage 949G 20 ga. 129. W719328M Remington 870 12 ga. 130. 1318465 Remington 550 22LR 131. 1445983 Remington 552 22LR 132. No Ser. # Winchester 37 410 133. No Ser. # Savage 24 22/410 134. 052796384R Bikal Spartan 28ga. Over/under 135. K873171 Mossberg 500 12 ga. 136. No Ser. # Make unkn 12 ga. Side by side Muzzel loader 137. 10443610 Morinco SKS 762X39 138. 0674131R Baikal SPR210 12 ga. Side by side 139. No Ser. # Mossberg 45A 22LR 140. 257767 Remington 10 12 ga. 141. No Ser. # Stevens 59A 410 142. 20765 Western Arms 12 ga. Side by side 143. WC5130 Winchester 94 30-30 144. No Ser. # Marlin 81 22LR 145. BA210327 Mossberg Whitetail Lightning 30-6 146. 69749 A.H. Fox Sterlingworth 12 ga. Side by side 147. 177868H Henry 94 22LR 148. 38333 XLCR Single barrel shotgun 20 ga. 149. 0302944 Marlin 94 44 Mag. 150. 93700 Marlin 336 30-30 151. MV55865M Maverick 88 12 ga. 152. 100791 Charles Daly Field 12 ga. 153. 6293024 Winchester 94 30-30 154. C256618 Winchester 370 12 ga. 155. 431451 Winchester 270 22LR 156. HT298127 Harrington Richardson 1871 38-55 157. 16032504 Marlin 94 22WMRF 158. No Ser. # Mossberg 152 22 Cal. 159. 94433655 Marlin 60SD 22 Cal. 160. 13011356 Marlin 30SA 30-30 161. 41498 Ithaca Hammerless 12 ga. Side by side 162. M617901V Remington 1100 12 ga. 163. B7791 Browning A5 12 ga. 164. 92743 Eagle Arms Champion 12 ga. 165. NW524035 H&R 1871 20 ga. 166. 6031749 Winchester 94 30-30 167. No Ser. # Winchester 37 16 ga. 168. A21328 Browning Twelvette 12 ga. 169. S6202078 Ithaca 200 20 ga. 170. L274214 Stevens 954 22 Cal. 171. 52284207 Stoeger Coach gun 12 ga. Sidebyside 172. 35434 Remington 31 12 ga. 173. B535961 Stevens 94 410 174. MC055547 Springfield M6 Scout 410/22 175. 94418425 Marlin 60 22 176. A8021182 Remington 7400 270 177. T73773 Rossi Overland 410 side by side 178 . F95790 Winchester 9422 22 Cal. 179. SC18779 Colt Courier 22 Cal. 180. N906841V Remington 1100 12 ga. 181. No Ser. # J C Higgins 101.1 20 ga. 182. No Ser. # Iver Johnson 19 12 ga. 183. L268130W Remington 1100 16 ga. 184 . 270331V Remington Sportsman 58 12 ga. 185. C556952M Remington 870 12 ga. 186. 37448 Boito 410 Double Brl. 187. D945443 Savage 24 20 ga. 22 Mag 188. 104956 Pearlicross Single shot 12 ga. 189. No Ser. # Savage Fox Model B 12 ga. 190. C842815A Remington 870 12 ga. 191. SMW124344 Remington 1100 12 ga. 192. WC83529 Winchester 94 30-30 193. GS11578 Winchester 94 30-30 194. 21537D Thompson Center Arms Muzzle loader 50 cal. 195. S7301824 Ithaca 900 12 ga. 196. No Ser. # Savage Fox Model B 16 ga. 197. C251830M Remington 870 12 ga. 198. A637816 Savage Fox Model B 20 ga. 199. A124572 Stevens 94H 28 ga. 200. No Ser. # J C Higgins 583.16 12 ga. 201. HH17427 Franchi Raptor 20 ga. 202. L785297V Remington 1100LH 12 ga. 203. 05155NW869 Browning Recoilless Trap 12 ga. 204. D136373W Remington 870 16 ga. 205. 17874307 Wasp 10 762x39 206. 477913 Cricket 22LR 207. US019955B Henry Survival 22 Cal. 208. 6292F Astra A- 100 9 MM 209. M049524 High Standard Longhorn 22 210. 22617333 Ruger Mark ll 22 211. 336210 Jennings J-22 22LR and AP155163 Davis P-380 380 Cal. 212. 3026566 Ruger Blackhawk 357 Mag. 213. D142172 Davis D-32 32 H&R Mag. and 031492 Cobra 32 Auto. 214. Z1420995 Taurus Tracker 22 LR 215. XD264048 Springfield XD9 9 MM 216. H46849 Smith & Wesson Model 30 32 S&W 217. FT23653 Taurus 22 Mag. 218. L2635 Harrington & Richardson Sportsman 22LR 219. 1557892 Raven MP25 25 Auto and B46851 FIE Titan 25 Auto 220. GT073667 Cobra CLB9 9MM 221. DAA323594 Beretta 3032 32 Auto.PP 222. P1196 Arminus SA 357 Mag. 223. 1558476 Raven MP25 25 Auto. 224. 062560 Lorcin L25 25 Cal. 225. 126653 Howard Arms 32 Short and No Ser. # Iver Johnson 32 Short 226. 203698 Smith & Wesson 32S&W and 116606 Rohm 22 LR 227. H109534 Smith & Wesson 31 32 S&W Long 228. 14048 Astra 400 9 MM Largo 229. No Ser. # Harrington Richardson Top Brake 32 Short and No Ser. # Harrington Richardson Top Brake 38 S&W 230. H53790 Smith & Wesson 30 32 Long 231. 93716 Iver Johnson Top Brake 38 S&W 232. 63596D Colt Derringer 22 Short 233. 66200302 Ruger P90 45 Cal. 234. 322010 Smith & Wesson 1 ½ 32 S&W 235. 166502 Colt Police Positive 32 Cal. 236. AL54889 Harrington Richardson 929 22 237. 22 Colt automatic 1905 45 Cal. 238. BPF6344 Smith & Wesson 37 38 Cal. 239. 27356 FN 1934 32 Auto 240 47434 Hawes Marshall 44 Mag. 241. 116369 Smith & Wesson 32-20 242. 754770 Charter Arms Bulldog 44 Spl. 243. BER16627T Berretta 950 22 Short 244. 311649 Smith & Wesson 32 Long 245. V188610 Smith & Wesson Victory 38 Spl. 246. 135686 Smith & Wesson 32-20 247. PBM9776 Smith & Wesson SW40VE 40 S&W 248. CJK2193 Smith & Wesson 442 38 Spl. 249. M046455 High Standard Double 9 22/22 Mag. 250. 26528100 Ruger Single 6 22 251. 22074369 Ruger 22/45 22 252. 357434 FN 1932 32 Auto 253. 954609 Smith & Wesson 10 38 Spl. 254. PY55340 Berretta PX4 40 Cal. S&W 255. 2D11859 Smith & Wesson 10-6 38 Spl. 256. S40533 High Standard Sentinel Mark IV 22 Mag. 257. S411220BS Rossi SS 410/22 258. 6128142 Winchester 94 44 Mag. 259. 3845772 Winchester 94 30-30 260. No Ser. # Winchester 37 20 ga. 261. 225601 Winchester 62A 22 262. 4266513 Postal Meter M1 Carbine 30 Cal. 263. 805162 Winchester 275 22 Mag. 264. 13168 Volunteer Mark lll 45 Cal. 265. 02071099 Baikl 18M 12 ga. 266. RBY1934 Smith & Wesson SW9VE 9MM 267. PBD3105 Smith & Wesson SW40VE 40 Cal. S&W 268. 449535 Ruger Auto 22 269. ML06451 Colt Pony 380 Auto 270. ER415310 Taurus 405 40 S&W 271. 1566045 High Point 9C 9MM 272. 51035558 Ruger Vicaro 45 Colt 273. 51033418 Ruger Vicaro 45 Colt 274. PK027865 Walther PK380 380 Auto 275. 418324 CVA 1851 44 Cal. 276. TSG2339 Fllipietta Buffalo Hunter 44 Cal and TSG2338 Fllipietta Buffalo Hunter 44 Cal. 277. 562705 High Standard R101 22 278. 1640465 Colt 1911A1 45 279. No Ser. # Marlin 980 22 Mag. 280. 15246403 CN Roiaarm WASR10 762x39 281. AHF0084 Uberti Henry 1860 44-40 282. 77074959 Ruger M77 25-06 283. WW0169 Springfield M1 30 Cal. 284. 71364871 Marlin 25 22 285. D122211 Stevens 94 12 ga. 286. No Ser. # Stevens 1907 12 ga. 287. No Ser. # Long Tom Single Shot 12 ga. 288. 252191 Ithaca Side by side 12 ga. 289. 23713813 Marlin 20 22 290. 611305612999 CVA Eclipse 50 Cal. 291. 00204526 Ruger Air Hawk 177 Cal. 292. 14130326081 Traditions 209 50 Cal. 293. X33510 Enfield N04MK1 303 294. 134603 Ruger Carbine 44 Cal. 295. 14322890 Marlin 60 22 296. No Ser. # No Manufacturer Side Lock SS12 ga. 297. No Ser. # Mauser 98 7MM 298. 583889V Remington 870 12 ga. 299. 17D0253 Smith & Wesson 13 357 300. S&W1028 Smith & Wesson 25 45 Cal. 301. N199702 Smith & Wesson 27 357 Mag. 302. 61K2176 Smith & Wesson 19 357 Mag. 303. 044964S Colt Huntsman 22 304. Z9595 Harrington Richardson 622 22 305. NRK89287 Taurus PT945 45 Cal. 306. S965375V Remington 870 12 ga. 307. L1374412 Winchester 1200 20 ga. 308. No Ser. # London ML 12 ga. 309. S1332208 Ithaca 300 12 ga. 310. L1667408 Winchester 120 12 ga. 311. 2347765 Remington 66 22 312. No Ser. # Remington 66 22 313. U28928 Marlin 336 35RM 314. 5608805 Winchester 94 30-30 315. A2113303 Remington 66 22 316. No Ser. # Mossberg 640A 22 Mag. 317. S434492V Remington 870 12 ga. 318. 26204061 Ruger Single 6 22 319. SP0007242 Sig SP2340 357Sig 320. 72230697 Marlin 75 22 321. 09536493 Marlin 25N 22 322. 21091004 Marlin 30A 30-30 323. EGG287160 Mossberg 702 22 324. No Ser. # Marlin 60 22 325. A2300993 Remington 66 22 326. 26435590 Marlin 60 22 327. 28528 Springfield 1911 45 Cal. 328. 93639513 Marlin 925M 22 Mag. 329. T110203DK05738 Verona SX405T 12 ga. 330. S412089W Remington 870 16 ga. 331. S930156V Remington 870 12 ga. 332. L3296336 Winchester 1300 20 ga. 333. 071849679R Remington 1ZH18MN 243Win 334. 10341285 Marlin 60 22 335. No Ser. # Riverside Arms SS 12 ga. 336. No Ser. # Marlin 80 22 337. KD63038 Birmingham 5 22 338. A211792 Springfield 187S 22 339. 1603517 Remington 572 22 340. GB062779M Henry 66 22 Mag. 341. L22728 Franchi 48AL 20 ga. 342. F882403 Savage 110 77MM Mag. 343. 26018234 Ruger Single 6 22/22M 344. 317662119 Ruger P95 9MM 345. AAM510US Glock 23 40S&W 346. 4837533 Ruger Blackhawk 41 Mag. 347. 10249 Charles Daly ZDA 9MM 348. 46K0034 Smith & Wesson 19 357 349. BBJ5822 Smith & Wesson 629 44 Mag. 350. 2860202 Winchester 94 30-30 351. B2677 Mauser 98 7MM 352. 1037 Marlin 37 22 353. L274213 Stevens 954 22 354. D586077 Stevens 94 410 355. 934337 Mossberg 183T 410 356. 17456505 Ruger GP100 357 357. C0588 Stoger Luger 22 358. CHZ9155 Smith & Wesson 620 357 359. 4950W 4951W Pair of Colt Civil War 22 Short 360. C29350 H&R 22 361. 210247 Walther P1 9MM 362. HVY905 Glock 26 9MM 363. V142369 Ted Williams 100 30-30 364. 4744667 Winchester 94 30-30 365. NRA41298 Winchester 94 30-30 366. 23015610 Marlin 30A 30-30 367. A6301675 Remington 600 222 Rem. 368. C06002 Centurion ML 50 Cal. 369. 266015 Remington 742 30-06 370. 13006223 Marlin 336CS 30-30 371. 6655157 Remington 700 30-06 372. 4735198 Winchester 94 30-30 373. 264191 Revelation 225 30-30 374. 323430H Henry Lever 22 375. B6214683 Remington 700 270 Cal. 376. 3819428 Winchester 94 30-30 377. 73044 Remington 760 35 Rem. 378. 654363 Westernfield 732 30-06 379. A2660128 Remington 597 22 380. 507037 Winchester 255 22 Mag. 381. 190837 Thompsoncenter Hawkan 45 Cal. 382. L125529 Mossberg 500 ` 12 ga. 383. No Ser. # Cap and Ball Italy 45 384. 12453 Dakota Frontier 357 385. BER085709 Berretta 92FS 9MM 386. 31701256 Ruger P85 9MM 387. MSF2256 Smith & Wesson 4013TSW 40 S&W 388. 161716 Dan Wesson 4Brl 357 Mag. 389. 255281 Smith & Wesson Hand Ejector 32 390. 49006841 Ruger Charger 22 391. 50098757 Ruger Red Hawk 44 Mag. 392. 303143 Snake Charmer 410 393. 5012153 Ruger Red Hawk 41 Mag. 394. 421684 Boito 20 ga. 395. R419143 Mossberg 500E 410 396. 72202524 Marlin 99C 22 397. 53546 Enfield 1929 303 398. 13395 Enfield Mark III 303 399. 2200640 Norinco SKS 762x39 400. 12066282 Marlin 336CS 30-30 Win. 401. 75788 FIE 66 22 402. G6856157 Remington 700 223 403. P809300 Mossberg 500A 12 ga. 404. No Ser. # Remington 552 22 405. 114785 Revelation Side by Side 20 ga. 406. No Ser. # Stevens 95 12 ga. 407. 23397M74 Browning BAR 7MM R. Mag 408. 06C2828 CZ Huglu 12 ga. 409. U158412 Winchester 53 30-06 410. 78533326 Ruger 77 7MM Mag 411. RRR01067 Ruger 1022 22 412. ST002397 Colt AR15ST 223 413. 6571699 Winchester 94AE 44 Mag. 414. X11033 Cimarron FA 1871 38 Spl. 415. X09753 Cimarron FA 1871 38 Spl. 416. E66621 Kimel E15 22 417. 5742836 Ruger Vaquero 45 Cal. 418 5806554 Ruger Vaquero 357 Mag. 419. 5670728 Ruger Vaquero 357 Mag. 420. 23976190 Squires Bingham 20 22 LR 421. 108258 Marlin 55 12 ga. 422. G500676 Mossberg 500AT 12 ga. 423. 27480480 Marlin 55 12 ga. 424. M867012V Remington 1100 12 ga. 425. No Ser. # Iver Johnson Owl Head 32 426. No Ser. # Belgian Folding Trigger 32 427. Box of ammo 30-30, 22-250, 38-55, & 25-35 428. Box of Ammo 40 Smith & Wesson 429. Box of Ammo 357, 45, & 22 430. Box of Ammo 45 Auto, 45, & 22 431. Box of Ammo 300 Win. Mag, 45-70, 270 Win., 30- 30, & 35 Rem. 432. Box of Ammo 22, 17 HMR, & 25 Auto. 433. Box of Ammo 7 mm Weatherby Mag. 434. Box of Ammo 762x39 435. Box of Ammo 32 Long, 380, 32 Auto, & 25 436. Box of Ammo 38 SP, 9 mm Luger, & 22 437. Box of Ammo 38, & 357 438. Box of Ammo 7 mm Mag., & 30-06 439. Box of Ammo 22 440. Box of Ammo 44 Mag., 38, & 22 441. Box of Ammo 45, 44 Mag., 40, & 22 442. Box of Ammo 222, 243, 303, 30-30, & 22 443. Box of Ammo 12 ga. 444. Box of Ammo 12 ga. 445. Box of Ammo 12 ga. & 20 ga. 446. Box of Ammo 28 ga., 16 ga., 20 ga., & 12 ga. 447. Box of Ammo 12 ga., 16 ga., 28 ga., 20 ga., & 410 448. Box of Ammo 9 mm & 40 449. Box of Ammo 40 & 9 mm 450. Box of Ammo 38 & 9 mm 451. Box of Ammo 38 452. Box of Ammo 7.62x39 453. Box of Ammo 7.62x39 454. Box of Ammo Shotgun slugs 455. Box of Ammo 410, 12 ga., & 16 ga. 456. Box of Ammo 357 & 410 457. Box of Ammo 9 mm, & 223 458. Box of Ammo 22 459. Box of Ammo 7.62x51, 300 Win., 270, 25-06, & 30-30 460. Box of Ammo 9 mm 461. Box of Ammo 9 mm 462. Box of Ammo 12 ga. 463. Box of Ammo 20 ga., 12 ga., 28 ga., & .38 bullets 464. Box of Ammo 9 mm 38, & 357 465. Box of Ammo 20 ga. & 12 ga. 466. Box of Ammo 20 ga. 467. Box of Ammo 20 ga. 28 ga. & 410 468. Box of Ammo 30-30, 22-250, 30-06, 45, & 44 Mag. 469. Box of Ammo 357 Sig., 9 mm, & 41 Mag. 470. Bag of Ammo Grab bag, mixed shotgun shells 471. Bag of Ammo Grab bag, mixed shotgun shells 472. Bag of Ammo Grab bag, mixed shotgun shells 473. Box of Ammo 270, 22-250, 223, 300 Win. Mag., 30-30, & 243 474. Box of Ammo 45-70, 44 Mag., 45 Colt, 9 mm, 380, & 45 Auto 475. Box of Ammo 7 mm, 7.5 French, 260 Rem., & 7.62x25 476. Box of Ammo 32 short rim fire 477. Bag of Ammo Mixed ammo 478. Bag of Ammo Mixed ammo 479. Bag of Brass Mixed bag of brass 480. Box of Ammo 38 SP Box of loose rounds 481. Box of Ammo 38, 30-30, 45 Colt, 41 Mag. .38 bullets, CO 2 cart. & pellets 482. Bag of Ammo 7.62x39
Date: Sunday, June 8, 2014 Time:1:00 The Oaks Castle Clinic Contents, Antiques from the Hilda Thorpe & Thomas Laguardia Estates,Large Primitive Collection and More. Sunday June 8th 1:00 125 West Market Street Johnson City Tennessee 37604 Photos at : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.717109498330892.1073741886.296745763700603&type=3&uploaded=63 12 place setting of Francis 1st with serving pieces, carpets, statues, Large Walnut Credenza, iron fire screens, Large Collection of pottery including yellow ware -salt glaze-,cobalt decorated, small harvest table, great one drawer stands, collection of wood butter prints, fine pie safe and jelly cupboard, cookie jars, large collection of stained glass, slant top desk, collection of military upscale model airplanes, large library, fine china and glass, Federal chest of drawers, samurai sword brought back a a local WW2 soldier, collection of Rock and Roll pin backs, oriental carpets including one great Heriz, bedroom and dinning room furniture, jelly cupboard, early prints and etchings, large group of oil paintings, autographed William Jennings Bryan book, collection of early Jonesborough paintings, Oak hall tree, silver plate, mirrors, Massive walnut cupboard, Sets of dinning room chairs ,collection of first edition military books., antique jewelry, many occasional chairs, floral arrangements, upscale sofas, dressing screens, leather recliners, lamps, desk, Iron Mountain stoneware, early costume jewelry, upscale used furniture , Ray Lipps will be here with Gallery Framed prints, 19th Century wood casket (unused) Clydesdale Budweiser horse collar, Bristol mini jug, antique bottles, collection of milk bottles, Spanish iron and stone library table, Victorian screen door, spinning wheel, yard art, Maple bedroom suite, refrigerator, Asian furniture, walnut harvest table, Victorian furniture, and much more. Cash or check, 10% BP. Preview Sat, June 6th 10:00 till 1:00 and Sunday morning at 10:30 am. Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915 Auctioneers POSTS
Date: Saturday, May 31, 2014 Time:10:30 am Dan "Danny" Humphreys Estate Auction Sat, May 31st, 10:30 am 910 Plantation Gate City , Va. Very Fine Furnishings, Ski boat, Ski-Doos, Fine Carpets, Sporting and Exercise items, tools, Patio and Pool Furniture, Golf, Sporting items, Flat Screens, China and glass, Upscale Electronic ,Many pieces of Fine Art and Prints,Bedroom and Living Room furniture, Office items, Pool table, Decorative items, Weight room, Lazy Boy Sofas and Chairs, Set of Upscale Leather Pool Room Stools, and much more. Partial set of photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.712487395459769.1073741884.296745763700603&type=1 Cash or Check 10% BP Preview 9:30 am
Date: Saturday, May 24, 2014 Time:10:00 am Garden Statues, Urns, Fountains, etc From the Castle Clinic in Johnson City Tennessee Sat May 24th 10:00 am Gate will open at 9:00 am We will sell all of the garden statues, fountains ,etc. belonging to Dr, Allen (Founder of the Clinic) on the grounds of the Castle Clinic . This auction will take place on site at 1416 S Roan St, Johnson City, TN 37601. Please enter from the main gate. We will only sell items on the grounds. The contents will be sold later in June and will be moved to our gallery. We will walk from item to item and all items will be sold in place and removal of all items must take place the day of the auction. Rain or Shine. Bring your umbrella. Cash or Check day of the auction. 10% BP. Here is your link for a few photos but there is much more than what you see: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.710228619018980.1073741881.296745763700603&type=3&uploaded=12 Much more than what is pictured. K Kimball M Sterling Inc. Tfl-1915 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2014 Time:10:00 am May 17th 10:00am Living Estate Auction 903 Forrest Av Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 Mrs. Young is moving to Baltimore to a small apartment and there will many many upscale items to auction to the highest bidder. We will post more photos the week of the auction. There are many older items in storage in the basement plus a very large consignment of nice outdoor furniture which is not pictures. Most items are in tip-top condition. This is an auction you want to attend if you need fine items for your home. Preview 9:00 am Cash or check 10% Bp Kimall M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 Photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.693356764039499.1073741875.296745763700603&type=1
Date: Saturday, May 10, 2014 Time:10:30 am Finding all kinds of goodies for the estate this weekend in Unicoi.( see our events page for all the info), Primitive meal chest, Elizabethton Rocket Bank, step-back cupboard, food dehydrators, pair of Blueridge lamps, smoke house full of early farm items, 100's pocket knives, primitive tables, oil lamps, lots of locust firewood, gun cabinets, cross and regular bows, I will post again tomorrow. This is truly a diamond in the rough auction, The Wesley Mays Estate 2104 Upper Stone Mt. Road Unicoi, Tn. (Limestone Cove) 37692 Saturday May 10th 10:30 am Preview 10:00am. Rain or shine our tents will be up. Guns, Hunting items, antiques, Honda four wheeler, zero turn mower, household furniture. fishing boat, over 10,000 rounds of various ammo, presser washers, Troy-Bilt tillers,100 knives of important brands, Craftsman riding mower, flatbed trailer, freezers, upscale fishing equipment ,hundreds of sockets and hand tools, and much more. All guns and better small items will be kept at our auction gallery till the morning of the auction. Guns can be sold to in-state residents with no required paperwork. They can be sold to out-of-state bidders but must be transferred through FFL. I have someone that can do that for you for 25,00 on this end. This is the estate of Wesley Mays, a state trooper in this area for many years. We are conducting the auction for his children. All items will be sold to the highest bidder including nearly new appliances, antique tables, great waterfall bedroom suite, Blueridge china, pocket knives, lots of ammo , great bow hunting collection , knives, bookcases, leather sofa and chair, clock, Suburban heater, all types of lawn equipment, compressor, tools and tool boxes, long and short guns ( no paperwork will be required), Black Sambo concrete statue, great fishing items, storage building full, pr of lyre tables, country tables, blanket chest, utility trailer, riding and much mowers, nice used furniture, wine making items, and much more. Lots of surprises!!!! We will post more photos the week of the auction. Photos at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.699390973436078.1073741879.296745763700603&type=3&uploaded=39 Cash or check 10% BP. All items sell as is and must be removed the day of the auction.
Date: Saturday, May 3, 2014 Time:10:00 am Retirement Liquidation Antiques Auction Saturday May 3rd 10:00 am and May 4th at Noon. Nooks & Crannies Antiques 146 Broad Street, Kingsport, Tennessee 37660 Photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.700865353288640.1073741880.296745763700603&type=1 The owners are retiring and have contracted with us to sell the contents of the store, storage, Christmas Shop, and some personal items. There will be fine furniture, glass, and all categories of antiques and collectables. Antique and More Auction May 3 and 4th 10:00am Nooks and Crannies Antiques Liquidation 146 Broad Street Kingsport , Tn 37660 “ over 20,000 items “ Christmas Shop, Furniture, Glass, Collectables etc. Long time downtown antiques and home decorating business, Nooks and Crannies, is closing its doors due to the owners Moses and Carol Gentry retirement. They have been a staple supplier to many collectors in the Mountain region for over 20 years. The 20,000 foot shopping area will be liquidated . Fine antiques, upscale furniture, glass. advertising items, glassware, china , pottery, vintage and retro, stained glass and much more. Store fixtures will also be sold. Preview will be at 9:00 am each morning. The owners have traveled through the USA buying antiques for their business and the offering will be one of the best in years at auction in this area. Everything including their upscale Christmas shop will be sold to the highest bidder. Come early or come late in the day. The sale will be going on. Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL-1915 Auctioneers www.auctionauction.com 423-773-4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Cash or Check 10% BP Plan for a big day with lots of bargains. Bring your truck or your friends truck and load it down. Preview 9:00 am
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2014 Time:9:00 am Eastern Ivory Cane Auction Saturday April 26th 9:00 am Eastern 125 W Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee This sale will consist of some very fine ivory canes. Here is the link to the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/4_26_14.pdf Sale results and internet Catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/53391_antique-ivory-cane-auction- 900-am-eastern/page1?logout=true Ivory Update April 4th- Obama's new executive order to halt the sell of antique ivory to stop the poaching in Africa did have a "drop dead" date of June 1. I appeared In Washington D C before the board on March 20th. It seems that we are going to have some leeway on the June 1st date. So I have changed the title of the auction to "Ivory Cane Auction". As per some correspondence with the head of the Fish and Game department that will be handling this I see maybe the end of August as a drop dead date. This law will take effect but I feel that those of us who are working on this and going to DC are going to make a difference of how it is implemented. Wish me luck. I will be back before the board in the later part of June or the first of July. I will be accepting Ivory for the Summer 2014 Auction now that we have a little more time. It will probably be the last time that we will be able to auction it until the law is reversed. If you have Ivory canes to sell please cont us kimballsterling@earthlink.net Here is the link to the New York Times article: http://nyti.ms/1r1vxiF Some of the emails: 4-2-2014 Kimball Thanks for the message. I do have some additional news. We will publish all additional administrative actions (revoking or revising the African elephant special rule, incorporating the Director's Order in regulations, changing sport-hunted trophy requirements) as proposed rules. This means that none of these actions will go into effect immediately. We are still targeting June as when we would publish proposed rules. We would then have a public comment period before doing final rules. Thus, final rules would likely be several months after June. 3-13-2014 Kimball, Thanks for the message. I don't think we have a drop dead date for full implementation of the administrative actions. The one that would have the biggest impact on your auctions is revocation of the Endangered Species Act African elephant special rule. The earliest that I see that happening is some time in June. If it is published as a proposed rule, we will have a public comment period and a final rule would follow several weeks or a few months later. If we publish an interim final rule, it would go into effect when published, though we would still request public input. This is why I say June is the earliest that this could occur. 3-3-2014 Kimball, Yes, except for the implementation of our "use after import" regulations. Once they are published and go into effect (probably about 6 weeks from now) you will have to be able to demonstrate that the item offered for sale was imported pre-1990 (for African elephant ivory). Previous data below: Obama’s new executive order to halt the sell of antique ivory to stop the poaching in Africa has a “drop dead” date of June 1st as it stands now. I do feel that there will be a change in this law in the future but this will be our last offering until it does. I appeared In Washington D C before the board on March 20th. Today is March 31st and it seems that we are goingtohave some leway onthe June 1st date. We might even have " The Second Last Great American Ivory Cane Auction" Stay tuned. Cash or check 20% BP Kimball M Sterling
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014 Time:10:30 am Important Collection Auction Fine Antiques, Antique Firearms, and more " A single owner auction of a retired CEO of a major corporation" GUNS WILL SELL AT 10:00 AM April 12th, , 10:30am Preview 9:00 in our gallery " You do not want to miss this event" Here is a link to some of the items. Many more to list before the auction: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.683827774992398.1073741873.296745763700603&type=1 Here is a link to some of the firearms that will sell at 10:00 am. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.683716638336845.1073741872.296745763700603&type=1 Antique firearms, Fine Crystal and china, good carpets, upscale furniture, pottery, advertising, pocket watches( gold and railroad ), nice wrist watches, scales,knives, Edison Cylinder with horn, cylinders, primitives, country store items, Victorian painted cottage bedroom suite, Country furniture, paintings, antique trains, WW 2 items, and much more . Items have been deliverd from two homes. 1. GEW 8mm 1891 2. Steyr 8mm 1891 3.Chilean Mauser 308 4. Mosin Nagant 1917 5. Mosin Nagant 1917 6. Hakim 8mm 7. Martini Henry 50.75 long 8. Martini Henry 50.75 short 9. Rem. Rolling Block Egyptian . 48cal. 10.Rem Egyptian 11. French MAS 12. Lebel 8mm Carbine 13. Carcano .. 6.5mm 14. GEW 88 Erfurt 1890 15. Carcano Beretta ..6.5 16. Carcano .. .. 7.92 17. .. .. 7.9 mm carbine 18. Carcano Carbine 7.92 19. Carcano Rifle 20. Winchester 1903 22cal. 21. Belgium Browning Delux Light 12 22. Springfield, S.C. 1886 4570 23.French Brevette 16ga. 24. Swiss Ruben 1931 7.5 mm 25. Swiss Wafeen Fabrik Long Barrel 7.5 26. Chilean 308 Winchester Mauser 27. Marlin 16 ga. Pump 28. Springfield 1903 A-3 30.06 29. Mosin Nagant 1916 30. Springfield M-1 30.06 31. Eddystone Rifle 1917-30.06 32. Hap Ariska 33. Winchester repro 1873 34. Winchester Mod. 12 12 ga. 35. British Infield Lend Lease 303 36. Bronco 22 in box Guns, other than antiques can be picked up at Albert’s Pawn Shop on Market Street after 1:00 on Monday. He will charge you 25.00 plus 10.00 for a background search. Please consider this in your Bidding price. Cash or Check 10% BP Kimball M Sterling,Inc. TFL-1915 125 W. Market Street Johnson CIty, Tn
Date: Saturday, March 22, 2014 Time:10:30 am Various Estates Auction Saturday March 22, 10:30 am 125 W. Market Street. Johnson City Partial photos more coming by Friday: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.680295338678975.1073741871.296745763700603&type=3 Antiques, used furniture, bedroom suites, textiles, side by side dresser, formal sofa and loveseat. silver, fine china and glass, depression furniture. Iron patio furniture, box lots, pine dinning room suite with hutch, oak sideboard, oil painting collection, primitives, formal mahogany furniture, mowers and tools collection of military patches, gate leg table, Ivory Soap trophy for the “ Best White Fowl”, filigree white gold diamond and band, wing back chairs, many estate smalls that have been packed away for years, Italian and French furniture, and much more. Cash or Check 10% BP Preview 10:00am
Date: Sunday, March 16, 2014 Time:11:00 AM Eastern The sale results. You cannot see them if you do not login. If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds after you reach the following site. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/51753_mid-west-cane-collection-11-am-eastern/page1?logout=true A Mid-West Quality Cane Collection Sunday March 16th 11:00 am Here is the link to the printed catalogue: http://www.auctionzip.com/cgi-bin/showimage.cgi?lid=2046843&type=at&in=1 Here is the link for the internet catalogue and internet bidding: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/51753_mid-west-cane-collection-11-am-eastern/page1?logout=true Here is the link for the phone and absentee form: http://auctionauction.com/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf I was going to have this auction this Summer but time is of essence. Hope you enjoy this fine collection. A wonderful collection Cash or check 20% BP. Preview 9:00 am morning of the auction and anytime by appointment. A printed catalogue is available for this auction for 25.00. Please send a check to our office. Kimball M Sterling,Inc. TFL-1915 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37504
Date: Saturday, March 15, 2014 Time:10:30 am Carol Flynn Estate Auction........ March 15th 10:30am 1525 West Sullivan Street Kingsport Tn "A Lifetime Collection" Photos and details: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.653521781356331.1073741867.296745763700603&type=1 This auction will be conducted on site at 1525 West Sullivan Street in Kingsport, Tennessee.Partial listing-Oak side by side, Black memorabilia collection,oak curved glass china cabinet, round oak table, Fox model B 12ga. double barrel, .410 single shot ,other guns,, Best collection of Edgar Bowlin paintings ever to be offered.crocks and country collectibles,quilt, Barbie and other dolls, iron bed, oak dressers, large group of depression glass,modern furniture, some adverting items, cast iron yard furniture, lots of good early wicker,early trunks,depression furniture,and much more Preview 10:00 am Cash or check 10% BP
Date: Saturday, March 1, 2014 Time:10:00am Ernest and Mary Rines Living Estate Sat. March 1st 10:30 am 150 Hollow Timbers Rd . Gray Tennessee A nice lifetime collection of antiques, primitives, collectibles, glass, pottery,fine and country furniture, depression glass,salt-glaze, pressed glass,clocks,household,baskets,Walnut Victorian slant-top secretary, stained glass, iron patio furniture,oak telephone and churns, fine china, tools,snow blower ,mowers, good weed eaters,hand tools, and much more. This will be an all day auction with our tents set up. Rain or shine. Cash or Check 10% BP. Preview 9:30 am Some Photos her: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.654909184550924.1073741869.296745763700603&type=1 Directions: Take exit 13 off of I-26 for TN-75/Bobby Hicks Hwy/Suncrest Dr toward Gray Turn right onto TN-75 N/Bobby Hicks Hwy 0.3 mi Turn right onto Old Gray Station Rd(go past Pals) 0.6 mi Turn right onto Hales Chapel Rd 1.7 mi Turn right onto Ridge Heights Dr 0.2 mi Take the 1st left onto Hollow Timbers Dr
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2014 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Winter Antique Cane Auction Saturday February 22nd 11:00am 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 The sale results. You cannot see them if you do not login. If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds after you reach the following site. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/50658_antique-cane-auction-11am-eastern/page1?logout=true Here is the link to the internet catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/50658_antique-cane-auction-11am-eastern/page1?logout=true The following link is for the PDF printed catalogue file: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/1_2014.pdf This auction will consist of over 200 canes from estates and collections from throughout the world . Details and catalogue will be up soon. Cash or check 20% BP in house. Preview 10:00am morning of the auction and the Friday before Noon until 5:00. Printed catalogue available. 25.00 Kimball M . Sterling 125 West Market Johnson City, Tn. 37694
Date: Saturday, February 15, 2014 Time:10:30 Robin Grindstaff Estate Sat. Feb 15th 10:30am Upscale furniture,Jewelry,antiques,costume and fine jewelry, tools, household appliances, flat screen TV's, Bose system, attic and basement is full also Cash or check 10% Bp.-Open 10 am Kimball M Sterling – TFL-1915 125 W. Market. www.auctionauction.com Here is a link to a few photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.662760873765755.1073741870.296745763700603&type=1
Date: Saturday, February 8, 2014 Time:11:00 AM Eastern A Private Atlanta and Hollywood Collection plus selective consignments Outsider Art Auction The catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/50096_outsider-and-folk-art-1100- am-eastern-time/page1?logout=true Saturday Feb. 8th 11:00 am Eastern 125 West Market Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Works by many Artist including Thornton Dial, Purvis Young, William Cross, David Butler, Jimmy Sudduth, Ted Gordon, Mose Toliver, Mary Proctor, Charlie Lucas, and much more. African -American, early folk-art cane collection, Sybil Gibson, Royal Robinson, Bernice Sims, Louis Vuittonet, Rev. Johnnie Swearingen, Minnie Atkins, Lonnie Holley, Denzil Goodpaster, Sulton Rogers, Follow this link to see some of the after catalogueitems that will be sold only to in-house and absent bidders that have previed them: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.650900738285102.1073741866.296745763700603&type=1 This auction will be live in the gallery and on the net, Cash or check 15% Bp. Preview 10:00am Kimball M Sterling, Inc. TFL-1915
Date: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 Time:11:00 am Our Annual “I Hate Football Auction” New Years Day Auction 2014 Wednesday January 1st 12:00 Noon(open at 1!:00) 125 West Market Street-Johnson City Tennessee Included in our New Years Day Auction will be the upscale furnishing from the estate of Thomas Laguardia, Founder of Giant Foods and Jiffy Markets , Many fine items that we are still moving. Also included in the auction will be: SRT8 Dodge Charger will be offer at noon in our New Years Day Auction at 126 West Market Street, Johnson CIty, Tennessee. 2012 Dodge Charger SRT8, 5 speed auto, 6.4L 470 HP Hemi V-8, black on black, leather interior, navigation, electronic information center with touch screen controls, all power, tires have less than 1,000 miles on them, total miles on car is 32,100. This is a one owner special order car. Here are a few sample photos. More to come the week before the auction. Follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.637747986267044.1073741863.296745763700603&type=1 We have been having these auctions for years and it’s a great way to start the year . Complete listing and a photo link coming mid December. We already have three small estates for this auction. Come early, come late......we will have great items all day long. Come early stay a while,,,come back later . This will be about a 6 hour auction Very partial listing: antiques, jewelry, long guns including Winchester 100(1962) and Weatherby XXII 22LR, etc., sterling silver, carpets, Native American pottery, coins, modern Hendredon display cabinets, modern upscale furniture, French and Italian furniture, fine china and glass, Tennessee history books, gold and silver certificate blanket currency, dolls and toys, folk-art, guitars, clocks, RR china and locks, Mid-Century Modern items, outsider art, vintage clothing, paintings and fine prints, Victorian items, books, copper rooster weathervane, large antique tool collection, Bronze Italian figural table, slag panel lamp, advertising items, Early 20th Century life-size Crusade replica suit of armor , nautical items, Best oak kitchen cabinet ever, crocks, Blue back speller, carnival glass, candy containers, and much more. A News Years Eve preview will be conducted from 1:00 till 3:00. Absentee and Phone bidding can be set up for those who cannot attend. Cash or check 10% BP
Date: Saturday, December 7, 2013 Time:10:00 am Eastern Antiques Estate Auction of A Mountain Lodge Sat. December 7st, 10:00 Eastern This estate has been moved to our gallery at 126 West Market Street in Johnson City , Tennessee. The following link has a sample. Over 200 more photos up soon: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.622758571099319.1073741861.296745763700603&type=3&uploaded=34 A lifetime collection including much Stickley (both old and new) and other mission furniture, French furniture, grandfather clocks, Deco furniture, antique carpets, marble top items, fine china and glass, primitives, other clocks, Art Nouveau, large collection of Stained glass lamps, bookcases, and much more. Stickley Brothers settle, #3911, large slatted even-arm form with canted sides, original finish, Sickley Brothers Oval paper label, 85"w x 32"d x 35"h, very good condition with matching chair. Ray Lipps Alert Esquire Galleries: Ray Lipps will be in the Gallery on December 7th with a large collection of quality gallery framed antique and modern prints. He has not been to see us in a few years and it should be exciting. For you that do not know Esquire Galleries , you will buy 500-1500 fine framed prints in the 50-150 range. These prints will be various subject matters and all will have gallery custom framing. All will be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. Cash or check 10% BP. Preview Saturday 9:00 am till sale time
Date: Saturday, November 9, 2013 Time:11 am Central Time The sale results. You cannot see them if you do not login. If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds after you reach the following site. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/46121_antique-cane-auction-11-am-central-time/page1 Antique Cane Auction Saturday November 9th 11:00 am Central Time Airport Marriott, Nashville,Tn Here is the link to the printed pdf. catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/11_2013.pdf The sale results. You cannot see them if you do not login. If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds after you reach the following site. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/46121_antique-cane-auction-11-am-central-time/page1 Over 250 canes from various private collections. Catalogue will be available in about two weeks. Auction Venue. Nashville Airport Marriott . Please ask for the Kimball Sterling Cane event rate of 125.00 . Here is the link: http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/bnatn-nashville-airport-marriott/ Southwest Air is a vary convenient airline for the Nashville area and also very reasonable if you make your reservations early. http://www.southwest.com/ Nashville is a great vacation town. Make a visit. We are playing your song!!!! http://www.visitmusiccity.com/visitors/thingstodo This will be one of our finest offering in our 28 years in the auction business. Kimball M Sterling, Inc TFL-1915
Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013 Time:1:00 PM Eastern This entire estate has been moved to our auction gallery in Johnson City. SUNDAY October 27th 1:00 (Preview 11:00am) 1967 Daimler 250, 2003 Mercedes(30k miles) Fine art, modern art pottery. Italian furniture, large Waterford collection, Silver overlay pottery, Bronze, leather furniture, stained glass windows, fine upscale furniture, fine Indian art, handmade carpets, large collection of Heisey glass, wood carving, library, custom iron, iron furniture, Icon, Hunt prints, custom dining furniture, Seith Thomas clock, stoneware, a basement of items packed away for years, yard art, folk art, high-grade audio equipment, and much more. 2002 E320 Mercedes wagon (one owner with 31.000 miles),1967 Daimler Benz RHD V8 sedan, Peter Max signed artist proof(once belonging to Shirley Butcher), Bang & Olufsen amp and Beolab speakers, Waterford Crystal, Cartier sterling, LaLique, Fine arts and crafts, Seth Thomas clock, Silver, fine furniture, Lenox, large collection of Heisey, stoneware, art glass, Native American art, Navajo blanket, nautical items, Cool decorations from the Jamaica house, fine carpets, fine art, political items, 19th Century Italian and French furniture, Large library, Great lamps, studio pottery, Lenox nativity, Mid- Century furniture, bronzes, large group of antique stained glass, Silver and plate, antique crocket sets, tools, paintings, hundreds of household items and box lots. Items from 1.00 to $20,000.00. Other wise something for everyone. Many useful household items and antiques. If you cannot attend the auction stop by at preview and you can leave an absentee. Terms- Cash or check 10% BP, Preview10:00 am morning of the auction and Sat. 10:am till 1:00. photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.578566968851813.1073741848.296745763700603&type=1 BANG AND OLUFSEN CD player and 5 speakers will be sold in the Gatlinburg estate Oct.27th at 1:00 at our building. 6 cd changer, woofer, and two tall speakers, working fine. Also four pre-amps, cassette deck. Stop by and take a look at the best stereo in the world. Est-2000-3000. This sale will be held in our gallery. New retails over 18,000. Cash or check 10% BP.
Date: Saturday, September 28, 2013 Time:10:00 am James Rittenhouse Estate Auction- Tools, Tractor, Guitars, Real Estate, Household- James Rittenhouse Estate Auction 181 Dove Dr. Jonesborough, Tn. 37659 Just off Headtown Rd. Saturday September 28th 10:00am Here is a link to some photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.580297608678749.1073741851.296745763700603&type=1 We will sell the personal property and Bart Long Auctions TFL-5298 will offer the beautiful home. The personal property consist will consist of a Kubota BX 1500 tractor, Gibson Joe Bonamassa Les Paul (2011), Gibson ES 335(2011) Fender Mexican Telecaster, and other guitars,Sunn, Fender, and Vox amps and other electrical devices, pedal train, microphones, many pedals, remote transmitter, extra cases and stands, Kawasaki KL R650, Almost new stainless refrigerator, bedroom and dinning room furniture, paradigm speakers and other fine sound equipment, high grade electric hand tools, camera, many chest tools boxes, bookcases, suitcases, Stihl weed eater, best tolls box lots ever, basement full of good tools, oak table and chairs,new washer and dryer, ladders, building materials, storage bins, yard tools, great gas grill, pation umbrella with granite base, carpets, flat screen TV, fine stereo equipment,file cabinets, king size bed, DVD's,various dressers, great household appliances, hall tree, metal porch swing, prints, wood working and hand tools, lumber, large sears compressor, carpet shampoo machine, Electrolux vacuum, hundreds of CD,s and movies, and much much more. Cash or check on the personal property. 10% BP. Preview 9:00am Sale is 10:00am The Real Estate- Bart Long Auctions A wonderful 2400 square foot(plus an 1000 sq. foot basement) house done in the Victorian Cape Cod style. Hardwood floors, widows walk, gingerbread and iron porch work,three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, large modern kitchen with closet pantry, two car drive in garage, gas fireplace in Great room and in the master suit which also has large corner tub and shower, ADT security system, back party deck, front wrap around porch, large utility room, fine woodwork throughout the house, large corner lot with over an acre with great mountain views. 10% down day of sale and closing in 30-45 days. 10%bp Sale is subject to confirmation of the estate. To see this property call Bart Long 423-383-3339 Please see the photos at www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2013 Time:10:00 am “Uncle Bob Spencer" 9-21-13 The Grayson County Collection + Sale #3 Antique Tools, Planes, Saws of All Kinds, etc.- Sat. Sept 21st 10:00am(preview 9:00) 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Come see and bid on the odd and the normal at this auction. Mr. Spencer amassed a wonderful large collection in his lifetime. Name brand early axes, over 50 cross cut saws, many other saws, farm items, hand tools, Horse items, Do not miss this auction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Cash or check 10% BP Kimball M Sterling , Inc TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee www.auctionauction.com Photos at the following but more coming: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.585441998164310.1073741852.296745763700603&type=3&uploaded=18
Date: Sunday, September 8, 2013 Time:11:00 AM Eastern The sale results. You cannot see them if you do not login. If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds after you reach the following site. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/43704_waylon-j-young-estate-1100-am-eastern/page1 Waylon J. Young Estate Collection of Canes, Various Ivory and Ethnic Collectibles to be sold at auction to benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital plus selective consignments Sunday September 8th, 11:00 am Eastern times Here is a link to the PDF copy of the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/09082013.pdf Here is the link to the internet catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/43704_waylon-j-young-estate-1100-am-eastern/page1 High Resolution photos at this link: http://www.jamespriceimages.com/AuctionCatalogs/Sterling-Sept-7-cane-and-ivory/30617951_DDmmfR#!i=2643407862&k=42BFF6V This estate collection was put together over a long serious collecting career. Many rare and unusual items will be sold. Great canes and great smalls!!!!! “Over 350 canes(200 to be sold in large lots) and 400 other fine collectibles” Partial Listing- Nautical whalebone canes, ivory dress canes, gadget, fine dress items, Northwest Coast items, gator canes, large collection of pre-ban ivory collectibles including knives, razors, sewing, carvings, fishing lures, medical and dental instruments, engraved ivory grip boot pistol, 19th Century ethnic ivory knives, cane cases, glass canes, folk-art canes, cane books and stands, whaling fids, sterling gamblers canes, damascene , sword and knife canes, Faberge style hard stone canes, advertising match safes, collection of miniature paintings on ivory, early gambling items including ivory chips- dice- put and take etc, large groups of country canes to be sold in lots, carved ivory fist canes, collection of pie crimpers, Eskimo utilitarian tools, Toledo and Russian inlaid canes, silver and gold canes, erotic items, collection of straight razors including pearl-ivory-bone, bone and ivory flatware, and much more. In this collection there is a large number, maybe 300 pieces of ivory that are post ban. Or we feel we cannot prove them pre-ban. They will be sold in house to instate in-house bidders only according to Fish and Game laws. Netsukes, scrimshawed ousak, oriental carving, knives, many Eskimo items, obsolete currency, jewelry, fans, flatware, beer foam scrapers, ivory cue ball, two 24” tusk, large ivory and baleen candle holder, walrus carving of a malamute, cane handles, great unusual smalls and much more.. No out of state bids accepted on this group of post ban that will not be cataloged. Sale will be carried live on liveauctioneers.com Subscribers will receive a printed catalogue. Cash or check. 20% BP in house, phone and absentee. Kimball M Sterling , Inc TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 423.773.4073 kimballsterling@earthlink.net www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, August 31, 2013 Time:10:00 am Ok folks, if you want to see the largest collection that we have ever sold of a group of really great items you need to be here on the day of the auction. I will run two rings all day long after the real estate is sold. The second ring will mostly be antique tools and farm items under the tent in the back yard. Come early ....come later.... This will be an all day auction with over 20,000 items being sold on the same day. Many large lots will be sold later in the day. Bring your boxes and your truck. I will have chairs and two large tents up. The auction site is 45 minutes from Abingdon. Come early so you can see it all. Do not miss this auction of a lifetime. This is amazing and will be talked about for years. Directions- This is the best and safest way. Do not listen to your GPS!!! Take exit 35 in Chilhowie and follow St. route 66 toward White Top. If you are coming from the South you would turn right at the exit. Stay on 600 and it will turn toward the left at an old closed county store which is on your left. Just stay on 600 until you come to a stop sign. That is highway 58 ( You will see the White Top Post Office across the street. Turn left and go about 6 miles. We have plenty of parking just across the street from the auction site at the mule farm. It will be marked with parking signs. Antiques AUCTION Real Estate Robert “Bob” Glen Spencer 41 Acre Farm Saturday August 31ST 10:00 am 8754 Highlands Pky (Jeb Stuart Hwy Route 58), Mouth of Wilson,Va.(about 30 minutes from Chilhowie Va.) Photos and details coming soon. Property adjoins Grayson Highland Park Follow this link to photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.568233543218489.1073741846.296745763700603&type=1 Brick House, Lifetime Antiques Collection Etc. www.auctionauction.com Real Estate- Nice three bedroom ranch brick house, with two car garage, full finished basement, next to the park, 41 more or less acres, large out building, nice yard and side porch. First time on the market since 1966. Sold subject to owner’s confirmation day of sale. Single Family Residential, 3 Bedrooms,1 Bathroom.v1,325 sqft .Built In 1967,1 story ranch, garage, brick, sic rooms with full finished basement, fireplace, Grayson County Please call Bart Long to see the property. 423-383-3339. Property to be sold by deed. Antiques& Personal Property- 40 years of antiques will be sold absolute this day under the big top rain or shine. Fine antique furniture, nice clock collection( 40), antique tools (300), large butter dish and teapot collection, Indian relics, advertising, fine china and glass, textiles, long and short guns, great wood cook stove, pot belly stoves ,iron patio furniture, cookie jars. 50 lbs of costume jewelry, corn shellers, hundreds of kitchen gadgets, cedar bedroom suite, 100's of spools of thread, Super Bowl pins, large lantern collections, 100s of traps, great kitchen cabinet, farm table, 100's of soda bottles, early tool chest, children’s dishes, display cases, Gone with the winds lamps, baskets, White House vinegar bottles, just about every type of glass known in the antique world, Va. quilt tops, many boxes of ammo, paper collectables, primitive meal bin, collection of antique radios, Toy horses and clocks, large cast iron collection, horse collectables, farm collectables, cedar chest, metal shelving, large group of graniteware ,primitive farm sled, modern and antique sewing machines, almost new eclectic stove and refrigerator, freezers, vintage linens, dolls, knives, pocket watches, butter dish collection, household furniture, Mid Century items, cookie jars, oil lamps (300), great marbles, farm collectibles, traps, carnival-Fenton-depression glass, sewing collectibles, art pottery, good bottles and jars, country furniture, curved glass oak cabinet, RR items, lantern collection, wood cook stoves, cast iron, churns, 500 pcs. of collectible glass, Waterfall bedroom, cedar bedroom, wicker, store tobacco cutter, household furniture and much more. This will be one of the most interesting auctions you ever attend. Do not miss this lifetime auction event extravaganza. Terms- Cash or check on the personal property. As always checks from regular clients. 10% down on the real estate with closing in 30 days. 10% buyers fee to all bidders. Auction preview 9:00 am morning of the auction. Home was built before 1978 and may contain lead paint. This is your 10 day notice to inspect if you wish. Announcements day of auctions take precedence over pre-sale advertising. All items sold as is. . Auctioneers for Robert Glen Spencer Kimball M Sterling, (VAAR 1546) Bart Long & Associates, 423-773-4073 Johnson City,Tn. 423-383-3339 Bristol, Va. www.auctionauction.com www.bartlongauctions.com
Date: Monday, August 26, 2013 Time:7:00pm A Great Monday Night Auction A very large living estate collection of modern and antique ammo. You are not going to believe this one. Hundreds of boxes Winchester, Remington, and much more . Many to be sold in lots. Follow this link to see part of the collections: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.578127105562466.1073741847.296745763700603&type=3&uploaded=2 1 Cash or check 10% Bp Preview at 6pm Sale held in our gallery : 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tn
Date: Saturday, August 3, 2013 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Various Estates and Antiques Absolute Auction Sat. August 3, 11:00 am ( Preview 10:00am) Partial photos at this link. More coming this weekend. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.565772320131278.1073741844.296745763700603&type=1 Our building will be packed with over 7000 sq, feet of fine antiques and household furnishing We have a few estates to clear up. Fine oak furniture, Upscale household furniture including three nearly new fine bedrooms, oak Arts and Crafts bookcase, Round oak bible table, Victorian furniture, Nice Queen Ann Silver Chest, fine estate carpers, silver and plate, fine glass and crystal, Victorian 3/4 cottage bed with bedding, depression sofa suite, good early ladder back chairs, Hokey items for all of you fans, gold items, nice oak hall tree, P Buckley Moss prints, curio cabinets, bed steps, fine mirrors,parlor suite,window bench,1940s Winthrop secretary, jadite, four different estates, Much Much Much More boxes upon boxes to be unpacked. Cash or check 10% BP This auction be held at our gallery at 125 West Market in Johnson City, Tn.
Date: Saturday, July 20, 2013 Time:10:30 p.m. EST Sale Sat. in Damascus is held in the Iron Horse dance hall which is completely air-conditioned and 5000 sq feet. Food is by Dandy Dons Mountain Bar B Q. Probably the best you have ever eaten. This is important for you if you are attending the auction in Damascus this weekend, There is a construction zone on Highway 58. They have the speed limit at 35 for about three miles. Do not speed. Lots of tickets written. If you are coming from the south on 81 just take the last Abingdon exit which also says Damascus. Turn right go about 7 miles and you are at the auction. Iron Horse Campground Decor Auction Sat, July 20th, 10:00am 30460 Blossom Rd, (inside of the dance hall) Damascus, VA 24236 (about 6 miles from Abingdon Va.) This auction conducted for the owner by Kimball Sterling VAAR-1546 Photos have now be added just click this link. You need not be a facebook member. Give it a little time to load many many photos. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.544155635626280.1073741840.296745763700603&type=1 Who knows what we are going to find here. We still have about 3000 sq. feet to open boxes and dig out items. We will have it all out for you to see before the auction. A very partial listing. We will add photos and listings later on…Collections of everything including toy trains, all of the decorations from their Santa Land ( some very nice early automations), Crocks and jugs, vintage cars and trucks, toys, Horse drawn Fancy Surrey, advertising signs, gas airplanes, Coke and Pepsi items, great collection of wood burning stoves, Daisy churns, bikes and trikes, store coffee grinder, many fine farm primitives, cast iron, musical instruments, oak wall and pay phones, gas pumps, banks, corner cabinet, boxes of glassware and china, country store items and displays, copper and brass apple butter kettles, cast iron kettles, early farm implements, barber chair, collection of the most unusual washing machines ever, folk art, early rockers, working player pianos and rolls, cider presses, collection of lanterns including RR and more, hundreds of car parts for vintage autos, kitchen cabinet, toy tractors and trucks, pedal cars and tractors, phonograph, tins, bicycle built for two, bottles, country and depression furniture, slot and other vending machines, saddle, oak furniture, children’s wagons, old radios and clocks, carved dining table and chairs, cherry dinning table, china cabinets, silver-plate tea service, full Jim Beam train, spinning wheels, books and records, gas station decor, spoon collection, mixing bowls, oil lamps, cuckoo clock, over 20 quilts, "Jolly Nigger" bank, Marx train in original box ,trunks, sewing machine, great milk bottles, primitive tools, butter mold, some depression glass, red light and hundreds of other items. Plus over 200 great box lots. Cash or check 10% Buyers Fee Preview 9:00 am morning of the auction.
Date: Saturday, June 22, 2013 Time:11:00AM Eastern The sale results. You cannot see them if you do not login. If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds after you reach the following site. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/41173_spring-antique-canes-auction-11am-eastern/page1 Spring Antique Cane Auction Sat. June 22 11:00 am 125 West Market Street J Johnsonc City , Tennessee Our Spring offering of over 250 canes from various collections from around the world. . Here is a link to the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/june_22_13.pdf Internet catalogue and internet bidding registration: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/41173_spring-antique-canes-auction-11am-eastern/page1 Preview: Anytime before the auction by appointment. also Friday before the auction from noon till 4:00 pm, also morning of the auction at 9:00 am. Cash or check 20% Bp in house, phones and absentee. See internet terms on liveauctioneers. A print catalogue is available for 25.00. Please send check to : Kimball M Sterling Inc 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tn 37604
Date: Sunday, May 26, 2013 Time:1:00 PM Eastern The Terry Deakins Estate Auction –Day Two ( Held in our Gallery)- May 26th 1:00 pm 125 West Market Street Johnson City Tennessee Here is a link to the partial internet catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/40712_terry-deakins-estate-100- eastern/page1 Here are some of the photos for the Sat. Day 1 onsite auction: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.537077709667406.1073741838.296745763700603&type=1 We will auction the estate of Terry Deakins, longtime advanced antique collector , at absolute auction in a two day session. The second day will consist of a seven piece high relief “Man of the Mountain” or as the English call it “Green Man” museum quality dinning room suite, Herter Brothers style tables, Massive carved sofa, Lion carved corner bookcases, Sessions Clock originally from the Bristol train station, other high quality carved furniture, tip trays, sterling jewelry, tin types, nice East Tennessee powder horn collection, antique pistols, inkwell collection, urns, straight razors, ink pens, clocks, large sea shell collection to be sold as a collection, French inlaid table, Federal loveseat, early books, advertising tins, arrowheads, pipes, Art Deco purses, Large collection of highly carved chairs, oak narrow high chest, toy cannon, regimental pipe, fishing creel, and much more. We have added some jewelry, Van Craig Ooak dolls and a few items from other estates to the end of this auction. There will also be uncatalogued items after we finish the catalogue sale. Lots of surprises Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Preview 11:00 am
Date: Saturday, April 27, 2013 Time:11:00AM Eastern Here is the catalogue: http://www.auctionzip.com/aflive.html?method=getCatalogLots&catalogref=2DBV42G73W There will be many lots after the catalogue sale of a gift wrapping station, display cases, store decorations, wall showcases,office furniture, curio cabinet, hundreds of jewelry boxes, gold plated roses,Christmas items, gifts, men and ladies jewelry, shelves, tools,furniture, modern and older costume jewelry,natural stone jewelry,displays silver-plated gifts etc. Many of these items will be sold in lots. Complete Liquidation Jewelry and Furnishing Auction of Hallwoods Jewelry in our Gallery- Diamonds, Gold, Silver, Equipment, Gifts, Displays, Safe and much more Hallwood Jewelry Store Auction Sat, April 27th 11:00 am In our gallery at 125 West Market Street Johnson City Tennessee We will sell the complete inventory of this 30 year old store in our gallery . It will include diamonds, ladies and men's clusters, many 1ct. solitaries, pendants, earrings, silver, gifts, watches, safe, eternity and love circle pendants , diamond wedding sets, rubies, emeralds, tennis bracelets, showcases. diamond scope. tools, decorations etc. More details coming in April . There will be a chance of a lifetime to buy at good prices. Loose stones, rubies, many other colored stones, Mickey Mouse watches, watchbands, Jewelry for everybody. We will have a full catalogue up about three weeks before the auction Cash or Check 10% buyers fee Preview 9:00 am morning of the auction
Date: Saturday, April 13, 2013 Time:11:00AM Eastern A Santa Monica Private Cane Collection Sat. April 13th 11:00 am Eastern Time 125 West Market St. Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 A lifetime collection of over 300 canes including many fine examples of Ivory, Gun, Sword, Dress, Folk and much more. Live in-house, live on the net, telephone and absentee bidding. The sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not log in.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates if you dont log in. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/38286_a-santa-monica-cane- collection-1100-est/page1 Below is a link to the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/3_2013.pdf Cash or check 20% BP. Preview morning of the auction at 9:00am or naythime before the auction by appointment.
Date: Saturday, March 30, 2013 Time:11:00 am Wanda Usary Estate Auction Sat, March 30th 11:00 am 1604 Willowbrook Johnson City, Tennessee Large R S Prussia collection. Old Master Flatware, Fine china and glass, large Llardo, Davis bedrrom suite, Fostoria, Nippon, upscale used furniture, fine leather furntiure,Victorian and carnival glass,wicker, mantle clock,colored glass, crystal lighted center piece,hobnail, some blue willow, 1950's pit sofa, 1970s "sputnick" coffee table, Art Deco lounge chair, fine mirrors and prints and much more. Follow this link to a sample of photos: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.512559502119227.1073741827.296745763700603&type=1 Cash or Check 10% Bp. Preview 10:00am . Turn off of Oakland next to the girl scout camp on to Woodland. Follow Woodland to Willbrook and turn right and you are there. Rain or shine our tents will be up
Date: Saturday, March 9, 2013 Time:11:00am Estates and Antiques, Coins Auction Sat. March 9th 11:00 am In our Gallery at 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee More Details and photos coming soon. The following link is just a sample: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.507499175958593.107691.296745763700603&type=1 A house full of very expensive four month old bedroom and dining room furniture, Oak, Pedal tractor, fine china and glass, a large living room set of Kimball Victorian furniture with carrea marble tops ( many cool pieces) sofa love-seat, fern stands, foyer tables, end and coffee tables, center table, Cheval mirror, nice church pew, dolls, iron bed, marble-top furniture, large designer carpet, Longaberger basket collection, Doulton mugs, steins, Nazi helment, baseball and comic collection, Italian refractory table, Nice sofa and chairs, clocks, depression glass and much chins, dolls, books and much more Preview 10:00 am morning of the auction. Cash or Check 10% BP.
Date: Friday, March 1, 2013 Time:10 Ledbetter No dressed mannequins or any furniture is with the deal. Juke box not in deal also
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2013 Time:11:00AM Eastern The sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not log in.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates if you dont log in. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/36922_winter-cane-auction-1100- am-eastern/page1 Winter Cane Auction Feb. 16th, 2013 11:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee Follow this link for internet bidding and the internet catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/36922_winter-cane-auction-1100- am-eastern/page1 A copy of the printed catalogue may be found at the following link: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/1_2013_WEB.pdf A Santa Monica Estate collection, An LA collection, Canes from a private European, New York, and Ohio Collection, Over 200 canes A printed catalogue may be ordered for $28.00. Cash or Check 20% BP. Online, In-house, absentee, and phone bidding. Various Estates and Collections-Antiques- Upscale Furniture-Watch Collection-Toy Collection and More
Date: Saturday, February 2, 2013 Time:11:00AM Various Estates and Collections-Antiques- Upscale Furniture-Watch Collection-Toy Collection and More Sat. February 2, 11:00am Partial listing . Details week of the auction. Here is a link to some of the photos. Check back the week of the auction. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.488492864525891.105507.296745763700603&type=1 Fine jewelry, 1.42ct round brilliant cut diamond, loose 2.2ct cushion cut brown diamond, 14kt mens wrist watches,Llardo, Country blanket chest, Dinky, Mercury Chaparral prototipo,slot cars, gas Cox racing boat, large collection of pocket watches,Steiff Eric RARE Small BAT with Paper Tag, collection of antique wood planes and tools , sterling silver serving pieces, many cool smalls from an Arizona estate, antique pistol. large group of 1950s and 1960s toys, mint Smith -Miller log hauler, Cox thimble drome racers, trains, boxed military toys, 19th Century Folk art painted drum, African American folk art painted pocket watch, coins and mint sets, houseful of upscale quality used furniture,collection of canes, some glassware and china, Yogi Berra blow up doll, ornate 19th century wall barometer. Checz glass, collection of maps and early prints, cameras, slot machine bank, group of unopened Neiman Marcus gifts for the 1960's, early large world globe ,grandfather clock,antique dolls, a few carpets, and more Preview 10:00am Cash or check 10% buyers fee Sale conducted in our gallery at 125 W Market St. Johnson City
Date: Tuesday, January 1, 2013 Time:11:00AM 25th Annual New Years Day Antiques and Estates Auction Tuesday Jan 1st 11:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City Tennessee Here is a link to some photos for the auction: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.475462902495554.103347.296745763700603&type=1 Here is a link to the 150 or so lots we are selling on line but we have another 300 lots that we will sell in-house on the same day: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/35854_25th-new-years-day- auction-11-am-eastern/page1 Over 100 pieces of North Carolina pottery including face jugs and many other pieces from important artist - a single Linville Ridge Collection. Charles Loouff middle row carousel jumper horse, A collection of canes from a Hershey Pa. collector, Fine French furniture, Tennessee furniture, Fine art, Andrew Johnson signed document, Victorian glass, Turnbull and Asser silver cuff links, doll clothes and dolls. military items, Rare book cap gun book, boxed percussion cane gun, contents of one of the trunks that we have ever found including , well you just have to see all of it.Roseville, Iron Mt. Stoneware, Advertising signs from Poor Richards Deli, Late 19th Century racing skull boat from Poor Richards, Massive Victorian etagere , Sterling serving flatware, 14 kt white gold and diamond and sapphire Art Deco bracelet, Steuben art glass, country baskets, folk-art canes, outsider art, Cloisonne, Asian carvings, Eskimo walrus carving, Asian Ivory carvings, Victorian highboy chest, Engraved single auction 45 Colt engraved,English ironstone and pottery, Fly fishing painting, Mid -Century Modern Rolf Benz sofa, Fenton Jack-n-Pulpit vase, Persian Carpets, country and farm collectibles, fine china and glass, Cased Civil War soldier photo, Circus posters, spinning wheels, quilts, over 30 estate boxes of smalls still to be unpacked. and much more. Preview- New Years Eve. Noon till 3:00 and morning of the auction at 9:30. Cash or Check with 10% buyers fee. 13% online. About 200 lots will be sold online and the balance sold to inhouse bidders. Pottery will be the first lots of the sale.
Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 Time:1:00 We have added a large collection of Newer old stock toys to the auction today including Barbies, Sporting figures, hundreds of items. This is a North Carolina estate. Baseball figures, TV series, and much more . The Jerry Loar Toy and More Collection Auction Sunday November 25th 1:00 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Preview 11:00 am morning of the auction. A lifetime collection of all ages of toys. There is pressed steel, tin, trains, airplanes, Dale Earnhardt, buses,lots of firetrucks, wreckers, Franklin Mint cars, knives, baseball items, few advertising items including coke trays,cast iron, friction, better NASCAR, and much more. Many good brands including Buddy L. Steelcraft, Cor-Cor, Hubley, Marx, and many more Here is a link to the photos: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.458203330888178.100106.296745763700603&type=1 We will add more photos the week of the auction. Cash or check 10% BP Kimball M Sterling Inc. TFL-1915 kimballsterling@earthlink.net www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012 Time:11:00am The sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/33662_antique-cane-auction-1100- am-eastern/page1 World Class Cane Auction Saturday November 17th 11:00 am 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee Below is the link to the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/11_2012.pdf The internet catalogue and live internet bidding at this link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/33662_antique-cane-auction-1100- am-eastern/page1 Included in this auction will be a private West Coast weapons cane collection, a New York State collection of Ivory Canes, Canes from a private Ohio Collection including gold quartz and a large Tiffany Naste Eagle, A wonderful Mike Orion folk cane, An early 19th Century full rhino horn/family crest gold handle cane directly form the heirs of Spanish royalty, a group of nautical canes, and much more. Phone, absentee, and interent bidding. Cash or Check 20% BP A full catalogue will be on this site about three weeks before the auction A printed catalogue is available for $20.00.
Date: Saturday, October 20, 2012 Time:11:00 AM Eastern " The Jack Burris Collection" Estate Country Store, Advertsing, and African American Collectables Tobacco, Cookie Jars Absolute Auction Sat. October 20th 11:00 am Details coming soon but here is a small sample> Make your plans to attend. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.425270840848094.91395.296745763700603&type=1 This is a large collection of items. There will be some group lots. This auction will be held in our gallery at 125 West Market Street in Johnson City. 37604. Preview 9:30 morning of the auction and week of by appointment or chance. Phone ,absentee, and email bidding. Cash or check 10% BP. KImball M Sterling TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City Tn 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-928-1471
Date: Sunday, October 7, 2012 Time:1:00 Trivett Estate from Grundy Va. Upscale Furniture, Celebrity Art and Furnishing, Large Double door safe This auction will be held in our gallery at 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee Sunday October 7th 1:00 Preview noon until 2:00 Saturday October 6th and the morning of the auction at 11:30 am. Absentee and phone bids accepted. This was a very upscale home with some antique's and collectables. Signed prints by Red Skelton- Duke Ellington-Tony Bennet-Dinah Shore and more, large collection of Silver-plate including some massive pieces, Murano glass, Fine china and glass, tambour desk, Cherry bedroom and dining room furniture by major makers, Formal mahogany furniture, French style sofas and chairs, Fine oil paintings, Italian porcelain, Fine crystal. Doris Day mink, 1930’s cigarette machine, walnut occasional tables, Fine carpets, cigar humidor, julep cups, massive silver-plate punch bowl, Large Asian carving, twin pineapple beds, Italian jewelry box, large set of Hartman luggage, some Fenton, Formal curved mahogany corner cupboards, Inlaid bookcase, assorted decorative books, high poster bed, fine mirrors, massive two door safe with combination, framed Asian fan, room size carpets, many sets of fine china, some Nippon, crystal lamps, iron porch furniture, many collectables, and much more to be added to this listing soon. Plus a few small estates including a large quilt collection. C and O railroad china, country bonnets, sterling, American Fostoria, Franciscan, and much more The following is a link to some photos taken at the house before it was moved. Detailed photos are coming soon but this is a sample. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.434318173276694.94176.296745763700603&type=1 Cash or check 10% BP Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL 1915 www.auctionauction.com kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Saturday, September 8, 2012 Time:11:00 am Cental Time the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/31125_hbarth-estate-cane-auction-noon-eastern-time/page1 The Henry “ Hank” Barth Estate Cane Collection Nashville Marriott Airport Hotel Saturday September 8th- 11:00 am Central Time (Preview 9:30am) 600 Marriott Dr. Nashville, Tn 37214 Mr. Barth was an avid collector and scholar in the field of canes. After retiring from the movie producing world he devoted much of his time to collecting and researching the history of canes. His collection varies in styles, age, and composition which is an advantage to the collector wishing to purchase today. The collection consist of many fine ivory handles, nautical, gadget, guns and swords, silver and gold, porcelain and much more. This will be an absolute auction with no reserves and all canes will be sold to the highest bidder. We will also sell a group of canes after we finish the catalogue sale for attending bidders. The low resolution quick loading pdf of the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/8_2012.pdf The "BEST" high resolution slow loading( takes about 10-15 minutes) pdf of the printed catalogue.. Save it to your desk top the first time you open it and it will load much easier for you when you wish to view it next time: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/kimball_catalog_8_2012_PRINT.pdf The internet bidders catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/31125_hbarth-estate-cane-auction-noon-eastern-time/page1 This will be our largest catalogue that we have ever produced. Subscribers will get one but we will overprint a few copies for the public at 25.00 each. They may be ordered by check to; Kimball M Sterling 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tn 37601 We have made a room special deal with the Marriot. Please call them direct to make your reservation 1-615- 889- 9300. Mention The Kimball Sterling Cane Auction. Internet, Phone, and Absentee bidding. Terms- Cash or check 20% BP. The Tennessee State Museum will also host the collectors coming in for the auction, some as far away as Brazil, Friday at 3:30. The museum will bring out some of the “Collections” canes for the international collectors to be seen in their private section. We will see canes that belonged to Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, other important Tennesseans, folk-art and much more. The collection consists of over 140 canes. You will see some canes that have not been seen by the public in over 150 years. Attendees should meet at 3:30 sharp at the front reception desk for the presentation. This will be a one hour event. Tennessee State Museum 505 Deaderick Street Nashville, TN 37243-1120 I will also be accepting canes for out future auctions at this event. Just bring them with you and we will do a contract and get them in a future sale. We now offer a repair service for any problem that you might need corrected with a cane. From ferrules, shafts, and restoration and repair!!!! We can get it done. Bring your problem and leave it with us or ship it to us for a quote. Kimball M Sterling Inc 125 West Market Street Johnson City , Tennessee www.auctionauction.com kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Monday, September 3, 2012 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Collections, A Z Howard Estate, Collection of Beleek , Mid Century,Quilts, Fine Antiques and Collectables, Pottery Kiln, Pottery Chinese Tea crock,Stringed instruments, fine crystal, paintings, African American scrapbook with military items, Very large group of Christmas items, Nippon, Costume Jewelry, antique bottles. and much more Irish crystal and china, cut glass, Native American sand paintings, a complet Gate City Estate will lots of country items ( photos not posted yet) some silver coins, antique tools, Lance-Toms- Planters store jars, Mission Oak desk, grandmother clock, Large Mah. Breakfront, Carpets, 1950's furniture, Oil paintings, appliances, Pink and white ironstone, Deco Furniture, antique walking sticks, crocks, despression glass, Early Island Uke, good used bedroom suites, Curio cabinets, Red satin Gone with the Wind lamp, large group of household box lots, Almost new sofa and chair, big screen TV, trunks, Nest of antique laquered tables, Neer Oak corner cupboard, reverse painted lamp with ducks. group of antique framed prints, Labor Day Monday Sept. 3rd 11:00 am Follow this link for photos.More will be added the week of the auction.: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.433238190051359.93878.296745763700603&type=1 Part of the estate quilt collection for the sale: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.433249720050206.93879.296745763700603&type=1 Cash or check 10% BP Preview 9:30 am This auction will be held in our gallery.
Date: Saturday, August 18, 2012 Time:10:30 Parking for the Saturday auction. Toughest I have ever had. I have room for 18-20 cars and trucks on the dead end road.These cars will have to stay there all day. Please park at the football stadium at the old Sullivan Gardens High School just past Idlewild drive. I have rented golf carts to get people up and down the Hill. If you are a dealer or trader that is going to stay for the entire sale please email me at kimballsterling@earthlink.net and let me know that you are coming. We will try and get you on the hill. This will be about a 4 or 5 hour sale. Golf carts will run all day Duncan Estate (Duncans Grocery Store) 120 Idlewild Dr.(Sullivan Gardens) Kingsport, Tennessee Saturday August 18th 10:30 am This will be day one of the estate. Parking is some of the most difficult that I have seen but we will get you all in for this day of the sale.Arrive early there will be some walking for many of you. Mrs. Duncan was an avid collector and her large house is packed. The first day we will sell a great two story log house with breezeway and back kitchen. This is a nice large house needing a good restoration. It was moved to this property years ago and the buyer will have 45 days to move it. Log house will sell at noon. This day will include upscale household furniture, great estate box lots, bedroom and dining furniture, carpets, modern dolls, tools, appliances, spinet piano, prints, tools, fine lamps and mirrors, and much more /...............An all day auction. Here is a link to some of the photos but later you will get a link of the items to be sold on this day. All of the items at this link will not be sold on the first day. They will be sold the next day at 1:00 in our gallery. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kimball-M-Sterling-Inc-Auctioneers-Tfl-1915/296745763700603?ref=stream#!/media/set/?set=a.428143933894118.92157.296745763700603&type=1 Cash or check 10% BP. Preview 9:30am. Get there early parking is really bad,
Date: Saturday, July 28, 2012 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/30645_antique-gun-sword-and-erotic-canes/page1 Summer Antique Cane Auction Sat. July 28th 11:00 am Two Collections and consignments Fine Ivory, Five antique gun canes, Ivory Nudes, System sticks and much more. A copy of the printed catalogue is here: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/6_2012.pdf sales results and Internet catalogue and internet biddings: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/30645_antique-gun-sword-and-erotic-canes/page1 Cash or check 20% BP. A printed catalogue is available for 20.00. Please send check. No phone orders.
Date: Saturday, July 7, 2012 Time:10:00am Lifetime Collection- A very partial listing Sat. July7th 10:00am in our gallery in Johnson City, Tennessee This is the last post that I will make.There will be a few duplicates but also a lot of new items. There is so much more than you see in the photos: Please look at all the links below. It will take a while to load. Here are a few more photos posted July 2: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.416159965092515.88855.296745763700603&type=1 Here are more photos posted on June 29th: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.413605568681288.88445.296745763700603&type=1 Click the following link to see some of the photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.408961215812390.87625.296745763700603&type=3 A Lifetime collection of County Store, 1950s Toys, Complete blacksmith shop, drink machines, other coin-op, Signs, Thermometers, Telephone booths, near mint farm wagon, railroad items, Bikes and pedal cars, Tobacco items, shelf inventory, Marx play set, gum machines and parking meters, Carousel elephant(not pig) from Coney Island, Cowboy movie star items, 1950s Formica and chrome tables, Massive moonshine still, Visible gas pump used in the movie "Little Miss 4th of July, 1000's of blister pack toys, Oil bottles and carrier, other old bottles, wagons, Coke and Pepsi items, candy and cig machines, ,1950s hubcaps, cowboy items, movie corner marquee, signal lanterns, collection of army toys, rubber machine, Wizzer style bikes, Coke bicycle, collection of hobby horses, Gas globes, early toys, and much more. This is a very partial listing. Close to 1000 items. Good early calendars, great smalls, spool cabinet, etc etc. .Great early primitive machines, platform scales, postcards, country store racks, soda shop items, advertising clocks, large collection of signs, Toms machine and jars, Texaco bathroom sign and keys, seed rack , large bear trap, barrel churn, service station air device, Fire emergency cabinet, auto oil cans and racks, restored and original coke coolers ,movie poster, Dairy Queen display cones, collection of pedal tractors, 1950s ash tray collection, Large AAA automobile club light up sign, cast iron collection, barber shop chair. Small barber pole, Neon, advertising tins, scooters, early printed posters, mannequins, and much more. This collection has both old and newer items mixed together. He bought what he wanted. Keen Kutter Ax, cobblers tools, holiday items, copper still for home, movie theatre items, diner items, WWII items, working arcase machines, RR signal lanterns, auto tags, sirens and police lights, plus much more................................... Preview- Friday 2-4 and Saturday at 9:00am (and anytime during the auction) Cash or check 10% Buyers fee.
Date: Saturday, June 9, 2012 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/30006_bob-n-kawalec-cane-collection-11am-eastern/page1 Robert "Bob" N. Kawalec Lifetime Cane Collection Sat. June 9th 11:00 am Johnson City , Tennessee Here is the link for liveauctioneers catalogue and internet bidding: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/30006_bob-n-kawalec-cane-collection-11am-eastern/page1 Here is the link for the pdf catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/06_2012_Catalog.pdf (4 MB) The lifetime collection of Bob Kawalec will be sold at absolute auction this summer by Kimball M Sterling. Mr. Kawalec has been in discussions with us for about four years. He is well known in this field of collecting and now lives in Irvine, Ca. He traveled extensively throughout the United States and Europe buying canes that suited his collection. He attended many early cane events and bought from dealers in Paris, Great Britain, and Germany. Many canes were purchased over a quarter of a century ago and have not been seen on the open market in many years. He has a story with each cane and he is one hell of a story teller. His system sticks are world class and his collection of dress canes range in many categories. We will auction his entire collection including canes, cases, and a very nice library. Don’t miss this event. It will be live in our gallery and live on the net. Terms- Cash or check 20% Bp. Absentee bid form:http://auctionauction.com/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf A full color catalogue will be printed for this auction. Single catalogues will be 20.00. A yearly subscription is available for 50.00 a year and 125.00 overseas.
Date: Saturday, May 19, 2012 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Jeweler's Market( Jeweler's Mart) 827 Tusculum Blv., Greenville, TN More photos posted May 11th and more to come .Follow the following link : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.364765730231939.80688.296745763700603&type=1 If you would like to see some of the candid photos for the new jewelry and other items please follow this link. This is a small partof the auction. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.390014991040346.84564.296745763700603&type=1 Due to the death of the owner we have been court appointed to sell at absolute auction the following plus much more to the highest bidder. We will the diamond inventory, furnishings, silver and gold, pocket watches, vintage jewelry, pearls, showcases, Safes, business equipment, office furniture, jeweler's tools, pocket knives, Fossil watches, Indian Jewelry, antique karat jewelry, costume jewelry, coins and sillver bars, gem microscope, drimmels. watchmakers desk, fine furniture, many bulk lots of items, scrap gold, great inventory of diamonds, store decorations,antique desk, electoplating machine, steam cleaner, costume and silver items, gifts, mountain gun, prints, large lots of scrap gold. silverplate flatware, curio cabinets, over 200 lots of fine gold and diamond rings, security camera, file cabinets, computers, point of sale items, displays, one lot with over 10ct. of loose diamonds, Liberty silver rounds, type coins, walnut desk, watchmakers desks, large buffing machine, two sets of modern showcases, refrigerator, bookcases, 14kt hunting case watch, silver pocket watches, loose gemstones,jewelry boxes, Complete ear and other parts piercing station including hundreds of items, complete watch repair desk with batteries and tools, printers and fax machines, gallery framed prints, Lenox, crystal, baseball collectables, and much more Cash or check 10% BP. Rain of shine, Preview at 9:00am
Date: Saturday, April 21, 2012 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/29027_antique-cane-auction-1100-am-eastern/page1 Annual Spring Antique Cane Auction Sat. April 21 Here is a link to the PDF catalogue just like the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/03_2012.pdf Quick view of all lots in the auction on one page: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog_gallery/29027 Here is a link to the liveauctioneers catalgoue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/29027_antique-cane-auction-1100-am-eastern/page1 Absentee and telephone bid form: http://auctionauction.com/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf “This sale will consist of over 200 canes, cases and books from various collections. Erotic Ivory from a Ft. Lauderdale Collection, An Ohio Estate of Ivory Canes, Swords and Gun Canes, Small Important German Collection, Folk-art, System Canes, Porcelain, Silver and Gold, Nautical and Masonic, Rare Stingray Cane with Silver Barb, Hardstone Objects of Virtue , and much more.” Saturday April 21, 11:00 am Preview Friday Noon until 5:00 and 9:30 am morning of the auction. Printed individual catalogues are available for 25.00. You can order also a 2012 subscription for 50.00 US or 125.00 overseas. This subscription will include 4-7 auctions of 2012 Terms- Cash or check. Credit cards accepted with a 3% service charge. This is not an approval auction, please ask questions before your bid. All sales are final. A 20% buyers fee will be charged We have another company that can handle your ivory and CITES shipping overseas. They will get your permits and inspections.
Date: Saturday, March 24, 2012 Time:10:00 a.m. The family has decided to sell the 700 square foot cabin which has been in the family since the day it was built. It must be moved from location in 45 days and the ground underneath sewed and seeded. A 3000 cash performance bond will be required. To see this cabin please email us at kimballsterling@earthlink.net, It will sell at noon on the auction day, Here is a link to some photos: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kimball-M-Sterling-Inc-Auctioneers-Tfl-1915/296745763700603#!/photo.php?fbid=340416499333529&set=a.340416466000199.75793.296745763700603&type=1&theater Large Jonesborough Estate Auction - Five generations of Antiques and Farm and Household Items March 24th 10:00 a.m. 116 Creasey Creek Rd. Jonesboroughm Tn Corner of 11E and Creasey Creek. SOME OF THE QUILTS, just click on one and they will change: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kimball-M-Sterling-Inc-Auctioneers-Tfl-1915/296745763700603?skip_nax_wizard=true#!/photo.php?fbid=332472440127935&set=a.332472363461276.74261.296745763700603&type=1&theater Just today we found an Aero Squadron uniform from WWI with painted helment, pennant, hat and leggins plus some very personal items for Capt, Patton from Washington County Tennesee. Those will be loaded on the site later. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Details coming soon on this old Tennessee Estate. Contents of the home place, including fine furniture, Tennessee furniture, large quilt collection (about 40) of which all have been made by this family for generations, costume jewelry, baskets, great iron, early doll collection, some guns, iron Mt. stoneware, saltglaze, horse drawn surrey depot hack with six seats, fine china and glass from many fields, trunks full of early whites, fine local pottery (including a cobalt Decker tulip two gallon crock with handles and much more , Victorian glass, fine china and glass, grand father clock, oak sellers cabinet with sifter, oak ice box, great set of Mid Century Modern living room set including sofa and tables, cherry drop leaf table, primitive utilitarian items, paintings, toy train, Tennessee blanket chest (two), depression glass, some sterling, one and two drawer Tennessee stands, wonderful antique primitive beds, early Tennessee chairs, Victorian sewing machine, pie safes and jelley cupboards, harvest tables (a great one), Federal Chest, sewing items........ You will walk through family generations from primitives, Federal, Empire, Victorian, Oak, Depression, Mid Century Modern, and Modern in furniture and collectables. It is unbelievable! The primitves are still located on the site in the original 1793 log house which has always been in the family on the family farm. The house is heated by an original Telford Stove Works wood step stove. Cash or Check 10% BP Preview 9:00 a.m. morning of the auction
Date: Saturday, March 17, 2012 Time:11:00 AM Eastern Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/28515_cane-collection-of-hans-hentzen-1100am-est/page1 The Lifetime Cane Collection Auction of Hans Meriam Hentzen,Officer of Orange Nassau, The Netherlands Saturday March 17th, 11:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Here is the link to the printed pdf catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/3_2012.pdf Live Internet bidding and catalogue at: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/28515_cane-collection-of-hans-hentzen-1100am-est/page1 Here is a link to a very high resolution copy of the print catalogue. It is a very large file (98 MB) and will take a while to download but the best is here: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/3_2012_FULL.pdf This sale will have over 300 canes including most every catagory of canes. folk art, system sticks, porcelain, silver ,gold, sword, and much more. A biography will appear here soon. Preview Friday Noon until 5:00 and 9:30 am morning of the auction. Printed individual catalogues are available for 25.00. You can order also a 2012 subscription for 50.00 US or 125.00 overseas. This subscription will include 4-7 auctions of 2012 Terms- Cash or check. Credit cards accepted with a 3% service charge. This is not an approval auction, please ask questions before your bid. All sales are final . A 20% buyers fee will be charged .
Date: Saturday, February 4, 2012 Time:11:00 a.m. PST Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/27965_private-cane-collection-auction/page1 The Private Cane Collection and Auction of a Middle Eastern Businessman. Sat. February 4th 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time Kimball M. Sterling Skyloft Suite at the MGM Hotel Las Vegas Nevada This is a private collection with no consignments accepted. This collection consists of over 140 fine canes in many categories. The catalogue for this auction has been made by a friend of many years of the collector and noted cane author Youseff Kadri. The auction will be in-house at the MGM, online, with both phone and absentee bidders. To keep the general public from becoming a nuisance at the auction, the in-house will be a private auction. Please email or call for a code word to enter the suite floor. Here is the link to the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/Feb_2012.pdf The live link for live internet bidding and internet catalgoue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/27965_private-cane-collection-auction/page1 This is the link for the absentee bid form: http://auctionauction.com/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf Printed individual catalogues are available for 25.00. You can order also a 2012 subscription for 50.00 US or 125.00 overseas. This subscription will include 4-7 auctions of 2012. Preview- 9:30 a.m. morning of the auction. Cash or check - 20% buyers fee
Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011 Time:1:00 pm The Arthur Isaacs Cane Collection Sat. Dec 10th 1:00 Eastern Johnson City Tennessee 37604 In-house, Online, and live on the Internet Mr. Isaacs collected canes while he worked in the Garment District in New York City in the last quarter of the 20th Century. His canes are in immaculate condition. From system sticks to dress canes, umbrella handles, carved ivory, flick sticks, gold and silver, nautical whalebones, Asian and more !!! The condition and the quality is in this collection. A pdf. copy of the printed catalogue is at this link: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/2011_12_10.pdf Internet catalogue and internet registration for bidding: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/27385/page1 Cash or Check 20 bp . Preview day of sale at 10:00 or anytime by appointment. Phone and absentee bidding. Absentee and Telephone bid form:http://auctionauction.com/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf A printed catalogue is available for 25.00 Kimball M Sterling Inc. 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37504 423-773-4073 Kimballsterling@earthlink.net http://www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, November 12, 2011 Time:1:00 PM Eastern Sales results are up.They do not include the buyers fee. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates if you dont login. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/26762 Our Fall auction will consist of over 200 canes from a New York City Collection, Published Gun and Other Canes from the Robert Pearson Collection,A Rare Whalebone Cane, Group of Early Sword Canes,Erotic Ivory Canes and Erotic Ivory Carving from a Private Southern Collection, A Private Netherlands Collection, and much more Here is a copy of the internet catalogue and results: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/26762 A copy of the printed catalogue is here: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/11_12_2011.pdf A copy of the high resolution version is here: (it will take a while for it to download - 120 MB): http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/11_12_2011_HQ.pdf Sat. November 12th 1:00 pm Eastern Cash or check 15-20 BP
Date: Saturday, October 29, 2011 Time:11:00 a.m. Eastern A wonderful lifetime collection!!!!!!!!! Joseph S Loprete Auction 6034 Old Jonesboro Rd Bristol, TN 37620 This sale will be conducted on site in Bristol Tn. Preview-Morning of sale at 9:00 am or anytime by appointment and the previous day before the auction from noon until 3:00 In-house,telephone, internet and absentee bidding. Here is the link to the catalogue and also to sign up for internet bidding: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/26428 For directions to the auction go to http://www.mapquest.com and enter your address and then 6034 Old Jonesboro Rd Bristol, TN 37620 Cash or Check 15% buyers fee. 5% discount for in-house bidders
Date: Sunday, September 25, 2011 Time:1:30 Very partial listing. We found a motherload in the Tennessee mountains!!!! Packed away for years. Motor Cycle info-Tennessee Vh ID Ye7613 ,1939 ,Model 375, Title number 79454265, previous title 57440575 Sold at auction 17,000.00 Large S roll oak roll top desk, THE BEATLES KABOODLE KIT, oak side by side, Mid-Century furniture, costume jewelry, large group of fishing lures, chestnut gun and knife cabinet, South American sword, some coins, art, Complete early watch and clock makers shop, Lost in Space lunch box, Edison cylinder, three country store spool cabinets, pocket knives and straight razors, fountain pens, pressed glass, Oriental carpets, dolls, early handmade fiddle, advertising tins, massive elegant punch bowl, over 100 banks from the 1940s-early 1960s (lots of really cool plastic, metal and character) good antique toys, large early lunch box collection including an early Beatles and many more good ones, country store signs, cobalt decorated churn, tramp art, long guns, paintings, advertising thermometers, early outboard motor and lots of good fishing items, fine china and glass, cool 1950's items, pair of mid-century lounge chairs, mantle clock, iron patio furniture, Russell Wright china, Blue Ridge, oak wash stand, ladies gold jewelry, pair of Lazy Boys, Llardro ducks, sterling jewelry and flatware, scanner, paintings and prints, queen size brass bed, large group of antique furniture from various periods, cuff links, kitchen collectables, graniteware, iron, and more. This auction will be held in our gallery at 125 West Market Street in Johnson City, Tennessee. Preview Noon, Cash or check 10% BP
Date: Monday, September 5, 2011 Time:11:00 a.m. Eastern This sale will begin at 11:00 am on Labor Day Monday. Sullivan County Tennessee Jackson press, carved oak china cabinets, pottery, ivory Drs. doll, large porcelain Gulf Gas sign, antique toys, Many styles of glassware and china, walnut flat wall cupboard. Oak roll top desk. Oak office cabinets, fine paintings, canes, antique double barrel shot gun, stamp collection, Hummels, Nippon, dolls. 5 drawer spool cabinet, early cherry and walnut chest, Early Victorian bed, one drawer stands, costume jewelry, Antique emerald and diamond ladies ring, wicker, early primitive acorn bed, empire style dining room suite, mahogany curved glass corner cabinet, sterling and early plate, blue and white Canton platter, collection of scale model cars, Fostoria, advertising and country store items, collection of outboard motors ,oak highboy and other fine oak furniture, Victorian bookcases, hundreds of smalls, Putnam dye case, French cabinet, Antique salt water fishing rig, Federal style sofa, maple twin bedroom suite, early Masonic items, art glass lusters, country drop leaf table, crocks, sets of fine china , cookie jars, clocks, coins, great walnut gun cabinet, table top pinball machine, early coin operated cigarette machine, upscale used furniture, Italian ceramic birds, massive painter ironstone punch bowl, erotic carving, small stained glass, early pressed glass, walnut lazy Susan table, prints, tintypes , clay marbles, salt and pepper collection, electric wheel chairs, collection of folk art, quilts, brass apple butter kettles, grandfather clock Victorian tables with marble, classic antique rocking chairs, really nice 1940s dining room suite, occasional chairs, sterling hollowware, Federal chest, and much more Preview 10:00 a.m. Cash or check 10% buyer's fee in house
Date: Saturday, August 27, 2011 Time:1:00 P.M. Eastern 100% of the lots sold. There were no passed canes . Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds.(https://www.liveauctioneers.com/sign-up) All you will see is the lots and the estimates if you dont login. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link : http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/25870 Rick Wagners Canes Auction Saturday August 27th 1:00 p.m. We will sell over 150 canes including many ivories, nauticals, whalebone, historical, gold and much more. Free exact copy of the printed catalgoue at the following link: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/08_2011.pdf Live internet bidding and catalogue at the following link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/25870 Here is the link for the telephone and absentee bid form to fax in: http://auctionauction.com/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf Live in house, live on the net, and phone and absentee bidding. Preview will be the Friday before from noon til 4:00 and the morning of at 10:00 a.m. Cash or check only. Sale conducted at 125 West Market Street in Johnson City Tennessee. Buyers fee added to the gavel price. A printed catalogue is available for $25.00. For subscribers this catalogue is included. To order a catalogue please send us a check and check only to: Kimball Sterling 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604
Date: Sunday, July 17, 2011 Time:1:00 PM Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates if you dont login. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/25580 The copy of the printed catalogue link is here: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/06_2011.pdf (4 MB) The live auctioneers net registration and catalogue: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/25580 We will be selling the Collection of a Hollywood movie scriptwriter, Ivory Nudes pictured in the book "The Robert Pearson Collection", Choice Canes from Two Ohio Collections, plus various consignments from the United States and Europe. Great system canes including Toledo spring hilt, gun canes and much more. This Auction will over over 200 canes in the catalogue and after the catalogue sale we will continue with many more online. Preview Sat: 1:00 till 4:00 and day of sale at 11:00 a.m. Also, by appointment anytime before sale day. Cash or check only, 20% bp for phone, absentee, and in-house bidders. See the internet link at liveauctioneers.com for the internet terms. Our mailing list has grown to over 1400 collectors worldwide. Many of you enjoy our catalogues and we have tried to supply them at no cost to a number of you. To reduce our printing numbers and stop the mailing to people who no longer wish to have the catalogue we are starting the following process. A subscription will be offered in January of each year. The cost will be $50.00 US (125.00 overseas) for all catalogues published that year which includes first class mail. This will only cover a small portion of the printing and postage but will do away with the needless mail outs which are very costly. A free catalogue will still be on our website. (www.auctionauction.com) Many people are fine with the internet catalogue. Individual catalogues can still be ordered for $25.00. There will be this and at least two more catalogues in 2011. Here is the only process to order a subscription and the only way to receive our catalogue. Mail order only! No phone or internet orders. 1. Check only (no credit cards) payable to Kimball M. Sterling 2. Mail to 125 West Market Street, Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 Kimball M. Sterling TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-928-1471
Date: Saturday, June 18, 2011 Time:10:00 a.m. Johnnie Mae Duncan Capell was a lifetime collector and dealer in many styles fo antiques for her entire life. Be here for this once in a lifetime auction This is a very large and great auction. Make your plans now to attend. We will add photos as we unpack the trucks and over 200 boxes of smalls. This estate is being moved from the homeplace to our gallery in Johnson City. Corner Cupboards, Massive Victorian Beds,Tennessee sugar chest, percusion mountain rifles, leaded glass and reverse painted lamps.large collection of Mason jars including rare items, McClellan saddle, cap gus, Art Pottery, Victorian glass, butter dish collection. Fancy oak and Victorian furniture, early chest, cupboards, Cylinder roll desk, meal bins, salt glaze pottery, carnival glass, advertising, country store, toys, dry sink, chandliers, quilts, collections of many different types of glass, fancy glass and pottery, country pottery, pressed glass and carnival, walnut and cherry, plus hundreds of other items. Lusters, brides basket, Fenton, lots of salt glaze, cast iron still banks, Victorian glass, many dolls, cast iron, rare Victorian meal chest with built in dough board, Massive Victorian wardrobe, country tables, graniteware, Duncan Miller glass, stoneware, Costume jewelry, kitchen collectables, Great Toms jar, many different kinds of depression glass, over 20 sets of china, linens, cobalt and ruby, cut glass, art glass antique lamps, This is a very partial listing. It will take us about 6 or 7 large trucks to get all of it to the gallery. Cash or check 10% BP. Preview 9:00 a.m. and the Friday before 12:00 p.m. til 4:00 p.m.
Date: Saturday, April 16, 2011 Time:11:00 Sales results are up.They do not include the buyers fee. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates if you dont login. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/24511 Spring Antique Cane Auction Sat. April 16th 11:00 am The live internet catalogue is at the following link. You may register for live bidding and also prebid. Here is the link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/24511 Link to absentee bid form: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf The Spring Auction will consist of over 160 lots from a Canadian Collection. A South Carolina collection of system sticks, including swords -guns - watches etc, Fine cane cases,Frank Feather folk cane, French dress cane collection including erotic ivory - jewelry - and more, British Sword canes, and much more. Link to an exact copy of the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/4_16_Catalog.pdf Cash or check only, 15% bp for phone, absentee, and in-house bidders. See the internet link at liveauctioneers.com for the internet terms. Preview Friday: 1:00 till 4:00 and day of sale at 9:00 a.m. Also, by appointment anytime before sale day. Our mailing list has grown to over 1400 collectors worldwide. Many of you enjoy our catalogues and we have tried to supply them at no cost to a number of you. To reduce our printing numbers and stop the mailing to people who no longer wish to have the catalogue we are starting the following process. A subscription will be offered in January of each year. The cost will be $50.00 US (125.00 overseas) for all catalogues published that year which includes first class mail. This will only cover a small portion of the printing and postage but will do away with the needless mail outs which are very costly. A free catalogue will still be on our website. (www.auctionauction.com) Many people are fine with the internet catalogue. Individual catalogues can still be ordered for $25.00. Here is the only process to order a subscription and the only way to receive our catalogue. Mail order only! No phone or internet orders. 1. Check only (no credit cards) payable to Kimball M. Sterling 2. Mail to 125 West Market Street, Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 3. And you will receive each catalogue we publish in 2011. It is time to be a Kimball M. Sterling cane catalogue subscriber for 2011. Kimball M. Sterling TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-928-1471
Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011 Time:1:00 Eastern Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates if you dont login. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/23749 Winters Cane Auction Sunday February 13th 1:00 p.m. Eastern 125 West Market Street, Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 “Over 150 canes from private collections” Many sword canes, an erotic collection of antique canes, silver and gold, system sticks, Ivory, folk-art, nautical, porcelain, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Tiffany, and much more. Canes from 200.00 to 20,000.00. Something for all levels of collectors. A pdf. copy of the printed catalogue will appear at the following link: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/2_13_Catalog.pdf Internet bidding and catalogue will appear at the following link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/23749 Here is a link to high resolution images on our photographers site: http://jamespriceimages.smugmug.com/Photography/Auction-Catalogs/Winter-2011-Cane-Auction Here is a new link for us. It is a quick print full color catalogue with single photos and descriptions: http://content.liveauctioneers.com/auctioneers/brass/dev/catalog_to_pdf.php?cat_id=23749 Cash or check only. 15% bp for phone, absentee, and in-house bidders. See the internet link at liveauctioneers.com for the internet terms. Preview Sat: 1:00 till 4:00 and day of sale at 11:00 am. Also by appointment anytime before sale day. You can subscribe to our email list at the following link: http://sterlingsold.com/dynamic/subscribe Our mailing list has grown to over 1400 collectors worldwide. Many of you enjoy our catalogues and we have tried to supply them at no cost to a number of you. To reduce our printing numbers and stop the mailing to people who no longer wish to have the catalogue we are starting the following process. A subscription will be offered in January of each year. The cost will be $50.00 US (125.00 overseas) for all catalogues published that year which includes first class mail. This will only cover a small portion of the printing and postage but will do away with the needless mail outs which are very costly. A free catalogue will still be on our website. (www.auctionauction.com) Many people are fine with the internet catalogue. Individual catalogues can still be ordered for $35.00. This subscription process is in effect for EVERYONE including friends, my mother and family. Here is the only process to order a subscription and the only way to receive our catalogue. Mail order only! No phone or internet orders. 1. Check only (no credit cards) payable to Kimball M. Sterling 2. Mail to 125 West Market Street, Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 3. And you will receive each catalogue we publish in 2011. The first catalogue will go out in about three weeks. It is our Winter Cane Auction which includes over 150 canes from various collections. It is time to be a Kimball M. Sterling cane catalogue subscriber for 2011. Kimball M. Sterling TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-928-1471
Date: Saturday, November 13, 2010 Time:11:00 a.m. Eastern Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/23000 Important Fall Cane Auction Saturday November 13th 11:00 a.m. E.S.T. Internet biddings and liveauctioneers.com catalogue at the following link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/23000 Click here for a copy of the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/11_10.pdf Absentee form and telephone bidding form at this link: http://www.auctionauction.com/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf Here is the link to our photographer’s site with more photos: http://jamespriceimages.smugmug.com/Photography/Auction-Catalogs/Sterling-Nov2010-cane-auction The sale will consist of a New York collection, the balance of the Private Collection sold on September 25th, gun-sword-system canes from the Jim Semones collection of Houston Texas, a private Mid-West collection, and canes from many private collections throughout the world. We do realize that you have a choice in buying for your collection and we thank you for choosing us. We are traveling the world to find premium offering in all price ranges at fair estimates. This auction will have some very nice whalebone shaft nauticals, guns, ivory swords, folk-art, a rare Abraham Lincoln cane, erotic, important dress canes, system sticks, and much more. If you are not on our email list please follow this link and we will notify you when the catalogue is ready: http://sterlingsold.com/dynamic/subscribe Terms are cash, Echeck, bank wire, personal check .BP 20% Preview- 8:00 am morning of the auction. Internet bidders see terms on liveauctioneers link above. Kimball M. Sterling Inc. TFL 1915 125 West Market Street. Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-773-4073 http://www.auctionauction.com
Date: Sunday, October 17, 2010 Time:1:30 Estates and Collections Auction Sunday October 17th 1:30 (preview Noon and Sat. Noon til 2:00-absentee bids accepted till sale time. Cars will sell at 1:00) 1966 Restored Ford Mustang,1996 Camero Convertible, 1976 Harley Davison, Club golf cart, Roll top desk, Rattan, Victorian and many different types of furniture, large selection of jewelry including pearls-14 kt white gold tennis braclet-antique filigree 18 and 14kt rings, great costume jewelry,upscale used furniture, local pie safe. Pepsi clock, Oil paintings and prints.depression glass, Ornate sideboard, early cast iron ice cream table, steins, early lamps,country furniture, art books, 1950s furniture, estate items, large group of LP records. books, large group of oil paintings and box lots. This sale conducted in our gallery at 125 West Market Street in Johnson City, Tennessee Cash or check .10%Bp.
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2010 Time:11:00 a.m. Eastern Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you do do not login.If you do not have a login you must get it. It takes 18 seconds. All you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!!Here is the link. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/22569 Click the following link for a pdf. copy of the printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/09_2010_Web_Catalog.pdf Private Cane Collection Sat. September 25th 11:00 am Eastern Sneek preview at this link: http://kimsold.smugmug.com/Antique-Auctions/Kimball-M-Sterling-Inc/13277934_oxeGt#964709120_bH3PJ A liftetime collection of fine canes including ivory, swords, dress, system sticks, and many more catagories. The collector has purchased fine pieces throughout the world and you will enjoy the selection when you view the photos. There are some very fine upscale ivories and nauticals for any world-class collection. Also fine porcelains, silver, gold, Art Deco and Nouveau, various folk-art, glass, erotic and more. This sale will be carried live on the internet and conducted in our gallery in Johnson City, Tennessee. Phone and absentee bids accepted. Preview morning of sale at 9:00 a.m. Also, by appointment at any time. Cash or check 20% bp. A color catalogue will be printed for this auction. Catalogues $20.00 USA $40.00 overseas. Order yours today. Kimball M. Sterling TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-928-1471
Date: Monday, September 6, 2010 Time:9:00 & 10:00 a.m. Register for live internet bidding and the catalogue at the following site.. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/22336 The following is a link to some great photos of this auction: http://www.jamespriceimages.com/Photography/Auction-Catalogs/January-1-2010-auction/11495521_B5boq#959875612_JkXaE Here is a link to the kitchen etc items that will be sold at 9:00 am: http://www.jamespriceimages.com/Photography/Auction-Catalogs/skobys-kitchen-photos/13518670_BU688#984859989_uzf5y Press release: http://acn.liveauctioneers.com/index.php/auctions/upcoming-auctions/3082-kimball-sterling-to-auction-contents-of-skobys-restaurant-sept-6 Labor Day Monday 10:00 a.m. (Kitchen equipment at 9:00 a.m.) 1001 Konnarock Rd. Kingsport, Tennessee "Stop by on your way home from the Hillsville, Va. Show" "After the catalogue sale we will auction at random the contents of two basement rooms and two attic rooms. Lots of cool stuff for the people that stay with us all day" It was 1946 and Fred Barger Sr. opened Skoby's Restaurant at 1001 Konnarock Road in Kingsport, Tennessee. It became a regional benchmark over the last half century. Fred Sr. passed away in 1971 and his son "Pal" took over the restaurant and its operations. He had a vision and a trained eye for decorating the entire building with the “Best of the Best” Antiques, country store items, period lighting, stained glass and much more were incorporated into the building. The word reproduction was not in his vocabulary and he had pickers through out the area looking for the finest to fill his restaurant’s unique private rooms, lobbies, and dining rooms. Antiques were purchased throughout the United States. The country store section has one of the best antique advertising collections in the United States. Nothing was spared in the search for items to suit the decor. After many years of operation and more time being devoted to the "Pals Sudden Service" side of the business. Pal donated Skoby’s to Virginia Intermont College in 2005 for a culinary institute. They decided not to operate it a few years back and we have been contracted to sell the contents including fine antiques, country store items, stained glass lamps, carousel horse, unique decorations, theme rooms including Asian-trains-nautical-movie, kitchen equipment, tables and chairs, architectural, office furniture and much more. The building is much like it was the day it was closed. Many nice table and chair sets to be sold. Own a piece of history. We will be selling everything. Nothing has been removed. The ironwork, the walls, bars, doors, the butcher shop, the bakery, the stained glass and anything in the building or attached to the building. The building will be torn down after the auction. Riggers will be onsite to help you remove items. We will have both electrical and contracting riggers for you to hire if needed. Terms of sale- Cash or check day of sale- 10% Buyers Fee on site 15 on the net. The sale will be conducted rain or shine!!! Our tents will be up. Buyers will be given 3 days to remove architectural items that are attached to the building. Out of state buyers not known to us, must have a bank letter of credit addressed to Kimball M. Sterling, Inc. This letter also may be faxed to 423-928-2816. A preview and pre-registration will be held the Sunday before the Monday auction from 11:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. We will also open for preview at 8:00 a.m. morning of the auction. Kimball M. Sterling Inc TFL-1915 auctioneers 423-928-1471 www.auctionauction.com kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Saturday, August 7, 2010 Time:11:00 a.m. Eastern Sales results are up. READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you dont log in..all you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!! http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/22113/page1 Summer Cane Collection Sat. August 7th-11:00 a.m. Eastern This will be an auction fine canes. The collection consists of many different catagories of canes including ivory, nautical, gold, silver, folk-art, gun canes, sword canes and much more. After we finish the catalogue auction there will be additional items in the internet auction.The additional items will be added the week of the auction. The pdf catalogue is below: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/8_2010.pdf Live auction bidding and internet catalogue at liveauctioneers.com will appear at this link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/22113 If you wish to fax an absentee form or telephone line request form the link is below. Plese print and fax to -423-928-2816 http://www.auctionauction.com/ABSENTEE_FORM.pdf High resolution photo site at the following link: http://www.jamespriceimages.com/Photography/Auction-Catalogs/Auguat-2010-Cane-Auction/12710519_Gbnmh#915173183_W4CM4 This sale will be carried live on the internet and conducted in our gallery in Johnson City, Tennessee. Phone and absentee bids accepted. Preview morning of sale at 9:00 a.m. Also, by appointment at any time. Cash or check 15% bp and 20% for online bidders. A color catalogue will be printed for this auction. Catalogues $20.00 USA $40.00 overseas. Order yours today. Kimball M. Sterling TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-928-1471
Date: Monday, May 31, 2010 Time:10:00 Please note this sale will be Monday Memorial Day Gary Brooks Estate Auction Monday May 31 10:00 a.m. 114 Kingston Court- Gray, Tennessee (take the Eastern Star exit from JC on I26 and turn left then left on Hog Holler Road) Turn right on Picadilly and left on Windsong and then left on Kingston 1934 Ford (Metal body and fibeglass fenders), 1951 Mercury,1929 Ford ready for restoration, Early Century travel trailer, extra chasis for a 1934 Ford, various engines and much more Partial Gun list- Winchester Model 50, 98 and 07 Mauser, 98 Craig, Kentucky rifles, US 1917 Edisto, 303 Lee Infield, 37 Winchester, Jap rifles, 1873 Springfield (cut), lots of early single shot shotguns, Red Ryder, Russian 762, plus more. Maybe the gun safe also. 1951 Mercury, and Stow Model 20 concret mixer, Reddy Heater (Kerosene forced air heater w/ Thermostat) Ansi Hydraulic Lift 6" Bench Grinder Cast Iron Air Compressor (60 Gallon) Steel Blaster Cabinet Pressurized Sand Blaster (40lb Capacity) Vibratory Tumbler (120V, electrical power tool) Delta ShopMaster Grill Texture Paint Spray Gun 12 Ton Hydraulic Jack Level & Transit Level Level Stand (Qty 2) 10" Belt driver (Table Saw) 10" Table Saw 6" Bench Buffer 14" Cut off Saw Millermatic 210 Wire Welder Pro Air II 2.5 gal Air Compressor 1934 Ford (2D, Black) 34 Ford (Frame, w/ gas tank and some other parts) Model A Engine Chevrolet small Block V8 (Qty 2) Buick "nailhead" Engine Parts Cash or Check 10% buyers fee. Preview 9:00 a.m.
Date: Saturday, May 22, 2010 Time:11:00 Eastern Sales results are up.(Only 12 passed lots) READ THIS. You must first login into liveauctioneers to see the sale results. You cannot see them if you dont log in..all you will see is the lots and the estimates. YOU MUST LOG IN!!!!!!!!!! http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/21499 Spring Cane Auction Sat. May 22 11:00 p.m. Eastern Here is a link to the pdf printed catalogue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/5_2010.pdf The internet catalogue and web registration is now open at the following link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/21499 Large images of the canes: http://www.jamespriceimages.com/Photography/Auction-Catalogs/may-2010-Cane-auction/11350784_T98K5#841179812_fUtpm Our annual Spring cane auction will have some very nice offerings. Details and the catalogue will be up Mid May. Some very fine nautical canes, swords and guns, folk-art canes, fine dress, Ivory etc. Many of the canes in the auction are from single consignors who just happened to have a cane that had been passed down through the family and this will make for some interesting items. Also a fine small collection from Europe. This sale will be carried live on the internet and conducted in our gallery in Johnson City, Tennessee. Cash or check 15% bp and 20% for online bidders. A color catalogue will be printed for this auction. Catalogues $20.00 USA $40.00 overseas. Order yours today. Kimball M. Sterling TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-928-1471 http://www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, April 10, 2010 Time:11:00 a.m. Eastern Here are the sales results before the after sales and they exclude the 15% buyers fee. You will not see the final gavel price unless you log into liveauctioneers. You must log in. AGAIN YOU MUST LOG INTO LIVEAUCTIONEERS TO SEE THE RESULTS.If you do not have a login you must register.Here is the link:: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/21166 A New York Private Cane Collection Sat. April 10th-11:00 a.m. Eastern This will be an auction of a lifetime collection of fine canes. The collection consists of many different catagories of canes including ivory, nautical, gold, silver, folk-art and much more. High resolution at the following site. http://www.jamespriceimages.com/Photography/Auction-Catalogs/April-2010-cane-auction/11400584_8YikX#801846956_iydxw The catalogue will be up about three weeks before the auction on this website. This sale will be carried live on the internet and conducted in our gallery in Johnson City, Tennessee. Cash or check 15% bp and 20% for online bidders. A color catalogue will be printed for this auction. Catalogues $20.00 USA $40.00 overseas. Order yours today. Kimball M. Sterling TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-928-1471
Date: Saturday, April 3, 2010 Time:10:00 a.m. The Dr. Michael N. Dube Collection Antiques- Auto-Motorcycle-Etc. Sat April 3- 10:00 a.m. 501 East Watauga Avenue, Johnson City , Tennessee Dr. Dube has purchased a new home and has moved from his early, Victorian, former residence. He has moved most of his modern items to the new house and is selling his collection of antiques. For the past 15 years he has purchased many premiere items from this area. He has Tennessee one drawer stands in all of the exam rooms and this auction will have a collection of these. He also liked unusual cabinets and the auction will consist of spool cabinets, watchmaker’s cabinets and desks, many oak stack bookcases, and lots of interesting items. One of the best oak roll top desks that I have ever seen is in this house. There is also a Tennessee cherry press which will be the best that we have ever sold. It was from a early home in Jonesborough and it will impress the finest collector. There is also a five piece Victorian parlor suite with carved heads and various items. Everything from a nice local corner cupboard to a top of the line oak icebox. Other items of interest are miniature paintings on ivory, Nippon, World War II items, pocket knives, piano, 1791 English chest, Black Forrest carved regulator clock, long guns, fine carpets, kitchen collectables, fine glass and china, 18kt gold repeater watch, antique boat motors, tools, sporting collectables, Fishing items, Autographed Willy Mayes baseball, Early Eskimo carved ivory, mountain rifle, Japanese Samurai swords, electric scooter, massive oak bible table, newer pie safe, Victorian Bedroom suite, marble top wash stand, early Jonesborough wardrobe, signed UT sports items, seated U S dollars, silver coins, mourning jewelry, Civil War paper items, some toys, Drs. Cabinet on stand, and much more. Some household items but most have been moved to the new house. Vehicles of special interest: Restored 1953 Packard, 1975 Electra glide Harley, Preview- 9:00 a.m., Cash or good check 10% B.P.
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2010 Time:11:00 a.m. Eastern Sales Results (unaudited) at this link, but you have to log into the liveauctioneers website: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/20521 WINTERS CANE AUCTION- SAT. FEB 6th Our first Winter Cane Auction. This sale will consist of a smaller number of canes but of high quality and unusual categories including Historical, Ivory, Erotic, Nautical, Swords, Guns, Folk Art, antique and custom. Live in the gallery, phone and absentee biddings, and live internet bidding. Click the following link for the Pdf catalogue. It is the full verson of the printed: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/1_2010_WEB.pdf Live internet catalogue and live internet bidding at the following link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/20521 Also here is a link to larger images of any cane in the auction. This site may not work with Iphones: http://www.jamespriceimages.com/Photography/Auction-Catalogs/February-2010-Cane-Auction/10567076_EoJ6x#760698111_SJP6 Buffalo Bill Presentation cane, a carved ivory boxing glove with a Tom Thumb presentation, various swords, percussion cane gun, Whale bones and much more. This sale will be carried live on the internet and conducted in our gallery in Johnson City, Tennessee. Cash or check 15% bp and 20% for online bidders. A color catalogue will be printed for this auction. Catalogues $20.00 USA $40.00 overseas. Order yours today. Kimball M. Sterling TFL-1915 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 kimballsterling@earthlink.net 423-928-1471
Date: Friday, January 1, 2010 Time:11:00 a.m. Kimball M. Sterling presents The 20th Annual New Years Day Auction New Years Day 11:00 a.m. Here is the link to the catalogue. We will be adding to the catalogue up to the date of auction. Check back often: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/20341 Outsider Art, Fine Antiques, Pedal Cars, Jewelry and Antique Watches, Toys, Large Advertising Tin and Dipper Collection, China and Glassware, Carpets, Furniture from Many Periods, Comic Books, and many Fine Estate Items. Coins Indian rugs, art, Cufflink collection, Toys and much more This sale will also be carried live on the net at liveauctioneers.com and a complete catalogue of items offered online will be up Dec 21. We will sell about 200 items by catalogue and over 300 items which are not catalogued for internet bidders Two gallon cobalt jug attributed to Lewis Haun of Greene County Tennessee, Native American paintings by Edwin Deming, Combination Table Company display table, East Tennessee Railroad stock certificate, Collection of early pedal cars including Murray plane-Jolly Roger boat and many more, Large collection of peanut butter tins, Quarter hour 14kt gold repeater watch, Movado Calendar wrist watch, Navaho Rugs, Massive ice cream scoop collection, Outsider art including three works by Linville Barker, large Barker cat, Mary Proctor, Prison Art, Collection of Tennessee History and Appalachian books, Fine Persian carpets, Bakelite flatware, Fine paintings, Country store items, Fine jewelry, Gene Autry boys bicycle, Schwinn Phantom bicycle, Early tricycles and ride-on items, antique canes, gentleman’s cuffs link in gold and silver, fine dining china, coins, 5.00 gold piece, over 75 pieces of outsider art, Longines Military type d pocket watch, a collection of George Washington wax seals from a decendant of the former president and the Father of our country, rare jewelry store display case, group of hunting case pocket watches, nautical keel table, fine country and formal furniture, carved African-American Jacksonville pipe, early toys, Oils by Jack Savisky, early midwifery book, Bicycle inkwell, Tennessee Jackson Press, Early large framed religious crochet, braided rugs, string instruments, stamp collection, Mahogany highboy, French style bedroom suite, sterling flatware and serving pieces, large collection of comic books,William Cross Stone Collection, military items, large collection of interesting antique smalls, three pre 1900 Bowie knives, Custom high grade early French 16ga. double barrel, and more to list soon Cash or check 10% BP Preview 9:30 a.m.
Date: Saturday, September 26, 2009 Time:11:00 a.m. and 2:00 Here is the link for the pdf catalgoue: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/09_2009.pdf (4.2 MB) Sale results can be obtained at the following site. You must log in to the site to get the results: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/19601 Our internationally advertised Fall cane auction will include a New York Nautical Collection, A Lifetime Mid-West Collection, Canes from the Estate of Melvin L. Cummings, and many fine consignments from private collections from around the world. The sale of 150+ fine canes will take place in our gallery and live on the net at 11:00 a.m. This will be an offering of some of the most sought after museum pieces being offered to the world today with realistic pre-sale estimates. The 2:00 sale will be medium line canes, handles, books, photos, and much more pertaining to the field of cane collecting. A printed full color catalogue will be ready to mail about three weeks before the auction. The catalogue will first appear on this web site. The link will be provided below when it is ready. Catalogues $20.00 U.S. and $35.00 overseas. Please email us at kimballsterling@earthlink.net, call us at 423-928-1471 or just drop us a check in the mail for the catalogue. Preview- Friday (the day before the sale) noon until 5:00 and also morning of the sale at 9:00. Also by appointment three weeks before the auction. Terms are cash or check-Mastercard or Visa . (We do not take paypal except from overseas bidders and we do not take American Express), 15% buyers fee in-house and 20% on the net. Kimball M. Sterling, Inc. TFL-1915 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 423-928-1471 www.auctionauction.com kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Monday, September 7, 2009 Time:11:00 a.m. Labor Day Auction- Monday September 7th 11:00 a.m. We will be adding more photos the entire week before the auction and also more to the listing. Keep an eye on : http://sterlingsold.com/dynamic/gallery/Labor+Day+Auction-++Monday+September++7th++11%3A00+a.m./2009-09-07 Kentucky Collection, Local Estate, and Much More. Labor Day Auction-Monday 11:00 a.m. PARTIAL LISTING--Massive Victorian wardrobe, Chickering Baby Grand piano, stack bookcases, Massive Victorian sidboard, early leaded glass lamps, collection of quilts (many African-American), country pie safe is green paint, French inlaid table, stoneware and pottery, handmade carpets, early toys, collection of R S Prussia, Davenport desk, hooked rugs, massive walnut Victorian bookcase, Sterling dresser set, Custom Denim pit group from the Charles Tilley collection,iron outdoor furniture, Queen Anne golden oak table and chairs, Victorian walnut library desk, collection of snow sleds, advertising signs, rosewood dresser, large Victorian sofa, oil painting and prints, Italian marble top console table, folk art and pottery, set of 8 rose carved dining chairs, early tester bed, flow blue, Nippon, Victorian gold jewelry, collection of souvenir spoons, wicker baby buggy, punched tin lantern, Oriental items, Native American Rugs, Victorian lusters, Hen and Rooster knife, jasperware door knob set, hand painted German portrait plates, Arts and crafts copper and silver vase, bride’s basket, Mt. Washington canister, Lladro figures, Royal Rudolstadt, depression glass, Royal Doulton, Baccarat candlesticks, Royal Worchester, Royal Albert, Knowles Fairy Tale plates, Lenox eight place setting (pattern #80) Sterling napkin rings, Stangl pitcher, linens, Fenton, Boyds bear, Ashton Drake doll/train, Lenox nativity, Fitz and Floyd, cut and pressed glass, costume jewelry, Quimper, collection of bisque figurines, sterling tea strainer, micro mosaic portrait, upscale modern doll collection, group of English ceramics, Wedgwood jug, accordans, iris glass,two oak wardrobes, cast iron decorative fencing, Victorian loveseat, upscale modern bedroom furniture, antique mantle clock, collection of antique walking sticks, Serves portrait plate, Hummels, collector plates, stamp collection,RCA Maxfield Parrish wooden radio doll, sterling dresser set, Cloisonné jars, Nippon nut set, silver rounds,Watt pottery, fine china and crystal, Mary Gregory picture, French bronze ink well, comic books, books, Stamps, Victorian glass, child’s cupboard, estate box lots and more. Sale will be conducted at our Auction Gallery. Cash or check 10% B.P. Preview 10:00 a.m.kimballsterling@earthlink.net Kimball M. Stering Inc-TFL-1915 125 W. Market St. Johnson City, TN
Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009 Time:10:00 EST The first session which includes outsider and folk art begins a 10:00 am Eastern time. It includes lots 1-499.The catalogue is up at : http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/19295 Outsider, Folk, Pottery,Face Jugs,Tramp and Ethnic Art Mid-West Collection Auction July 18th 10:00 am 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee We will also conduct a second session auction on this day of folk-art and dress canes, This collection consist of a lifetime collection of outsider, folk, pottery, and much more. The auction will be conducted live in our gallery and also live on the internet. Over 499 lots to be sold. The following link will be a sampling of some of the upcoming items: http://www.jamespriceimages.com/gallery/8437665_LQ75A#554485258_hLh3W Kimball M. Sterling Inc TFL-1915 Cash or check . 15% Bp and 20% for net bidders 423-928-1471 elizabethsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Saturday, May 30, 2009 Time:11:00 EST The Joe Adams Collection of Outsider and Folk-Art May 30th 11:00 EST The catalogue is up at: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/18961 Mac users for live internet auction please read: While bidders can browse, register and leave absentee bids, the LiveAuctioneers live bidding and viewing console is not compatible running under the Mac OS X operating system. However, if a bidder has one of the Intel-based Mac systems, they have an option to participate by obtaining a copy of Windows XP SP2 and installing on your system Parallels Desktop. My friend Joe "The Spam" Adams has collected folk-art for about as long as I have been selling art. I met Joe about 19 years ago, when he attended the Howard Smith Collection Auction. That was the first major collection offered to the public. Many pieces in this auction are from Joe's private collection. It was exciting getting into his storage and seeing items that have been off the market for many years from various collections that we have sold. He bought the best Willey Masseys from the Smith Collection, art from the Gitter-Yellen Collection, the Oh Appalachia Collection, Warren and Sylvia Lowe Collection, the James Smith Pearce Collection and many more. This will be an in-house and live internet auction(www.liveauctioneers.com). Both phone and absentee bids will also be accepted. Partial List of Artist Lawrence Lebduska, Malcolm McKesson, Jay Adams, Alpha Andrews, Butch Anthony, Andrea Badami, John W. Banks, Bebo, Robert Beebe, Robyn “The Beaver” Beaverland, Georgia Blizzard, Rudolph Bostic, Chris Brown, Brascatti, Richard Burnside, David Butler, Pris Buttler, Lisa Cain, Benny Carter, Mary Cayce, Jerry Coker, Scott Collins, C.W. Conner, Ronald Cooper, Harold Crowell, Karolina Danek, Paul “The Baltimore Glassman” Darmafall, William Dawson, Francois DeGuerce, Mamie Deschilles, Charles Dieter, Sherry Dooley, Brian Dowdall, Sam Doyle, Mark Dunham, Wayne Farrell, Buddy Fisher, Paul Flack, Evelyn Gibson, Sybil Gibson, Reverend Russell Gillespie, Lee Godie, Mary Gooldrup, Elayne Goodman, Ralph Griffin, Bertha Halozan, Alyne Harris, Bessie Harvey, D. Herget, Grace Hewell, Jessie Hickman, Scottie Higgins, Jeff Hirsch, Eric Holmes, Lonnie Holley, Leland Holiday, Don Holloway, Charles Howe, Shirley Howe, G.L. Howell, Elywn Hudson, Sylvanus Hudson, W. Hudson, Yvonne Hudson, Amos Hummell, James Harold Jennings, Jess, Willie Jinks, Anderson Johnson, Mama Johnson, Krista Jones, Charley Kinney, Kevin Lawless, Juanita Leonard, Kelly Laster, Ernest Lee Chris Lewallen, Jr Lewis, Marion Line, Cham Little, Charlie Lucas, Betty Sue Matthews, Willie Massey, M. Mayer, Jake McCord, Ruth Mae McCrane, Fred McPhail, Frank McGuigan, Carl McKenzie, Alfred McMore, Connie Methiun, Rosemary Miglove, Mark Casey Milestone, R.A. Miller, Roger E. Miller, Sue Million, Ann Moore, Roy Minshew, Betty Nathan, Jeff Payne, Reverend B.F. Perkins, Frank Pickle, Mary Proctor, H.K. Pulschen, Norman Quinn, Juanita Rogers, O.L. Samuels, Jack Savitsky, Leo Sewell, Steve Shepard, Jim Shores, Buford Simmons, Earl Simmons, Vollis Simpson, Brian Sink, “Mother” Gloria Smith, Norma Smith, Robert Smith, Lamar Sorrento, Wesley Stewart, Charles Still, Vannoy Streeter, Jimmy Lee Sudduth, Michael “The Catfish Man” Suter, Willie Tarver, Henry Thezume, Barbara Thibodeaux, William Thomas Thompson, Charlie Tolliver, Mose Tolliver, Kerri Hill Turner, Elise VanSavage, Joe Wackerman, Paul Walker, Hubert Walters, Knox Wilkenson, Ruby Williams, Pauline Willis, Allen Wilson, Sabra Wolfe, Xmeah Sha El Rae, Purvis Young Photos and details coming soon to this site. Sneak preview of photos at: http://www.jamespriceimages.com/gallery/7886498_XWXQV#517069790_JdZwY Make your plans now to attend this auction of a lifetime collection of one of the pioneers of the folk-art field. This will be a great event for the art community. The entire sale catalogue will be on our website about two weeks before the auction. The collection has been moved from Hilton Head S.C. to our gallery here in Johnson City. There will be over 600 pieces of art in the catalogue auction by both major and emerging artist. After the catalogue sale we will auction other art from the collection to in-house bidders. There will be many surprises in the after catalgoue auction. Terms- Cash, check,credit card 15% BP and 20% BP on the net. Shipping will be done by our local shipper or we will hold for pickup. Preview- Monday thru Friday the week of sale from 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Kimball M. Sterling Inc. (TFL-1915) 123 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 423-928-1471 elizabethsterling@earthlink.net kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Saturday, April 18, 2009 Time:11:00 a.m. EST Sales results before the after auction sales. This link is to liveauctioneers and you will have to log in to get the results. After all post sales have been made we will update the sales list. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/18597 Antique Cane Auction -Sat.April 18th, 2009-11:00 Fine Antique Canes " One of our best selections of antique canes " For A free pdf. catalogue please click this link(save it to your top for quick and easy access): http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/kimball_sterling_catalog_3_2009_WEB.pdf (5 MB PDF) The sale will consist of app. 150 canes. This auction will also be carried live on the net. The catalgoue and registration is at the following link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/18597 Many fine ivory canes, nautical collection of whalebone, folk art canes, early sword canes, system sticks, silver and gold, Tiffany canes and much more; This auction will consist of many fine antique canes that are being offered on the antique cane market for the first time in years. Research after the catalogue was printed gave us this insight into this cane. 37. Rare American- Italian Assassins Folk-Art-C. 1900-A one piece carved high relief folk cane that tells the story of Italian anarchist and assassin Gaetano Bresci .The handle is a bust of King Umberto I of Italy who was assassinated by Bresci in 1900. The initials S.M. (which probably stand for Saverio Merlino Bresci's attorney or Sua Maestà His Majesty ) appear on his back. There are six full figures Adam, Eva, Spieo, Peno Bresci and a devil. There’s also a finely carved snake with brass and beaded eyes. The killer came to America and lived in Patterson, New Jersey for a short time and was a reporter for the anarchist paper La Questione Social. He then returned to Italy and committed the crime and was sentenced to life in prison. He was found dead in his cell in 1901 .The snake has pyrographic decoration, no ferrule, and original patina-OL 37”-$2,500-$2,500 You can order the catalogue at the following link: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback_book/antique_canes_spring_2009/6233265 Catalogues 20.00 U S and 35.00 overseas. Please email us at kimballsterling@earthlink.net, call us at 423-928-1471 or just drop us a check in the mail for the catalogue. Preview- Friday (the day before the sale) noon until 5:00 and also morning of the sale at 9:00. Also by appointment three weeks before the auction. Terms are cash or check-Mastercard( We do not take paypal except from overseas bidders and we do not take American Express), 15% buyers fee in-house and 20% on the net. Kimball M. Sterling, Inc. TFL-1915 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 423-928-1471 www.auctionauction.com kimballsterling@earthlink.net
Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009 Time:1:00 pm This is the balance of an interesting Kpt. estate of a retired Col. in the Army. There is a lot of bric a brac. Not many antiques but items you need every day. This would be a good dealer sale. Listing- American Danish three part bookcase and tables, group of Army trunks and books from many different dates, New washer and dryer, Turkish brass and copper, New fax copier, New printer, large group of saltwater fishing gear, gadgets and tools for the handyman, some china and glass, pocket knives,leather office chair,file cabinets, new recliner, 1940 mah. desk, auto watch winder, fly rods, some military items, paintings and etchings,household and xmas items, Zennith portable shortwave radio, many estate box lots, long gun cases, electric hand tools, nice coffee table books, 1950s paper shotgun shells and early 22 shells, Tv, maple bookcase, lots of office supplies, paper shreaders, a lot of neat "guy types of items" and more. About a 80 minute auction. Terms =cash or check 10%bp This sale will be in our gallery
Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009 Time:11:30 a.m. Eastern This auction will be our annual "I hate Football Auction". The balance of the Don Upchurch collection including fine country furniture, antique toys, textiles, iron and early lighting, early windsor chairs, paint decorated chairs, early iron and kitchen items, Victorian bookcase, large group of unusual hanging shelves, Child's walnut cupboard, sterling and silverplate flatware, large collection of Tea Leaf, great costume jewelry, sterling plates, and much more. Also included will be a Matland Smith large china cabinet, marbletop table, inlaid china cabinet, large group of Persian Carpets, fine paintings and prints, early folk art, roll top desk, fine china and glass, bedroom and dinning room antiques, hundreds of accesories More details and photos coming soon. Phone, absentee and in-house bidding. Gallery auction at 125 W Market Street Johnson City, Tn Cash or check 10% buyers fee. Preview 10:00 a.m. morning of the auction and New Year's Eve Day noon til 5:00 p.m.
Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008 Time:10:00 a.m. The entire catalogue is now up at : http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/17618 This is a lifetime collection of fine Americana, Folk Art, Southern Furniture, Cast Iron Toys including Cap Guns, large collection of early cookie cutters, folk art canes, nautical, mountain rifles, cut-work, rag rugs, Punched tin lanterns, whale oil lamps, Pressed Steel Toys, Early Iron, Canes, North Carolina and Southern furniture, Folk art ships,decoys, Native American rugs and baskets, tramp art, sewing bird collection, cast iron, mechinical banks, toy soldiers, and much more. This auction will be conducted in our Gallery here in Johnson City. Preview week of sale 10-3 and morning of at 9:00. Toys will be the first 300 lots of the auction. Terms- Cash or Check 15% buyers fee(20% on Ebay). Absentee, in-house and phone bidding. This auction will also be carried on eBaylive.com.
Date: Saturday, November 22, 2008 Time:11:00 a.m. Eastern Partial catalogue is now up. We are adding items everyday. Here is the link: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/17524 Works by Mose Tolliver. Purvis Young, Howard Finister, Sybil Gibson, Chief Wiley, Jack Savisky, William Cross, ZB Armstrong, African American Folk Art, Zelle Manning, SL Jones, Southern Pottery, Jimmy Sudduth, Lee Godie, Willie White,Ted Gordon, Lucile Smith,Hubert Walters, Tom Tarrier, Ezekiel Gibbs, Kaye Sims, Ronald Cooper, Alyne Harris, Denzil Goodpaster, RA Miller, Tubby Brown, Eric Legee, and much more...Also a very large collection of Southern unknown vintage folk art boxes, lamps, rugs, quilts and more. Cash or check 15% buyers fee. Preview 10:00 a.m. morning of the auction. The catalogue will be on this website (www.auctionauction.com) about 7-10 days before the auction. In house, absentee, live internet, and phone bidding. The sale will be conducted in our gallery at 125 West Market Street, Johnson City Tennessee. Still room for some consignments. Please email elizabethsterling@earthlink.net with your questions
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008 Time:10:30 E.S.T. Sales results will be posted after all of the after auction sales have taken place. The following link is the link for a pdf. file of the printed full color catalogue. Click on the link to open it or save it to your desktop for easy viewing. http://auctionauction.com/Cane_Auction_1008.pdf (6.5 MB) Phone, absentee and eBay live bidding. Below is the internet registration and Ebay link for live internet bidding: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/17102 Both hardcover and softcover catalogue available and may be ordered online only by typing Kimball Sterling in the search blank at : http://www.lulu.com Preview- Friday (the day before the sale) noon until 5:00 and also morning of the sale at 9:00. Also by appointment three weeks before the auction. Terms are cash or check-Mastercard or Visa, 15% buyers fee in-house and 20% on the net This antique cane auction will be carried on liveauctioneers.com. Ebay quit live auctions and now all of the antique cane auctions will be carried on liveauctioneers. Be sure to go to that site before the auction and register. Do not wait until the day of the auction. Kimball M. Sterling, Inc. TFL-1915 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 423-928-1471 www.auctionauction.com
Date: Saturday, August 9, 2008 Time:1:00 E.S.T. Sales results are not posted below the copy. Please scroll down. A Beverly Hills California Cane Collection Saturday Preview August 9th- 10:00 EST.Johnson City Tennessee Many rare and unusual canes!!!!!!!!!!!! This collection consist of over 300 canes to be sold by catalogue and over 150 more to be sold in-house after the catalogue auction for the in-house bidder. Many system sticks, a collection of sword canes, ivory, trophy, porcelain,dress, tortoise, historical,cane stands and cases, Asian , folk-art, and much more. Both rare and common canes. Below is the link for the catalogue. It is a 6mb pdf file and will take a few moments to load the first time. Please save it to your desktop and it will be much easier the next time that you view it: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/kimball_sterling_catalog_7_08_web_FINAL.pdf Below is the link for live ebay and internet bidding: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/16534 Phone, absentee and EBaylive bidding. Both hardcover and softcover catalogue available and may be ordered online only by typing Kimball Sterling in the search blank at : http://www.lulu.com Preview- Friday (the day before the sale) noon until 5:00 and also morning of the sale at 10:00. Also by appointment three weeks before the auction. Terms are cash or check-Mastercard or Visa, 15% buyers fee in-house and 20% on the net Kimball M. Sterling, Inc TFL-1915 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 423-928-1471 www.auctionauction.com These prices do not include the 15% buyers fee or the 20% buyers fee for Internet bidders. These prices do not reflect all of the after sales. Thanks for bidding with us and if you have one cane or a collection for sale contact us Kimball sterling@earthlink.net 1 . 750 2 . 500 3 . 200 4 . 200 5 . 200 6 . 200 7 . 200 8 . 250 9 . 200 12 . 200 13 . 650 14 . 250 15 . 200 16 . 200 17 . 500 18 . 900 19 . 200 20 . 800 21 . 400 22 . 250 23 . 225 25 . 200 26 . 550 27 . 250 28 . 650 30 . 500 31 . 350 32 . 650 33 . 500 34 . 750 35 . 225 36 . 275 37 . 500 38 . 200 40 . 200 41 . 175 42 . 500 43 . 350 45 . 450 46 . 500 47 . 550 48 . 325 49 . 225 50 . 1600 51 . 450 53 . 1900 54 . 400 55 . 375 57 . 350 58 . 400 59 . 225 60 . 750 61 . 100 62 . 275 63 . 650 64 . 750 65 . 100 67 . 500 68 . 1100 69 . 550 70 . 700 71 . 125 72 . 200 73 . 1300 74 . 100 75 . 150 76 . 200 77 . 550 78 . 150 79 . 225 80 . 750 81 . 700 82 . 275 83 . 500 84 . 100 85 . 250 86 . 900 88 . 225 89 . 750 90 . 750 91 . 100 93 . 100 94 . 250 95 . 650 96 . 650 97 . 800 98 . 1100 99 . 300 100 . 100 101 . 550 102 . 550 103 . 275 104 . 800 105 . 350 106 . 750 107 . 200 108 . 650 109 . 150 110 . 200 111 . 350 112 . 375 113 . 500 114 . 375 115 . 700 116 . 350 117 . 1200 118 . 400 119 . 400 120 . 300 121 . 100 123 . 100 124 . 225 125 . 500 126 . 325 127 . 325 128 . 325 129 . 2800 130 . 325 131 . 200 132 . 2000 133 . 3200 134 . 200 135 . 350 136 . 350 137 . 275 138 . 200 139 . 275 140 . 500 141 . 250 142 . 250 143 . 1200 144 . 300 145 . 650 146 . 100 147 . 450 148 . 550 149 . 1700 150 . 1800 151 . 300 152 . 650 153 . 650 154 . 850 155 . 100 156 . 800 157 . 600 158 . 200 159 . 175 160 . 225 161 . 600 162 . 425 164 . 650 165 . 200 166 . 200 167 . 300 168 . 300 170 . 1700 171 . 100 172 . 100 173 . 100 174 . 325 175 . 225 176 . 300 178 . 150 179 . 225 180 . 550 181 . 275 182 . 100 183 . 450 184 . 225 187 . 275 188 . 200 189 . 400 190 . 125 191 . 100 193 . 600 194 . 50 195 . 175 196 . 300 197 . 200 198 . 100 199 . 400 200 . 400 201 . 425 203 . 200 204 . 100 205 . 150 206 . 300 207 . 300 208 . 70 209 . 250 210 . 500 211 . 150 212 . 225 213 . 100 214 . 100 215 . 275 216 . 400 217 . 250 218 . 250 219 . 600 220 . 200 221 . 475 222 . 175 223 . 225 224 . 100 225 . 300 226 . 450 227 . 175 228 . 300 229 . 650 230 . 300 231 . 225 232 . 350 233 . 400 234 . 100 235 . 500 236 . 125 237 . 225 238 . 550 239 . 325 240 . 600 241 . 325 242 . 650 243 . 550 244 . 100 245 . 200 246 . 200 247 . 500 248 . 150 249 . 300 251 . 1900 252 . 600 253 . 600 254 . 200 255 . 600 256 . 225 257 . 225 258 . 800 259 . 100 260 . 1100 261 . 325 262 . 650 263 . 300 264 . 550 265 . 600 266 . 450 267 . 225 268 . 1900 269 . 175 271 . 350 272 . 400 273 . 275 274 . 225 275 . 100 276 . 100 277 . 800 278 . 400 279 . 550 280 . 50 281 . 275 282 . 650 283 . 400 284 . 150 285 . 275 286 . 50 287 . 350 289 . 475 290 . 500 291 . 475 292 . 325 293 . 225 294 . 100 295 . 350 296 . 1800 297 . 100 298 . 150 299 . 175 300 . 225
Date: Saturday, July 12, 2008 Time:1:00 Clifford Poland,A.S.C. Movie and still camera collection Estate auction Sat. July 12th- 1:00 EST Mr. Poland retired here in Johnson City. He worked as the director of photography for 47 shows of "Flipper". Some of his features included Around the World and Under the Sea", Mission Mars, The Longest Yard, and much more work with all of the major studios. He did work for Desilu and even Allen Funt. His father also was a photographer in Memphis, Tennessee. This collection is a little bit of everything and somethings we dont know, but if you are into this type of collectable you need to be here.Antique movie camers, still camera, early paper, photos and much more. We will sell over 100 lots by catalogue on Ebaylive and then sell another 1-200 in the house for in-house bidders. Below is a link to the partial catalogue on ebay. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/16460 Preview 11:00 am cash or check 10% buyers fee. Kimball M. Sterling Inc. TFL- 1915 125 W Market street , Johnson City, Tn. 423-928-1471 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Antique Motion Picture Studio Cameras,Memphis baseball photo,
Date: Saturday, May 24, 2008 Time:11:00 Antique Cane and Walking Stick Auction-Saturday May 24th 11:00 Link for live internet bidding: http://www.liveauctions.ebay.com/catalogs/25079 Below is the link for the catalogue. It is a 11mb pdf file and will take a few moments to load the first time. Please save it to your desktop and it will be much easier the next time that you view it: http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/kimball_sterling_canes_WEB.pdf One of the largest and finest selections of canes that we have ever offered. This sale will have rare system sticks, carved ivory canes, dress canes, folk art and much more. There will be over 300 canes offered by catalogue and then for in-house bidders we will have an auction after the catalogue sale. Make your plans to attend this auction. It is time for you to visit our sale and see what the gallery has to offer. (Fly into the Tri-City airport) A detailed catalogue will be on this site about three weeks before the auction. Included in this auction will be the balance of the Stuart White Collection, An ivory and dress cane collection from Europe. Also a group of nautical canes which includes many full shaft whalebones. One rare offering in the system stick catagory will be an ear trumpet walking stick and also two of the rare and well known French defensive canes. There is a cased Tiffany 18kt gold and and full ivory short sword cane and also a wonderful Tortoise. There will be canes from 200.00 to 15,000.00 Otherwise something for everyone. Catalogues 25.00 U S Overseas 40.00. A very good pdf catalgoue will be posted on this sight for no charge. Preview- Friday (the day before the sale) noon until 5:00 and also morning of the sale at 9:00. Also by appointment three weeks before the auction. Terms are cash or check-Mastercard or Visa, 15% buyers fee in-house and 20% on the net Kimball M. Sterling, Inc TFL-1915 125 W. Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37604 423-928-1471 www.auctionauction.com Results: 1-400 2-250 5-100 7-250 8-175 10-550 11-300 12-800 13-475 15-325 17-2100 18-125 19-250 20-225 21-1000 23-100 24-200 25-550 26-100 27-325 29-325 30-1200 31-4000 32-225 33-225 34-300 35-300 36-1400 37-225 39-200 40-650 41-300 42-850 43-150 45-100 47-100 48-200 49-475 50-5800 51-325 52-275 55-750 56-650 57-500 58-450 59-475 60-575 61-1000 62-550 63-250 64-250 67-900 68-625 69-700 70-700 71-850 72-1700 74-475 75-450 77-2200 78-1700 80-1900 81-250 85-1500 86-375 87-300 90-700 92-200 93-400 94-650 97-300 99-300 100-2100 101-1300 102-200 103-475 104-425 105-200 106-275 107-250 108-100 109-275 110-250 111-375 113-250 114-250 115-200 116-200 117-350 118-300 119-200 120-75 121-150 122-400 123-675 124-550 125-100 126-400 127-400 128-400 129-75 130-350 131-400 132-125 133-300 135-350 136-1000 137-1300 138-400 139-200 140-700 141-900 142-375 143-650 145-3200 146-700 147-300 148-350 150-1400 151-400 153-250 154-225 155-600 156-850 157-350 158-1000 159-800 160-850 161-750 162-650 163-650 164-225 165-250 166-300 0647-500 168-1200 169-350 170-300 171-550 172-200 173-475 174-150 175-600 176-650 177-300 178-700 179-200 180-600 181-125 182-200 183-1000 184-175 185-300 186-175 189-550 190-550 191-225 192-550 193-200 194-100 195-800 196-100 197-850 198-300 199-400 200-350 201-325 204-500 205-550 207-1900 208-275 209-250 210-175 211-300 212-100 213-750 214-100 215-225 216-175 218-175 219-100 220-850 221-700 222-550 223-425 224-500 225-275 226-200 227-275 228-425 229-450 230-250 231-1600 233-425 234-125 235-650 236-100 237-300 239-225 240-175 241-250 242-325 243-550 244-150 245-125 246-2700 248-6000 251-2400 254-50 255-1000 257-2700 258-750 259-2700 260-1800 261-2200 263-650 264-700 265-650 266-600 267-600 268-2400 269-7500 270-150 273-250 280-350 282-1100 283-600 284-1000 286-150 288-200 290-200 291-225 292-350 293-200 294-200 295-125 296-225 297-425 298-325 299-400 300-600 301-400 302-600 303-500 304-1200 306-375 307-150 308-100 309-200 310-100 311-225 312-375 314-225 317-200 318-200 320-600 321-175 322-425 323-275 324-150 326-325 327-950 328-225 329-200 330-425 331-200 332-200 334-175 335-100 336-150 337-300 338-200 339-250 340-150 341-475 342-100
Date: Saturday, May 10, 2008 Time:11:00 E.S.T. Large Kentucky Knife and Straight Razor Collection Absolute Auction- No Reserves Sat. May 10th 11:00- A very large knife and straight razor collection (over 700 pieces). This is an absolute auction with no reserves and everything sold as is to the highest bidder. Cash or good check only!!!(Out of state buyers not known by us must have a bank letter of credit to write a check.) A few good Bowies, Large collection of Pearl, Winchester, Remington, Case XX, Straight razors, multi bladed pearl, Hen and Rooster, Novelty knives, Case display board, and on and on and on. Just about every brand of knife known to mankind. The Remington collection is large with many bullets etc. English fruit knives, unusual one of a kind type items, stag and greenbone, Case Tested, Kabar, German eye, Bulldog, collection of Boy Scout knives, Sheffield bowie, Pearl bowie, Civil war period bowie, letter openers, Cattaraugus, and more. Preview 9:00 morning of the sale or Friday Noon til 4:00. The auction will be held in our gallery at 125 W. Market St. Johnson City, Tn. 423-928-1471 Cash or check 10% buyer’s fee. Kimball M Sterling Inc TFL-1915 Auctioneers
Date: Sunday, March 23, 2008 Time:1:00 Below is the link to the catalogue. We will be adding items as we get closer to the sale date. Check back often. http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/15301 Due to our Easter Holiday employee restrictions we will only have items with a low estimate of 1000.00 or above available for live telephone bidding. You may call in or email us an absentee bid and we will bid for you competitively as if you were here. Email bids to kimballsterling@earthlink.net Sunday March 23 at 1:00 (we will open for preview after Sunrise services and Easter Breakfast, about 11:00) Works by Jimmy Lee Sudduth, Mose Toliver,Vestie Davis, Lee Godie, Jack Savisky, William Cross, Purvis Young, Richard Burnside, Minnie Atkins, Earnest Patton, Simon Sparrow, Eddie Arnning, S L Jones,Son Thomas, Willie White, Anderson Johnson, Sister Gertrude Morgan(w/Noel Rockmore), Z B Armstrong, Willie Jinks, B. F. Perkins, Charlie Kinney, Richard Dawson, Rev. J L. Hunter, Bessie Harvey, Hazel Kinney, Carl McKenzie, Large collection of anonymous art, Southern Quilts, Tim Lewis, Folk furniture, Mr. Imagination, and many more . Also for in-house bidders after we finish the catalogue sale we will sell over 300 pieces of art in house. Many known artist, early folk pieces and more Absentee, live internet and in house bidding at our gallery here in Johnson City, Tennessee Info call 423-928-1471 or email elizabethsterling@earthlink.net Preview on Friday 10-4:00 Cash or check 15% buyers fee and 20% on Ebaylive.
Date: Sunday, February 17, 2008 Time:1:00 E.S.T. See the movie of the best folk-art cane sale at the following link. Be sure and see all four sections of the folk-art cane auction. http://www.auctionnetwork.com/?channelId=1&categoryId=8&clipId=658&autoStart=true These are gavel prices. 1. 300,00 2. 550.00 3. 2400.00 4. 850.00 5. 500.00 6. 600.00 7. 450.00 8. 700.00 9. 375.00 10. 750.00 11. 400.00 12. 275.00 13. 1700.00 14. 2200.00 15. 800.00 16. 1800.00 17. 1800.00 18. 1400.00 19. 400.00 21. 2200.00 22. 1900.00 23. 550.00 24. 1100.00 25. 850.00 27. 500.00 28. 700.00 29. 150.00 30. 250.00 31. 9000.00 34. 750.00 35. 750.00 36. 700.00 37. 3000.00 38. 300.00 39. 225.00 40. 600.00 41. 650.00 42. 475.00 44. 3200.00 47. 300.00 48. 125.00 50. 250.00 51. 2500.00 53. 175.00 54. 900.00 55. 475.00 56. 175.00 57. 375.00 58. 200.00 59. 150.00 62. 125.00 63. 650.00 64. 475.00 66. 350.00 67. 375.00 68. 425.00 69. 225.00 70. 250.00 71. 225.00 72. 5800.00 73. 150.00 74. 950.00 75. 425.00 78. 300.00 79. 2000.00 82. 425.00 83. 125.00 84. 1700.00 85. 700.00 86. 250.00 87. 475.00 89. 500.00 90. 300.00 91. 400.00 92. 475.00 93. 250.00 94. 200.00 95. 375.00 97. 700.00 98. 1400.00 99. 375.00 100. 1500.00 101. 200.00 102. 425.00 103. 1100.00 105. 10000.00 106. 250.00 107. 700.00 108. 550.00 110. 10000.00 111. 600.00 112. 950.00 113. 475.00 114. 250.00 115. 200.00 116. 450.00 117. 100.00 118. 550.00 119. 100.00 120. 425.00 121. 475.00 122. 100.00 123. 400.00 124. 500.00 125. 650.00 126. 900.00 128. 850.00 129. 450.00 130. 800.00 131. 225.00 132. 325.00 133. 350.00 134. 475.00 135. 225.00 136. 1400.00 137. 100.00 138. 800.00 139. 275.00 140. 1100.00 141. 250.00 142. 800.00 145. 250.00 146. 850.00 147. 175.00 148. 300.00 149. 425.00 150. 300.00 152. 250.00 154. 550.00 155. 225.00 156. 400.00 158. 225.00 159. 125.00 160. 100.00 163. 250.00 164. 800.00 165. 250.00 166. 225.00 167. 450.00 168. 175.00 169. 400.00 170. 300.00 171. 650.00 175. 400.00 176. 500.00 178. 1300.00 179. 650.00 180. 300.00 181. 425.00 182. 5200.00 183. 200.00 184. 250.00 185. 1700.00 186. 300.00 187. 5200.00 188. 50.00 189. 250.00 190. 225.00 191. 250.00 192. 275.00 193. 100.00 194. 75.00 195. 150.00 196. 225.00 197. 225.00 198. 200.00 199. 100.00 200. 250.00 201. 50.00 202. 150.00 203. 350.00 204. 250.00 205. 100.00 206. 175.00 207. 25.00 208. 25.00 209. 125.00 210. 250.00 211. 2200.00 212. 100.00 213. 500.00 214. 375.00 215. 275.00 216. 300.00 217. 325.00 218. 300.00 219. 850.00 220. 400.00 221. 200.00 222. 300.00 223. 175.00 224. 4200.00 225. 475.00 226. 600.00 227. 550.00 228. 250.00 229. 225.00 230. 150.00 231. 650.00 232. 250.00 233. 175.00 234. 1500.00 235. 425.00 236. 350.00 Preview Sat Noon until 4:00 and 10:00am morning of the auction. Below is the link for the catalogue. It is a 11mb pdf file and will take a few moments to load the first time. Please save it to your desktop and it will be much easier the next time that you view it: http://www.maineantiquedigest.com/catalogs/sterlingcanauctionfeb172008.pdf Below is the link to sign up on EBaylive for internet bidding: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/14979 Catalogues will be by order only and will be mailed late January. USA 25.00 Overseas 35.00 kimballsterling@earthlink.net Phone, absentee, in-house, and live internet bidding (on our web site) Kimball M. Sterling Inc 125 West Market Street Johnson City, Tennessee 37601 423-928-1471 do not use. This is a test link http://sterlingsold.com/pdfs/Canes_2_17_2008.pdf
ADVANCE NOTICE Time: Dawn Rabsch, Sydney Au is a very difficult internet bidders to pay for her purchases. Legal Name: LESLEY DAWN RABSCH Main Trading Name: BALATRO SYDNEY GALLERY Dawn Rabsch Username: bellamoss Address: 4/27 york road bondi junction sydney, nsw 2022, AU Mobile tel: +6(140) 520-9739 Update. Dec. !st, He is up to it again, You're probably aware of it, but Mr. Ross is up to his old tricks again. A man by the name of George Powers who lives in Montreal has received messages from Mr. Ross. Mr. Ross sent him photos of things he's "selling." One of those photos is of the same pedestal that I "bought" from Mr. Ross. George's phone number is (450)445-xxxx and his e- address is vandenbergh88@xxxx. He can give you a lot more information. Mr. Ross is using the name Katherine this time. Katherine said she has some old things for sale and she and her brother Richard don't know what they're worth. Mr. Ross sent George several photos. I'll forward the messages and photos to you. Like I mentioned, one of the items is the same pedestal Mr. Ross "sold" me. When I originally saw the ebay listing for the pedestal, I went into Mr. Ross' other items. One of them was a round bench with dark pink upholstery. That bench is also in one of the photos. I talked to George on the phone last night. He told me Mr. Ross has opened a new ebay account. His user name is Kathbaby Update on Carlton Ross also know as Charles Griffin: Hi Dan, Kimball, and George, Dan gave me the name and e-mail address of his attorney in Winnipeg. After contacting him and looking over the small claims court website I decided not to try and recover my money. If I do, I could just end up losing a lot more money, and I couldn't deal with the thought of losing any more money on the account of that waste of a human life. The attorney charges $275 an hour and wanted an up-front payment of $500. I lost $2,850 to Ross. The small claims website says that I can ask for expenses incurred in suing Ross. First, I would have to win the case and be awarded the money I spent suing him. I would have to travel to Winnipeg for the trial. They will only garnish his wages for a year. If I don't get all my money back, I would have to go back to court to get his wages garnished again. They can put a lien on his property, but I doubt if he has any. I think he lives in his parent's house. Mandy Ambrose can't give me any help at all, not even advice. She's just told me that if I want to take Ross to court, I need to file the suit very soon. She can't tell me anything about the other victims. She said I would have to hire a lawyer to do that. I don't know why lawyers can be given that information, but I can't. The Canadian legal system is just as screwed up as ours is. Anyway, I got a brochure in the mail yesterday about mail fraud. Apparently it's becoming a major problem. The brochure said I could file a complaint with the US Postal Inspection Service. They will investigate crimes that are committed using the US Postal Service. Their website is postalinspectors.uspis.gov. I filed a complaint. It probably won't amount to anything, but I'm hoping he gets charged with mail fraud in this country. The more crimes he gets convicted of, the better. Here's the complaint I filed with the Postal Inspectors: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Winnipeg Canada have charged Carleton Ross with 7 counts of fraud. He defrauded 7 people out of almost $40,000 by posting items on ebay and never delivering them. I "bought" an antique pedestal and griffin from him for $2,850 but never received it. I sent Mr. Ross a check for $2,850 through the US mail. In addition to the charges he's facing in Canada, he should also be charged with mail fraud in the U.S. I don't know how his other victims paid him. The crimes should be investigated to see if others mailed payments through the U.S. mail. The prosecuting attorney should be able to give you that information. Her name is Mandy Ambrose. Her e- address is mandy.ambrose@gov.mb.ca. I don't know that all 7 of the victims are Americans, but I think most of them probably are. I know that one of them lives in Kentucky. His name is Dan Sutherland. He made a bank transfer for $8,000 and never received the item he bought. I do know that none of the victims are Canada. Carlton Bruce Ross also known as Charles Griffin has been arrested and charged with seven counts of Fraud. Court is set for June 9, 2010 at the Winnipeg Provincial court office. RCMP Commercial Crime Section Read the arrest stories about him: http://news.google.com/news/story? hl=en&q=Carleton+Bruce+Ross&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&ncl=d6C6Fm6v8BEbCDMDMvTly-SxhE23M&ei=BN_rS_- PNIS0lQeOluG1CA&sa=X&oi=news_result&ct=more- results&resnum=1&ved=0CBsQqgIwAA Over 20 people have contacted us about this man now. Someone will catch him soon.This man is a liar and a thief.china2677 The following is the opinion of Kimball M. Sterling president of Kimball M. Sterling Inc. Auctioneers. Two time winner of the "Best of Show" award from the National Auctioneers Association and an Internationally known auctioneer for the past 15-20 years. April 28th- If you have ust googled "LOUIS BOULLE GRANDFATHER CLOCK aft JEAN-HENRI RIESENER " read this before you buy Hi Kimball, I did something really stupid myself. Nikita took his listing off of ebay before the auction ended and I sent him a message asking him why he did that. Then I bought the pedestal from him outside of ebay. Ebay is always cautioning people not to do that. It sounds like Dan didn't use paypal. He paid for the things he bought with a bank transfer. For several months now, ebay won't let people sell things unless they accept payment by paypal. I think Nikita is getting people to buy things outside of ebay and with payment methods that are insecure. When I talked to him on the phone, he told me I could send him a money transfer. That's the least secure payment method. Nikita's using ebay to advertise his things (if they really are his, and they probably aren't) and then screwing people by getting them to do things that ebay cautions against. That's probably why they didn't care when Dan contacted them. I fell victim to Nikita because the thing he advertised on ebay was the coolest piece of antique furniture I've ever seen. I just really wanted it and was willing to take the chance. I should have told him I would drive to Montreal and pick it up and pay him when I picked it up. It's too late for that now. Oh well. Have a good day. And thanks for being so proactive in trying to put a stop to this idiot's scams. It was good to hear that someone read your website and it prevented him from buying that clock that Nikita advertised. You're a good man. Date: Apr 28, 2010 12:58 AM dear sir, this man ripped me off $2500.00 on the same clock that the other guy was talking about. and now he has it back on ebay!!! along with other things!!! this guy needs to be caught... Date: Monday, April 26, 2010, 9:57 PM Doug: Thank you so much for contacting me about Nikita Bentley Ross alias Charles Griffin. I have contacted an attorney in Winnipeg and intended on contacting the FBI and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. What address did you use for the Canadian Police? I would be interested in working with you on this. He stole $8,000 from me and anything in Canada below $10,000 is a small claims case. Together he took over $10,000 from the two of us. Maybe this would be of greater interest for the RCMP? I was told to contact the FBI fine arts fraud division and the internet fraud division and they would work with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. If you have any more contacts or information I would appreciate knowing. Again I certainly appreciate you getting with me and one day this thief will have to recon with the legal authorities. What really made me mad was that e-bay did nothing to help me and he even filed a complaint against me saying I did not pay him! Of course the bank transfer was sent to Charles Alexander Griffin his alias. Thanks Subject: re; charles alexander griffin > > >Dear Sir > >this person tried to sell me a fantastic clock i saw on ebay outside of the protection of ebay requesting wire transfer of funds for payment the names used on ebay as a sller is china2677 and the emails all came from a woman supposidly claming to be his wife nikita ross , as much as i want tthis clock im not going to fall into his deceit , yo asved me from loosing money with your posting an im ma very grateful , if its of any consequence i have his bank acct numbers at jp morgan chase and the royal bank of canada , michael > > >-----Original Message----- Subject: re; charles alexander griffin Date: Apr 11, 2010 8:20 PM Dear Sir this person tried to sell me a fantastic clock i saw on ebay outside of the protection of ebay requesting wire transfer of funds for payment the names used on ebay as a sller is china2677 and the emails all came from a woman supposidly claming to be his wife nikita ross , as much as i want tthis clock im not going to fall into his deceit , yo saved me from loosing money with your posting an im very grateful , if its of any consequence i have his bank acct numbers at jp morgan chase and the royal bank of canada , Update: March 21, 2009: > >Sent: Mar 21, 2009 9:30 PM >To: kimballsterling@earthlink.net >Subject: Charles Griffin > > >Hi, > >Thank you for posting the information about Charles Griffin. Last fall I bought something from him online and sent him a check for $2,850. I’ve never received the item. I’ve sent him messages about it and I’ve gotten responses. The person who sends the responses signs his name Phil. For a few months he’s been telling me that Charles has been incapacitated with some serious infection. He won’t give me any other information. I’m sure Phil is really Charles. I’ll contact the Winnipeg authorities. I’ll probably never see my money, but now that I’ve seen your posting on the internet, I’ll start to do something about it. > >xDotson > > Update of Charels Jan 24,2009: I have received this info from another auction gallery: Kimball, I've just confirmed that Charles Alexander Griffin is indeed going by the name Nikita Carleton Bentley Ross, nowadays. I just wanted to let you know that for your own records, in case he tries to bid with you again. Thanks a lot for posting the deadbeat's information on line; it was super helpful. I like to avoid potential problems before the hammer falls...and you and I both know that Charles Griffin aka Nikita Ross is a problem Charles Alexander Griffin, Yes I said Charles Alexander Griffin 42 Driftwood Bay Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J-3P9 Canada Call us to find out more about this deadbeat bidder. He owes us for a purchase. About 2285.00 and will not answer calls or emails. Auctioneers be aware of this guy. Please blacklist this bidder. Call us at 423-928-1471 and we will tell you more. We are in the process of filling a suit against him under the UCC. He will not know it but someday when he shows his passport at customs he will have a surprise here in the United States. In my opinion you should not believe a word he says. This notice is posted September !st, 2008. Any notice posted anywhere else after this date from this deadbeat bidder should be one of his lies. We have been in business for 20 years and have never had a person like this bid at any of our auctions. Kimball M. Sterling Here is another deadbeat bidder: He bought and refused to honor the terms of the auction. Please be aware of this gentleman; hE IS NOW A BLOCKED BIDDER WITH US. Shu Jie Yu Username: Dalian002900 Address: Rm 2606 Mingshimansion, No.20AJ Gangwan Street Dalian City, Zhong Shan District 116001, CN Tel: 86-411-39840088 Tel 2: 82738651 Deadbeat bidder as of 7/26/2013. Thomas Gain This man purchase over 3000.00 in canes and has not paid or returned any emails. In our opinion you should not trust him to pay and do not approve his to bid in any auction Username: thomasgain thomasg990300@att.net 530 888-7308 Thomas Gain 2540 grass valley hwy spc 40 auburn CA US 95603 Another deadbeat bidder 2014 She paid for her purchases but refuses to pay app. 450.00 for her shipping and permits. She is a barrister in Sidney. She has been blocked to bid with us. After i worked very hard to get her the items she will not even acknowledge my emails. Julie Orsini email- ltlbearlaw@iprimus.com.au Username: littlebearlaw Address: 337 Catherine Street Lilyfield Sydney, New South Wales 2040, AU Mobile tel: (041) 621-4267 Tel: (02) 95697895 Tel 2: (02) 95640226
Date: Tuesday, January 1, 2008 Time:11:00 Two Armas side by sides(20 and 12), Browning over and under, Belgium 1st model automatic, Springfield 1864, Trapdoor Springfield, Collection of Jap rifles,28 Ga. Belgium s/s shotgun,and much more. C F Martin New York Parlor Guitar circa 1840, Original paintings by Gifford Beal, Emile Gruppe, Diego Rivera,Hayley Lever, plus much more. A West Coast Collection of over 38 pieces of art, Anne Bateman Teapot, Coats Walnut spool cabinet, Massie French Wardrobe, Walnut Ribbon cabinet, Sterling, Fine wicker, Marble collection, Hummel Collection, Fine Carpets, Canes, Jewelry, Two Tennessee Corner Cupboards. Large Pocket Watch Collection, Neon Clocks,Hepplewhite Chest, Queen Anne highboy plus much more to be listed soon Here is the copy of the card that was mailed: Large New Years Day Auction-11:00 News Years Day partial listing-Two Tennessee corner cupboards, a fine art collection including works by Diego Rivera-E. Gruppe-Hayley Lever-Onorato Carlandi-Gifford Beal and 30 more, Anne Bateman Teapot, Pre-1850 C.F. Martin parlor guitar, Large collection of Hummel’s, Hepplewhite chest, pocket watch collection, Fine silver, Victorian plate, American Fostoria, Massive French Wardrobe, Victorian Wardrobe, Coats 6 drawer Walnut spool cabinet, Country store ribbon cabinet, Cherry banquet ends, Queen Anne Highboy, Balance of the Dennis Powell Collection, Antique canes, Va. Folk-art, Marble collection, Country store items, neon, Dining room and bedroom suits, Upscale formal furniture, Large Fenton Collection, Primitives, country furniture, Rare folding Victorian Napkin table, country baskets, Walnut gun case, Toys, Rare Edison Player w/ stack bookcase for records, Curved glass oak cabinet, Massive formal sconces, blue ridge, Long guns, Chippendale formal sofa, Pigmy Blow gun, Tone doll, collection of children’s tea sets, fine china and glass, Reverse painted lamp, and much more. Cash or check 10% BP Preview 9:30 morning of the sale. here at our auction gallery at 125 west Market Street Johnson City, Ten |